Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 May 1974, p. 21

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(o ‘ - ‘ _ ‘ SHMM’ER PROPER‘i‘IES $301368)! , Bafiburton; Hmtsvfile ané .g‘Seund strict cattages, lots and, W25 mid up. ‘ \Listings on summer pro ‘es and 3am} mmughou‘t the Hafi- urttm am! Hunts. yme Regdy 1311363» ‘ - . rO‘UQVdgtif-n .1 ' 1 _ _ whom ~ __.,F0l1_r Wmmgbgpksplit, clam; _-to;schmls %ap ‘ ‘ :‘fifizsishea! rac‘ roomgggmheagmg part;- . ‘- home is immaeuiaté .throughont: :As $55,030. Tex-Ins to sum; _ -_ A « iwmtefizeé asbedroom cuttage gig-kite; ; _ ‘ifmnt lot. 03} heating, fgfllbathroam.‘ -* " .g iturexand appfianeesxincmded, Fa}! pricé 3011135 3_ (same-with terms. ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ .1‘ f 3 Yams STREET .. om‘mmss; gr; (4‘ We baths. eutsmnegfirem mi: R frivimt room, complete}? finisheéj m \mmd. ‘ imam decorated throughout. _-I>1~{y;3er§;y;5. o . . ‘ _ . g} 3 WW rwdmlal’commemai. ideal for man” ( éhusinessx $0.000 down, balaneg on one 21191195: 4: «room _ PRIVATE BUNGALOW 4 bedrooms, double garage, large kitchen. fridge stove and dishwasher, 14' x 17’ cedar deck. on bus route. close to shopping and schools. $85,000. Thomhill, 881-2253. c1w44 Bayview Hills 3 bedroom 2 storey home on large lot in quiet court. Spacious sun- filled rooms, completely broadloomed, main floor powder room at walk-out entrance - very handy for the children. 9%% mort- gage, early possession. $55,000. Phyllis Moon, 889-9330. KING 15 Mins. To Subway I/é acre with mature pines add to this charming white house. Huge living room, cosy dining room. master bedroom, 4 pc. ensuite, 2 other very large bed- rooms. 9%% mortgage. $75,000.00. Jane Height, 889-9330. YOUNG & BIGGIN LIMITED/REALTOR The first legal document to face a person buying or selling a property is often the offer to purchase and it sometimes makes them apprehensive. It needn't. However, the offer is not unimportant and you should consider it carefully. An offer is usually binding on the buyer until and if it is changed by the seller, so it is well to proceed only when you possess full knowledge and understanding of its terms. If it is necessary to consult a lawyer about a contentious part of an offer, then by all means do so. In many cases, a competent Realtor can guide you since it is a familiar form he is working with daily. O Secured by the equity in your home 0 Terms to 15 years 0 Completely open I No bonus or penalty clauses 0 Compare our services and costs 0 Vacation home plan available For further details call Barbara Fleming at 10,132 Yonge St. One useful lesson emerging from most Realtor’s experiences is that many a sale has become bogged down because of a small and often meaningless change in the wordage by the buyer or seller that necessitated initialed changes or drawing a new offer. If you are a buyer or seller and an offer is basic- ally satisfactory to you, consider well before making minor changes. Since any change._however minor. invalidates an offer. a change of mind by the other party could cost you the sale or purchase. See you next week. 6““{331’2 LOW COST MORTGAGE LOANS REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER F.R.I MEMBER of M.I.C.C. THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU CHANGE- AN OFFER 884-1188 COMPANY 9' W Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. REALTOR TWO-BEDROOM apartments. Immediate occupancy, hydro included. 889-6813 or 881- 0089. tfc38 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 YONGE and Sheppard Ave. Attractive 2-storey family home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, separate dining room, family kitchen, large block double garage, close to schools. Asking $79,900. 884- 7137. 02w44 LARGE unfurnished room, business woman, kitchen and laundry privileges, close to transportation. North Thorn- hill. 881-3262 anytime. LTD. 884-5422 889-2951 ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR A MARKET VALUE ESTIMATE, WITHOUT OBLIGATION PROPERTIES WANTED MURPHY TO RENT Richmond Hill CALL TOM REALTOR 773-4302 884-5422 c1w44 WAITRESS/Waiter. full time must have experience, hours 4 pm to 10 pm. evening shift. call 887-5150. Halfway House. ‘ tfc41 FULLâ€"TIME week nights. Please apply Scott Chicken Villa, 191 Yonge Street, North, Richmond Hill. WAREHOUSE space for rent. 884-2632, tfc43 share apartment with same. 884-9587. c2w43 QUIET respectable girl to SUBLET office space $100. monthly, 10217A Yonge St., Richmond Hill. 884-9286. AURORAâ€"4 bedroom link- villa. $325.. July 1. 727-6536. c1w44 FURNISHED or unfurnished room for rent. use of kitchen facilities and yard. Richmond Hill area. Phone 884-3395. clw44 PARTJI'IME TYPIST,Thom- hill Roy-al Orchard and Yonge. Several hours seve- ral days weekly. Very flex- ible. Ideal for woman with school children and good secretarial and record-keep- ing skills. Available May lst. 881-3377. c1w44 UNFURNISHED room with stove and fridge. separate en- trance. single person. 884- 5608. *1w44 3 BEDROOM apartment, b r o 3 d1 0 o m throughout. fridge. stove, hydro and water included, recreational facilities. 1 Royal Orchard Blvd., $325. per month, 889- 6041 or 282-3307. c2w44 TWO bedroom apartment $140 a month, hydro extra Call 832-1574 after 6. STUDIO for artist, 200 sq. ft. approx, light, warm, dry. Barn. loft, attic, industrial or office building considered. Reasonable rental. Reply to Box 38, “The Liberal". ROOM for rent. close to transportation. 884-9427. ROOM for rent, suitable for young man. 884-7426. RICHMOND Hill near Yonge, furnished room and shared kitchen, 769-3691 af- ter 6 pm. c1w44 FACTORY space. 600 sq. ft. in Richmond Hill. Write Box 33, “The Liberal". nc2w43 Richmond Hill area. 884- 8288. *2w43 mond Hill-Oak Ridges area. 884-3000. c1w44 YOUNG couple with dog would like house or small farm. Up to $200 a month including utilities. Will do minor repairs. Phone after 5 pm 248-2855. c1w44 MEN or women wanted for Research Animal Farm. permanent position for clean- cut person. Must like to work with animals. Phone High Oak Ranch Ltd., Ux- bridge, 368-5548. c1w44 BASEMENT apartment, sin- gle person. 884-2105. *2w44 Bedsitting room and kit- chen, partly furnished, pri- vate entrance and parking. Close to Yonge. Mature adult. Call after noon 889- 2992. clw44 WATERFRONT lot 100'x300’ near Bala. Excellent fish- ing. Suitable for tent or trailer. May 1 to Nov. 1 $200. 889-9545 after 6 pm. LARGE furnished room, no cooking, parking available. 884-0121. c1w44 YOUNG couple wish to rent small house or basement apt. No children or dogs. (Don’t mind doing repairs. Call 884-1837. c1w43 UNA‘ITACHED middle aged Englishman requires apart- ment (one or two bedrooms) would share with suitable person if necessary. Box 36, “The Liberal", *1w44 FOUR bedroom house, Rich- ONE bedroom apartment available June 1, Apply Mrs G. Miller, 55 Trayborn Drive Adults only. 884-7930. FURNISHED room for rent, no car, 884-6305. c4w44 3 BEDROOM house. immed- iate occupancy, $190 month. 884-1771 anytime. c1w44 WANTED to rent, garage, FEMALE student interested in renting a room in a house as of June 1. Would be nice if equipped with fireplace and piano. Please call Esterlee at any time day and evening, 661â€"4415. HELP WANTED COCKTAIL 1 WAITRESS/Walter FOR diningroom luncheons,‘ 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Monday.‘ to Friday. Excellent dining-1 room and working conditions.’ Call Mr. Parker 881-2121. Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7. one mile east of Bayview. c1w44 PART TIME HELP WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT (Continued) RICHVALE c1w44 c1w44 cliv44 clw44 c3w42 *2w44 c1w44 c1w44 101158. tfc4l lights. iicken Street, tfc40 ad for Farm. clean- ke to Phone .. Ux- c1w44 r ‘heons, [onday lining- "Hang SHIFT MAINTENANCE MECHANICS PROGRESSIVE plastics manufacturer, part of a major US. Company. Locat- ed on Keele Street. just north of Hwy 7. Work in- cludes general repair of machines, particularly husky injection moulding. extruders and hydraulic presses. Work is challenging and requires persons with mechanical, electrical and hydraulic ex- perience. Must be willing to work shift work. Wages and benefits are excellent. For further information call 669- 1331, R. Seyler Plant En- gineer. c1w44 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT HELP We require fast typist dicta- phone operators and account- ing clerks for temporary and permanent positions. HI CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE FULL and part-time help for coffee shop at Buttonville Airport. Must have own transportation. Call Mrs. Storey, 297-1422. c1w44 MATURE woman for baby- sitting and light housekeep- ing for 2 preschool‘children, Levendale area, to start mid- June. Hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday for one month, then 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. thereafter. Phone 884-5563. c4w42 RECEPTIONIST typist, 3-5 days per week, must have transportation. 297-2626. LICENSED mechanic to work in a three bay station with 3 hoists. Hourly rate plus bonus over and above quota. Apply in person to Tony's Esso. 10619 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, Ont. 884- 3440. c1w44 CARPENTER WANTED FOR construction. Call Mr. McLean. Parkway Hotel, 881- 2121. c1w44 HOUSEKEEPER. part-time. 884-5673. *1w44 AUTO dealer requires Cus- tomer Relations Clerk for service department, good telephone manner, typing and clerical abilities required. 889-1105, Mr, Slade. c1w44 CLEANING woman, own transportation, Thursday or Fridays. 889-5746. c1w44 for lent way east TRUCK driver for light de- livery, steady employment in Thornhill. 889-2971, c1w44 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL requires full-time employee for linen department to tran- sport linen supplies to and from the various depart- ments. Apply Personnel De- partment, 884-1171, Ext. 349. c1w44 EXPERIENCED p a i n te I‘ wanted. 884-6872. c2w43 GOOD drivers wanted, full and part time, Thomhill Taxi. 7711 Yonge, Thomhill. c2w43 PERSON to wait on tables. Apply to 7057 Yonge St., Thornhill. *2w43 CLEANING woman. once a week. 884-2242 after 5:30 HELP wanted for light pack- aging work, no experience necessary, factory Hwy. 7 and Keele area. 669-2215, c1w44 CLERK-TYPIST CONSTRUCTION subcontrac- ting firm. Thornhill. near Yonge, general duties. Salary open, 881â€"0722. c1w44 WOMEN /men for steady day work On light machines in I‘homhill plant. Also for packaging. 889-4837. SECRETARIAL help wanted two or three days week in travel office in Downsview. Typing only required. Call 661-1393. cl‘w44 DON LITTLE FORD SWITCHBOARD receptionist for busy new car dealership. Hours 5 pm to 10 pm Monday to Thursday Saturday 9 am to 6 pm. Must have good personality and excellent te- lephone manner. Call Mr. Staples or Mr. Slade, 889- 1105. c1w44 SCHOOL SECRETARY 12 month employment. Many benefits. Experienced preâ€" ferred. Apply Mr. D. Sher- man or Mrs. Gazey, Thorn- hill Secondary School or Mr. Jackman, Area 3 Office, 10,271 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. clw44 GIRL/BOY FRIDAY Hwy. 7 - Keele, Concord, ex- perienced to handle all gen- eral office duties, typing, dictation, etc, with back- ground in managing accounts receivable. $500 month, Good benefits. 669-9810. c1w44 MOTHER'S helper for sum- mer cottage, 2 children and light housekeeping, 889-8484. c1w44 HELP WANTED CLEANING woman every other Friday, Thomhill. own transportation, 889-7929. 10,084 Yonge Street Richmond Hill 884-6782 - 884-6970 COCKTAIL WAITRESS/Waiter lounge, evenings, excel- working conditions. Call Parker 881-2121, Park- Hotel, Hwy. 7. one mile of Bayview. clw44 (Continued) nc1w44 c1w44 clw42 c1w43 Ulw’i‘ eveWEOFFICE clerk and reception- l. 0WD ‘ ist, male or female. Apply at 9. Central Car Truck Rentals. c1w44 360 Newkirk Road. c2w44 c1w44. ' 1 p0. -( COOK REQUIRED WEEK- ENDS FOR AyRORA NURS- ING HOME. RESIDENCE AVAILABLE. 889-7090. CLEANING woman Thurs- days or Fridays, Bayview Fairways. Phone 881-0700. c2w43 PERSONNEL AGENCY requires ATTRACTIVE go-getter to manage Personnel Agency, placement experience help- ful, but not essential. Excel- lent typing a must. Person with pleasant telephone man- ner, who enjoys meeting and dealing with peOple. CALL MR. ELKINS 884-6970 SHOP carpenter, year round work for experienced produc- tion person, capable of pro- ducing window frames, pic- nic tables, cabinets. etc. All employee benefits. Lansing Building Supply Ontario Ltd., 258 Sheppard Ave, East. Willowdale. c1w44 HIGH School graduate for Thornhill construction office to learn payroll. Must have own transportation. Apply in writing to: K. J. Beamish Construction Company, 7901 Bayview Avenue. Thomhill, Ontario. or telephone J. Charlton. 889-1191. PART-TIME caretaker. ideal for retired person. Apply York Printing House Ltd.. 145 Hwy. 7 East. Thornhill. 889-2971. c1w43 DRIVER and driver's helper. part-time. Apply at World Wide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Road. c1w44 MOTHER’S helper for entire summer for family with two girls. 889-8119. c1w44 A LARGE Canadian Book Publishing Company has openings for people with ex- perience in the following positions, receiving. order picking and general stock- room work. Some experience of publishing business help- ful. quired immediately in accounting department. gineering office, Keele Highway 7. 669-1867. INVOICE CLERK for Richmond Hill manufac- turing company aptitude for figures and good typing necessary. 889-8383. Mr. Park. c1w44 FULL-TIME or part-time driver wanted. Apply Ed, Town-Inn Takeout. 10150 Yonge St. after 4 pm. c1w44 EXPERIENCE electronic assemblers. 222 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill. 889- 7313. clw44 PUNCH press operator, ex- perience preferred but not essential, Hwy. 7 and Keele area. 669-2215. clw44 SPRAY painter required in Richmond Hill. Electrostatic and air system. ‘M. Davidson 884-2359. c1w44 EXPERIENCED cleaning wo- man, once every other week. Bayview-Steeles. 889-3898. HELP wanted in small con- struction, knowledge in car- pentry and masonry. Call after 6 pm, 640-1767, collect. clw44 GENERAL factory help in Richmond Hill. Two persons required, one for steel fabri- cating shop and one for wood'worlning shop. M. Davidson, 884-2359. c1w44 PAINT helper for body shop. 881-2281. c1w44 EXPERIENCED typist SEWING machine operators. button hole operators and pressers wanted. 884.0159 or evenings. 773-5671. 02w44 FURNITURE welder required in Richmond Hill. Some brazing experience neces- sary. M. Davidson, 884-2359. c1w44 SECRETARY with payroll experience for contracting company, located in Thorn- hill. 881-2882. c1w44 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Responsible person and self starter required as executive secretary to comptroller of Maple firm. Must be fast learner, have good shorthand and touch typing of figures essential. Excellent remunv eration for right person. Phone K. Maguire, 889-8800. clw44 HELP WANTED TRUCK driver and laborer for building supplies. 832â€" 1277. c1w44 POSITION available for ma- jorette instructljess. Please reply giving qualifications, experience and salary ex- pected to Box 35, “The‘ Lib- eral". c2w44 FIELD worker â€" Helpmateâ€" Information (north branch) in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wil- cox area. Degree in social work or equivalent required. Call 773-5023. Interviewing this Friday evening. Posi- tion open May 13th. Woodbine Steeles Area 445-3333, Ext, 57 WAREHOUSE HELP (Continued) c1w43 c1w44 c1w44 clw44 02w44 clw44 EXPERIENCED w a i t r e s s/ waiter. full or part time, King City. 833-5465. YOUNG lady as mother's helper, for summer. live in. 889-0747. c4w42 EXPERIENCED TYPIST for educational company, lo- cated vicinity Keele and Hwy. 7. This is a challenging. varied position for person who seeks responsibility. Telephone 669-1434. c4w43 FITTER - WELDER REQUIRED material hand- ling and machinery manufac- turer. Must be experienced and able to read blueprints. Own transportation. Jane and Highway 7. 669-2216. RESPONSIBLE management positions available to assist teaching staff of Conserva- tion Field Centres. Near Metro Toronto. Mature adult interested in young people. Car required. Salary range, $20.00 to $30.00 per day plus room and board. T. E. Bar- ber, Metro Region Conserva- tion, 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, M3N 154. 630- 9780. c1w44 GENERAL factory help re- quired for midnight shift. Apply Formold Plastics of Canada Ltd., 95 Ne‘wkirk Road, Richmond Hill, BUTTONVILLE Feed Mill needs reliable worker. Must have chauffeurs licence. Call 297-1931. c1w44 RNA 0R NURSING ASSISTANT Full time or part time in operating room ‘and CSR de- partment. THE Villa Private Hospital has position available for clerk-typist-receptionist. Ap- plicant must have own trans- portation, Mrs. Roland, 889- 4931. c1w44 THORNHILL 889-1175 - 9 AM TO 4:30 PM AUTOMOTIVE jobber re- quires experienced counter personnel, steady employ- ment. Thornhill area. Call Sid or Bill, 889-9231. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED dicta-typist required. Excellent working conditions and fringe bene- fits. Apply Peter Hawkins, Toronto Dominion Bank, Richmond Hill. clw44 CLEANING woman for Thornhill area, one day per week. 889-8484. c1w44 SHOULDICE HOSPITAL 7750 BAYVIEW AVENUE L-----“.o.o.u RESIDENT ASSISTANT Assemblers, Punch Press And Saw Operators Required for aluminum window manufactur- ing plant. Steady employment and usual company benefits. A vacancy exists for a Crossing Guard at Church St. and Markham Rd. Rate of Pay - $2.50 per hour with a guar- antee of 20 hours per week during school weeks only. Also one Standy-by Guard. Rate of Pay - $20.00 per month. Please apply to:â€" Personnel Officer, 10266 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Telephone 88-1-8101, Ext. 71. School Crossing Guards For new donut and coffee shop at Woodbine . and No. 7 Hwy. O BAKERS O COUNTER HELP HELP WANTED (Continued) PLEASE PHONE: ANTAMEX LIMITED 669-1373 (Keele and Highway 7 area) ? 495-1464 c2w43 c1w44 c1w44 FULL AND PART TIME c2w43 c1w44 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 1, 1974 STUDENTS! Looking for a Summer Job? $7.00/hr., Concord. Tire Repair Person - $150.00/week - Willowdale. Upholsterer, Office Chairs - $3.25/hr. - Concord. Welders - Arc, Spot, Combination, M.I.G. Fitter - $3.00 - 6.00/hr. - Steeles, Woodbine, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Concord. Punch Press Set-up Operator - $3.16/hr. - Concord. Sheet Metal Workers - Air Conditioning Installation - Furnace, The Canada Manpower Centre for Students will be open in your area on May 6th. We have a wide variety of jobs open in Buttonville, Concord, Maple and Richmond Hill. Pay us a visit, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 - 4:30 at: Manpower and Main-d'aauvre Immigration , at Immigration Robert Andras Robert Andras Minister Mlnistre Looking for a job close to home? Many excellent positions are avail- able in your own area. Right now we have employers who are seeking people with experience as: Fibreglass Laminator - $4.50/hr. - Richmond Hill Machinists - $4.00 - $5.25/hr. - Steeles, Woodbine, Richmond Hill, Concord. Contact: North York Canada Manpower Centre 5799 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ont. Phone No. 221-9343 Canada Manpower Centre for Students 10148 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-9239 Canada Manpower Centre Canada Manpower Centre Manbower and Main-d'mbvre Immigration et Immigration Robert Andras Robert Andras Minister Ministre '51----“I 884-2056 120. 140. 105. 130. 130. 120. York Mills: Use your initiative and payroll ex- perience in this very busy place. York Mills: Put your bookkeeping experience to use in this very plush office. Great advance- ment. + Yonge and Finch: Service organization needs friendly outgoing receptionist with some typing. Finch and Dufferin: Your outgoing personality :plus some previous office experience is needed for this order desk. Lawrence and Dufferln: Career opportunity for typist to get involved in the fascinating world of sales. Lawrence and Caledonia: Use your keypunch experience and train on a newly developed com- puter. V MAPLE, ONTARIO HELP WANTED FULL AND PART-TIME EXPERIENCED PERSON LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT O WAITERS/WAITRESSES O COOKS O DISHWASHERS “No appointment necessarS'” 1315 Finch Ave. W., Suite 208 t 5 Flirview Mall Dr., Suite 280 3089 Bathth St., Suite 207 . . . . . . ' PLEASE CALL MR. ROSS 832-1555 Full or part time. Salary open Qv0yaceu r9 Required Immediately! Centrede Main-d’ceuvre du Canada ‘ Centre de Main-d’oeuvre du, Canada PLEASE CALL RESTAURANT a DRAKE INTERNATIONAL company Qwuke Devsonxwl FOR .lllll 727-6940 630-0084 493-6880 787-0397

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