18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 1, 1974 100% Whole Wheat Nabisco Shreddies 11;:- Bel-air Fancy Frozen French Fries 1:: , PRICE ./ Regular or Dietâ€"No Deposit, No Return 26 fl. Pepsi Cola Punch Powdered Detergent 113' Bargains To Cart AWay CHECK THESE SAVINGS Tuna 69° Catsup ml. 39° 2 :33; 850 PRICE » Scott zply EOmiieaange Crystals .23.. 69° La: 47° ' l Silaiilerry Jam 3.32.. 99° P‘E‘S’gs 23.2? 32:. 75° Stannilarcl Peas 5.1f.€l.89° Salmon 322-. insfant Coffee 2::- 99° Mate 83° miligarine Lit: or 2.21;?- Iglllrange Juice v 33.8% ï¬duthwash. :33. Ei'é’ili’éi’ 'Eiiéké’se l c iiisi'ii Soap 4 .222; 1.00 :rg-o 29° ludotllyl’aste 'm' “WAYS CllICl "II ‘5 Will. AS "ICE 0 0 Many Mrholl um claim to trim um: man. do only a Iohn iob. To 9:" m Ivll mm, Saltway nim- -- MEAT DEPARTMENT FEATURES â€" Canada Grade "A" 5WD... Chickens 3 -5 lb. Average .63“ Regular Quality 0 Freshly Ground 0 Super Value or c I e Olympic Sliced 1 lb- Vacuum Pack Pkg- . 0 Lucas 8: Arthurs 1 H, or Olympic Pkg: Lucas 8- Arthurs 16 01 c Sliced v.p. pkg. . Schneider's c Cooked Ham 2.2:: 6 9 lb. Ekgef liver Ib. 99" c nel er’s rozen AI ine Frozen Sausage W" lb. 89° Bpeef Burgers 2.3;- .89 Style 6 0 H Heal lilo lhil: â€"all you need to remember is SAFEWAY. Now's the time to put more beef on your table. We have some excellent buys on favorite cuts of steak and roast. Remember, mow“ mm,†this is the famous Safeway " Nâ€" mmnm on guaranteed meat! From the top government grades, carefully trimmed, and sold with a money- back guarantee of satisfaction. â€" PRODUCE FEATURES â€" Valencia Oranges Produce of U.S.A. c Size 138's ' dozen Produce of U.S.A. Produce of U.S.A. No 1 Grade Cabbge 2:43. “150 Celery Stalks m, 29c YONGE and TRAYBORN' _. RICHMOND HILL We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Prices Effective May lst-4th, 1974.