BUTTO‘NVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. L“. B. Lot! Markham Telephone 294.5290 Neighborhood Notes The Happy Timers Pan- cake Supper was a successful venture last week. with more than 150 members of the church a n d community attending. The pancakes were delicious.‘ the sausages and bacon scrumptuous. and the company interesting. Profits were good too. The Bill Hoods were happy to have son Jim as a guest from western Canada last week. The Jim Hoods now have two small members in their family a daughter going on two. and a brand new son. Jim. a former pupil. attended Mrs. English's funeral on Friday. Miss Mary Rodick will be hostess Friday morning when the Buttonville Branch of York Central Hospital Auxi- liary meets at her home, 8 onquil Crescent. Markham, for coffee and discussion at. 10 am. I Obituary MRS. HARRIET ENGLISH Buttonville lost a dear friend and great lady last week. with the passing of (Harriet (Mrs. Sidney John) English. Tuesday evening after a quiet dinner at her home ith her niece Margaret Gray, she lay down on the couch and slipped peacefully away. She was in her 83rd ear and had been in failing health for some time. It would be difficult to assess the legacy which Mrs. English and her late husband Sidney John have left to this community. Both were ardent music lovers, and after his death in 1947 Mrs. Eng- lish carried on a work he loved. teaching two genera- tions of children a love of beauty. as expressed in music, poetry and the arts. There was no drudgery to music lessons with Harriet English. It was an event for youngsters to be included in her tutelage, and they trek- ked up the drive to "Brae- doon to learn Bach, Beeth- oven and Brahms with cook- ies and fudge to sweeten the theory lessons at the kitchen table. They learned to love the beauty of the arts and nature. and Mrs. English was keen to detect budding talent and develop it. The recitals pre- sented by her pupils in June of each year were events prized by parents and com- munity members alike. She loved poetry and spent many hours jotting down rhymes of day to day happen- ings and thoughts serious and funny. Many of these were written for pupils when they were about to be married. Brown's Corners Church was no less a love of Mrs. English's heart, and the choir was a chief concern. Because of her and her husband there are now several accomplished musicians in the community who are able to carry on the music of the church. -.‘Her family and friends were very dear to her. and there was a constant stream of visitors to the small house at Braedoon. Typical of her was the sheaf of typewritten sheets of names between cardboard covers found on her kitchen table after her death. It was titled “Num- bers of Friends from Near and Far." and listed tele- phone numbers and addresses of more than 200 families. representing hundreds of people she kept in touch with. A constant stream of friends visited the Ogden Funeral Home at Unionville last Wednesday and Thurs- day. and on Friday Brown's Corners United Church was crowded for the funeral service conducted by Rev. Allen Hallett. Two of her former pupils, Mrs, Dorothy Reesor and Mrs. Joy Craw- ford played the organ and piano. Arf-te'rward. on the last ride up Don Mills Road to Buttonville Cemetery the cortege was more than half a mile long. And back at the church where UCW members had repared refreshments. riends and family gathered after the committal service and exchanged reminescenses of this rare soul. Mrs. English is survived by her step-daughter Olive. Mrs. Edward Bartram of London. and four grandsons Bill and Ted Bartram and John and Sidney English: her sister Mrs. Kenneth Gray of To- yronto. nieces Johann and EMargaret. and nephews Jim pray and John MacGregor. ' Pallbearers were Bill and Il‘ed Bartram. John and Sid- _ English. Kenneth Rus- ell. Jim Gray. and John yacGregor. Honorary pall- earers included friends and eighbors Edgar Fuller. Aub- y Stephenson. Jack Rodick. alter Craig. Dr. Ed Bart- ram, John Donaldson and orman Reid. EWMARKET: A petition igned by 40 Main Street itbusinessmen asked council to lremove all parking meters .in the downtown core. At the isame meeting a letter was ;received from the Downtown ‘Merchants Amiation asking [that meters 'be replaced on the west side of Main Street from Timothy Street to Mil- ' lard Avenue, which had been “removed last summer on a trial basis. hey THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. March 14, 1974 ’ Another BigWeek at m urea! Whole Pork Shoulders, 10:0 I4-Ibsaver. 2¢ 0 lb lower 6 ¢ I reSlI- or Shankless Shoulder Roast Than a Year Ago! L/ PORK SHOULDERS "†CookedMealsé-“W‘W BOX-O-CHICKEN FRESH suovsv BRAND, cor: SlAW on 3 lEG courses, 3 BREAST oumcas. Potato Salad “‘02 “"0" 3 wmos. 3 NECKS, 3 cram PACKAGES scrmsuoens ammo, sucro BONELESS lb 8 HIGHLINER. FROZEN Shoulder. Cooked Ham 6-01. Vac PM '4-0? pk<3 99¢ II! E Shankless _ Perch Fillets {aonersss BUTT ROAST LB $1.09) BURNS BRAND. 570R: PACK l“1.08 swan PICKLED. VAC PAC lean Butt Roast Ib79¢ BeeMPork SausagesIb79¢ CORNET) BEEF COTTAGE ROLLS n» 98¢ Your Choice! Heinl Vegetable Soup Iowa: 7 FLAVOURS Shirriii Jelly Pewders 3-ozpk9 ALL FLAVOURS Tee Pee Yogurt ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH Ibth, "7‘. ARIZONA, VALENCIA ORANGES SIZE 113 DOZEN CANADA No. I GRADE. ONTARIO, SMALL ~ potatoes on, poly bag A VARIETY OF COLOURS FOR YOUR CROICE Hyacinth p... m. 59¢ SHOPSY Pastrami pkgou. 2-oz pigssl .28 CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROIEN. VAC PAC, ROCK CORNISH Game Chickens lb 89¢ SHOULDER OR BUTT pour (HOPS lb 99¢ FANCY QUALITY, THREE VARIETIES libby's Vegetables IN TOMATO SAUCE Heinz Spaghetti COUNTRY GOOD. CHICKEN NOODLE Soup Mix IN TOMATO SAUCE OR BOSTON STYLE Ann Page Beans SCNNEIDERS BRAND, WIENERS Lib Vac Pa: 7 8 pf Action FANCY QUALITY Bright's Tomato Juice w-n-oznn Ken-L Ration Dog Food ls-oznn 7‘/2-il-oziin 5 VARIETIES iced! Mix or M alch! PURE GRAPE JAM, JELLY OR WHOLE GRAPE JAM AND APPLEvGRAPE JELLY Welch's Jams and Jellies 9-FL-OZ TUMBLER Heinz Red Kidney Beans T‘FLOZ TIN Big 6 Country Corn Flakes IO-OI PKG Del Monte Fruit Drinks 48-FL-OZ TIN IA-Il-oz Iin Id-llpz Ill'l 4 5â€"02 pkg ol '2 envs lO-il-oz tin Ann Page Soups ld-ll-oz tin 4-oz carton Your Choice! Action Priced! READY CUT MACARONI OR SPAGNETTINI Catelli Spaghetti TWINKLE â€" 5 VARIETIES Cookie 6c Cake Mixes l9'ozpouchpack MEDIUM OR BROAD CUT Primo Egg Noodles RECONSTITUTED, PURE. UNSWEETENED Hanson Orange Juice 32-H-oz bome TOMATO Ann Page Ketchup lSh-ozbonle Your Choice! [$1.00 Action Priced! CNUNKS - 6‘ 2-01 TIN Pantry Shelf Tuna Fish “m†A&P Tea Bags BLEND PKG or so [$1.00 Your Choice! FROZEN ACTION PRICED! DOWNYFLAKE .0 o WAFFLES L125 FROZEN. BANANA, CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY, NEAPOLITAN, COCONUT ACTION PRICED! BANOUE “'01 ISLOO CREAM PIES GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN, WHITE ACTION PRICED! Bread Dough pkg oi '2 loaves 3 FROIEN. SHOESTRING York French Fries 2-Ibpk959¢ FROZEN. No. I, No. 2, No. 3 China Town Dinners u-ozpkg 79¢ Health a? Beauty Aids! TOOTHPASTE & MOUTHWASH IN ONE ACTION PRICED! CIose-Up RED OR GREEN lOO-mliube 89¢ REGULAR OR SUPER PKG OF 40 Carefree Tampons $1.88 STAYFREE, BELTLESS SANITARY NAPKINS pkg oi 30 .49 Maxi Pads Jergens Lotion lO‘/i»i|~oz plastic bil 99¢ A (TION PRICED! C0-COLA I (PLUS an oerosm 1 . 1 g RALSTON PURINA â€"- DOG FOOD ZS-Ib bag 5 5,49 Bakeshop Specials! SLICED VIENNA ill-OZ 0R PUMPERNICREL lo-Ol Jane Parker Bread «791.00 BUY 3 lOAVES â€"- SAVE 26:) 40 oz. 16-02 Dig bottles IZ-oz pkg JANE PARKER (BUY 3 PKGS â€"- SAVE ITcl Snowflake Rolls pigs or n 3/5100 JANE PARKER (SAVE IO<l Dutch Apple Pie JANE PARKER Full 8-inch, 24voz pie JANE PARKER (SPICV. RAISIN RICH) (SAVE IOcl Spanish Bar Cake 19~ozcak259¢ JANE PARKER, GOLD OR MARBLE IS-OZ CAKE Crescent Pound Cake 59¢ JANE PARKER, DANISH (SAVE lOc) Sweet Rolls pkg ora 59¢ JANE PARKER, DANISH (SAVE I0cl Lemon Whirls pkg M669¢ JANE PARKER. PLAIN OR SUGARED (SAVE 6c) Family Donuts sis of 1? 59¢ JANE PARKER, "BROWN ’N SERVE" (SAVE 6c) 12-02 pkg oi 2 loaves 3 JANE PARKER, Dclicious Plain or Toasted (PKG or n 99¢) Hot Cross Buns pkg or 6 59¢ PLAIN OR WNEAT, PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED (SAVE 6:) Twin Rolls pkgonz French Rolls pigono pig 39¢ Chow Wagon mun. 5m onessmo mm W 82¢ Babies Only Please $303391? “01',†32:332.}; gowns/stoo Gerber Baby Food “cl-MW!†I . Miracle Whip LILAC. BLUE ACTION PIICED' STRAINED â€" MEATLESS VARIETIES A8.P Consultoni is available to advice on enter- The team you for any food or toining problem. Write to us for our booklets: 0) 50 You're Shop‘ ‘ V . . ping For Two in“ 3 r bl Meal Planning ‘ and Shopping Guide “3“ BURNS For The Older Person cl Shopping To Save At A&P WEO d: Lunch For The Children Ida Burns 8. Associates Inc.. I260 lenhoro Road East Mississauga, Ontario DIRECT AID RIO ERAND, PURE PACK, CNOICE QUALITY FROZEN. SLICED Ml PKG Strawberries 49¢ anov cur MACARONI on mm SPAGHETTI ANOTHER A&P QUALITY PRODUCT ROMI 24" Pka 5 FROM CONCENTRATE BANBURY INN Imported 4-PIECE . Fine China OUTSTANDING VALUE! PLACE SETTING $1.99 wrm EACH MINIMUM $3.00 runanss. Stan your sol today. Collect a table Full of Banbuvy Inn Fine China. Every Tour-piece place setting includes a dinner plate, I bread and but!“ plate, . cup and l saucer. Complete! Pieces: 4 Soup Bowls 5A.99, Complete: 50'â€" Sugu Bowl, Creamer, Vegetable Dish I. Plans: to $1.99. 52' oi A piecel $6.99 â€"Save 97:. OFFER GOOD THROUGH APRIL. AGcP WEO FOOD STORES 10,341 Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL 8109 Buyview Ave., 'I'I'IORNI'IILL AMPLE FREE PARKING S P AG H ET T l - QUAKER CEREAL ma:graham:0:37:23: 49¢ (apt'n Crunch “0pr “We Redeem ALL Food Store Coupons!" 4 Piece Place Setting I974. Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 PM. 13