Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Apr 1974, p. 26

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‘26 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday April 24, 1974 Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 YOUR CAR WILL BE COMPLETELY Front Quarters of Beef 99¢ lb. Sides of Beef. . . .l.09 lb. Hind Quarters of Beef “9 lb. 460 ELGIN MILLS RD. EAST, RICHMOND HILL CUSTOM CUT, WRAPPED AND FAST FROZEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WASHED WAXED INTERIOR SHAMPOO ENGINE SHAMPOO PHONE 884-9625 CAR CLEANING SHOP LEVENDALE MEATS 'I'IIe OFFER EXPIRES MAY 30th â€" 1974 9677 YONGE ST. Open Daily 8 am ’ul 6 pm Sat. 'tll Noon $ 2 9:: YOU PAY ONLY WITH ABOVE COUPON In June 1938 she married Fred Porter and they farmed at the comer of Bayview and John Street. later moving to 163 John Street when the farm was sold. Mr. Porter passed away in January 1972 and Helen carried on her ac- tive work in the Presbyterian Church as a WMS member, sewing and quilting for the needy. She was noted for her wonderful embroidery work. She was also a mem- ber of the Buttonville Wo- men’s Institute and York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Pallbearers were Jack Mac- Kay, Leonard Graves, James King, Jack Curtis, Joseph Robinson and James Smiley Junior. Rev. Dr. Dillwyn Evans conducted the service. STOUFFVILLE: A 25 foot “mountain” of garbage is in the future for the sanitary landfill site east of Hwy 48 and south of Ballantrae if the province approves con- tinued dumping privileges there. The town is concerned about pollution of under- ground water springs serv- ing this area which are loca- ted nearby. 90% of the gar- bage comes from Metro. Mrs. Porter is sadly missed by her family, Nora and Howie Walker, five grand- children and two great grand- children, one brother James in Toronto and one sister Agnes in England. Thomhill lost a long time resident recently in the pass- ing of Mrs. Fred Porter, the former Miss Helen Roe Smiley, who emigrated from Bally Walter. County Down, Ireland at the age of 17 and has lived in Thornhill ever since. Obituary M'rs. Fred Porter $39.95 For information regarding early registration contact Helpmate Information at 884- 2727. Applications should be in by May 1. No charges have been laid against three men, who were arrested in York Region two weeks ago, after a Thomhill girl allegedly had been taken on a forced ride to 'Sutton from Yonge and Steeles Av- enue. Arrested at the time, and facing charges of abduction, were Daniel Sweet, a former boy friend of the girl's, and his brother, David Sweet, 22, both of Whitchurch-Stouff- ville, and Robert Palmer, 34, Leitchcroft Farms, Thornhill. All interested in learning how to set up information and referral services are in- vited, although only 90 a-ppli- cants may be accommodated. Cost is $5 per person. The three were turned over to Metro Police, and “The Liberal" reported that they had .been charged with ab- duction. No Charges Laid In Abduction Case However, police said this week. no charges were laid, as there had been some col- lusion between the girl and the men involved. The conference is sched- uled for May 28 at the Angli- can Conference Centre in Aurora. Representatives from various community services in the region will lead in discussion groups. Three such groups already exist in Yorkâ€"HELP in Kleinburg and Woodbridge‘. Helpmate Information in Richmond Hill and Informa- tion Please in Markham,â€" and are assisting the 3-C council in arranging the meeting. York Regional 3-C Council is planning a conference to assist and encourage com- munity groups to set up volunteer self-help programs. serving as information and referral services in their own areas. She went downstairs. only to hear the back door close. However, she was unable to Helping Services Plan May Conference A Woodbridge woman sur- prised a burglar in her home last week, but not before he managed to get away with an alarm clock. Iris Raven, Kipling Av- enue, told police she was having a bath when she heard someone in the kit- Chen. Facing several counts of mischief endangering life, and theft over $200 are the juveniles, and Philip Don- nally, Grahan Ferrie, John Vincent and Stephen Boyle. all of Downsview. The last three are all 17. Rocks were also tossed from the bridge at oncoming cars on another occasion. The speaker smashed through the windshield of the bus, which was loaded with passengers, and splat- tered glass over the driver, Joseph Williams. ' Among the things taken from the theatre was a car speaker. which one of the thieves tossed from the top of the bridge over Highway 400 at Rutherford Road, at a southbound Grey Coach Line bus. April 13. ' Police said that between March 6 and April 13. num- erous business places were broken into, including the 400 Drive-In Theatre in Vaughan. 3 Juveniles, 3 Youths, Adult Arrested In Theft, Rocks Case Three juveniles, one adult and three youths have been arrested in connection with a series of thefts in the area and a bizarre bit of rock tossing. From The Police Blotter mars/ml! guneral £0012 126 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels since 1876 LIMITED 884-1062 llllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllllllllllmll“llllllllll“ Vaughan Debenture Forecast Other area occurrences: Hilda Stricker, 133 Highland Park Boulevard, Thornhill reported the theft of an un- determined amount of cash in $50 and $100 bills in a break-in at her home, April 21 or 22; A $500 color TV set was taken from the home of Elio Azzara, Deerboume Avenue, King Township, Ap- ril 17. lllll‘lfllmulllll“ll““\llllllllllllll“mulllllllllll1llll\lllll\llll\lÂ¥ Barry Wood. Woodville, Ontario. reported the theft of $473 from his wallet while he was at work at Neill Datsun Motors. Richmond Hill, April 19. The attendants said they waited a counle of minutes and then drove to the Wilâ€" lowdale Police station in their separate cars. En route they were stopped for a spot check and told the police of the robbery. The robber is described as being between 18 and 20. five feet. eight inches, med- ium build, wearing blue jeans, rubber boots and grey winter coat with a hood. Mr. Wood said the wallet was in his coat pocket, which had been hanging on the back of his office door, be- tween 6:30 and 9 pm. Five youths from the House of Concord face charges in connection with a chase be- tween Barrie and Newmar- ket, in which five police cruisers were damaged. The cars were damaged when a truck which they were chasing along back roads, swung in and out of a ditch into one of the cruis- ers, causing a chain reaction among the other four. John Foot, 18 and David Lincoln, 16. are charged with car theft. Facing a total of 21 breakâ€"in charges are Bruce Johnson, 16, Michael Kozak, 16, and John Stew- art, 17. Once inside. he asked that the money be put into a bag}; deposit bag. The man they; pulled out the phone wires and fled on foot. Attendants Murray Pell and Frank Mazzotta told po- lice they had closed up for the evening and were count- ing the money when a man came to the door, waved a gun at them and demanded to be let in. An armed bandit escaped with the night’s receipts of $659.54 from Baron Petrol- eum. 7377 Yonge Street, April 19. find anyone outside The clock $64.95. Vaughan Town Council has approved a five year capital expenditure fore- cast which includes $2,425,- 000 ear-marked for 1974. The five-year forecast is basically an estimate of the intended expenditures by the municipality. It is sub- ject to change along the way by the adding“ or drop- ping of certain projects. Such forecasts are re- quired by the Municipal Board as a guideline for the municipality’s tentati- vely planned future expen- ditures. 0n the agenda for 1974 are the following items: Rivermede, storm sewers, $250,000; Steeles Avenue, north side, sanitary sewers, $500,000; Steeles, north side, waterworks, $500,000; road Widending, $200,000: Woodbridge Arena park- ing, $100,000. Municipal additions and/ or construction: Thornhill (new vlibrary) $400,000; Kleinburg Library (addi- tion), $125,000; Hydro and sundray capital, $250,000. was valued at “The kids won't suffer if Mr. Korn is not engaged to carry on this project," Mayor Buck said. In speaking against the appointment of Max Korn, who has an honors BA and BA in psychology. and is cur- rently doing post-graduate studies in special education at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, as pro- ject director. Mrs. Buck said the same program could be undertaken by OISE. “Any projéct such as this wouldn't be supervised by a student. but a pro. A recommendation from the York Regional Health and Social Services Committee that it be allowed to hire a project director and resource- consulting teacher for the Newmarket Day Care Cen- tre, was sent back to the committee for another look, following a spirited stand ag- ainst it by Mayor Evelyn Buck at a meeting of York Regional Council last week. Take Another Look At York Appointment She said that OISE was Starting on April 28, GO/Travelways will operate between Richmond Hill and the new Finch Subway Station. A saving of 40 cents per day over GO/Gray Coach Lines bus fares to Toronto is possible on single ticket pur- chases. COMBINED BUS AND SUBWAY TRAVEL TIME TO UNION STATION â€" ONE HOUR. Buses pick up and discharge passengers at: Bayview Plaza Markham Road S. Taylor Mills Bayview Ave. Richmond Hill G0 Station Steeles Ave. HOURS OF SERVICE: Weekday rush-hours â€" Bus run every 15 minutes to and from the subway from 6:25 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. and 4:10 pm. to 6:55 pm. Weekday Off-peak â€" Hourly service to and from subway from 9:25 a.m. to 4:10 pm. and 6:55 pm. to 12:25 a.m. Saturdays â€" Hourly service from 7:25 a.m. to 12:20 am. Sundays and holidays â€" Hourly service from 8:25 a.m. to 11:20 pm. SINGLE FARES Richmond Hill - Finch Subway: 50c 25c Richmond Hill - Highway 7: 25c 15c Highway 7 - Finch Subway: 25c 15c RETURN FARES: Double single fare CHILDREN’S FARES: 5 years of age and under 12 SENIOR CITIZENS: 65 years and over. Proof of age may be required. Please note that senior citizens fares do not apply during rush-hours Monday through Friday (6:30 am. to 8:59 am. and 4:00 pm. to 6:30 p.m.). ' No restrictions on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The GO-Travelways express bus between Richmond Hill and Toronto’s Union Station via the Don Valley Park- way will continue to operate Monday through Friday only. Departure time from Richmond Hill: 7:00 am. Departure time from Union Station: 5:05 pm. All other existing GO-Travelways bus service between Richmond Hill and Toronto will be discontinued on April 28, 1974. N0 CHANGES IN GO/GRAY COACH LINES BUS SERVICE VIA YONGE STREET FROM RICHMOND HILL. EGé'I'IIAIIEH RICHMOND HII.I. Io FlNCI-I SUBWAY STARTING APRIL 28 â€" TAKE THE SHUTTLE BUS AND SAVE Mayor William Lazenby of Richmond Hill, chairman of the committee, said the mat- ter had been put before the committee as a recommenda- tion of the province, which he presumed would subsidize it on an 80-20 basis. He said also. that Sam Chapman. director of York County Board of Education. who has been on leave to OISE for the past year as part of a group developing Mrs. Buck was supported by Mayor Margaret Britnell of King, who said she “de- plored the fact” the Aurora mayor had to dig up the in- formation about OISE on her own. The health and s o c i a 1 services committee should be "censured," she said. Mrs. Buck said that Mr. Korn had denied having any other source of income when interviewed. but had receiv- ed a $1,500 bursary from OISE. the agency they should have gone to in the first place. Adults Citizens 50c 25c 25c 15c 25c 15c Children 85 Senior When asked by fellow Richmond Hill Councillor Gordon Rowe if the delay in appointing Mr. Kom would “adversely effect the kids?" Mayor Lazenby said they re- lated to Korn, who had spec- ial qualifications and had es- tablished a rapport. "It would take time to get back on the track," he said. Councillor Ray Twinney of Newmarket moved that the recommendation be referred back to committee for more information. Mrs. Buck said she didn’t think the applicant had started until after Novem- ber. Mr. Lazenby said that $1.500 wasn't a large sum of money. “I don’t see any- thing wrong with it." He said Mr. Korn had a worthwhile program, was dedicated to his work and hadn't received any remun- eration since September. a program leading to the de- gree of Dr. of Education, was there as a “student.” Hollywood light ' and Hollywood dark. Special formula. Thinly sliced. - Eight vegetable flours For exciting mealtime ideas, pick up your copy of Eleanor Hansberry’s recipe booklet. It’s free where you buy beautiful Hollywood Bread. 1v Of write: Hollywood Bread, Box H, Hollywood, Florida 33020. The taste is beautiful, BUS SERVICE BETWEEN TORONTO (FINCH SUBWAY) AND RICHMOND HILL IS OPERATED BY TRAVELWAYS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO Good Miekgeping} is the prime source of fum for cancer research in Can; da and last year over a million raised in the SOCi1 ty’s April campaign wt spent on cancer researci But more is needed. Make generous contribution to 01 annual drive for funds. NEWMARKE’I‘: A fire cently in the main kitchen 0 Newmarket Nursing Hom on Davis Drive caused da age estimated at $4.0 Cause '5 unknown. Staff, 2 firemen. three policemei and three ambulance atte dants moved the 86 patien into the front door h‘allw area, but evacuation was n necessary. The fire occurr at 4:45 am. In sending the matter bacj to committee, the appoini ment of Georgea Rapley, nursing assistant, as re source - consulting teachei was also delayed. The Canadian Cancer Socie‘

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