Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1974, p. 19

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(Continued from page 1) threat with its ribbon of concrete and asphalt. At least this can be adequately screened by landscaping. be- ing at a surface level. Add to this the transmission line with its vertical accent, the Belt will take on more the aspect of a utility corridor rather than a "parkway". gmmllmullmu“illl\\\llllllll\\ll\ll\“llllll\llllmlilll“ll“llll\lm1WINNIE“lmmmm“\lllmmlmmlllllllmll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lll|lllllul|lllluluu“munuuuuIuuuu1ll|I:uuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuunuuumumuuuumumu1‘E It is the town’s submission that the joint use of the Parkway Belt and the utility corridor will undermine the Parkway Belt as constituted. The BHl Report points out that the Parkway Belt sec- tion between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue is in close proximity to high den- sity residential areas and could satisfy‘ the need for M|||ll||l|l|l|ll||l|ll||llll|lll|||l|lllll|lllllllll u.v....:,~, vnlv ...MV '1' --.v~, I. _ . . w . . the last at 1 pm. For luncheon eservations call ticket Convenor Kay Smith at 884-1494. THAT OLD STYLE, HOME STYLE COOKlN’ The seniors of Dufferin Court Apart- ments, 75 Dufferin Lane in Richmond Hill, are hard at work whomping up cakes, cook- ies, pasties, sausage rolls, meat pies, jams, llllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ll\bllll“llllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Non-profit organizations planning pro- grams of interest to readers in Southern York Region are invited to contact Social Editor Margaret Lade at “The Liberal”, 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill, 884-1105 or 884-8177. Deadline for items for this col- umn is noon on Tuesday. CD. The irritating noise and vibration are gone. The rugged workpower remains. Powerful 16 horse, twin cylinder engine. Precise, uncomplicated controls. A power-locking collar clicks attachments in line with just fingertip pressure. One treadle-pedal con- trols speed and direction. Attachment clutch and hydraulic lift are flip switches. not arm-wrenching levers. Someday. all tractors will be this sophisti- cated. Why wait? Bolens. A good yard ahead. SPECIAL OLYMPIC DANCE The York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded is sponsoring a Special Olympic dance Friday at ARC Industries, 101 Edwards Avenue, Richmond Hill (across from Reynolds Aluminum). Tickets for buffet, refreshments and dancing are $5 per person. Proceeds will sponsor local entrants in the special Olympics for retardates in Winnipeg this summer. For tickets call 884-9110, 884- 3990 or 491-3386. Time 8:30 pm to 1 am. YCHA WHITE ROSE DINNER DANCE A highlight of the social season is the York Central Hospital Auxiliary’s annual White Rose Dinner Dance which takes place Saturday at the Holiday Inn, Don Mills, with TREASURE AND TRIVIA - AND LUNCH Richmond Hill and District YWCA is having its annual “Treasure and Trivia” sale and luncheon at Richmond Hill Lions Hall, Centre Street East, May 8 from 10 am to 3 pm. Antiques, floral arrangements, toys, jewellery, plants, games, home baking. and innumerable other items will be available for sale. Coffee and donuts will be sold through- out the morning, and there will be three luncheon sittings, the first at 11:30 pm and the last at 1 pm. For luncheon reservations call ticket Convenor Kay Smith at 884-1494: “COME FLY WITH ME” A color slide presentation to music by Bob Sault in the parish hall of St. Patrick’s Anglican Church (Lillian and Abitibi Streets, Willowdale) May 2 at 8:30 pm. Travel to England, Scotland, Japan with commentary and music and spend a day on Paudash Lake, a photo essay to music. Refreshments and a collection will be taken. CELEBRITY NIGHT The York Educational Clinic is having its annual Celebrity Night benefit dinner-dance May 9 at Bayview Country Club. Festivities begin at 7 pm with dinner, dancing and enter- tainment. Music will be provided by Nim- mons ’n’ Nine Plus Six led by Thornhill’s Phil Nimmons. Gordie Tapp will be master of ceremonies. Tables will be arranged for eight to 10 people. Tickets at $12.50 per per- son are available from Mrs. Adele Downey, 884-2824; Mrs. Ellen Leon, 889-7135; Mrs. Judy Kishbaugh, 222-4622 and Mrs. Noreen Nimmons, 889-9980. “HURRAY FOR ART” Demonstrations on ceramics, pottery, jewelery making, handwriting analysis and portrait sketching will be highlights of an arts and crafts exhibit and sale at St. Paschal Baylon Parish Hall, 92 Steeles Avenue West, Sunday from 1:30 to 9 pm. The event is being sponsoredAby the CWL. Nearly Wiped Out, Markham Town Calls Premier Davis SN'OWBALL ENTERPRISES SNOWBALL ENTERPRISES Powerfully qwet. Quietly powerful. Here Are Scheduled Events In Southern York This 'Week Dufferin & Wellington St. Aurora. Tel: 727-6940 210 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill. 884-2056 Consumer Products outdoor recreational facili- ties. But strangely it fails to mention the effect of the transmission lines not only on the belt itself but also to the high density residen- tial to it The transmission line par- allels proposed Highway 407 The same problem would be created along,r the boun- dary of Stages 3 and 4 areas in the Official Plan of the town, east of Bay- view Avenue, where the town has proposed that the Parkway Belt be modi- fied to allow residential development to complete the Thornhill urbanized community. areas located so close The family of the late Mr. Charles Joseph Harding wish to express their sincere appreciation to their many relatives. friends, and neigh- bors for the many acts of kindness. beautiful floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, cancer fund, York Central Hospital and cards received during their recent bereavement of a beloved husband and father. Especial- ly thanking Rev. Bernard Barrett. Mr. Grant Marshall and staff and the members of St. Mary's Anglican Church. â€"â€"-Edna Harding and daugh- ters. June Roberts, Ruth Masters and Phyllis Roberts. c1w44 between Bayview Avenue and Yonge Street and its crossing of these arterial roads will involve the inter- sections of 407 and Highway 7 as well. The confluence of so many elements at these crossings will create enginâ€" eering problems which no doubt will be solved. But the mind boggles at the thought of what gar- agantuan physical forms these (Langstaff) crossings will create. Whether these will be compatible with the urban areas in close proximity or the Parkway Belt concept are points that can be questioned seriously. CARD OF THANKS “It is difficult to compre- hend the Commission's re- luctance to get involved in a process which requires sub- jective judgments in evalu- ating many of the variables required for a cost benefit analysis when such value judgments formed part of the technique used by BHI. We would like to thank our many friends, relatives and neighbors for floral tributes, cards, telephone calls from far and near, during our re- cent bereavement of my dear sister. wife and mother, Susanah 0. Dixon of Belle- ville, Ontario and everyone who helped us in so many ways. â€"Elizabeth_ A. Snider (Lizzie) and family. Markham also attacks the economics of the Parkway Belt Hydro Corridor route, saying that according to the BHI Limited findings this route could just as easily prove to be more expensive as it could prove to be cheaper. The town is criti- cal of the Solandt Commis- sion’s decision to abandon attempts to accurately esti- mate the cost of various route alternatives. I wish to thank all my friends, relatives, neighbors for their kindness, cards and flowers during my stay in York Central Hospital and to the doctors, nurses and staff. BARBERSHOPPERS AT VICTORIA SQUARE The East York Barbershoppers will pre- sent a night of harmony at Victoria Square Community Hall May 9 at 8 pm. Tickets are $2, and proceeds will help pay for the group’s trip to the 1974 International Chorus in Kansas City in July. THORNHILL BARBERSHOPPERS’ SHOW At 8 pm Saturday the men of the Thorn- hill Chapter SPEBSQSA will present their fourth annual show in the Minkler Auditor- ium, Seneca College, 1750 Finch Avenue East, Willowdale, close to Woodbine Avenue. The 50-man chorus, plus a variety of quartets, will present a happy, entertaining evening of song in the barbershop style. Tickets at $3 for adults, $1.50 for 16 and under, are available from Harold Clark, 889-5526. PINE RIDGE OPEN HOUSE Pine Ridge, formerly known as the On- tario Hospital, Aurora, is having open house this weekend so that the public may view some of the new programs that have been developed for and by the retarded men who are patients and residents of Pine Ridge. The main building, shops and grounds will be open Saturday from 1:30 to _3:30 pm and Two new series of lectures on Pneumat- ology (the study of the human spirit) and the art of meditation are beginning at Willow- -dale United Church, 379 Kenneth Avenue, beâ€" hind the Northtown Shopping Centre. The speaker will be Rev. Lindsay King. This ser- ies was first offered in 1964, and since then it has been repeated several times annually to several thousand people of all ages. The first lecture in each series is free. Free in- troductory lectures to the new series will be given at 7:30 pm Sunday and at 10 am Tues- day. The two series will run simultaneously at the same times on the same days each week. For details call 225-2309 or 226-0737. 6:30 to 8:30 pm and on Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The hospital is on the west side of Yonge Street just north of Bloomington Sivderoad. All are welcome. jellies, preserves and all sorts of~goodies for their annual bake sale at 1 pm Saturday. All are invited. cocktails at 7 pm and dinner at 8 pm. Tables will be set for ten and reservations may be made by the couple or by the table. Tickets at $30 per couple may be obtained from Lou Pamenter, 889-6095 or Mary Ann Morris, 889- 1313. Sincerely, Mrs. Ernest Bone PNEUMATOLOGY AND MEDITATION ing, Snider Thoughts of him are always near. c1w4-4 Days of sadness will come o’er us. 11 my Many think the wound is ghbors healed, is and But they little know the ay in sorrow and to That lies in the heart 1 staff. concealed. tBone â€"Lovingly remembered by *1w44 his wife Edythe. *lvy44 “Markham finds it sur- prising that the Commission, though recognizing the im- portance of a formal cost benefits analysis, decided against it on‘grounds of exâ€" pediency,” says the draft submission which the Mark- ham councillors propose to carry personally in their hands down to a Queen’s Park meeting with Premier Davis and his Cabinet. WALTERS, Arnold â€" A tri- bute of love and remem- brance to a wonderful Dad who passed away May 6, 1973. Wonderful memories for one so dear, Treasured still with a love sincere, In our hearts he is living yet, We loved him to dearly. to forget. â€"Sadly missed by his daughter Marjorie and son- in-law Paul. c1w44 FLEMINGâ€"In sacred mem- ory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, who de- parted this life for the higher on May 2, 1973, and of our two wee babes - Jackie 1938, Joan 1934. In the beauty of the heav- ens we shall meet, at the dawn of some tomorrow al- ways beside us. Husband Jack, son Don and family. c1w44 WALTERSâ€"In loving mem- ory of dad, Arnold Walters, who passed away May 6, 1973. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you, father. Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed. â€"Lovingly remembered by daughter Muriel. son-in-law Harold and family. *1w44 WALTERSâ€"In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, Arnold Walters who passed away May 6. 1973. He is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of think- 3111 flamnrlam LUNDâ€"Extra Extra, April 17, 1974. Alda and Dave are pleased to say, That Jason Roy arrived MORGANâ€"Tom and Janice (nee Holmes), are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Leslie Diane born April 25, 1974 at York Cen- tral Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Bate. RING â€" Byron and Jill are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter Amanda Jayne. 7 lbs., 11/5 025.. on Tuesday. April 23, 1974, at York Central Hos- pital. A new sister for Leslie Erin. Many thanks to Dr. Peter Morse and the nursing staff. clw44 ROSSâ€"â€"â€"Craig and Carol (nee Barfoot), of Bramalea are happy to announce the birth of their first -child a boy, David Blake, weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 028., on April 26, 1974, at Peel Memorial Hospital in Brampton, First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Barfoot of Rich- mond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ross of Agin- DIMMAâ€"Bryan and Sandra (nee Holmes) are happy to announce the birth of their first child a son, James MacGregor, 7 lbs. 10 02., on Sunday. April 28, 1974, at York Central Hospital. c1w44 SLATER, Harriet â€"â€" At To- ronto Wednesday, April 24, 1974, Harriet Broad, be- loved wife of‘the late James Slater, in her 95th year, dear mother of Min- nie (Mrs. C. Donaldson), Willowdale and the late Doris (Mrs. R. Titus), Ot- tawa. Also survived by four grandchildren and five great - grandchildren. Rested at the Bowman Funeral Home, Chatham. Funeral service was held Saturday afternoon. In- terment Maple Leaf Cem- etery. ' c1w44 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter FYu<an Selose to Mike Wilde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Wilde. Their marriage. will take place at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Satur- day. November 2, 1974. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Causland of Richmond Hill, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Marty, to Mr. Norman LeBlanc of Springfield, Nova Scotia. Wedding to take place in August 1974. *1w44 BOYNTON, Nellie A. â€" At Toronto on Friday, April 26, 1974. Nellie A. Dugan, in her 85th year. Beloved wife of Rolph Boynton of Victoria Square. Dear mo- ther of Helen (Mrs. J. Magee), Isobel (Mrs. J. Beard) and Betty (Mrs. P. Charlebois). Sister of Pearl Nichols. Also sur- vived by 10 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchild- ren. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday, 1:30 pm. Interment Sanc- tuary Park Cemetery. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Barton Cutten of Willowdale an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their eldest daugh- ter, Janet Mary. to Mr. Robert William Kenneth Boardman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Earl Board- man of Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place Saturday, May 25, 1974. at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church, Don Mills. c1w44 ROBERTSON, Elsie Annieâ€" At the North York Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday evening, April 23, 1974. Elsie Rimer. beloved wife of William Robertson of Willowdale, dear mother of William, Scarborough, and Dorothy (Mrs. A. Rob- son), Georgetown, and the late Lloyd, dear sister of Millie (Mrs. Oliver Latam), and the late Winnie and Edna. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Friday 2 pm. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. c1w44 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Brooker are happy to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Ar- maine Elizabeth to Mr. Wil- liam Richard Neale. The marriage will take place Sat- urday, May 25. 1974, in Our Lady Queen of the World, Bayview Avenue. Richmond Hill. c1w44 Zflnrthrnming marriages sounds. All grandparents. in the Hill reside. Big Al and Fran. the Bacci side. This grandchild is their number one, Second for Roy and Addie Lund. Many thanks to Dr. Gran- ton and staff of York Cen- tral Hospital. for the excel- lent care given to Jason and myself. c1w44 today, He weighed 6 oz. and 8 lbs., His cries beat ,any stereo court %mtha Birth: c1w44 c1w44 clw44 *1w44 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 Fourth Sunday After Easter 8:00 a.m.â€"Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion Wednesday 10:00 a.m.â€"Holy Communion Prayer Circle Follows 2nd and 4th Wednesdays EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€"- Richvale 889-6789 Rev. John Coneybeare Robert Long, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Church School 11:00 a.m.â€"The Service THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview and Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproule 884-4236 SUNDAY, MAY 5. 1974 8:00 a.mâ€"Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.â€"Moming Prayer. 8:00 ammoâ€"Eucharist 10:30 am.â€"Presentation and discussion of our Sun- day morning worship program Church School and Nursery WEDNESDAYS 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"Eucharist 7:00 p.m.â€"Eucharist Mr. Graham Upcraft, LRAM Organist and Choir Director THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev.. Canon H. R. Howden. B.A., L.’l‘h. ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Out. & Que.) 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill Baptist Women’s Missionary SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:45 a.m.â€"Church School. Classes for all Ages! 11:00 a.m.â€"The Ordinance of The Lord's Supper. Reception , of new members. Sermon: “Cover To Cover" NO STEPS! A Walk-In Church! Helpful to paraplegics and elderly. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH 26 Church Street Thornhill â€" Tel. 889-0175 Pastor: Rev. D. A. Whitelaw Tel. 889-0476 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"Bible Learning 11:00 a.m.-â€"Bible Preaching 7:00 p.m.â€"â€"Gospel Fellow- ‘ ship Wednesday 7:00 p.m.â€"Youthtime 8:00 p.m.â€"â€"â€"Bible Sharing A WELCOME AWAITS YOU Nursery and Pre-Kinder- garten and Primary Care 8:00 a.m.â€"-â€"Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Prgyer Holy Communionfi on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am 884-5816 Robert Richardson, B.A., Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service Church School and Nursery Care WELCOME ALL THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns Preaching the Old Book, the New Birth, the Presious Blood and the Blessed Hope at WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street Rev. B. T. McSpadden Pastor â€" Phone 884-7859 10:00 a.vm.â€"Bib1e School Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Service 7:00 p.m.â€"Evening Service Prayer Meeting Wed., 8 pm An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH MAPLE The Anglican Church of Canada Rev. RamseyAnnitage Rector ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 SUNDAYS JACKPOT $500 â€" 54 NUMBERS PLUS ST. MARY'S $200 SPECIAL ANGLICAN ‘ MUST GO EVERY WEEK Earlybirds 7:30 pm. â€" BAPTIST St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) ALL WELCOME EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK MAY 7 â€" 20 Regular Games 1 share the wealth - 1 pie plate CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Orchard Boulevard Bay Thorn Drive Thornhill, Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D. Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:30 a.m.â€"Sunday Church School Grades 3 up 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday Church School Nursery to Grade 2 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service Infant Nursery Provided EVERYONE WELCOME Dauphinee Pastor â€" 884-5264 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 The Fourth Sunday of Easter 9230 a.m.â€"Sunday Church School 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"A Contemporary Service of Worship Conducted by the Young People Note: Nursery care is pro- vided during the Worship Service RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Corbett, BTh, BRE 50 Wright Street 884-3091 223-8247 SUNDAY, MAY 5. 1974 9:45 a.m.4unday School for all ages 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.â€"Evenin-g Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m.â€"Prayer and Bible Study EVERYONE WELCOME ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice-Pastorâ€"884-5264 884-1301 Organist and Choir Leader Allan G. Andrews Church Officeâ€"884-1301 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:00 a.-m.â€"Seekers 9:30 a.m.â€"Church School 11:00 a.m.â€"Easter Morning Service ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 10.150 PINE VALLEY DR. TOWN OF VAUGHAN Rev. W. George French, B.Se., M.Div. (Minister) SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 10:00 a.m.â€"St. Andrew's Family Service 11:15 a.m.â€"St. Paul's RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streets Ministers Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:30 a‘.m.â€"~The Service 10:30 a.m.â€"Sunday Church School RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace " Minister Interim Organist Mr. David Rosevear SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974' 9:45 a.m.â€"~Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"Worship Service Junior Church Youth Evening Service The Rev. Rowan D. Binning MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Stanley E. Snowden B.A., B.D., Minister 832-1403 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:45 a.m.â€"Carrvi11e Worship Service 10:00 a.m.â€"-Maple Sunday School 11:15 a.m.â€"Moming Worship at Maple A Warm Welcome To All! ST. MA'I'I‘HEW'S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John Mc'l‘avish Minister â€" 884-5526 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:30 a.m.â€"Church School 11:00 am. â€"â€"Worship Service Nursery Care Provided ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Everyone Welcome Browniesâ€"Tuesday. Cubsâ€"Wednesday. ‘ Choir, Jr. 8: Staâ€"Thursday ALL WELCOME Presbyterian lUTHERAN Bayview Avenue S., Richmond Hill Near Centre Street The Rev. James S. UNITED WELCOME LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 1, 1974 19 Nite-Owls Hour 11:00 a.m.â€"Worship Service 7:30 p.m.â€"Gospel Service Regular Home Bible Studies. please inquire A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ALWAYS SUNDAY, MAY 5. 1974 10:00 a.m.â€"Family Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"The Lord's Supper Introduction of our new pastoral team member Denis Bell 7:00 p.m.â€"-Body Life Service Family night every Wednesday 7:00 p.m.â€"â€"For clubs 7:30 p.m.-â€"Bible Study ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH South Lake Road. Oak Ridges Rev. Robt. McElhinney Minister â€" 773-5709 SUNDAY. MAY 5. 1974 9:15 a.m.â€"-Sunday School 10:30 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service with Pre-School Nursery Care GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Eldon Boettger. Pastor Phone: 887-5846 SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 Friday 8:00 p.m,â€"Youth Night Pastoral Team Pastor: Alf Rees Associate Pastors: Mark Bolender Thumon Ray Semeniuk Youth Director: Denis Bell Choir Director: A1 Braun RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor F. C. J. Pearse 493-6200 Saturday 9:30 a.m.â€"Sabbat'h School 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship 146 Thomridge Drw Thornhill Minister: - Rev. D. Vanda-Boom, MTM 889-5225 Service at 10:30 am. & 5:00 pm. Every other Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship Service in the Dutch language. 9:50 The Missionary Church Wednesday 7:30 p.m.â€"Prayer Meeting All Are Welcome BANFIELD MEMORIAL CHURCH 89 Centre Avenue, Willowdale Serving Richmond Hill Thomhill - Willowdale BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 884-5211‘% Other Denominations JACKPOT $500 RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB Early Birds 7: 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 Help Keep Richmond Hill Beautiful Laurelea lIONS I-IAI.I. MONDAY, MAY 6th Send Flowers 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 Family Bible SAFEWAY PLAZA, Yonge at Trayborn, Richmond Hill, Ont. 189 Dudley Avenue, Thornhill, Ontario Morning Worship â€" 11 A.M. Nursery & Sun. School 11A.M. Rev. Alf McAlister B.A.. B.D. Join with us in worship Dii‘éctor of Music A warm welcome awaits you Miss Betty McColgan Director of Christian Education G. Fleming, A.R.C.T. B.A. M.Mus. RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue. Richvale SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1974 9:30 a.m.â€"The Lord's Sup- per 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Family Bible Hour 11:00 a.m.â€"Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6 Bible School for Grade? and up 7:00 p.m.â€"Evening Service Tuesday 8:00 p.m.â€"Bible Study and Prayer. All Are Welcome CONCORD Not a Denomination. A Church of The New Testament Order Sunday Services 9:45 army-«Bible School Classes for all Ages 11:00 a.-m.â€"Moming Service 7:00 p.m.â€"Communion Service WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.â€"Bib1e Study â€" Sunday. 1:00 pm. â€" Watch “The Herald of Truth", TV Channel 3, Barrie Coffee Cup Bible Study. Wednesday-6:45 p.m.â€" 18 Mosley Street Aurora, Ont. A HAPPY SERVICE OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE SUNDAYS AT 7 RM. Captain and Mrs. H. Roberts Officers in Charge Lieutenant David Moulton, B.Sc., M.S.W. Lieutenant Barbara Howes Mr. George Paul, Bari-tone Soloist A group of teenagers from the House of Concord COME AND SING YOUR FAVORITE HYMNS Everyone Welcome! 884-6629 SUNDAY. MAY 5, 1974 9:45 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"Moming Worship Service 7 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday Evening Family Hour Service Tuesdayâ€"7:30 p.m.â€"-Mid- week Bible Study and Prayer. Christian Youth Crusaders. Thursdayâ€"10 a.m. - Ladies' A. E. ATKINSON Minister â€" 669-1831 D. Paterson, Sec., 225-9745 THE SALVATION ARMY RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hillsview Drive (below the Dunlop Observatory) 884-5029 Pastor David A. Dyer, B‘A" B.D. A CHURCH OF CHRIST 40 pm. SPECIAL GAMES Concord Road and King High Drive S P.M. 54 No.'s

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