Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brumwell manfied 44 years. April 26; to Mr. and Mrs. Bert lNichols, married 3-3 "ears. April 26; to Mr. and .vIrs. Ken Harmon married 30 years, _April 29. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Leslie Hart, April 27; Valerie Buchanan, six years, April 28; Margaret Ann Harmon, April 29. Please note that the time for these services will be Daylight Saving Time!!! Music Recital Rev. John Grant. MA. DPh DD was the guest preacher and officiating mi- nister at the Communion ser- vice on Sunday morning. Dr. Grant is professor of Church History at Emrnanuel College. This coming Sunday there will be ‘NO church service at Victoria Square United Church because of fhe anni- versary services at Headford United Church. At 1 am guest speaker will be Rev. Stanley Snowden of the Maple United Church. At 7:30 pm a special musi- cal program will feature the “Melodante Singers", achoir of some 25 voices. The Victoria Square branch of the Berachah Academy of Music will hold its recital in the United Church May 3 at 7:30 pm. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. lFraser Gee showed colored slides of their recent trip to Hawaii which were much enjoyed. The flowers in the church on Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mr. Walter A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leitch welcomed their first grand- daugther recently when a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. 'Brian Geddes (Peg- gy Leltch), a sister for Sean. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Ken Harmon, and 'Mrs. Richard Frisby. Mrs. James Bewen sang a solo. accompanied at the piano by Laurie Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRo- berts spent a weekend re- cently with their grand- daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coulter and family at London. The April meeting of the UCW was held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday evening of last week with Mrs. Harold Hill in charge. Funeral service was held from the Marshall Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Friday afternoon of last week, with interment in Victoria Square Cemetery. Church News Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols spent a weekend with rela- tives at London recently. 60th Anniversary The Junior Farmers of York County will be cele- brating their 60th anniver- sary August 17 at the Mark- ham Arena. 'Keep this date in mind and further particu- lars will be given at a later date. Sincere sympathy is exten- ded to Mrs. Walter Smith and family in the passing of a loving husband, father and grandfather, Walter Harley Smith, following a severe stroke. Guest speaker was Edmond Shephard (of Saunders Tra- vel Agency) who gave a very interesting talk on, "Canada â€"â€" What We Have to Offer to the Foreign Tourist". Sympathy Lions It was education and ladies' night at the Victoria Square District Lions Club meeting Tuesday evening of Last week. WORKS IN A DRAWER Calor 'rv non ‘ Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. Sheet, PiIlowcase Igbiedoth Service 306 Bayvlew Ave. (Pl-n) . mammary an.» '5 mmmm, o wean; Victoria Square 889-1646 - 884-4166 o Sidewalks o Curbs 0 Excavating . Trenching O Drains 0 Septic Tanks (New and Repairs) Weldrlck Constr. Co. 158 Weldrick Road Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie RR 2, Gomley GET YOUR 881-0069 f§ mum: \Sara lee Cakes FROZEN Each89¢ SUPER-RIGHT GRADE “A†BEEF ‘ S 'Eii‘ï¬ss RIB ROAST} $1 2 8 STEWING BEEF lb 0 Italian Sausage lb 88¢ BEEF 8. PORK SAUSAGES "’ SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, MEATY Pork Hacks lb 48 ¢ 5X Wieners 2-lb Vac Pac $1.48 5X BRAND, HOT OR SWEET lszlADchu E3935? Cross Rib Roast lb $1.08 Cooked Meats “2%†42¢ Short Rib Roast lb $1.18 FRESH Ground Chuck lb $1.28 MAPLE lEAF, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Potato Salad 24-02 carton 69¢ SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED IONELESS Blade Roast BONELESS SHOPSV BRAND, COLE SLAW OR BURNS, STORE PACK Beef Liver SLICED lb 98;! SHOPSY BRAND. All. BEEF O Wieners 1 Wieners 1-lb Vac Pac 98¢ SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SlICED Cooked Ham 6-02 Vac Pac Blade Steaks lb 98¢ SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SKINLESS Green Giant Vegetables 9-oz pkg 49¢ EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Grape Juice Aunt Jemima Waffles 10-02 M945}! Snack Rolls (HUN KING. FROZEN, PORK I SHRIMP ACLON rRlCEDI FROZEN, REGULAR OR BUTYERMILK CHOCOLATE 135/200: or BANANA "-0: ACTION PRICE‘D! pkg of 12, 1-02 rolls WElCHS, FROZEN, CONCENYRATED ACTIOh (nape Juice n-H-oz tins Z/$l.OC HAPPY HOUR, FROZEN, Pepperoni, 5.3.0.. Sausage Pin: FROZEN, (Flu or Nihlfl Com In Bun" Stun l0~ox pkg 39¢), French 50on Grnon Beans With Mushoums WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES pkg of12, '/z-oz rolls 78¢ Wieners ¢ A&P WEO FOOD STORES lb $1.18 Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 PM. AMPLE FREE PARKING 2/$1.00 ACIION PRICED! 69¢ $311553? 89¢ TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED OMSYEAD, BATTER FRIED Frozen Smelts GOlDEN SKILlET, FROZEN 67¢ Game Chickens lb 89¢ PRESTIGE, FROZEN Cod Fillets 14-02 pkg $1.19 Haddock Fillets $1.43 Frozen Smelts lb 55¢ GOLDEN SKILlET, FROZEN Chicken Cutlets lb $1.08 Chicken Wings lb 88¢ Chicken legs or Breasts lb $1.28 Beef Steakettes Ib88¢ GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN PRIDE OF CANADA YOWN ClUB, STORE PACK, FROZEN PRESTIGE, FROZEN GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN HOLIDAY FARMS, BEEF I. GRAVY, TURKEY I. GRAVY, SAlISBURY 5 GRAVY, VEAl PAMIGIAN Frozen Dinners 5-oz pk952/79¢ CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC, ROCK CORNISH 6-02 aerosol lin S'ainless S'eel pkg of 5 5 SHAVE CREAM â€" REGULAR, lEMON “ME, MENTHOI. Catelli Spaghetti Gillette Foamy Instant Coffee READY CUT MACARONI 0R ANTI-PERS'IRANT, REGULAR, NAYURAL UNSCENTED. OR POWDER ACTION PRICED! ORANGE PEKOE 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE â€"â€" 8 O'CLOCK 10,341 Yonge Si. RICHMOND I'III.I. 8109 Bayview Ave., 'I'I'IORNI'IILI. 14-02 PKG lemon Pie JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Rhubarb-Apple Pie Full 8-inch pee 79¢ Blueberry Pie Golden loaf Cake JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Bread mil/69¢ “Ni rams; SHCED. “All†0! ommmom (BUY 2 {GAVE ~ SAVE §<) Give Yourself a Tasfe Treat with these Fine Jane Parker Baked Goods! 7-oz aerosol Iin 10-02 iar 2-"3 pkg 6 Del pkg of 4. 5~oz ï¬ns 6 ' m tomato SM)“ 0% 50570†mt: Ann Page Beans Maui/59¢ IONA WW. thDA STANDARD Wax Beans flea/49¢ $1.59 CLARK SOUPS tome-oz m Mushroom, Vegetabioaeef. Chicken Rice; (Hakeh Noodie Action Mead! CHOCQIAYE. VARIKA, amour: F0069. MYERSCOTM BANANA Miss Men? Cat Food m was SM .00 Ofï¬ce bite on. 3%,; was mum 3mm, um: 73¢ kgmyy she», named, Racontth (mam: Mt; ‘9†PRIMOâ€"SPAGHETTINI, ELBOWS, SMALL SHELLS, RIGATONI Action Priced SPAGHETTI 2-Ibpk959¢ nnAt-rrr nrnllul- run-rep -»-â€"-- A - â€" â€" - â€" â€" â€" - ’QMWM' BEEF ROASI! 10«oz cakes Full 8-inch pie Don’t Miss Time . . . Full 8-inch pie (BUY 2 â€" SAVE 21:) (reamed Mushrooms 10-H‘oz M4551. Jelly Powders libby's Beans IMI-oz ï¬ns 2/ 79¢ libby's Alpha-Getti 14-fI-ozrin29¢ Quaker Muffets REEVES MEAHESS VARIEYIES Heinl Junior Foods 7'/2-H-oziar25¢ WITH PORK PDQ Chocolate Beads 12-oziar 73¢ INSTANT, SWISS CHOCOLAYE SHIRRIFF â€" All FLAVOUIS REGULAR FlAVOUR All. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANIEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, "14. "We Redeem All Food Store Coupons!" FRESIIIorFlA V00]?! CABBAGE Each 3 5! CANADA Na. 1 GRADE. TEXAS, lARGE HEADS 2/89¢ 5/100 (ARROTS Canada No. I Grade, Ontario Grown (SAVE 10¢) (SAVE '00 69¢ 89¢ Coflee Cake JANE PARKER Bran Muffins Macaroon (up Cakes pkgof649¢ JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST JANE PARKER. VANILLA Babka Coffee Cake 16-ozcake 79¢ 3-oz pkgs 16-02 pkg 48-8-02 tin 39s? THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday April 24, 1974 11 PUDDING MIX E. D. SMITH KETCHUP m (BUY 2 LOAVES -- SAW 2k) Raisin WWI/89¢ 14-02 cake KRAFT ‘s'ifc‘és‘ ROBIN HOOD 9 PUDDING MIX PROCESS DELUXE CHEESE APPLE, CARAMEL, CHOCOLATE, lEMON, BLUEBERRY ACTION PRICED! New Spring Fashions give us all the urge to lose weight, look trim and feel good. Nutrition Canada says we are an overweight nation, and this is serious. We cannot accomplish in a short period overcoming habits that we have built over a lifetime. So whatever you do, when you start your diet, don’t "crash" diet! The philosophy of dieting is really very simple. Eat relatively the same things, but eat less. The average person can lose weight on a 1200 calorie diet. If you are drastically overweight, you may have to drop below this recommended figure. If so, consult your doctor. Most overweight people are nibblers, so a real good tip is to nibble carrot sticks, celery, cucumbers or pieces of apple. Cut back on your carbohydrates, your fats and desserts. Make your milk, skim milk. Instead of salad dressing, use vinegar. We have all read so much about what you should eat when diet- ing. Perhaps more important is what you think. Over-eating is compulsive â€" often the result of anxiety, loneliness, anger, etc. Try reading poetry. Visit a shut-in. Write a letter, and put others first - self second. girng 9 9 Wich Each Minimum 0 $3.00 Purchase "WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO lIMIT QUANTITIES!" Tape 0 message on your refrigeratorâ€"“Love your Neighbour“. II really helps! (SAVE 4c) (SAVE 60:) (SAVE 6c) (SAVE 6c) 59¢ CUTTING CALORIES JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON Cheese Bread tnglish Mufï¬ns pkg of 6 39¢ JANE PARKER, '2 Whi'a or I Whin I. I When (SAVE 81:) JANE PARKER, SUCED Cake Donuts English Muffins Bread “ JANE PARKER By IDA I-I. BURNS A&P CONSULTANT ‘Brown 'N Serve" ‘-oz pkgs 32-H-oz bottle 2-lb pkg 4/$I.00 PKG 0F 2 8-01 lOAVES (SAVE 6c) S1.99 ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! IES 39¢ (SAVE 6c) 39¢