lMy advice to you is to get your seeds bought early, If vou are as lucky as we are, increase the size of 6111‘ vege- table gardens to include a Few potatoes. That way you will be able to freeze your wvn vegetables and store rcur potatoes. vields, all the vegetation that In the case of ploughed f as been buried underground akes Mother Nature‘s fer-l tilizer for our gardens. Also[ the weeds will be destroyedl except where some have al-l ady grown seed. Many of he weeds whose roots are t the surface of the ground 111 be destroyed by this‘ We sure had some weather nhis last week. It made me think back to the farm days when the snow saturates the soil for growth of the plants for the coming spring and ~ummer. All this miserable rain is doing the same thing. This cold frost business is for the birds but it also breaks up the soil for easier cultivation. I mislaid my little spy book and just discovered it, Mrs. Ella Bradfield celebra- ted her birthday February 25. Michael 'Bone reached 15 on February 26. Monday of last week one of our well known citizens decided he would have a birthday too, best wish% to Ellie Park. All this terrible weather business is going to make some pretty nice spring and ;ummer flowers also beauti- 'ul grass. The birds that will soon be coming back will be making us some nice music. Many of you people are getting some plants ready right now, we are going to :et our seeds bought and or- iered very soon before it is The night of May 3 has been set for a euchre party at the church. The hall has seen some dandy playing so please mark whis down on your calenders and maybe practice up. Last Saturday the church 'had ‘a bit of fun. Mother Nature didn‘t co-operate, so we got a load of water in the basement. Jack Bus‘hell came to the rescue and discovered a modern way of getting rid of water, you simply thaw out a frozen discharge pipe from the sump pump. now who would think of sudh a fast f'ix? Neighborhood Notes: Our basement ‘has quite a bi, of clutter that we have hid: around for quite awhile, 'luping we may use, it, but we might as well put it to sme uSe. If you discover some un- Sables please take them to he church or we can arrange 0 have them picked up by ontacting the writer. Don't orget, times have changed, What you may consider junk :ould be someones treasure. In the ‘meantian'ne, we won’t pussyfoot around. we need and look forward to dona- ï¬ons for the auction sale. So bok in your basement, ga- nge, spare room, attic and my other place where you sbre stuï¬f. you might ï¬nd sanething you would like to dm‘ate. Also tentative plans were made to have an auction sale at the time of our plant and bake sale on May 24 and 25. More details 'will follow. This very active and cons- ciencious group of ladies are already preparing for their fall bazaar. Knit-ting needles were picking up stitches for an afgIan w‘hidh will 'be one of many, many items avail- able at this annuai popular and interesting function. The monthly UCW meet- ing was 'held at the home of Mrs. May Park on March 5. Church News A number of Gormley people enjoyed the Emma- nuel Bible College choir (of Kitchener) musical program We also welcome Mr. and Mrs. Basso Who have pur- chased the Wells house at the corner of Doner Srtreet. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Roy LeMeure and family of Richmond Hill who have moved into the former Jo- seph Jones house. Mrs Le- Meure is a teacher in chil- dren’s art classes. Heise Hill Women's Sew- ing Circle met all day Tues- day at the home of Mrs. Ralph Empringham. Mrs. Joseph Wideman had surgery last week in York Celmral Hospital, Richmond Hi 1. William Corcoran ‘has two of his mobile home models set up as demonstrators at Richmond Heights P 1a 2 a, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillin- ger and Misses Vera, Velma and Jean Brilljmger visited Mrs. Cora McKenzie and Mrs. John Petrie of Picker- ing on Sunday. Mrs. Anthony Nigh fell on Thursday of last week in 'her home and injured -her back. ties are on the real estate market. Clarence Steckley's home and Mrs. Greta Noble's home. Clarence Steckley had to return to Sunnybrook Hospi- tal a week ago Tuesday af- ternoon for furtlher tests. At the time of writing it is ex- pected he will soon be able to come home. Neighborhood Notes late Correspondent: Mrs. Alice Harrlson 88 Naughton Drive Richmond Hill Phone 884-6824 after 5 CARRVILLE more Gormley proper- Gormley Neighborhood News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED R will be La'yman's Sun- day on March 17 at the Mis- sionary Church. Ed Yadhita will be the guest speaker in A number of Gonmley men were present on Monday night at the Missionary Men’s International Banquet at Stouffville Missionary Church. Paul Hamilton spoke and showed pictures of his bicycle trip from Paris to India and 1his trek up into the Himalaya Mountains. Ken Kepler spoke at the Sunday evening service at the Missionary Church. on Saturday night at Stouff- ville Secondary School. Wices in effecgfluntil Monday. March18. Debbie and Donnette Grove of Markham spent Saturday night with their grandparents 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grove and iami'ly of Markham and Mr. and Mrs. George Bar- rett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown of Graven'h-urst. Mr. and Mrs. George Bar- rett were dinner guests of Mrs. Don Pickering on Fri- day evening. the morning and Abe Thies- sen- at the evening service. Lo‘cal men will be presenting other features at both servi- ces. 889-9063 Toronto Income Tax Service Ltd. 17 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL Drop by and ask about our 3 GUARANTEES "n HOURS: 11 am to 7 ‘pm. Mon. to Sat. / roromo Income Tax Service Ltd. now offers you our . . . low cost, personalized, prompt, accurate income tax preparation service. Toronto Income Tax Service Ltd. now DO HAVE A CHOICE ' Early Birds 7:30 p.m. O Nite-Owls ' ' MARCH 19 and Every Tugday, 8'P.M. ‘ 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" $25 I 1 SHARE THE WEALTH - 1 PIE PLATE | | JACKPOT 3500 - PROGRESSIVE NO’s. ‘ F“““““““ ' Bradford Community Centre 1 â€"â€" BRADFORD â€" PLUS $200 SPECIAL MUST GO Bus service leaving Bad Boy’s, Yonge St. at 6:45 pm â€"- Pickup at Oak Ridges, gas station, south-east corner at lights. Information - 775-3893 - Collect Early Birds 7:30 p.m. O Nite THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 14‘ The Planning Committee will discuss the objections which have been filed regarding the BALF Zoning By-law Phase II. D. Stephenson, Chairman Planning Committee MUNICIPAL OFFICES PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 20, I974, 7:00 PM. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 1. HURON SQUARE SHOPPWIG CENTER Hwy. 5 a: Hwy 10. Missmsauga (Open late Saturday! 2. FINCH WES? MALL 3467 Wesxon Rd. (008" laie Sazurdav) 3. 330 VONGE ST, N‘ at Oxford St, Richmond Hi†4.WAROEN SHEPPARD SHOPPiNG CENTER 5. RIVERDALE 9LAZA Gerrard 3n CarIaw (Open late Saturday) 5‘ 579 MARKHAM RD, at Lamenca AH notes open 9 am. to 9.1) pm. Waekmgm , 1974 21