In answer to a question by Councillor Jack Major, the committee was told there would be a further stretch of 15 feet between the patio enclosures and the chain link fence “a useful area for kids to play inâ€. CARRVILLE WALL The committee had also suggested a continuous brick wall be built along the Carr- ville Road frontage of this townhouse complex. But the Cadillac representatives felt that from structural stand- point, in our climate, the wall would tend to fall apart af- ter about three years from water seepage and subse- quent freezing. ‘ "I think this suggestion is preferable to a wooden fence." stated Councillor An- dy Chateauvert. “The space between it and the chainlink fence would only become a garbage collector." “I agree that this is prefer- able," said Chairman David Stephenson. who elicited the information that the enclosed patios would be about 20 feet deep and as wide as the housing unit with no gates because of maintenance prob- lems such as grass cutting, The Cadillac representa- tives explained that the en- closed patio would give the residents a perfectly private place in which to sit and landscaping along the chain link fence will give it a sof- ter effect. A continuous hedge of white ceder and Austrian pine is planned. It was also pointed out that in time a wooden fence of that height would‘lean with the wind pressure. COUNCILLORS COMMENT Town houses in Block “0" BAIF development will have a fenced patio to give them privacy from the parking lot of Hillcrest Mall, representa- tives of Cadillac told Rich- mond Hill Council’s Planning Committee April 24. The matter had been discussed at a previous committee meet- ing and the suggestion had been made that a six foot vinyl-covered link fence to give these future residents privacy. Chairman Stephenson said, “I agree that neg-standing hi his presentation, Mr. Ness stressed three things: house moving should be York Regional Council seems willing to go to al- most any lengths in bringing about changes in its house moving bylaw, but not neces- sarily any widths. Last week, following a spirited presentation 9 by George Nessâ€"solicitor for Charles Matthews Limited, house movers â€" his second in the past month, council agreed to a couple of temp- orary changes in its bylaw, while it sends it back to the engineering committee (chair- man Mayor Anthony Roman of Markham) to decide just how flexible it should event-~ ually be. Alterations Region House Moving Bylaw Privacy From Hillcrest Mall Inside Fenced BAIF Patios fHR‘SlER Albert MosCarello Dealer Principal Dick Tutty Sales Rep. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 1, 1974 % Richmond Hill ‘â€" Chrysler Dodge Ltd. 0 We may be small but we have a BIG interest in your car and truck needs. 0 OVER 150 UNITS Come to where the dealin’ is easy!! 10.731 Yonge St. ( at Elgin Mills Rd.) Richmond Hill 884-8118 Dodge â€"â€" Chrysler â€" Dodge Trucks 889-1915 Gord Black Sales Rep. “Our concern was not so much with the well-being of the motorist but with the safety of the residenth," exâ€" plained Planning Director Hessie Rimon. “More impor- tant to us is the protection of the homes 'of our resi- dents." It was pointed out that landscaping is planned ’for that area, both on the boule- vard and on the front lawns of the housing units ‘and in other areas. Features will be 12-14 foot tall at time of planting green ash on the boulevard and the same height little leaf lindens on the lots with various shrubs. which should provide an at- tractive appearance. allowed in the winter when weather permits; there should be no limit on the height or width of the buildings being moved. but should be left to the discretion of the en- ginéer. Of the region's insistence on night moving for widths ing committee had recom- mended that daylight hoursâ€" 9230 am to 3:30 pmâ€"apply only to those buildings less than 14 feet in width and less than 15 feet. six inches in height. or greater than 14 feet in width. but less than 15 feet. six inches in height. Of the region’s insistence on night moving for widths greater than 14 feet and heights greater than 15 feet. six inches, between midnight and 6 am. Mr. Ness said the company knew from “hard experience" the dangers of moving at that time. brick walls tend to deterior- ate. I have had a little ex- perience in this field." Mr. Stephenson is in the cons- truction business. Also, he wondered if they would get co-operation from Bell Canada and Ontario Hydro at that time in lower- ing any necessary lines. SAFER AT NIGHT? HARMAN-MACKIE SHELL. CORNER BENSON & YONGE RICHMOND HILL 884-9791 OPEN 8 AM - 7 PM MONDAY through SATURDAY AUTO 0 TRUCK 0 STATION WAGON RENTALS WE INVITE YOU TO COMPARE†FORMERLY AT 281 YONGE ST. NORTH Now located at . . . In its report, the engineer- Shaun Beggs Dealer Principal Gary Smith Sales Rep'. am /5§’EWFM5 The decision was to have the planning staff negotiate with the developer to modify the Site plan agreement to include individual wooden fenced yards to residents of units 27-45 inclusive, trees and shrubs shown on the landscaping plan and a chain link fence agreeable to the staff in front of the units facing Carrville Road. ~ a sidewalk NEED YONGE FENCE “Having lived on Yonge Street for 12 years, I know the need for a fence to keep children from running out on to the street," said Chair- man Stephenson. The deve- loper's representatives sug- gested a four~foot high chain link fence across the front- age of the homes facing on to Carrville Road as a solu- tion. Cafrville Road wil be re- built to a four-lane road with Councillor Ray Twinney of Newmarket. who is also a member of the police com- mission. said that Police Chief Bruce Crawford had said that, from a safety standpoint, the hours from 12 to 6 am were the best for moving wide loads. “The chief doesn’t know more about it than my client." said Mr. Ness, whose client has had 40 years' ex- George Heathwood General Manager Darts Challengers Coronet Chargers Monacos Chryslers Pick-ups Club Cabs Vans Medium 5: Heavy Duty Chester Sztybel Sales Rep. LTD perience in house moving Mayor Evelyn Buck of Aurora said she would like to see records from the police department showing that moving was safer at night. The engineering committee will also reconsider its pro- posed winter restrictions, which recommended that no permits be issued between November 1 and April 30 for categories III and IVâ€"great- er and less than 14 feet. in width. but greater than 15, 6 in heightâ€"and category V â€"lengths greater than those prescribed by Section 70 of the Highway Traffic Act. Chairman Garfield Wright said that one of the main reasons for night moving was that plant operations didn't have to 'be stopped. Councillor Bob Adams of Markham said that York was the only place in Ontario that demanded night moving. Mr, Hodgson said that moves over 15 feet in width gave them the biggest prob lem, and asked council for discretionary power on it. Engineering Commissioner Bob Hodgson listed the laws for the other areas as follows: Durham and Peelâ€"no re- strictions between 9:30 am and 3 pm: Metroâ€"excessive widths between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm. York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 Color TV from ‘ Sweetheart Peter WORKS IN A DRAWER SPECIAL! BLADE BONE REMOVED Blade Roast TURKEYS 'ALPINE FROZEN ONlY AT DOMINION. DIRECT FROM IRELAND GALTEE BRAND RINDLESS SIDE BACON WIENERS FIROZEMEVlSCERATED‘8~ GRADE ESSEX-SUCE D ESSEX SONExES> ‘Uufl CCUKED ZTOJ LBS M13 DINNER HAMS ESSEX RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 33 ESSEX BOLOGNA FARMER JOHNâ€" FROZEN LINKIES SAUSAGE HAMBURG PATTIES Quality at iscount "Prices. Or our name isn’t ominion. There‘s something special about the men behind Dominion's meat sen’ice counters. they know every cut. They‘re there to help and advise you on all your meat selections, Our meat buyers are zunong the most knowledgeable in the business, with years and years ot~ experience. When you buy your meat at Dominion you can be sure of the quality. ‘ Because top meat quality is one of the things that makes Dominion. special. ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE CLOSE TO BUSINESS TUESDAY. MAY 7th, 1974. AT RICHMOND HILL. 9751 YONGE ST. SOUTH, AND 78 DAVIS DRIVE AND UPPER CANADA MALL. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REâ€" QUIREMENTS. EVCI)’ moat purchasc at Dominion is fully guaranteed for taste. tenderness :md flavour. or your money buck ! Ormy name isn't Duvc GET YOUR 87m. SPECHL! c FRESH , LB. '{l m‘m7fl5125M/M°' 1.28 8_ Pork 1.59 aogm ILBPKG. 1LB.PKG. 1 LB‘ PKG. ILRPKG Plan Drive-In Film Kiosk For Oxford Square Location A drive-in film service kiosk is proposed for the Oxford Square Plaza, Yonge Street at Oxford Street. Richmond Hill. In present- ing the application for a re- vision to the site plan agree- ment to the planning com- mittee April 24, on behalf of the plaza owners, Dorset Developments, Jack Pater- son described the free stand- ing Photomat as about 10-12 feet high which will take up one parking space. The same brick and dark anodized al- uminum will be used as in the rest of the plaza. He re- ported there are about 1,000 of these kiosks operating at present, mostly in the U.S.A. “We don't want to put it in an area of the parking lot where it will cause conges- tion or where it will obscure the signage of the other tenants," he explained. 2 LB. 80X Answering Councillor Gra- eme Bales. Mr. Paterson said the kiosk would be open the same hours as the shopping Planning Director Hessie Rimon stated he didn’t think it would create a traffic problem on the parking lot. 88° 39°- Starting April 25th, 1974, 9 am to 3:30 pm the Richmond Hill Waterworks will do the annual Flushing of Watermains from Tues- day to Friday. This might temporarily discolor your water; please check the color of your water before doing any laundry. B. Toporowski Works Commissioner Flushing Of Watermains BITTNER'S SUCEO COOKED WIENERS CANNED HAM CORNED BEEF BITTNER'S RANDOM WEIGHTS BITTNER‘S SKINLESS BITTNEWS ENGLISH SWLE STORE PACK ESSEXâ€"COOKED Butt Roast LIVER SAUSAGE ESSEX SLICED FAMILY PMX COOKED MEATS E6okisb MEATS 1 .13 SYORE PACK BRATWURST SAUSAGE 98° ESSEX SUCED ASSORTED MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS COOKED HAM SHOPSY'S STEAK PASTRAMI Pork Shoulder Roast SPECNJ FRESH LB Schniedexj's Sliced FROZEN 10 1 CHICKEN BREASTS TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Ifyou want something special. You want $0mini0n. WW 10 Lb. Box 4 K 2 OZ, PKGS‘ centre and that the company would have a ten year lease. He assured Councillor Jack Major that the problem of glass breakage would be no greater in the kiosk than in any other store on the plaza. Councillor Andy Chateau- vert reported he had seen similar buildings in Toronto and finds them not unattrac- tive. “I have no objection." In answer to his question about lighting, Mr. Paterson said the plaza is already well lighted and this installation will require no special light- ing. “We would prefer to see it located on the Yonge Street frontage rather than on the Traybom frontage." he said. “It will be supply- ing a service to the people of Richmond Hill. They will drop in their roll of film one day and be able to pick up the finished prints the next day." The committee agreed to have the planning director examine the application and if satisfactory prepare a re- vision to the site plan agree- ment for presentation to council. 2.39 1.28 16 OZ PKQ 1601. PK‘ 4 OZ. PKG. 1 LB. PKG‘ 6 OZ. PKG‘ 69c u-«Aru: Vt HQ: TEABAGS SPECIAL 2,49 oï¬'méé Esme There um 14 government gmdca of beef. We sell only Canada A] and A2 top grades. . . and only steer beef. GAINSBOROUGHâ€"FROZEN walnwaisam CR RASOBERFW- wum PECTI». ST. WILLIAMS JAM Ground Coffee decaffinated 7 CHOCK FULL O'r’guï¬ 138 PIE SHELLS Libby’s-Deep Brown Beans IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PORK 14 FL. OZ. TIN ' SPH Il-\l .! Gold Crown Apple Juice SPIN In“ FROM c CONCENTRATE 48 FL. 02‘ TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES FRENCH S HAMBURGER FIXIN’S SPECIAL BERRVLANDCHOICE ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS TANG APPLESAUCE WHITE TUNA SPECIAL RUPERT-FROZEN C00 20 OZ PK‘ FISH 8: CLOVERLEAFâ€"FLAKED CHIPS SPECIAL :31 PKG OF-IIJSOZ 2401.PK ‘I SMALL CAR CENTRE 49° IZFLOZ JAR 63° 7 OZ. PKG \OOZPKG. 6 OZ TIN PKGS WELCH'S PURE READV CUT MACARON! OR PRIMO SPAGHETTI BEEF MODE-CHICKEN VE‘ TOMATO VEG. OR VEG. BEEF TOMATO vE’u on «E; BEEr LIPTON SOUP MIXES 45c GRAPE JELLY on GRAPE JAM Frozen Sara Lee Layer Cakes CHOCOLATE. LEMON. STRAWBERRY 0R VANlLLA 14.5 02. PKG. CARNATION SPECIAL! PURITY ALL PURPOSE FLOUR SPECIAL SPICE BAR SPECIAL COFFEE MATE SPECIAL RICHMELLO CHIPS SPECIAL RICHMELLO DONETTES ASSORTED VARIETIES _ PKG OFZ POTATO HAI KARATE BOTYLE OF 200 YABLETS MULTIPLE VITAMINS FOOT SPRAY HOSTESS PLAIN OR RIPPLE 3 PLY FACIAL TISSUE AFTE R SHAVE LOT ION BAYER ASPIRIN ONE-A-DAY DESENEX ASSORVED COLOURS MODE RNE TOILET BOWL CLEANER SANl-FLUSH FACELLE ROYALE ECONOMV YODDLER SIZE DISPOSABLE DIAPERS FLUSHABYES A Lu; HERBAL ESSENCE BKHJHOOM TISSUE 79C SWEEY GARDEN SALAD ASSORTED 4x502 TINS FLAVOURS BRIGHT 5 SPECIAL mgome , 49“ BICK'S PICKLES TEL.: 881-2931 - 884-9274 - 773-4542 1 Mile North of Richmond Hill on Yonge St. SHAMPOO SYL OF so YABLEYS 24 FL. OZ. JAR SPECIAL SPICCHL! I BONE m -. 59c Siecial 59° 1902 PKG Special 8 OZ PKG 5 LB BAG 11OZVJAR 3‘ OZ CON PKG OF PKG OF 60 2.73 L47 1.99 1 .39 1 .47 :33? Cross Cut SPECML! Washington Grown , Canada. Mn 1 Grade NINE LIVES IUNA 6 EGC OR SEAFOOD PLAWER CAT FOOD No. 1 Grade CAT 8: DOG FOOD LOUNSBURV GUEST PAPER LUNCH SACKS TOWN 5 COUNTRY I Rib Roast DOMINION F ROZEN FAN! BROCCOLI SPEARS HORSERADISH UNCLE BEN S TRADWIONAA SAGE OR COUNTRY STYLE STUFF N' SUCH STOKLEV NEW OHLEAN‘ STVLE OR DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS Good steak has marbling like this. . .which melts us the steak cooks! Serves up tender. juicy. natural tustc. ' FRESH ASPARAGUS EASY TO CARVE if UPPER. CANADA MALL. NEWMARKET. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCES AN- OTHER NEW DOMINION STORE OPEN TODAY Ontario Hot House Grown Canada No. 1 Grade RHUBARB 29¢ JEAT 25c 69c