MARCHIONE â€" In loving memory of Vincent March- lone who died suddenly two years ago. March 19. 1972. "Although you left us suddenly. Your thoughts to us unknown, You left us many memories, Ones we're proud to own." â€"Loved husband of Nanda, and father of Gina, Anna. SIMPSON â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear wife Annie who passed away March 14, 1973. My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lone- some today. ’ â€"Sadly missed by husband William and family. *1w38 you. â€"-Lov1ngly remembered by wife Ariâ€"nie and Family MacKAY â€" In loving mem- cry of a dear husband and father, Fred MacKay, who passed away March 22nd, 1972. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain. We have suffered since we lost you, Life has never been the same, In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear husband. That we do not think of BINNINGTON â€"â€"- Alan and Gail are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Christina Susan, 8 lbs., 3 025., on March 7. 1974 at York Central Hos- pital. A sister for Rob. Special thanks to Dr. Soc- ol and Staff. c1w38 Edward, and Rita. V clw38 Among Our Readers, There's A Buyer ' For Anything You Want To Sell iï¬iflh Hnflhmminm Emma INNINGTON â€"â€" Al (1 ' LINDAHL, N _ A Gail are pleased at?) Earn-1 ! gnfffl-Eljfggi‘ztg Hosgtn' In ï¬rmnriam A medium sized manufacturer located in Aurora, Ontario, who is a supplier of metal stampings and assemblies for the automotive industry, requires an experienced general foreman / woman. Applicants should have sufficient exper- ience to assume full responsibilities of'this position and eventually be able to assume the duties of plant superintendent. Please submit a resume stating qualifica- tions, background and salary expected to For versatile shop. Custom steel, plate, and sheet metal. Must have at least five years experience. Must be able to do own layout. No others need apply. - Start at $5.00 per hour plus 6% vacation pay. Up to $5.00 per hour paid for fully skilled thermoplastic fabricators and fiberglass lam- inators on interesting custom work for the chemical processing industry. Training given if necessary. Apply ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STAFF VACANCIES Drafting III (2 required): Starting hourly rate $4.35 - $4.84 Qualifications and Experience: High School Graduation Diploma or equivalent. Several years senior draft- ing experience in road, water and sewer design, preferably in a municipal eng- ineering department. Apply in writing before March 27, 1974 to: Personnel Co-ordinator The Regional Municipality of York Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario General Foreman/Woman Required PLASTIC MATERIALS CUSTOM FABRICATOR REQUIRED FABRICATORS THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY . 0F YORK 65 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill 889-4923 ALCORE FABRICATING LTD. BOX 18 “THE LIBERAL†MALE AND FEMALE *lw38 889-0297 OF Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rogers of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Carol Ann to Mr. Thomas Twaddle. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Twaddle of To- ronto FIRST mortgage money av- ailable. 9%. Apply to Box 19. “The Liberal". £1w38 Engagrmmta ABC BOWLING V The Pooh Bears lead with 21 points at the halfway mark of the final‘ series fol- lowed by the Tigers wlth 16, Killers 15, and the Gamb- lers 13. For the President's Tro- phy it's still the Profession- als in front with 79,883 points. Next in line are the Killers with 76,960, Pooh Bears 76.476. Amateurs 75.- 851; Gamblers 75.158, Tigers 73.675. High three ladies for the night were Karen Weber with 733 (249. 265, 219); Diz Lawrie 709 (210. 240, 259); and Gloria Byer 682 (178. 292, 212). Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brock- bank of' Gravenhurst are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Beverly Diane to Mr. Richard James Mort- imore, son of Mrs. Ruth Mortimore and the late Mr. Richard Mortimore of Rich- mond Hill. The marriage to take place in Knox Presby- terian Church. Gravenhurst on Saturday, May 4, 1974. *1w38 Ron Price led the men with 757 (206, 280. 271). George Lawson had 726 (279, 243, 204); Ed Muehlsteadt 706 (261, 242, 203). I believe 'Mike. Ed and George are still Ron, Ian and George's coffee. 53mm MORTGAGES c1w38 McLEOD. Arthur Malcolme â€"Sudden1y as the result of RAWLINGS, Eleanor Ruthâ€" At her home. Friday. March 15. 1974. Eleanor Humphrey, beloved wife of Russell Rawlings of Richmond Hill. Dear mo- ther of Judy and Robert. Dear sister of Bob, John, Doris, Bill and George. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Ser- vlce was held Monday 11 am. Cremation. c1w38 SAMMONS, Frederick James --Sudden1y Friday. March 15. 1974. Fred. beloved husband of the late Verna Tracey, dear father of Del- phine (Mrs. H. Saint) and Fred, also survived by 4 grandchildren and brother of Mrs. Winnifred Maddox. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Funeral prayers were said on Saturday mornâ€" ing. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w38 LINDAHL, Noreen â€" At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday morn- ing, March 17. 1974, wife of John Lindahl. and mo- ther of Deborah, and Rhonda. Also surviving are her brothers and sis‘ ters and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Luckasav- itch. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass was celebrated in Whitney, On- tario Tuesday at 4 pm. Interment followed. c1w38 SIMPSON. Willard F. - After a lengthy illness. bravely borne, on Monday. March 18, 1974, Willard F. Simpson, beloved husband of Marion Ellis, dear fa- ther of Nancy (Mrs. L. Johnston) and Jane (Mrs. J. Lennox), loving grand- father of Jennifer and Betsy. There will be no visitation at the Funeral Home. Mr. Simpson will rest in the Thornhill Un- ited Church, Dudley Av- enue, from 12 noon Thurs- day until the funeral ser- vice at 4 pm. Interment will be in Thornhill Cem- etery. Flowers gratefully declined. Donations may be made to the York Cen- tral Hospital Memorial Fund. Arrangements by B. E. Ring Funeral Home. Thornhill. clw38 THOMPSON. William C. E.â€" At the Branson Hospital on Thursday, March 7, 1974. William C. E. Thompson. dearly beloved husband of Jessie Thomp- son and dear dad of Wil- liam J, of BC, Bruce E. of Mississauga and Earle R. of Richmond Hill. Dear brother of L. Burton Thompson, Irene (Mrs. J. McKay) and Belle (Mrs. J. Oswald) all of To’ronto. Devoted granddad of-Vir- ginia. Karen (Mrs. R. Harris), Laurie, David and Heather. Funeral services were held from the Jar- rett “Willowdale†Chapel, 4661 Yonge Street (just north of 401 Hwy.) on Monday. March 11. 1974 at 11:00 am. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. clw38 TOMASONE, Marianina â€" At York Central Hospital, on Tuesday, March 12, 1974. Marianina Tomasone. beloved wife of Antonio, dear mother of Ida, El- vira, Norma and the late Margaret. also survived by 8 grandchildren. Rested a motor accident near Kingston on Monday, March 18. 1974, beloved husband of Edna Mae Mc- Leod of Thornhill; dear father of Margaret (Mrs. Robert Campbell) and Robert; brother of Donald A. McLeod. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. Funeral service in Thornhill Baptist Church, Thursday after- noon 2 o'clock. Cremation to follow. As a memorial tribute, a donation may be made to the Canadian As- sociation for the Mentally Retarded. c1w38 at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Mass was celebrated at St. Mary Im- maculate Church, Rich- mond Hill, Friday 9:30 am. Interment Holy Cross Cem- etery. clw38 0 en daily 9:30 T . & Closed Sundays. MARCH CLEAROUT Furn'ish your home for half the price. Many unusual items. of new and used furniture â€" ideal for cottage or rec‘ room, china and antiques. Elgin Mills Rd. at Railway Tracks, Richmond Hill â€"_ Telephone 884-0158 â€"â€" A-l FURNITURE SALES Hill Whips Kentville The Midgets played well enough to win as Goalie Gerry Tipold came up with some key saves to earn his shutout despite not being tested that often. WINNING GOAL Steve Hodgins scored what proved to be the winning goal in the first periogi on passes from Tony Robinson and Gerry Tipold. Amie Vanderweyde pop- ped in two goals Tuesday night as the Richmond Hill Legion Midgets downed Kentville, Nova Scotia 3-0 to retain their Slim chance of winning the 1974 Seventh Annual International Midget Hockey tournament. The win came on the heels of a disappointing open-game loss Monday night to Ottawa. “There's no doubt we played poorly against Otta- wa." concedes Coach Peter Artemc‘huk. “And we ' still weren‘t all that sharp against Kentville. We “beat that same team 9-2 in an exhibition match before the tou‘marment opened." There was no scoring in the second period but the locals upped the score to 3-0 in the final Q0 minutes. Vanderweyde got the first one from Kerry Minor and Rob McCullough ‘and‘ follow- ed this up with his second one of the night from Mike Gall'a-ugher and Tony Robin- son. “I thought Bob McCullough played well for us in that game." observed Artemchuk. "He was throwing his weight around and you need that kind of action to win." GOOD GOAL TENDING Avrtemchuk was also happy with the goaling of Tipold who “came up with a sharp game and made some big saves for us." Artemchuk is still unhappy about the sharpness, or lack of it, of his players. “We're in a slump and I just hope we pull out of it by the time we meet King‘s- ton. They're in something of a slump also and I hope they stay in it for awhile. They The March meeting of the WI was held in the com- munity hall on Tuesday eve- ning of last week, with Mrs. Earl Empringha-m in charge. On Thursday evening of last week, neighbors and friends gathered in the gem- munity hall to have a miscel- l'aneuus shower in honor of Miss Lynn-e Barrack and Michael Ottaway who are being married April 6. Lynne and Michael received many beautiful and useful gifts Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie RR 2. Gormley Women’s Institute The guest speaker was a home economist from the Ministry of Agriculture, who gave an explanation of the metric system which is com- ing into force very shortly whether we like it or not Neighborhood Notes The flowers in the church on Sunday morning were in loving memory of John Wilk- ins, who passed away one year ago. They were placed there by his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee have returned home after spending the past two weeks in Hawaii; Mrs. M-abel An- derson has returned after spending the past three weeks in Spain and Morocco. They report having a wonder- ful lime. ! ! ! Please note there will be NO euchre Friday, as thé hall has been taken for another event that evening. However. there will be another euchre on April 5. Please keep that date in mind. The Merry Men Of Mark- ham are presenting an eve- ning of music in the com- munity hall on March ‘29 at 8:00 pm, sponsored by the lst Gormley Guides and Brownies. Tickets may be obtained from any Guide or Brownie mother. Get yours now before they all are gone! Birthday greetings to Lois Gee, March 20; Susan 'San- derson, 10 years, March 22; Susan Boynto'n, six yeals, March 23; Wayne Mortson, March 26; Mary Boyn-ton, 10 years, March 27. Wedding anniversary greet- ings -to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumwell, married 41 years, March 22; to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson, married 53 years, March 23; to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Watson, married 54 years.. March 27. Mrs. James Bewell, Kari and Tracey are spending a few days visiting friends in Barrie Miss Jean Rumney accom- panied by her girl friend from Montreal are spending their mid-winter break in Nova Scotia Victoria Square Tuesday’s r e s u l t 9 saw Kingston downing Barrie 3-1; Downsview 6, OShawa 0; Toronto Butter Beeps 5. Newmarket 2; Oakville 4, have a good clup." The Midgets play Kingston tomorrow (Friday) at 6:30 pm. TUESDAY SCORES Don Mills 2; Guelph 5, Wel- land 0; Dixie 3. Toronto Flames 2; Burlington 4, Ot- tawa 3. The losing teams in Tuesday's games were elimi~ nated from the tournament with the winner's moving into the quarter finals Wednes- day. There have been only two injuries in the tournament to date, both to referees. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bolender who were married 25 years on March 19. Their family had a surprise buffet dinner for them on Sunday. The ‘bro- thers and sisters in the 130- lender and Atkinson Families were all present except Mrs. Blanche Gordon who is :holl- day‘ing in Florida and Miss Florence Bolender who is in Mexico during the mid-winter schcol break. Miss Janet Widema,n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wideman, has been confined to her home with mononucleosis for a couple of weeks. Dr. John Dawson, son-in- law of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munroe of Gormley has opened a private practice in family medicine at 363 Mark- ham Road. Richmond Hill. He and his family will be moving in June to a home they have bought in Ridh- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Em- pringham and family of Moncton, NB.. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Langman and attended the Sunday morn- ing church service at Gorm- ley. Th-eir many friends were pleased to see them. ' Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Boe'tt- ger and Arlene hondayed at Four Mile Lake‘ near Coba- conk. Max Hazel Who has been in Centenary Hospital, West Hill for eight-and-a-half weeks. is still very ill. I-t is expected he will be moved to Country Place, Richmond Hill in the near future. John Campey has taken a very involved stand on mhe York County teachers strike. John we are proud of all your hard work in this issue. Mrs. Paul Farmer enter- tained a number of ladies last week at a quilting; 7 Mrs. Doug Henry of Toron- to spent the weekend with Miss Genevieve rB-ruce. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bacon flew to Florida Saturday night for a wpek§ holiday. _ 7 Mrs. Beula‘h J'ones spent Saturday with Miss Myrtle Sider of Stouffville. 7 MES. ' B r u c e Vanderbent had a quilting at her home on Friday. Mi-ss Ferne Doner of Regi- na, Saskatchewan, is Spend- ing three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner. Ferne is attending a course at the Canadian Ins- ti'tute for the Blind in To- ronto. Mrs. George Barrett and Mrs. Gertie Baker had dinâ€" ner on Wednesday with Mrs. Milslted and Charleen in Tlhornhill. Larry Ross, postmaster at Gormley, is on holidays this week. Miss Freda Henderson and Mrs. William Ash are working in his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillin- ger and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brillinger attended the fune- ral on Monday of Peter Co- ber in Kitchener. Mr. Cober was killed ‘in a tractor acci- dent on his farm on Friday. 7 Mrs. John Meads is in Grace Hospital in Torjolmo._ A number of Gomley people attended rthe funeral of Mrs. thn Lehman in Stouffvllle on Thursday. ‘Gonmley WI will 7mee¢ on March 27 at 2 pm at the home of 'Mrs’. Gretta Noble. Bishop Roy Sider of Sherk- ston was the guest speaker on Sunday morning at Heise Hill Church GORMLEY Job Hunting? Then let’s get together!! At present we have for: Telephone: 889-9083 Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Minted Taxi Dispatcher â€" $2.50/hr. Machine Builders - $3.00 - $4.00/hr. Electrical repair person - $200.00/wk. Air Conditioner Repair person - $150.00/wk. Printed circuit assembler - $4.00/hr. Cabinetmaker - $3.75/hr. Tailor (Made-to-measure) - $3.50/hr. Meatcutter - $3.00/hr. Autobody Repairperson â€" $300.00/wk. Millwright - $4.20/hr. Marine Engine Mechanic - to $12,000/yr. Milling Machine Set-up operator - $4.00/hr. Punch Press Set-up Operator - $3.50/hr. Contact: Canada Manpower Centre, 5799 Yonge St., Willowdale, Ont. m 1y $130+ Markham. ' set of books sary. Bathurst/Wlls bookkeeping : and Payroll. Finch/Westo: receptionist t; Finch/ Weston office and be Don Mills. A some A/P ex; benefits. Leslie/Shem): trative positi< tial. $125 $100 $110 $125 "No I] 1315 Finch Av 5 Fail-view Ma 3089 Bathurst All-{b.b-IDDO- r, I I I I I I I I I I I 5115 I I I I I I I I I I I ____â€"â€"â€"i U Q-------------_----‘ m---‘--------_-------‘ \ihe Mover lid. FREE ESTIMATES MOVING? 121 Inner! AVE" THOBNIIILL Modern Storage Warehouse $130 $125 $115 $100 $110 $125 + Markham. Bookkeeper required to do full set of books including T/B. No typing neces- sary. Bathurst/Wllson. Utilize your knowledge of bookkeeping and work on a computerized A/P and Payroll. Finch/Weston. Smile your way through this receptionist typist job for this super company. Finch/Weston. Work in a congenial one-person office and be your own boss. Don Mills. A figure orientated individual with some A/P experience for this plus office. Great benefits. Leslie/Sheppard. Excellent typist for Adminis- trative position in Branch office. Great poten- tial. Canada Manpower Centre li' OF EXPERIENCE? UNEMPLOYED DUE TO LACK Manpower and Main-djceuvre Immigration et Immigration Robert Andras Robert Andras Minister Ministre We have employers who are willing to train workers as: Binders Workers - $2.25/hr. Envelope Machine Tenders - $2.52 - $3.00/hr. Furniture Assemblers - $2.50/hr. Material Handlers - $2.00 - $3.00/hr. Record Press Tenders - 2.30/hr. Shippers - Receivers - $110. - $135./wk. Waiters/Waitresses - $2.00/hr. I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT at us help you solve All your % Moving problems Contact : AUTO BODY REPAIRER WORSFOLD 8. BARKER INC. CUSTOM BUILDERS RENOVATIONS - ADDITIONS SHOP FITTING - RECREATION ROOMS COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL Lic. No. B2351 “No Ippointment necessary†1315 Finch Ave. W., Suite 206 i i ._ 1 5 Fail-view Mall Dr., Suite 260 A 3089 Bathurst St., Suite 207 . i . . 0 . ‘ CAR JOCKEY LUBRICATOR NOT ANY MORE! efore you move! CALL BILL WILSON WILSON-NIBLETT MOTORS RICHMOND HILL 889-5435 CANADA MANPOWER . CENTRE 5799 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT. Canada Manpower Centre Robert Andras. Minister Manpower and Immigration GM DEALER aDR Centre de Main-d’oeuvre du Canada (\x’uko Dem-axma\\e requires AKE INTER?» THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 21, 1974 727-9453 889-49ll-2-3 Robert Andras, Ministre Main-d'muvre et lmmigratiop Centre de Main-d’oeuvre du Canada 630-0064 493-6880 787-0397 Gentle u I Lamb vacancies 889-4732 Mac/din FURNITURE MANUFACTURER We have an interesting and challenging job opening on our order desk for an aggressive and energetic person who is willing to learn our business - bilingual helpful. Excellent advancement opportunities. Salary dependent on qualifications and ability. Keele and Steeles area. to be responsible for all day by day account- ing work up to and including trial balance. Must have good knowledge of accounts receiv- able, payables and general banking. Apply: Toolmakers wanted for our new plan Vandorf, Ontario. Excellent wages and benefits. Starting . lst, 1974. Must have several years experience and tools. Qualifications: Grade X or equivalent. Good health and the ability to work with Senior Citizens. Some medical experience . would be an asset. Apply in writing before March 27, 1974 to: Personnel Co-ordinator The Regional Municipality of York Box 147, Newmarket, Ontario YORK MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED Registered Nurse: Part Time. Starting hourly rate $4.31 Qualifications : Applicants must be registered in the Province of Ontario. Experience iri geriatrics would be a desirable asset. Medical Orderly: Full time. Starting hourly rate $3.42. ONTARIO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES CENTRAL REGION - RICHMOND HILL Required from April 1 to October 31, 1974 to assist in the operation of a Telex-with tape machine and to provide typing services. Salary - $104.00 Per Week (under review) Qualifications - Secondary School Graduation - two years office experience preferably with Telex operator experience. Please forward complete resumes by March 27, 1974 to: Phone 727-4105 between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. or call Collect to 677-2194 during business hours to arrange interview time LIBERTY ORNAMENTAL IRON LTD., 727-1242 OR 266-3601 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER A TELEX-OPERATOR-TYPIST TOOLMAKERS WANTED THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Richmond Hill Company Requires Industries Products of Canada Inc. ALCORE FABRICATING LTD., 241 Snidercroft Road, Call 669-2420 for appointment Regional Director, Ministry of Natural Resources, Central Region, 10670 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4G 3C9. WE NEED MACHINE OPERATORS MECHANICS, ASSEMBLERS GENERAL FACTORY HELP AURORA Training provided Attractive rates and benefits Excellent working conditions NOW HIRING FOR NEW PLANT 65 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill 889-4923 Starting April new plant at