Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1974, p. 11

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Childhood sweethearts were married in a beautiful candlelight ceremony at Brown's Corn‘ers United Church. April 20. when Susan Irene. daughter of Mr.-and -Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson of But- tonville, and Bruce Robert Wood. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wood exchanged wed- ding vows. Two neighbors have been in hospital again. Mr. Rus- sell Boyington was in York Central Hospital for surgery last week; and Mrs. Edgar Fuller who returned home from‘ York Central in mid- April following a heart seizure, is back in hospital again. So sorry. 132ml Anniversary Special music is planned by both senior and junior choirs, and there will be special speakers. At 11 am Rev. Arthur Watters, Chaplin at the Toronto Family Court will be the guest, and Rev. Martin Jenkinson, formerly of Victoria Square/Headford charge, will speak. After the evening service there will be a friendship hour in the Christian Educa- tion Room. Congratulations to David Hooper and his bride-to-be Rita Carey of' Willowdale. who will be married at Brown’s Corners United Church May 11. Among those entertaining for the bridal couple were relatives at Willowdale. a shower for Rita at the home of Mrs. Bill Robb. Markham, with Hooper relatives attend- ing, and last Saturday night Jim Jones held a stag for 25 of David's friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones.' Mrs. Douglas Hood had in- tended spending last Week in Kentucky with the Markham Liberal Women's Tour group. but was taken ill and instead remained home under the doctor’s care. We wish her a quick recovery. This Sunday. Brown’s Corners United Church will celebrate its 132nd anniver- sary with two special serv- ices. Sunday there was a special confirmation service welcom- ing Gerald Reesor to the Brown's Corners congrega- tion. Gerry was accom- pani d 'by his friends John Dona dson and Brian Carr. Buttonville won't seem the same after this summer when Aubrey Stephenson gives up his business at the Button- viile Mill. He and son Ken have been tending to local feed and seed needs for many years. ' Joining last week were Mrs. Wm. Clark. Mrs. Wm. L. Clark. Mrs. Allen Hallett and Mrs. Beverley Walker. Also welcomed were~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Steven of Thornhill. Neighborhood Notes The families have been neighbors for years, and Susan and Bruce have known each other since kindergarten days at Buttonville school. Rev. Allen Hallett per- formed the ceremony. and Regina Allen played wedding music from Rorrieo and Juliet. The bride. given in mar- riage by her father. was love- ly in a traditional gown of Chantilly lace over satin cut on empire lines, with long sleeves and graceful sweeping to a brief train. Her over- the face veil. was' elbow length. and she carried a crescent of red roses and pink and white carnations. ' She was attended by her sister Cheryl whose long rose-pink gown featured a mandarin neckline and puff- ed sleeves. Her flowers were similar to the bride's. Danny Wood was best man for his brother, and ushers we re Steven Tennyson. brother of the bride, and the groom's uncle, George Wood. Following the wedding service a reception was held at the Black Hawk Inn, Richmond Hill, where Mrs. Tennyson received guests wearing a skipper blue gown with crystal and sapphire beaded cumberbund, silver accessories. and corsage of red roses. Mrs. Wood assisted wear- ing a turquoise gown with chiffon overlay. matching accessories, and red roses corsage. Among the guests were Susan’s grandmother. Mrs. Norman Denby of Thornhill and Bruce's grandmother. Mrs. M. LeLacheur of Fred- ericton, New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hood. Gorm- ley; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Watt. Thomhill; Mrs. Donna Palmer. Kleinburg; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrow, Aurora; and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wood. Newmarket. Bruce and Susan are liv- ing at Don Mills. They plan a later honeymoon trip to visit Bruce's grandmother at Fredericton this summer. BUTTONVILLE WORKS IN A DRAWER Color'rvm Sweetheart Peter ‘ York Home T.V. 306 Blyvlew Ave. (Plan) Wedding WOOD - TENNYSON 889-1646 - 884-4165 Markham Telephone 294-5290 Correspondent: Mrs. F. B. Low GET YOUR Jewish Rye Bread 13°43; 3/$1.00 J.‘ Peach Pie JANE Angel Cake JANE PARKER JANE PARKER PLAIN 0R WHEAT, BROWN ‘N SERVE Twin Rolls pkg of 12 JANE PARKER, APPLE OR JANE PARKER Jelly Roll IWIn KOIIS Pkg 0“? PKG 39¢ PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED, GROWN 'N SERVE lS‘KVE 8c) French Rolls pkg o: 10 Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER, ’BROWN ’N SERVE French Stix Money-Saving Duality Baked Goods! > POST - SUGAR CRISP mm 3;? 9; . 1eef Steakettes 100% BRAZILIAN PARKER 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee VALID THROUGH SAT” MAY 4m, 1974‘ 100% BRAZILIAN VALID TNROUGN SAT” MAY 4th, 1974‘ 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee 3-1.8 BAG Acfiofi Priced! Side Bacon Italian Sausage CENTRE CUT PORK lOIN CHOPS 0R Pork Loin Roast PRICED 10¢ A LB lOWER YHAN A YEAR 5X BRAND, HOT OR SWEET Cottage Rolls PRICED 5: A lB lOWER THAN A YEAR WHOLE 0R FREEZER CUT TOWN CLUB, FROZEN 10’014»|bs average II: CUT INTO “MN I. RIB ROASTS 8. CROPS SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SllCED PRICED 9c A [B lOWER THAN A YEAR TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED l-LB BAG 9 6 5! Sched‘ $2.79 Plain Enjoy Great A&P W50 Meat! |e Rolls Mb Vac Pac 89¢ LEAN I MEATY Pork Hocks lb 45 ¢ ACYION PRICED! ACTION PRECED! Seeded A&P WEO FOOD STORES (SAVE “d. 12 oz pkg of 2 loaves giant I-Ib, 7-oz cake (SAVE 10:) u“ 8-inch pie Each 6 large size cake (Buv Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9:00 P.M. AMPLE FREE PARKING SAVE 9¢ leave:- SAVE 30¢ PKG Mb Vac Pac (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 8:) (SAVE 8c) Save 89¢ CREAMETTES SPAGHETTI 59¢ 39¢ 39¢ 39¢ 3:59;! AGO! AGO! AGO! l7c) , Action Pricedi KM? CUT “REAle DR Maxweil House TEA BAGS w 99¢ 10,341 Yonge St. RICHMOND HI“. 8109 Buyview Ave., THORNHILI. s1.97 â€" Not Frozen! POmTLOO': tggfzfiggscm ¢ PORK CHOPS"°‘“*~"* Slices Removed PRICED 19: A [B [OWEN YHAN A YEAR AGO! CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED, FROZEN LANAUA Inn“): A :vnumAlcu, "(um-m T Y YOUNG IOtO Ib-lBS AVERAGE ¢ Attica Priced! Action Priced! PREMIUM VAN! iNSTANT COFFEE 10-01 MR PRICED 20: A ll lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! PRICED 19: A la [OWEN THAN A YEAR AGO! FLUSH A was “(60760 s2.39 amount: DIM’RS -~ 7009“? Action Priced! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 6/ 69¢ [UX lIQUID ZML-Ol msm ¢ some HEINZ SOUPS READY-TO-SERVE, I VARIEYIES Action Priced! 0E1 REGENT Action Priced! 8-F l-Ol TINS 60 D! 100 VIA"! (BUY NAVG 43¢) » PHILIPS LIGHT BULBS w99¢ Action Priced! DAIRY SPREAD $59; DElSEY TISSUE 5m39¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 1, 1974 11 Action Priced! ELIE, MEN, WRITE. PlNK, YELLOW Action Priced! mxov: ALL PRICES SHOWN lN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 41h, 1974. Side Bacon Mb Vac Pac 99¢ PRIDE OF CANADA (2-18 VAC PAC SI.‘8) Wieners Mb Vac Pac 78¢ PRICED 4: A PKG lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! PRIDE OF CANADA, SllCtD Side Bacon Cooked Ham 6-ozvac Pac 78¢ PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6-oz Vac Pa: 42;! BURNS. STORE PACK Beef 6: Pork Sausages Ib78¢ PRICED 5c A lB lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Dinner Hams Peek Frean Cookies «Howl/79¢ Sandwich Bags pkeonoohes69¢ 10 VARIETIES PRICED 6: A l3 LOWER ‘I’HAN A YEAR AGO! PRIDE OF CANADA BACON I CHEESE OR SMOKEHOUSE BACON Kam luncheon Meat CREAM OF TOMATO, CHICKEN OR MUSHROOM FROM CONCENTRAYE A&P Apple Juice ASSORYED FLAVOURS lady Borden Ice Cream Orange Juice Habitant Soups BORDENi Cottage, Cheese BORDENS, CREAMED Don't Miss These Great Buys! 8 9;! African Violets 4-iachao»$1.89 A VARIETY 0! (30100” FOR YOUR CHOKE Pride of Canada Wee/l! FRESH FOR FLAVOUR!‘ l00°/a PURE, ascou’snrurso laura Secord Puddings Brylcreem Du Maurier FROZEN, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY CNERRY CHOCOLATE Noodle Numbers Heinz Beans McCormick's Cookies PLASTIC Stretch 'N Seal Mop 8: file dinghy Harvest Crunch “,1? $1 9 FLAVOURS 50" HAIR SPRAY WITH PORK JOHNSON FLOOR CLEANER McCain Shortake HEINZ (Spaghetti In Tomato Sauce) FILTER KING SIZE CIGARETTES REGULAR OR ASSORYED CREAM (BUY 2 PKGS â€"- SAVE 19:) Ready-vo-Serve 16-fI-oz pIastic bottle 7 WITH‘RAISINS .- DATES ACTION PRICED! 40-fl-oz carton 14-fl-oz tins 14-fl~oz tins l-quart carton carton of 200 ACTION PRICED' 6-oz aerosol tin 28-“.01 tin 48-H-oz fin Mb carton 12-02 fin 2-lb cake 50â€"foot roll 3 AC‘HON PRICED! 1'/z-|b pkg Pk. of 4 5-01 lint ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACIION PRICEDI ACI’ION PRICED! ACNON PRICED! ACTION PR!CEDI ACTION PRICED! 4/$1.00 ACIION PR'CED! ACTION PRICED! 3/$1.00 ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! (PREPRICED 99¢) 48¢ 69¢ 99¢ '3 95? 39¢ 39¢ $1.39 99¢ 89¢ 39¢ 69¢

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