Elgin Mills And Jefferson News CORRESPONDENT: CAROLINE LOMAS â€" Phone 884-3000 Neighborhood Notes ‘This week birthday wishes go to Janie MacKay who will be eight and to Mary Lomas who will be 12, February 15:1 to Kevin Street, who will be, 12 and to Bill Tutton, who legion Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman Legion St. Valentine’s Dance Saturday School was out for 667 high school teachers in York Region last week and more than 400 of them descended on the Legion each day for five days. The strike by members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers‘ Federation, and their choice of the Prince Philip Centre as headquar- ters for a seminar, provided a week of excitement for Branch 375 workers and some organized confusion in the kitchens. Sound equipment, televis- ion cameras, klielights of three television networks and microphones of radio stations pervaded the normally conâ€" servative banquet hall. On- tario Liberal Leader Robert Nixon paid a formal visit. Trumpeter Ellis MeKlintock and his band of renown came blazing in with “The Saints". Outside. a few dozen high school students picketed in protest on a parking lot where Prince Philip himself could not have found a vac- ant spot after 9 am. Whatever went on during the five-day session in the dispute be- tween teachers and the De- partment of Education is not known. But we may report that Bert Amador, of Bert’s Floor Cleaning Service, plug- ged in the coffee urns at 8 am each morning. During the week an aver- age of 800 cups of steaming coffee and 40 dozen donuts were consumed each day. For lunch the patrons got sandwiches, hot dogs, ham- burgers and hot meat pics with gravy. The Legion ladies report- ing for active service at 9 am each day and respo‘nsible for supplying same were Anne McKeage, Madge Barrett, Dorothy Fitzgerald and “Terry Chapman. Branch Ways and Means chairman, Tom Mc- Keage, furnished a burnt offering on the first day of his apprenticeship in the kitchen but made out well on the other four. At 3 pm Friday a running .buffet was catered and the aforementioned ladies were joined by Adelaide Mills who sliced sides of various cold meats; Kay Wood who ladled out 110 pounds of potato sal- ad; Albina Barber and Nancy Pollard who buttered 3 dozen loaves of assorted bread. One hundredweight of green salad _ was also delivered on ice and a collective array of freezing hands dispensed a crisp tos- sed salad. Past Branch President Frank Barrett, who is also a past sergeant-major in Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest Bri- gade and Tank Corps, con- tributed his services by giv- ing direction where needed. His incessant howling at the CBC et al for excessive use of Legion hydro resources to feed TV cameras and lighting J Family Pack of French Fries J16 fl. oz. of Creamy Cole Slaw i/ A loaf of Grecian to- S-ruevs “a at entucky Fried 6 will be 13, February 17; and to Kelly Benson who will be eight and to Lynda Bell who will be 11 February 20. ‘beeight and to Mary LomaSj The lst Jefferson Cubs are extra busy these days making was apparently successful. It is understood he received a commitment from Global TV to televise the midget hockey tournament, in color, before allowing the cameraman to plug in. Comments overheard dur- ing the proceedings included a statement from 85-year-old Bill Macpherson who said he was having trouble sleeping after gazing at some of the young ladies employed by the Department of Education. Another regular member who had parked on Highway 48 and walked all the way to thel clubroom for his noon-hour draft. remarked with some disgust, “Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach". And with that the Branch 375 ladies braced themselves for a further week of extra-cur- ricular activities. * * * Members are advised that a St. Valentine‘s Dance will take place Saturday at 8 pm in the Seminar Centre. Ad- mission is $2 per and the parking lot should be free of pickets by that time. MOUNT ALBERT: The huge old elm which stands in front of Ken Taylor’s Print Shop on the west side of Highway 48 will be spared from being cut down during highway wi- dening. the Ministry of Transport and Communica- tions has assured East Gwil- limbury Township. handicrafts for the annual Scout & Cub Handicraft and Hobby Show February 23. Last year the Cubs won two trophies and hopes to repeat the wins this year. Their en- try is an Eskimo sled in the building of which every boy 'had a hand. The Cubs enjoyed a tobog- can ride and cookout Februa- rry 9. They also tried out the ‘ Eskimo sled and enjoyed ma- ny a ride down the steep hills behind St. John‘s. Sixers' and Seconds‘ Day is February 16 at Markham. Next Sunday the annual 1st Jefferson Cub and Scout Church Parade will be held at St. John's Anglican Church at 10:30 am. * * * The Temperanceville I 4-H Club met February 12 at the home of Mrs. Wilfred James for its first meeting on the project. “The Club Girl En- lertains". Mrs. James is the leader, Mrs. Charles Hen- shaw the assistant leader. There are 15 members, seven of whom are new. The pro- ject deals with hospitality, etiquette, flower arranging, packing suitcases and enter- taining and much more. Achievement Day will be held April 20. Church News Sunday morning at St. John's Anglican there will be a service of morning prayer with the lst Jefferson Cubs and Scouts present for their animal church parade at 10:30 am. A men's dinner was held February 13 in the lower hall. Rt. Rev. Allan Read. Bishop of Toronto. was guest speak- er. He showed slides on Eng- land and accompanied them with an exciting commentary making English church his- tory come alive and sparkle. This was followed by a busi- ness meeting in the upper room. All members of the parish were invited to see the slide presentation. The mid - week fellowship will be held Wednesday morning of next week. The married couples group Helpmate information GOT A QUESTION? NEED A SERVICE? WANT TO HELP? CALL 884-2727 HELPMATE INFORMATION WILL PROVIDE:â€" â€"Caring volunteers to help with everyday problems and emergencies. â€"â€"friend1y visiting and services to shut-ins. â€"â€" information about community resources. â€"referral to qualified professionals when necessary. All services are provided by trained volunteers who will respect the confidential nature of each request. Hours: 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 Wright Street. Richmond Hill GOT A QUESTION? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? NEED A SERVICE? I have to move out tomorrow. Where can I go? I need a credit counsellor. Where can I find one? I'm 15 and pregnant. WANT TO HELP? I like children and have What can I do? Where do I go now? some sparetime. My kids are all in school now. What should I do. Bread THURSDAY BUCKET When you buy a bucket or harreI of Kentucky Fried Chicken we’II give you the ï¬xins, FREE! 3 ' e- a\\\\ Qflc (3 a! kicker t: .1‘...,-.... Colonel Sanders and his bovs make it "linger lickin' good" was chickenVflflu. I87 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill I30 Yonge St. N., Aurora THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1974 5 Hancey Fails To Get Appeals Of 1 lNaugIlTOI'l Drive Severance I a met February 9 at the home of Steve and Ann Newroth at "Daybreak". They skated. played broomball, viewed a film, had refreshments and fellowship. On Ash Wednesday (Febru- meeting, The law says lots in that area shall be one acre minimum with a frontage of . A. not less than 150 feet. By their decision the committee, .\ . 5.» I I Regional Councillor L oisi of adjustment has created ‘1 ary 271 theg‘e Will-EC a speclfld1 , Hancey tried unsuccessfully lots of less than half an acre. Servme 0 per†ence 3“ Felr arv 6 to have th com-i . Preparation for Lent at 8 pm‘n1it10l; ’mmate an :ppeall WASN T MINOR “They have said it is a mi- m the Chum†The regularlagainst a recent decision of‘ mid-week communion service3 the C of A to 3110“. severancelnor variance and I don't ag- and Bible study will be can- of lots in me Naughton Drim‘re. I also don't agree that a. celled that day. ‘arm‘ frontage of 99 feet is a minorl The Young Adults Bible} Mrs Hancey also failed in variance from 150 .feet. Thel Study Group will meet at the getting council approval of; last day for appeal IS Februa- an appeal Monday evening. l ‘7‘: lg'jmd,“'° must dec‘de to' But she told members of thelmgm1 531d Mrs‘ Hancey- L'rging fellow members of. 2 1. Rich m o n (1 Hill Council's Planning Committee not to allow subdivision by commit- tee of adjustment decision. rectory Friday evening at 8; pm. The passage under dis-l 015510“ “'1†be Matthew 21' committee she believed alli She was supported by Coun- Lea Reid Will be the leader- members of council were not‘cillor A n d .V Chï¬tf‘aUVCI‘L' St. JOhn'S “Mixed Bless"aware of all the facts. Councillor JaCk Major and: ings" sang at the Richmond “They approved the plan- Chairman David Stephenson‘ Hill Wlmel‘ CamiVfll 85 133†l ning director's recommenda-‘ voted against her motion and! 0f the community {01k SON-E tions that the severances notlit was declared lost. Council-i ice last Sunday aflomOOI'l 10‘ be granted and then reversed . lor Graeme Bales was absentli bring this annual event to a that decision later in thel through illness. condusmn- vmwwemm&&~ ~ WWS‘: The annual St. John‘s ves- 9 try meeting was held January 28 at 8 pm in the upper room. The meeting approved a bud- get which makes St. John‘s selfâ€"supporting once again. Graham Carson was appoint- ed rector‘s warden and Leon- ard Lomas was elected peo- ple's warden. Stephen New- After you turn 21 your parent's OHIP insurance no longer includes you. You‘re on your own. So apply for your own OHIP number. Don’t delay ( or you could be walking into an 5 emergency uncovered! Get an appli- ( cation form from an OHIP District Office and send it in immediately. Important: Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your area will answer any questions and help you with your application. TERRY H. METTLER" LICENSED DENTURE THERAPIST IN ASSOCIATION WITH: 5 Mississauga roth was elected lay'member 55 Ci Centre Dr 2752730 of synod and Harry Nelson DR. W. R. BEDFORD Ministry oi Hammon Kin Zion was named chairman of sides- 25 Main St W 528-3481 105 Princess St 546-3811 men. Mrs. Kay Nash be- DR. J. M. WACHNA @ Health London Ottawa comes envelope secretary, Ontario gizgii‘efys Ave 43314561 ï¬â€˜ï¬lrbgrérSiegy-EMOO Rector Rev. Earl Gerber ex- -295 Bond 51 675-9111 20050111115 ndicale Ave 523â€"5131 pressed his gratitude to all 22 RICHMOND ST., SUITE 103 Mon MVOWOWWO MM... Toronto Windsor y who had made 1973, the 125th anniversary year, such NRESGE’S 2195 Yonge St (Eglintonl482-1111 1427 Ouellene Ave 258-7560 884-4601' SALE â€" FEB. 12TH TO 16THâ€" WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CELLO CANDY Krasga‘s Price i :. Pkgs. 7 7 { CaramelAiisonsâ€"Miiiis V ‘ Golden Htlfllbngsth‘Ily ‘ Beansâ€"Speaimini leaves and many more BULK PEANUT CLUSTERS Kresge's Price 6 9 0 lb. DRY ROASTED PEANUTS 78.9. BALLOONS FOR THE CHILDREN (While they last) Kresge's Price Kresge’s Price Super buy' A pass around box of Cracker Jacks DeIICIOUS peanut and chocolate clusters' One lb won't be enough Exceptional buyl A 12 oz Jar of Planters 2 Packs TWISTERS & LACES .‘I 3 Krasge's Price ‘ Bans 88° 7 y‘ 12 02 mg Choice oi ‘8 licome strawberry and speaiiriiiil lliivOLlrS ,9 PEEK FREAN ’ ‘ COOKIES Kresge's Price he 96° AiiOwlOOlishuilCakeâ€" Ginger Crispâ€"Collee Ciemeâ€"Siiiall Rich and many more' BULK BRIDGE MIX 53?. FRESHPACK CHOCOLATES 87 C 99 Tin Excellent issorimeni' . Fill a dish 16 01 no MISTY MINTS Kresae‘s Price MILK BALLS Kresge'sPrice 2 FRUIT DROPS 9 OZ CARAMINTS 8‘ 2 OZ HUMBUGS 8 OZ - BUTTERSCOTCH 9 OZ . SOUR LEMON 9 OZ SPEARMINT 8‘ 2 OZ Kresge‘s Price Little bits With hard and soft centres. so great for parties' Kresge's Price Whoppers' 150 malted balls in MOirs'1202 box Good selection of cherries. each milk carton CARTONS hard and soft centres v Misty rrmis have a nice iresn llavour 7 oz packages PEPPERMINT PATTIES Kresga's Price 795 Tnéaon : PlCK-N-MIX TAVENER TINNED CANDY Krasge's Price OH HENRY Krasqe's Price M OR r c Kresga's Price 2 .. - in v lX Ills “‘0†I" “Ed†3â€" giasï¬iisgiciizg‘ c A HUGE SELECT'ON 0': MATCH ' C“- "W 1 6 oz DQ‘ES LNCCO axe K :5 0.9 these ,0 THE POPULAR TASTY TREATS ,‘lavo .'5‘ lbs coiere: mic: PATTERKRISP Krasge's Price CHOCOTE SNOWBALLS PA1TERKRISP ff†. ~ 579 539 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTR 250 YONGE ST. NORTH. RICHMOND HILL I ILATE HO O BARS ALLSORTS > KresUe-s Price 2 c x Price Ir J HY Bag OPEN DAILY UNTIL 6 PJI. THURSDAY 8; FRIDAY I'NTII. 9 RM. Ll MAnAscliiiilil CHERRIES Kresge 5 Price 99 Box A ti. ~< :4