Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Apr 1974, p. 18

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18 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 Yonge Street North Phone: 889-8275 - 884-8651 Transmission Ltd. 9677 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL R. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by 'hour Richmond Hill « Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ABE OUR BUSINESS E. VAN DYKE. Aborlst 884-7774 Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chat-toned Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Rlchmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. 684-1177 Outside lighting maintenance Equipped with ladder truck. All Commercial, residential and industrial wiring. Hydro electrical modernization plan available. Brian H. Cowen A classified ad in “The Liberal" is a good way to turn out-grown or unneeded items into cash. It’s easy to order your ad. Just phone 884-1105-6 for direct-line FOR FAST RESULTS. Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Finlay Electric Auto Transmission Addition, Renovation & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. 884-4171 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Alf Catenaro Leno’s Machine Shop SEE 889-6662 Engineering CUSTOM WORK Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES Call any time 881-2509 Carpentry CARPENTER CONTRACTOR THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, April 3, 1974 884w Forestry Mister OUR WANT ADS. MAC PLUMBING AND HEATING CONSUMER'S GAS CONTRACTORS FULLY LICENSED o ELECTRICIANS o PLUMBERS o SHEET METAL O AIR-CONDITIONING GAS AND OIL 20 Service Vehicles at your service 24 Hours A Day 889-0506 - 895-1351 41 MAPLE THORNHILL Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 16 Yonge Street North WAREHOUSE 83 FURNITURE SHOWROOM 321 ENFORD RD. RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Friday 8:30 am. to 6 pm. Closed Saturday Telephone 7 27-9488-9 Barrow Insurance Servnces Ltd. Corner Agency Limited Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service ’ Fire. Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 727-2737 Income Tax Serm‘e A. W. Kirchen, H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Optometrists AND COMPANY Accounting and Income Tax Services PHONE 223-8463 BUILDING 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL HAMMOND SUITE # 204 PROFESSIONAL Insurance Office Supplies By Appointment 884-3962 C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 884-4165 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop NEWMARKET: The United Church's proposals for a day care and community centre building and housing on 15 acres York Presbytery owns in the north end of this town have been dropped in favor of turning the whole area into a park. Because of you... today a” man is on a dusty road leading south from Rawalpindi . . . L] Payment enclosed ‘3 Bill me later reporting. analyzing, prob- ing â€" to send you an eye-witness story. Other Christian Science Monitor reporters are gathering facts for you in Moscow. Nairobi, Beirut, London, Tokyo. San Francisco, and Washington. Because you need to understand what‘s happen- ing in order to change what‘s wrong and to support what’s right. News. commentary. art. entertainment. fashion. sports, businesstamily: a lively daily newspaper (Monday â€" Friday) with something for everyone. For 13¢ a day â€" less than two postage stamps. (And Other Makes) by PETER SMITH York Home TV The Christian Science Monitor gives you the facts and reports how problems are being solved. It keeps you informed but not de- pressed â€" the Monitor has a uniquely hopeful outlook. om T251121»- fi evergweisfal Du (’ZGeZcoNe, %%oh' ILUSZ’G 35"; Pko I: The Chrislian Science Monilovuy Box 125. Astor Station Boston, Massachusetts 02123 Send me 4 months of ma Monitorâ€" over 100 issuesâ€" lor only $11. TV Service 306 BAYVIEW AVE. BAYVIEW PLAZA City Address Name Stale COLOR QUASAR TV SERVICE : Mrs. Joyce Cllrk 349 Kerswall Dn. Richmond Hill 884-1940 Mrs. Wane“ Thornth 881-0917 @qungg (Please punt) Zip 889-1646 “. Oak Ridges Moraine Freeze York Regional Council will be asked to put a freeze on Further development on Oak Ridges moraine until more studies have been under- taken. The request is being made by the Town of Newmarket, which asked council to sup- port lt in a letter sent to the planning c o m m 1 t t ee last week. Newmarket Request To Region Councillor Lois Hancey of Richmond Hill wondered why the Metro Conservation Au- thority hadn't been included in the letter. It was prema- ture to deal with the motion until all reports on the moraine had come in from the various municipalities, and the planning depart- ment's own report had been completed. And as the planning de- partment was assessing ap- plications for rural residen- tial, it was possible that further studies were required with Metro. Last January. council ap- proved 133 acres of the moraine for rural residential development. A total of 3!000 acres are already built on, or are involved in applica- Back in early March, for a two week period. a large number of people had the satisfying experience of see- ing, in the Round Table Room at the Richmond Inn. 3 five man commercial rock band called Star. Unlike many rock bands which re- ly on the effects of their amplified nausea, Star re- lied on the favorable ef- fects of their mellow vocals. In this sense they are worthy of praise, for it's becoming a rarity for a Toronto band to survive on the strength of their vocals alone. Instead of trying to out- play one another, which gen- erally results in the song's destruction, Star worked as a unit; pooling their music together to give us, as the end result, music and not distortion. In handling such songs as “Like A Rolling Stone", “Come Together", “Get Down", “Ruby Tues- day", "Daniel" and “Rainy Day Woman”, Star displayed a large range of versatility. A medley of Beach Boy ma- terial (“Little Deuce Coupe, Barbara-Ann, Fun Fun Fun, Little Honda,' and Surfin U.S.A.) performed by Star shows how close, in famil- iarity, they come in repro- ducing the original sound. Although listening to past hits, when played by differ- ent rock bands, can some- times be a gruesome chore. it was to the contrary when listening to Star. The only upsetting factor shared, by both the band members and music lovers in the RTR on the night of March 8. was that of the apathetic nature of the crowd attending. But this usual presence of nega- tism truly concluded that Star were adequate in qual- ity. Yes, for in many cases. this, a sometimes musically unedified gathering only seem willing to approve of the bands playing when the band proves to be only cap- able of playing unadulterated waste. This surely explains why most of the crowd on March 8, were in a state of inertia throughout the entire evening. During the week of March 11-17, a band called Brass Tax played at the Nickelod- eon in Toronto. This five man band, consisting of Dave Fletcher, Ed Meelam, Les Duval, John King and R. A. Dumis, are from upstate New York. Duval and Dumis, ROCK TALK By PAUL JONES Star And Brass Tax tions for development. not all of which have been approved. The 89,300 acre moraine stretches from the Niagara Escarpment to Lindsay. ONLY TEMPORARY Mayor Bob Forhan of New- market said that “most of our water supply is depen- dent on the moraine," so there shouldn't be any more development until the region had all the reports. "That's why 'this 'motion is before you," he said. It wasn't an attempt to hold up development for a number of years. Said Councillor Robert Pollock of Georgina Town.- ship: “How long will it take to see if there’s water pollu- tion." P la n n i n g Commissioner Murray Pound said the in- formation would be available in a few more weeks. He said they had never been able to get a commitment from the Ministry of the Environment as to what constituted dam- age in the recharge area. VThe latter is in area in which water falls and finds it ways to an underground Although Brass Tax mainly plays other bands material (eg. Beatles, Stones, Chicago. Yes) they do inject a bit of their own originality. In- stead of changing the struc- ture of the song, they change the instruments that are used and well known in cer- tain songs. 'A good example of this can be seen in Brass Tax's version of the Yes song. "Roundabout". They completely remove the key- board section and replace it with the use of trumpets. The effect of this is sort of unique, for it partially chang- es tne song. yet retains the familiarity that the song is remembered for. both guitarists. have been playing together for 19 years. They, and fellow members King, Meelam and Fletcher, have only been to- gether, as Brass Tax, for five months, and only been in Canada since January of this year. Due to the poor acoustics in the Nicelodeon and the at- rocious sound system of the band, Brass Tax came off rather poorly. Dave Flet- cher, who plays keyboard, handled “Living For The City" (by Stevie Wonder) quite effectively, but both he and the BT were un- noticed by the crowd. who didn’t seem to have as much patience as I did when try- ing to make out their music over all the distortion that blurted out from their speak- ers. In the song, “Beginnings” by Chicago. Brass Tax’s voc- als are hard to make out. It seems that all the music they are playing is trying to come out the amplifier. By strain- ing your ears, you could say that the song was vaguely familiar, but th at any chance B.T. had in sounding familiar to Chicago was ru- ined by their abominable sound system. After talking to the mem- bers of Brass Tax, they gave the impression that they would like to stay in Can- ada as long as they are suc- cessful. They obviously have the talent. Now if they should ever decide to get a decent sound system, it‘s more than likely that Brass Tax could be residents of Canada for a long time to come. NEXT WEEK â€" BAD FINGER or stream system. If it is changed by building over it, the water underground is re- duced. so future wells could be affected. Mr. Pollock also wondered if Newmarket was going to stop all development if its water was in jeopardy. It was only a potential water problem, said Mayor Forhan. Mayor Garnet Williams of Vaughan said the letter shouldn't have been on the committee's agenda. The letter 'agreed to re- ceive it. New Stouffville P0 Will Cost $257,800 Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Richmond Hill Mrs. Ruth Binkley - 884-2181 Thornhill Mrs. M. Montgomery 889-1408 884-3490 For Information In Memoriams of Keswlck was fined $75 recently for dumping the equivalent of a half-ton pickup truckload of garbage in the York Forest just south of Ravenshoe last Oc- tober. Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients The contract to build a new office in Stouffville has been let to Terra Construc- tion Co. Md. of Toronto. This firm's tender of $257.- 800 was the lowest submit- ted. The highest bid was $317,000. The new post office will provide 8,000 square feet of space and is scheduled for completion in November. NEWMARKET: Peter Briand Richmond Hill & District Unit 10212B Yonge St. N. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING BOARD CENTRALYORK - RIcKERING AREAS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM ' WHEREAS plans and an engineer’s report concerning a trunk sewer collection system to serve the Towns of Markham. Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Newmarket and Aurora all in the Regional Municipality of York and the Towns of Ajax and Pickering and the proposed North Pickering Community all in the Regional Municipality of Durham have been developed for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment; AND WHEREAS it appears from an examination of the said plans that the proposed trunk sewer system will extend into the said municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Environmental Hearing Board has been requested by the Executive Director, Water Supply and Pollution Control Division of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment to hold a public hearing on the proposed trunk sewer system, pursuant to Section 9a (10) and (11) of The Ontario Water Resources Act; NOW THEREFORE this is to give notice that the Environmental Hearing Board shall hold a public hearing on the 18th day of April, 1974 at 10:00 o'clock in the morning at the Council Chambers, Town of Markham. 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario. The purpose of the hearing is to enable the Hearing Board to obtain information a_nd__to hear the vie_ws expressed at the hearing so as to enable it to form an , ,,,,; _ _ . _ _ _ . I) __L L- .1â€" unlu LU uvuuu mv-wuuvu a..- 7' â€"â€"’- â€"â€"_ .-_.V- -_r,cs,,,r , , V ' opinion on the merits as to whether the use and operation of the proposed works would or would not be in the public interest. ' And Take Notice that if you do not attend at this hearing the Environmental Hearing Board may proceed in your absence. and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. Contained in this notice is a general plan of the proposed route of the trunk sewer system and more detailed plans will be available for inspection in the offices of the Clerks of the above-mentioned municipal- ities being served by the project. n n__.._‘ “11â€"- CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SEWER AND WATER SERVOCE AREAS SEWER SERVICE AREA ONLY LEGEND RULES: The winning contestant will be expected to par- ticipate in the “Miss C.N.E. Sweetheart Of The Fair" contest in August 1974. Entry form together with a recent photograph. suitable for publication must be submitted to the “Chairman, Mrs. Brenda Hughes, 246 Zelda Crescent, Richmond Hill L4G 2Y5" by May 1. 1974. All photographs will remain the property of the Richmond Hill Fain ' Directors, associate directors or any of thei: immediate family are not eligible. ' Contestants must reside within the Richmond Hill boundaries. DEADLINE - MAY 1, 1974 ENTER NOW! Judging will be held Friday, May 10, 6:30 pm Crowning May 11, at the opening of the fair H. Browne, P.Eng., Technical Advisor and Administrator. Environmental Hearing Board. CENTRAL YORK /PICKERING SEWERAGE WORKS

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