Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber ave returned home after ending the past three eeks holidaying in St. Pe- rsbu‘rg. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood- ard and Rob Dickinson had nday evening dinner with r. and Mrs. Earl Empring- m and Margaret and Miss ene Knapp. hurch News Don Watt of Emmanuel ollege was the guest speak- at the church service Sun- y morning. He ‘is a class- ute of Mr. Bewell‘s and d the children in a song. ompaning them on his itar. A meeting of the Victoria uare dharge will be held the Headford United urch Monday evening. at 00 pm. Everyone is urged attend. The March meeting of the W will be :held in (the mday School room on arch 20 at 8 pm. All the ies in the community are vnted to attend. Deputy District Governor Lion Gord Bowerman of ng City paid his official isit to the Lions Tuesday vening of last week. At the next Lions meeting, ‘ ch 18 at 8:15 pm, the uest speaker will be Judge ames Butler of Richmond ill, who will speak on, ‘Teena'gers â€"â€" A Problem Or Lions Mré. Fred Walker emer- ained several of her friends The many friends of Mrs. Lidney English wene sadden- ld to learn last week of her lassing. She had been the uslc teacher of many young Esople of the community and rrounding area for a num- ‘er of years. Mrs. English Iras dearly loved by every- me and will be greatly mis- A Challenge", a most timely and thought provoking topic. This will be an open meet- ng and everyone interested s invited to attend. Admis- don is free. ublic Speaking Contest Jefferson Public School paid a public speaking com- etition March 5 with 13 ftudems participating. tr a box of groceries was on by Ellerby Gooderham. The next euchre will be eld- April 5. Please note the ate. as on the regular night or the euchre, the hall has en taken for another Went. dinner Monday of last eek, in celebration of her irtahday. ‘ Birthday greetings to Mrs. vrartin Jenki-nson, March 15; Richard Frisby, March 16; Hrs. Ethel Boyd, March 17; (Irs. Ken Petty, March 19. 1 Wedding [anniversary gree- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Scott kichardson. (Pat Williams) who will be married one ear. March 17. roe Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 ast week there were only right tables of euohre play- 'rs. Prizewinners were: Mrs. dargaret Goodenham. Mrs. Ioby Vanderkooy. Mrs. Della \llan. Robert Ball, Bill A1- en, Al Rennie. Lucky draw A fourâ€"way stop intersec- n at Springhead Gardens, enue Road and Castle ck Drive (BAIF) was the ject of Richmond Hill By- l; 1974, given three read- s at the March 4 council eting, is was the only inter- tion of several suggested roved by the Region of rk some months ago. The ' tny of Transportation Communications asked specific indication of lo- ion of the stop signs. so rt the intersection would be left unprotected‘ satisfy this require- nt, the bylaw named the ection of Springhead ens and Avenue Road as slate for a stop sign fac- traffic westbound on ‘lnghead Gardens: the in- O .in! Robin Mortson who is in ‘rade 4 won second award, xer subject being, “Special "arm". Congratulations Ro- bection of Castle Rock We and Avgnue Road as [:site of another sign fac- traffic eastbound on 1e Rock; and Avenue d and Spring‘head Gar- s and Castle Rock Drive the site of the other two which will face >bot1h northbound and south- nd traffic on Avenue 'eighborhood Notes Because of the inclement 'e-ather Friday evening 19f r. is hoped that this by- will meet with the ap- val of the dapartment and the region. When those received the stop signs be installed and enfom- it was reported. ‘ur-Way Stop At \IF Intersection 'ork Home T.V. Color TV from ‘ Sweetheart Peter Victoria Square GET YOUR 9 so \O‘fzua WORKS IN A DRAWER LP 59‘ Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandle RR 2, Gonnley THE LIBERAL, Richmond‘ Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 14, 1974