Tuesday of next week. commencing at 7:30 pm, the Sand Parent-Teacher Group will present an evening of the school‘s club program demonstrations and displays. This show will include talks, gymnastic exhibitions, folk dancing, music by the school choir, a fashion Show featur- ing results of the sewing club and other interesting events. The students in- volved in this program are Today (Wednesday) was a professional development day at the E. J. Sand Public. Among the programs for the teaching staff at that school were instruction in the metric system by Mrs. Joan Routledge of the York County Board of Education, master teacher of mathe- matics. School News Application: CA/7~i/30 Submission: A - 23 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Sec- tion 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O., 1970) as amendedâ€" An application for minor variance has been submitted by THE DON VALLEY NORTH TOYOTA LIMITED, owners of Lot 86, Regisâ€" tered Plan 9001, Markham. The subject property has an area of approximately 3.65 acres with a frontage of 360 feet and is mun- icipally known as 3120 Steeles Avenue East, Markham. Ontario. Relief from the requirements of By-law 1957 as amended by By-law 78-72 is 1‘equested of the Committee of Adjustment. The applicant wishes a minor variance of Section 2 (c) (ii) (iii) so as to allow one (1) wall sign to be located on the west face of the building. The committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday, May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttonrille. Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED at the Town of Markham, this 26th day of April 1974.~ H. D. Goldstein, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed, written sub- mission to the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing. The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear~ ing in support of the Application. Committee Of Adjustment NOTICE OF HEARING South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News Committee 0f Adjustment Application: CAIN/'31 Submission: A - 24 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Section 12 of The Planning Act (R.S.O., 1970) as amendedâ€" ‘ An application for minpijivfaï¬rizingg ha§ been submitted by the PERFORMANCE ENGIN- EERING LIMITED owner of Part 7 of Plan R-1456 and Part 2 of Plan 2599 being part of Lot 6, Concession 2. The subject property has an area of 1.894 acres with a frontage of 379.08 feet and is municipally known as 55 Guardsman Road, Thornhill, Ontario. Relief from the minimum gross ground floor area of the By-law 77-73 as requested of the Committee of Adjustment. The applicant wishes to increase their floor area by 1.330 square feet to 4.100 square feet whereas the minimum gross floor area is 7500 square feet. The Committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday. May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttonville. Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED at the Town of Markham, the 26th day of April. 1974. NOTICE OF HEARING H. D. Goldstein,~ Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed. written sub- mission to the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing. The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear- ing in support of the Application. TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mills Road. Markham, Ontario TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mill: Road. Markham, Ontario CORRESPONDENT: DAVE BARBOUR â€" PHONE PROPERTY from the junior section and are all under the direction of Mrs, Bonnie Robertson. Still with E. J. Sand Pub- lic. we learn that there is a continuation of their land- scaping program as the par- ent-teacher group has made funds available to-the school to add some shrubberies to the landscaping started last spring. Head Custodian Ted Watt is in charge of this pro- gram. In the Sand boys' cosom hockey playoffs the Leafs ousted the Rangers while the Bruins disposed of the Red Wings last week. This week the Leafs and the Bruins meet for the champ- ionship. A Reek from Saturday will see the Sand school's annual fun fair. Vï¬rflidiav 3t Woodland Sen- Friends and neighbors of Cliff Howson, 107 Morgan Avenue, wish him a speedy rec0very from spinal surg- lery, He returned home from [Branson Hospital last Satur- ‘ day. } For the Guides and Brown- ies in the Bayviow Glen area lthe annual cookie day will she held next Wednesday. Three emblems were also awarded: Paul Brown receiv- ed her “Religion and Life" emblem. Lynda Crossett and lMarlain Wietzes each were ,‘awarded the "two little houses“ emblems. awarded to Guides who earn four ‘badges in designated cateâ€" ‘ gories. 889-5205 - 366-1720 101' Public a contingent of 25 students with three chaper- ones, including Principal Bill French. returned home from an exciting visit to Mexico. A more detailed re- port on their adventures will appear next week. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings go out to Suzanne Geoffery of 60 Babcombe Drive and Scott Edwards of Morgan Avenuev who each celebarte birth- days Saturday of this week. Suzanne will be 19 years old while Scott will be 15. The Doncaster Community Ladies‘ Club meet at a new time schedule. Their next meeting is set for a week from next Tuesday. Guides & Brownies The Guide and,Brownie groups are beginning to wrap up their year with a few special events remain- mg. At their meeting Tuesday of last week. the 5th Thorn- hill Guide Company held a badge presentation cere- mony. Receiving a collect- or‘s badge was Janie Mac- Lean. Dene Hoffeldt, Kim Long; Julia Haggerty and Susy Smith each received child care badges. Dancer's badge went to Anne Marie Walsh. .Heather Rubinoff was awarded her hostess badge. Marlain Wietzes was given her laundress badge‘ Native lore badge went to Suzy Smith and Jackie Gill- espie. Kim Long. Heather Rubinoff and Julia Haggerty each received a public speak- er's badge. The team sport award was presented to Jackie Gillespie and Julia Haggerty and Jackie Gilles- pie also received her pet- keeper‘s badge. Toymaker’s badges went to Janie Mac- Lean and Suzy Smith. The company and packs on the west side of Bayview Avenue will hold Cookie day May 15. These girls need expect and deserve your supâ€" port in this. their main source of operating funds. Captain Diane Wietzes of the 5th Thornhill Company reports the company will be homeless for the next few Weeks due to the elaborate stage settings being erected at Bayview Glen Public School for the school’s op- eretta “Puddin‘ Head". In the meantime the girls will be practising their~camping techniques for the big camp- oree coming up early in June. On the weekend of April 19 to 21 at Bonita Glen, near Hawkestone. 20 Brownâ€" ies of the 6th Thornhill Pack including their leaders, set out to accomplish a num- ber of badge work programs. This week the girls have received the results of their efforts at the recent camp- out. Receiving holiday bad- ges were Lisa Carl, Jennifer Hollings. Mary McAlister, Lorrie Ann McDermott, Nancy Lessard. Monica and Valerie Sheedy. Christie Walker, Lura Ann Watt and MoniQue Wright. Mary Mc- Alister also received her writer‘s badge and Lorrie Ann McDermott her houseâ€" keeper‘s and beadworker’s badges. Receiving outdoors and crafts award were Annette O'Bryne, Linda Thompson Jennifer Bennett and Anita Tannis. Cubs & Scouts The 2nd Thornhill Cub Pack met the 81h Thornhill "B" pack in a baseball game Thursday and came out on top 3â€"1. A rematch has been planned; The 2nd Thornhill Cub Pack is also planning a visit to the Willowdale Police Station later this month and a Cub car rally for their June camp. The 8th Thornhill Cub and Scout G r o u p Committee members were elated over the good response to their fundâ€"raising dance last Fri- day at the Heintzman House. An estimated 180 persons at- tended and had a good time. Six of the 2nd Thornhill Venturer Group “A†mem- bers enjoyed kiyaking down the Credit River near Georgetown recently. All proceeds of the Thorn» hill Theatre of the Perform- ing Arts annual musical Guys and Dolls presentation Wednesday of next week at Hart House Theatre will go to the 4th Willowdale Vent- urer-Scouts. The show runs May 2. 3. 4. 9. 10, 11 at 8:30 pm. Telephone 225- 5818 for tickets and infor- mation. For students 16 years and under tickets are available for $2 at the Thurs- day shows. Regular adult tickets are $3. Bus Service Today the Markham Tran- sit Service on Route 1 beâ€" gan its extended service to the Finch Subway Station. A banquet for all boys who are members of the Richvale Mmor Hockey Association, will be held Saturday at 5:30 pm in the Don Head Cafete- num. Vaughan Road. The ladies' auxiliary is providing a delicious supper [or members of the execu- tive, managers. coaches and all the players of the OMHA and house league teams. Coming Events Parents are welcome to attend the presentation of awards which will follow the dinner at approximately 7:30 pm, otherwise they may pick up their boys at about 9:30 pm. Don't forget next week is the annual Richmond Hill Spring Fair, May 10, 11 and 12. If you have any handi- crafts or baking to enter be sure to have these in by Thursday at the new arena. Children‘s entries are being made through their schools. If not bring them in yourself Thursday afternoon or even- ing. All ratepayers‘ groups are invited to send representa- tives to a meeting of Rich- mond Hill Citizens Advisory Group at Walter Scott School Thursday night at 8 pm, to discuss matters of in- terest to the whole town. The school is located on Markham Road just east of The Ross Doan Parent and Community Association will be holding a spring fair in the school on Weldrick at Avenue Road this Saturday from 11 am until 2 pm. Plants, crafts, grab bags and a draw will be featured} gtudents drew up tl There will be a mini auction, 1 vidual diaries, they fun house and a snack bar aged to arrive bad with hot dogs and softl route by plane as 51 drinks. For those wishing to} despite the strike w enjoy a leisurely cup of tea been bringing all a there will be a tea room. It to 3 ha]: at Buffalo will be lots of fun for the ; church News pre-schoolers so bring the At st. Gabriel whole family along. Church Bavview an St. Paschal's Baylon Roman Catholic Church, 92 Stleeles Avenue West, CWL is spon- soring an art show next Sun- day. All parishioners and friends who are talented in any art form will be partici- pating, For information call Mrs. Dolores Eade 889-3892. Neighborhood Notes A speedy recovery is wish- ed for the following neigh- bors who are in hospital: George Calder had a heart attack, daughter Margaret Beckett is suffering from pneumonia and her son Ric- ky is undergoing tests. They are all in Branson Hospital, Willowdale. Peter Webster has just returned from a three week vacation visiting friends and relatives in England' and Scotland. He reports the weather was dry all the time. Brian Webb is now home from St, John’s Convalscent Hospital. Crestwood Road COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF HEARING amended - An application for minor variance has been submitted by MR. E. G. BARRY, owner of Lot 215 of Registered Plan 2446, Markham. The subject property has an area of 7,000 square feet with a frontage of 50 feet and is munic- ipally known as 17 Woodward Avenue, Thorn- hill, Ontario. Relief from the side yard requirements of By-law 2237 as amended is requested of the Application: CA/74/26 Submission: A - 19 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Sec- tion 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O, 1970) as Committee of Adjustment. The applicant wishes to construct a car port on the west side of the house. Due to the features of the house it is not possible to gain proper access for the car unless a minor variance is ob- tained. The Committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday, May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttom‘ille, Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED at the Town of Markham, this 26th day of April 1974. H. D. Goldstein, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed, written sub- mission to the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing. The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear- 1ng in support of the Application. TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario Carrespondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Thornhill Telephone 889-3443 RICHVALE RECORD Mizs. MARY WATTS, 43 SPRUCE AVENUE, 889-5787 lthe CNR tracks. School Bulletin Langstatf Secondary School held their annual prom with dinner and dancing at the Bayview Country Club on ,Steel-es Avenue April 27. The ACW's May meeting will take the form of a visit to the Victoria Square Com- munity Centre, Don Mills Road and 18th Avenue, where a food forum will take 1place, This is sponsored by the Home Economics Branch ‘of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and will emphasize ex- citing combinations of cook- ing with poultry, eggs and other foods. Everyone is welcome. Admission free. Next Tuesday at 8 pm. Principal David Painter and Vice-Principal Donald Cober of Roselawn Senior Public took 33 students from their grades 7 and 8 classes to Mexico City April 17. They stayed at the Hotel Metropole. visited the an- thropological museum and zoo, the “Zocalda†‘the main square), the presidential pa- lace and innumberable churches of great beauty and artistic design, including the famed cathedral of Mexico City. A trip took them on a tour of the pyramids. another to I‘axco, Pueblo and other small towns within 50 miles of the city. Some of the young people went to a bull fight. One day was spent at the Mexican resort called Oxti- pic, about 35 miles away from their headquarters. They enjoyed both American and Mexican foods and after a week of what proved to be a great educational ex- perience from which the students drew up their indi- vidual diaries, they all man- aged to arrive back in To- ronto by plane as scheduled, despite the strike which had been bringing all air traffic At St. Gabriel Anglican Church, Bayview and Crosby Avenue. Rt. Rev. Lewis Garnworthy, 'Bishop of To- ronto, will be conducting the confirmation service May 7 at 7:30 pm. Among those being confirmed are mem- bers of Emmanuel Anglican Church Mackay Drive. The monthly communion service and breakfast meet- ing of Emmanuel‘s Men's Club was held last Sunday with a good attendance. St. Mary Immaculate Ro- man Catholic, Yonge at Duf- ferin, celebrates first Friday this week with a morning mass at 8:45 am and again in the evening at 7 pm. May devotions will be held every evening during the month with Rosary and Benediction at 7 pm to honor the Mother of Christ. First Communion for St. Mary's School and the pub- lic school classes is {his com- ing Sunday. YWCA The annual Treasure and Trivia Bazaar will be held May 8 at the Lions Hall, Centre Street East. Doors open at 10 am. Luncheon tickets including admission are available at $1.75 from Kay Smith 884-1494. There will also be a snack bar with coffee, doughnuts and soft drinks suitable for mothers with young chil- dren. Take advantage of the rest room upstairs where you may enjOy your snack. Visit the toy booth, fish pond and other attractions for the small fry. Downstairs will be the usual display of attractive new and nearly new items for sale at the various booths. Artificial flo- ral arrangements will be one of the newest features. ex- pertly handled by Ethel Brennan. Don't forget to call June Burnie at 889-6739 or me if you have any spare toys. games or even a wagon or old trike you have no further use for. The mothers‘ TAB group will have the pleasure of learning how to cross-stitch Color TV from Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 EXTENDED BUSINESS ROURS 1* am {a 9 m Mom to Fri. Saturday ï¬t 6 pm IGNGE 8; LE’IflKDALE RimMOND mLL Observatory lane TURN AT HARVEY’S DRIVE-IN THORNHILL PHONE 889-1436 - 884-1833 Fir-Ply G.I.S. Sheathing Plywood WORKS IN A DRAWER 2x10 2x12 2x4 2x6 1x6 4x4 6x6 2x8 HOME CENTRE LUMBER 8. HARDWARE GET YOUR. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE, SMALL APPLIANCES, KITCHENWARE, NUTS AND BOLTS, SCREWS, IN THE BULK, PITTSBURG PAINT, GARDEN EQUIPMENT AND BUILDER’S HARDWARE. ' CLEANING 5.,- amass CEDAR SPRUCE PINE PLYWOODS on gingham aprons to obtain a most decorative effect. Marg Matresky will be in- structing. This will follow exercises at 9:30 am in Char- les Howitt School. For the remainder of the season only $1 will be charged for each session a mother at- tends. This will not be ne- cessary for the following Monday Since Andrea Tour- iguy has offered the use of her home and garden (wea- ther permitting) for a pot luck luncheon â€"â€" more de- tails next week. 51.50 ft. $15.95 $ 7.75 $10.60 $12.40 $13.55 90c ft. 48c ft. 68c ft. 21c 21c 36c 48c THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, STORE HOURS MON. - FRI. 10-9 SATURDAY 10-6 Sunday 12-6 WAREHOUSE FURNITURE ‘N' CARPET BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF BRAND-NAME CARPETING FROM BIGELOW. BARRYMORE. CELANESE. ARMSTRONG. KRAUS. OZITE AND OTHERS. WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION ft. FORMHREEEBGEEENEEREBPAD ft. ft. FREE! WAREHOUSE FURNITURE ‘N' CARPET sheet sheet sheet TNDAY SPECIALS LOOK FOR THE YELLOW “SUNDAY SPECIAL" TAGS OPEN SUNDAYS â€" NOON TO 6 RM. sheet sheet . 9185 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL . . A Good DEAL...AND 139990 DEAL MORE Phone 889-8916 IN THE BOROVOY PLAZA 9185 YONGE O RICHMOND HILL NEXT T0 PARKWAY DEPT. STORE ONE MILE NORTH OF HIGHWAY 7 ONE MILE SOUTH'OF MARKHAM RD YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL 17'/zc ft. 48c 38c 28c 14c ft. c,o York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill) Memorial Fund S 9.65 sheet 5 6.35 sheet $10.95 sheet $13.25 sheet NO PAYMENTS UNTIL AUGUST NO INTEREST. ,‘NO CARRYING CHARGES May 1, 1974 11 NO MONEY DOWN $1.00 ft. 23c 84c 34c 68c 50c OUTLET ft. ft. ft.