CARR, James W. A. â€"- At his home. 54 Bowood Av- enue on Tuesday, March 5. 1974. Beloved husband of the late Alice Moir. dear brother of Mrs. Lillie .Conner and John Carr of Toronto, Mrs. Viola Giles and Mrs. Ada Cheney of Richmond Hill. Friends may call at the Trull Fun- eral Home, 2704 Yonge Street lat Alexandra Blvd). Service in 'the chapel Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment ‘Mount Pleasant Cemetery. c1w36 DAVIS, Bertha Irene â€"â€" At Collingwood General 8: Marine Hospital, on Mon- day, March 4, 1974. Bertha Lund; beloved wife of Robert Middleton Davis. dear mother of Beverly (Mrs. F. J. Guttridge), Marilyn (Mrs. G. Hutch- inson) and Warren. Loving grandmother to 7 grand- children. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill. Service on Thursday at 11 am. Inter- ment Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Cemetery. clw36 EARNSHAW, Harry Jamesâ€" Of Maple, Ont., suddenly at his home. on Wednes- day, February 27, 1974. Harry, dear husband of Edith Ann Kent, dear fa- ther of James and Joan Elizabeth. loving brother of Jean (Mrs. Watson), Mary Shano, Verna But- terworth, Evelyn Fleming and Jack of Castorville and the late Margaret Hoy and Ivy Moulton. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday. - Interment Glendale Mem- orial Gardens. c1w36 FERGUSON. James Walter Scott at his home on Wed- nesday. March 6. 1974. Scott Ferguson, beloved husband of Evelyn Moore. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Ser- vice on Friday a; 2 pm. Interment Richmond Hill Presbyterian C e m e t e r y. Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. clw36 HANNA. John Price â€" At Toronto General Hospital on Saturday. March 2. '1974, John Hanna, beloved husband of Laura Steven- son, dear father of John and Murray. Mr. Hanna rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. lat Hwy. 78*, Thorn- UNDERHILL, Marion (Toots) â€"Suddenly at Napanee on Sunday. March 3, 1974. Marion Underhill. dear wife of the late Christo- pher Underhill. mother of Barbara Spracklen, Mary Foster; Jack and Nancv Adams. Also survived by 9 grandchildren. Rested at .the Marshall Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. North in Richmond Hill. Service was held Wednes- day 1:30 pm. Interment Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Cemetery. clw36 ZABIUK, Audrey' June â€"! After a short illnes. at T0â€" ronto, on Wednesday, Febâ€" ruary 27. 1974. Audrey Isles. beloved wife of‘ Morris of Richmond Hill,: dear mother of Morris Jr.! at home, sister of James.x Elizabeth. Robert. Edith‘ Mary and Stuart. Restedl at the Marshall Funeral} Home, 126 Yonge St. N..‘l Richmond Hill. Service was held in the chapel Sat-‘ urday 11 am. Interment; Richmond Hill Presbyterw ian Cemetery. clw36 Engagemmta Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce' and work in the past 100 McClelland. Sherwood Pines, years have built this historic Maple, announce the engage-!Anglican Church and parish, ment of their daughter. Cyn-l the booklet is the work of thia Rose. to Ronald James a committee composed 01' Wilson. eldest son of Mr. and ‘ Chairman Dorothy Gummer- Mrs. J. H. Wilson of Thorn-. Saul Josephine Agg, Doyne hill. The marriage will take Ahem. Louise Case, Alice place on June lst at St.i Dewsbury' Rose Harms, pat- Stephen's Church. Maple. :ricia Hart. Don Hick, Doris *1W35 1Leno and Cherie McGuire. It Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allder of Richmond Hill are pleas- ed to announce the forth- coming marriage of _their daughter Gail Susan to Mr. David Earl Model. son of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Model of Willowdale. Wedding to take place on Friday, March 22. 1974. Reception at the Richmond Hill Golf 8: Country Club. clw36 Jï¬nrflunming marriagw Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Du- mais are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Susan Beth to Gary Albert Larocque. son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lar- ocque, all of Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place June 1, 1974 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. clw36 Among Our Readers, There's A Buyer For Anything You Want To Sell. hill. Service was held in} the chapel Tuesday at 2 pm. Interment Thornhill Cemetery. Donations may} be made to the OntariOI Heart Foundation. c1w361 may :lian was At >ita1 wed ven- ohn nna ting mge orn- i in it 2 min may The family of the late Kenneth (Ken) Anton wish to express their sincere; thanks to friends. neighbors and anyone who helped in any way, for their kind acts and expressions of sympathy†mass cards, and beautiful floral tributes on their rec-1 ent bereavement. Special thanks to Richmond Hill Ambulance, York Regional Police. Father Schwalm and Father Pearce of St. Mary‘ Immaculate Church. Ring‘ Funeral Home, staff of 6 East York County Hospital, Newmarket. G. U. Team, HALE â€" Bill and Judy (nee MacGillivary) thank God for the safe arrival of a beautiful baby girl, Lisa Michelle. on February 25. 1974, weighing 5 lbs.. 14% 025. Many thanks to Dr. Bate, Dr. Socol and the O.R. staff and the wonder- ful nurses on the third floor at York Central Hos- MITCHELL â€"â€" Doug, Jim, Brian and Paul are proud to announce the birth of their sister Donna Rose, Monday, March 4, 1974. Many thanks to Dr. Kirby and the nursing staff at 'York Central Hospital. The bursting with pride parents are Marjorie and .Gordon Mitchell. c1w36 I~ would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards and inquiries I re- ceived during my stay in York Central Hospital. Also many thanks to the nurses on the fourth floor. Special thanks to Dr. Broadway and Dr. Newbiggin for their good care. PALMER â€" Judy and Clar- ence are proud to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter Leslie Ann, 8 lbs., 2 025., on February 27. 1974 at York County Hospital. A sister for Mark. *lw36 CARD 0F THANKS CARD 0F THANKS EARNSHAWâ€"In the midst of our sorrow. we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us in the loss of a dear husband and father, Harry James Earnshaw. We especially wish to thank Dr. Ramsay Armitage for his comforting words. also Dr. Peter Granger, Dr. J. S. Gregg, and Dr. J. A. Blakeâ€" ly and Mr. Ted Allen. From Mrs. Edith Earnshaw, Jim and Joan \c1w36 CARD 0F THANKS Riverdale Hospital and la- dies of A.M.O. group. Sin- cere appreciation to Sam- uel and Bettianne Macaulay and family. and Vincent and Rachael Noud. â€"Patricia Anton and Elaine - *1w36 A sincere “thank you" tomy friends. neighbors and‘; group members for all their; letters, flowers and gifts.‘ and especially to the kind nurses of Maple Nursing Home and York Central Hos- pital. I CARD OF THANKS St. Mary's History Is Available Now The dove of peace hovers over the complex of church, chapel and parish hall which makes up the Anglican Church of St. Mary in Rich- mond Hill on the cover of an interesting book publishâ€" ed in 'honor of the church‘s Centennial in 1972 and the town's Centennial in 1973 The pen and ink sketch was made by the late Fred Gum- mcrsall. Dedicated to the people of the parish whose faith, vision and work in the past 100 years have built this historic Anglican Church and parish, the booklet is the work of a committee composed of Chairman Dorothy Gummer- sall. Josephine Agg, Doyne Ahern. Louise Case, Alice pital represents two years of di- ligent research, and contains many pictures and historic information of interest to the parish and 'to the towns- people. TENDERS clearly marked as to con- tents, will be received ‘by the undersigned until Thurs- day, March 14, 1974 at 11 A.M. for the suppb' of the 1974 Uniform Requirements for the York Regional Police Force. The Information to Bidders, General Conditions and tender documents may be obtained from the under- signed. The booklet may be ob- tained a tthe church office for only $3. Eleanor Scott. King City c‘lw36 Brian J. Ward, Secretary, York Regional Board of Commissioners of Police‘ 240 Prospect St.. NEWMARKET, Ontario. Birth: Miss Anna Keffer *1w36 c1w36 J. 5_ Central Region, one of Blake- seven such Hydro divisions From in the province, stretches , Jim from Burlington to Port c1w36 Hope between Lake Ontario .and‘ Sutton. It includes the local southern York Region late area. ~ A new resident at 54 Sir Bcdwin Place in the Old Village area of Markham Town is Bill Bucihkowskimhe new relay engineer for On- tario, Hydro‘s Central Region protection and control d~e- partmen‘t. He comes from Windsor where he was senior protection and control engi- , neer‘. | Buchkowslki is a native of Thunder Bay. He attended ‘Fort William Collegiate and Lakehea-d College. In 1961 he lgraduated at Toronto Uni- 'versity in electrical engâ€"i- fnvee-ring. Then he joined iHydro as an engineering ‘trainee in his home area. In ‘1964 'he was moved to l Windsor. one. ‘ And see your smiling face. And know that you are ‘ happy In our Father's chosenr place. â€"Sadly missed by Ken and Family. c1w36 COGAR â€"- In loving remem- brance of our dear sister Marie Emily who passed 4 away March 11. 1973.†For her, life more abundant, [For us, a guiding star. â€"Always remembered by sisters and D8d.' c1w36 McBRIEN â€"' In loving-mem- cry of Ron who left us so suddenly on March 7, ‘1971. Silently we grieve and brush years. ' â€"Sadly'missed by his family. c1w36 McBRIEN. Ron â€" In loving memory of a dear brother. â€"Forever missed. Darlene. *lw36 COGAR â€" In loving me: cry of my dear wife Mar Emily who passed aw‘ March 11, 1973. I dream of you dear loved away our tears The memories he left behind Will last throughout the . New Ontario Hydto Relay Engineer For Our Central Region James Taylor, representing the Town of Markham, which will be right in the flight path of the airport, said the town would like council to go on record as supporting Markham's opposition to the project, and to make the re- gion‘s technical staff avail- able to the town in order to complete its application to the commission hearing the latest submissions on the air- port. York Regional Council has been asked to take a definite stand on the question of putting the proposed new air- port in Pickering, but coun- cil is still shying away from any commitment. He and wife Helene- have three children. They are 5. and Lisa' 3 months. ’ Region Slow To Take Stand On Airport Councillor Robert Pollock of Georgina Township said he thought the region had made a submission to the commission and the latter was to ‘hear new evidence only. Solicitor Edward Oakes said the region hadn’t made any new submissions. In its original submission it hadn’t taken any stand. but had only asked for more information. Mayor Robert Forhan of Newmarket moved that coun- cil report on the matter at its next meeting. mmm'iam i‘ telephone 884-1105-6 Open Monday to Friday 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. A challenging position in the cost department. Must be a self-starter and ready to assume responsibilities. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply in person to: Saturday 9:00 am. to 12 noon Classified LIBERAL ACTION AD To place a Cost Department Supervisor Holland Landing, Ontario Personnel Department MOYER VICO LTD. mem- Marie away {Increase Of $6,928.19 For {Region Conservation . Budget Other assessments in the region are: Aurora. $119,478; Whitchurch-Stouffville, $122.- 485; and King Township, $147,301. Mr. Card said that basic economics, social benefits and salary increases were responsible for the increased levy. ' ‘ A report from the Author- ity showed that the over-all increase amounted to $59.- 320. or 3.8 percent over 'the previous year, “apportioned to all municipalities in the watershed after necessary adjustments have been made for’ deferred. expenditures and revenues carried forward from 1973." - The report also stated that the member municipalities contributed on the basis of the total annual budget esti- mates of the Authority for general budget requirements. plus additional capital lev- ies in respect of flood con- There will be an increase of $6,928.19 in this year's levy from the Metro Con- servation Authority against York Region, council was in- formed at a meeting rec- ently. Elgin Card. chairman of finance for the authority, told council that this year’s levy would amount to $85,- 832.44 compared with $79,- 904.25 in 1973. Total assessment for the Region is $1,744,784, with Richmond Hill's assessment amounting to $337,846, third highest behind Markham â€"â€" $641,093, and Vaughan, $376.- 581. . In a test case heard in a Toronto court last week, a loud home air conditioner lo- cated on Babcombe Drive, Thornhill. led to Ontario's first conviction under the Environmental Protection Act, 1971. for excessive noise. Silva Lieberman pleaded guilty to one charge laid by his‘ next-door neighbor. Gloria Johnston and five similar counts were with- drawn. Conditioner Noise Leads To Conviction Mrs. Johnston maintained the central air conditioner in the Lieberman home interfer- ed with her family‘s recrea- tional use of the backyard-â€" relaxing. reading, gardening and entertaining. She said the vent of the unit was lo- cated between the two houses and noise from it reverberat- ed between the walls. Mrs. Johnston claimed the noise violated Section 14 of the Act, which bars the emis- sion of any “contaminant into the natural environment that causes or is likely to cause impairment of the quality of the natural environment, for any use that can be made of it." The case was remanded to May 29 for sentence. Penal- ties for a first offence range upward ,to a fine of $5,000. The judge indicated he is in- terested in seeing whether the violation continues be- tween now and May. The Environment Ministry has yet to bring down specific anti-noise regulations under, the act. They were expected last year. PREQUALIFICATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE TOWN OF AURORA General Contractors are in- vited to submit a completed Canadian Standard Form of Contractors‘ Qualifications Statement CCA Document No. 11 to the Acting Director of Education, 22 Church Street. Aurora. Ontario, not later than 12:00 o'clock noon Wednesday, March 13, 1974. From these submissions} the Board will select not! less than five General Con-| tractors to submit proposals indicating the fixed fee to be charged for the services to be provided for the proposed} York County Board of Edu- cation Administrative Cen- tre. Information, work involv- ed, requirements and serv- ices to be provided are avail- able for examination at the offices of the York County Board of Education, 22 Church Street, Aurora and of the Architect. D. Ross King. 180 Duncan Mill Road. Don Mills. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all submissions of Qualifications Statements without explana- tion. D. Ross King Architect (MI-5.) Merna Colboume Chairman York County Board of Education R. M. Hall Acting Director of Education trol and water conservation and waterfront projects on the basis of a constant am- ount. which was established in the first year of the pro- ject. a On a motion by Councillor Lois Hancey of Richmond Hill, the report was referred to the budget committee. Excellent employment opportunity with well- established manufacturing firm in Thornhil] area. Bookkeeping experience to trial bal- ance. Some typing. Must have own trans- portation. Applications are invited from persons inter- ested in positions as: ' SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Rate of Pay - $2.50 per hour with a guarantee of 20 hours per week during school weeks only. For further information please apply to :â€"’ Personnel Office, 56 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Telephone 884-8101, Ext. 71. TOP WAGES FOR TOP TOOL & DIE MAKER APPLY KENT TOOLS LTD. $4.95 PER HOUR EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS Must have served a recognized apprenticeship; have three to five years maintenance exper- ience and a knowledge of hydraulic systems. Must be capable of reading engineering draw- ings. We‘re a million dollar organization who needs people who can talk to people and explain social activities, fraternal benefits, benevolent work, and lodge aspects of our society. We offer the positions to people with integrity and ambition, who have a desire to earn in excess of $15,000 in the first year with automatic increases and all company benefits. Car is essential. We don’t mind if you are without sales exper- ience as our unique training program has helped many people to succeed. Training can be given while you are still employed, so there will be no loss of income Open daily 9:30 to 6; r Thurs. & m. 9:30 to 9; v' Closed Sundays. SECRETARY MARCH CLEAROUT for its Legal Department Requirements - Grade 13 education, accurate typing and shorthand. The successful appli- cant must be able to prepare letters for the solicitor’s signature and must possess general initiative and be willing to assume responsi- bility. Applications stating qualifications and ex- perience should be made in writing to the Furnish your home for half the price. Many unusual items. ï¬ndersigned of new and used funfltui‘e â€" ideal for cottage or rec. room, china and antiques. Elgin Mills Rd. at Railway Tracks. Richmond Hill â€"- Telephone 884-0158 7:â€" SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS MAINTENANCE MECHANICS Pilkington Bros; Canada Ltd. REQUIRES A-l FURNITURE SALES THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF ‘YORK ' For interview please phone Mr. D. B. Sheppard, 669-1930 26 LAIDLAW BLVD. MARKHAM 294-4400 RAYWAL LTD. 889-6243 INTERESTED IN MONEY 222-6525 requires ‘a Personnel Co-ordinator Box 147 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9 Richmond Hill, Thornhill and area Mature, healthy. to be as- signed to care for people in their own homes. to care for the sick. the elderly and children if mother is ill. Good wages, uniform. etc. Car an asset. HOMEMA‘KERS Phone 895-1341 or write 22 Prospect Street, Newmarket RED CROSS NEEDS .1 .< .0- Q - . -4-».o.0.o.o-o.o.o.u THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 7, 1974 ' -0. (DO-1"---â€- \ihe Mover lid. 884-4395 MOVING? 127 BIRCH AVE. TBOBNHILL Modem Storage Warehouse $110.00 $110.00 $160.00 $160.00 $ 90.00 $115.00 Woodbine & Steeles: Something close to home? Post A/R and A/P on an NCR 3200. Don Mills & York Mills: Use your A/P ex- perience in this large Co. Excellent benefits. Keele & Finch: Do you speak French? Be the secretary to this busy executive of an international Co. ' Jane & Finch: Super friendly manager needs a bilingual German secretary for translations and people contact. Bathurst & Lawrence: Trainee position for bright recent graduate with a figure aptitude. Caledonia & Lawrence: Your sunny personal- ity and accurate typing will land you this exciting reception position. Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until: 12:00 NOON - MONDAY, MARCH. 11th, 1974 for the supply of the following: (a) 5/8†Crushed Gravel or Stone, Type “B†- 30,000 tons ’ (b)*22% Calcium Chloride Brine Solution 400,000 gallons Specifications and tender forms are avail- able at the Engineering Department, Municipal Offices in Maple. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CENTRAL ONTARIO REG IO N AL LIBRARY SYSTEM, I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT et us help you solve, All your m TENDER FOR 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE MATERIALS SEALED TENDERS, properly marked, will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 A.M. EST. on TUESDAY, MARCH 19th, 1974 for the following materials: Crushed Stone (Various Sizes) (F.0.B. Plant) Crushed Gravel (Various Sizes) (F.0.B. TENDERS FOR MATERIALS Plant) Calcium Chloride - bags and liquid Guide Rail Paint (Yellow) Sign Paints (Various Colours). Chemical Weed Killer Tires and Tubes (truck, tractor and car) C.I.P. Culverts ' Snow Fence & Steel Posts Sign Posts (steel and wood) Sign Blanks (steel and aluminum) Sign Reflectorizing Materials Prices shall be submitted on bidder’s own letterhead and the prices shall be F.O.B. Reg- ional Engineering Yard, Newmarket (except those items indicated F.O.B. Plant) and shall include all fees, tariffs and, where applicable, Federal and Provincial Sales Taxes must be indicated as included or extra. Information on the above materials may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department on Don Mills Road, one and one- quarter miles north of the Aurora Road, (Postal address: PO. Box 296, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4X1). Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk’s Of- fice, 62 Bayview Avenue, North Entrance - 2nd Floor, Newmarket, Ontario. L3Y 4W9. Garfield E. Wright, Robert N. Vernon, Chairman Regional Clerk Plant) Sand (F.O.B. Plant) Coldmix and Hot-mix Asphalts (F.O.B. “No appointment ne'eeum†1315 Finch Ave. W., Suite 206 t 5 Fairview Mall Dr., Suite 260 3089 Bathurst St., Suite 207 . . . . . . ' Headquarters in Richmond Hill. Steno clerk, shorthand essential. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK efore you move! oving problems TOWN OF VAUGHAN a. ohï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬ï¬fflï¬dï¬ï¬‚ «Simona: dxoke R. H. Kraft, P.Eng., Town Engineer, Town of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario. 889-4911-2-3 630-0064 493-6880 787-0397 884-1670 Gentle u 1 Lamb 2 Door Sedan. 2,000 cc engine, 4 speed transmis- sion, manual front disc brakes. $2100 (04> «3‘ 2 Door Sedan. economical 200 cu. in. 6 cylinder en- gine. color keyed carpet- ing and light group. 2 Door Hardtop, vinyl bucket seats, 2300 cc en- gine, 4 speed transmis- sion. instrumentation group. !$4200 Brand New 1974 Mustang II 2 Door Hardtop, 302 V8, automatic, manual front disc brakes, all vinyl seat trim, color keyed carpet- “33400 The Popular Intermediate At A New Low Price! 2 Door Hardtop, 351 V8 engine, automatic, power steering, power brakes. body side moulding, \whitewall tires. Overstocked on "71’s, take your choice from four un- cerflfied models. all pric- ed 240 cu. in. 6 cyl. engine. Order to your colour and trim specifications at this discount price. Brand New 1974 F100 Truck Brand New 1974 Maverick 4 Door Hardtop. auto.. pOWer steering & brakes, radio, vinyl roof. LicJNo. BHR 015. Brand New 1974 Ford LTD 2 Door Hardtop. auto.. power steering & brakes, radio. Lic. AYL 867. 2 Door Hardtop, auto., power steering & brakes, Vinyl roof. radio. Lic. No. DWZ 911. _ $1495 4 Door Hardtop, auto. power steering & brakes, radio. Lic. APV 728. 1971 Ford LTD Brand New 1974 TORINO Brand New 1974 PINTO I68 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 889-6788 889-1105 FORD $2850 $3250 1971 Meteor Rideau 500 $2995 DON LITTLE FORD SALES INC. $1495 1971 Ford Galaxie 500 1971 Ford Galaxie 500 $1495 $1495 $1495