General Concrete at Gorm- ley is a legal use of the land it occupies, Richmond Hill Town Solicitor Tom Fraser told council meeting as plan- ning committee of the whole February 28 and so cannot be refused a building permit to wall in an overhang if its existing building. Planning Committee Chair- man David Stephenson recal- led that the application had been discussed in committee. referred to council. sent back to committee and a public meeting called. “Under a standing policy of council The York Regional Police will soon be in the market for a fleet of 37 new patrol cars to replace the present ones which have mileages ranging from 63,000 to 93,000 miles. Members of the police com- mission okayed a request by Police Chief Bruce Crawford for the new cars at their re- gular meeting February 18. The regional force has a total of approximately 50 patrol cars, Also given approval are purchases of new uniforms for the force expected to cost in the neighborhood of “$60,- 000 to $50,000." The commission will re- quest the York Regional Council to include the amounts in their budget. 7 The new cars will comprise 37 marked patrol cars and six un-marked detective vehicles. Total number of police cars with the regional police are 50. Tenders will be let out for the vehicles and uniforms. Gormley Factory Is Legal Use 14 New Cars, Uniforms Regional Policemen because we buy big for 180 Firestone Stores! BIG VOLUME BARGAINS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 7, 1974 WE MAKE IT EASY AT SURGiCAL STEEL SLICER IIâ€"IVLII $ 89 VIII!“ BHBIBE EACH STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL 0 884-440] Open Thursday & Friday Evenings ’til 9 pm. THOUGHT NON- CONFORMING “I was always under the im- pression the plant was a legal non-conforming use. The so- licitor now tells me it is an absolute legal use and as such is entitled to expan- sion," commented Ward 5 Councillor William Corcoran, who noted that the company had cut down on noise and pollution and done some cleaning up prompted by complaints of neighbors. In giving his opinion. Mr. Fraser pointed out that it would be quite permissible under Markham Bylaw 1442 which is not a zoning bylaw but a land-use bylaw, to buy lands in that area and use for any purpose other than those expressly- forbidden 'â€" such as junk yards, abattoirs and pits and quarries. WANT REZONING Mrs, Ann Gold noted that a Markham bylaw (2325) passed One neighboring ratepayer from the Gormley area wan- ted to know the purpose of the strapping machine to be housed in the 10 by 20 foot addition. It is to increase production. He was told by Al Chapman of General Con- crete that it is to hold the cube of cement blocks toge- ther as a unit will be opera- ted by hydraulics and will not increase production or noise. It will mean a saving to the company in the cost of wooden pallets many of which are not returned. It is a better process since it will prevent breaking of the blocks. However some custo- mers will still insist on hav- ing the cubes delivered on pallets. owners of General Concrete have agreed .to sign a site plan agreement," he said. Compare at 5E588 General Electric 30†Automatic Range $24995 We make it so easy at Firestone Mr. Corcoran t‘hem moved that a bylaw be passed zoning the General Concrete lands industrial and permitting no expansion of the plant or operation. The motion was lost, and Solicitor Fraser warned that such a bylaw would have no effect on an application already in the hands of the town. He also warned that if the town were to refuse a building permit, in his opinion, General Con- crete could apply for a writ of mandamus to achieve their present purpose. SITE PLAN AGREEMENT The site plan agreement, the chairman noted required a clean-up of the front yard. sodding an area, planting some trees. A bond for com- pletion of the work in re- quired. Regional Councillor Gor- don Rowe reported that he had bought block from the plant in 1951. It was reported the plant :has been in opera- tion since 1948 and Mr. Rowe said in those years it has pro- vided employment for many people and many families have been raised on wages paid to its employees. Mrs. Gold asked, “Are by- laws not for the benefit of the majority? And you can hardly consider 5.5 acres out of 50 the majority. The con- cern of most people here is that the block company was quite small but has grown considerably. When will it in 1967 had named this a de- signated area. “All other de- signated areas have been re- zoned and we want this Gormley area rezoned now.†A resident asked councillor to pass a holding bylaw to stop further development there until a zoning bylaw is passed. 100 ll) SURGICAL STEEL GOURMET ~ KNIFE Of USE OUR 1n res tone CREDIT PLAN. AMERICAN EXPRESS 0v CHARGEX It was also council's un- animous decision to direct the planning director to exa- mine the Official Plan in the Gormley area for possible amendment. This Hancey mo- tion received unanimous sup- port. Mrs. Hancey then moved that the planning director negotiate with the applicant for additional clauses in the Site plan agreement, includ- ing those mentioned above and if the negotiations are successful the agreement be submitted directly to council for approval. The motion car- ried unanimously. stop? Will I be facing another factory? I am afraid industry will take over the whole south side of Gormley." ASKS FURTHER ITEMS Regional Councillor Loi: Hancey asked Mr. Chapman for agreement to further clauses in the site plan agree- ment, including plantings to hide the block storage area. clear delineation of the drive- way and undertaking to main- tain all landscaping. Both she and Ward 3 Councillor Jack Major: reported having visited the plant to make a first-hand inspection. Yonge 8: Levendale Richmond Hill 884â€"4411 If you have zippers to replace, herns to be shortened or lengthened, holes to be mended, etc., etc. . . . then I’m your gal! Try us." “I’m your Seamstress. . . r CLEANING S CENTRE 271 Bay Thorn Drive Thomhill 889-0391 Liberal Classifieds Get Result CEDAR HEDGING 3‘ CEDARS... 1.90 EA. COD 4‘ 2.40 EA. COD These are quality evergreen trees growing on our tree farm near Lindsay, Ont. SPECIAL EARLY OFFER ON ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE MARCH 3lst, 1974 Free 12 Months Replacement TO ORDER WRITE CEDARKING REG. 239 EMPRESS AVE. WILLOWDALE, ONT. PHONE 225-6691 - 9-5 P.M. APRIL DELIVERY