16 Dynes Back In Toronto Loop Defending Champion Richâ€" mond flill Dynes Jewellers will find themselves in a refurbished, stream-lined To- ronto and District Senior Fastball League when they take to the field this season. The Jewellers, who have won three championships in as many season‘s of the league's operation, 0 p e n away May 28 against the Syd Woodward Wins Judo Tourney Syd Woodward of the Richmond Hill Judo Club won first place in his weight division at a tournament held in Ottawa two weeks ago. 'Enroute to his victory he defeated a holder of a black belt. Another Richmond Hill competitor, Don McClelland. took a third place in 'his weight division. McClelland operates the local club along with his wife, Linda. Participating in the tourâ€" nament also were their chil- dren, Kathy and Robbie and eight other students includ- ing Woodward, Peter Turtle- bury. both brown belts; Dave Bailey. red belt; Roland Schmid and Larry Thomp- son, blue belts; Diane Wolfer and John Thompson, green belts; and Dave Jackson. orange belt. It‘s a bird. it's a plane, it’s 19-year-old Steve Juhasz of 176 Felix Street, Richmond Hill. working; out in preparation for a 12-day tour across Canada in company with a Russian Gymnastic team. The tour, starting June 6, will see Steve and father-Erank joining three other Canadian trampolinists and the Russians in a series of exhibitions which will find them doing whirlwind stops at Vancouver. Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Moncton. _ .. .- I ,,,,1 l UIUIILU (ulu A'AUIlean Frank Juhasz is the coach of the. Canadian gymnastic squad and his son. Steve, is the Canadian Junior Champion. Steve is shown soarâ€" ing high into the atmosphere which is the gymnasium at Bayview Sec- ondary School. Eloquent evidence of his ability to fly via a trampoline is the basketball hoop far below hlm, the ceiling close above him. Father Frank is also Canadian Trampoline Coach. He also runs the Richmond Hill Trampoline Club which boasts 18 members 16 of them from Rich- mond Hillrtwo from Willowdale. As for Steve, yes, he did eventually land after soaringr some 20 feet. Not baaaaaaaaaaaaad . . . . . l Th'e same weekend saw THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, YOUR CAR WILL BE COMPLETELY 460 ELGIN MILLS RD. EAST, RICHMOND HILL WASHED WAXED INTERIOR SHAMPOO ENGINE SHAMPOO PHONE 884-9625 CAR CLEANING SHOP 'I'he Hey, I Can Fly! OFFER EXPIRES MAY 30th - 1974 Welland Dycks. T’ne Dycks are a new entry in the league having played lasg yea}: m the League. Richmond Hill's first home game will be May 30 against Scarboro Lindel Homes. The "new look" league has a five-team entry in 1974 and has added a couple of new wrinkles calculated the Richmond Hill Jiu-Jitsu Academy attend its first Ka- rate Tournament in Peterbo- r0. The club is located in the same building as the judio- ists at 159 Centre Street East. The team consisted of Aldo Vendetti, Rick Nelson. Rick Connoy, Blake Ed- wards. Randy Writanen and Rob Hughes (all yellow belts) and Colin Baker (orange belt). A jiu-jitsu demonstration was put on by Bob McGee of the Academy and Steve Rey- nolds, club instructor. The Jiu-Jitsu Academy has been in operation for only a few months and has made an impressive showing. Jiu-Jitsu is a combination of Judo, Karate and Aikido and is therefore eligible to compete in Karate tourna- ments. Ontario Fastball mnn n- YOU PAY ONLY to glamorize proceedings. DESIGNATED BITTER Main change will be the instituting of a designated hitter and/or runner alla the Major Leagues. The new rule allows each team to use any of their players not in the starting line-up as designated hitters or runners. Such a player may either hit. twice or run tWice or one of each for a maximum total of two appearances. On his second appearance he must either remain in the game or be finished for the duration of the game, Also, a player can only be used once as a substitute hitter or runner in any one inning. Another innovation Will be in the selection of a league all-star team: ALL STARS A representative from each of the competing teams will get together following each game and pick three stars from each team A tally will be made at the end of the season to determine Which ballplayer in each position has been nominated the most times. Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers, Scarboro Lindal Homes, Welland Dycks Jew- ellers. T o r o n t o Winston Park. Oshawa Falcon TV. Teams comprising the league this season are: WITH ABOVE COUPON (Photo by Susan Samila) May 8, 1974 $39.95 Enter the mopping up pro- cess with the removal of the ice-turned-to-slush via shovels and trucks. This was followed by the pumping out of the re- maining water on the concrete floor. the cleaning of the Ambulance, and other general gatherings. “The ice surface has also been the scene of roller skat- ing recently and the local ten~_ nis club uses it for instruction on days when the weather is ~ m ED SACKFIELD . . . Work’s Just Begun On the same day in the “old†arena the local firefighters will be throwing a "Beerfest" which should also be a popular attrac- tion. Another big event will be The once sleeping giants that were arenas in the summer are over. See you at the arena in May, June, July, August, September. A . . All-year round! ‘d'Ill“ll“ill““millii“ll“ll“llllilllllllllllllllllllll“ll\ll“llill“\llllllliill“illlill\lll“llllllll\llllillllllll\llllll“l\lllllllllllillll\llllilll\llllllllllll\llillllllllllllllllllllllllll\lll\\lll\llllllllllllilllllll\llllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllilllllllll“l“lll\ll“ill“\llllllll\ll\lllllllllllllllllll\\llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllliillllllilllillllllllll\llllllliil“llllillilllll-P By FRED SIMPSON If you're one of those people who think arenas close with the hockey season you've got another think coming to you. Just ask Richmond Hill Arena Administrator Ed Sack- field or Kerry Gilmour who is in charge of concessions in the winter and promotion man in the summer. “It may have been that way three or four years ago." said Sackfield, "but that‘s all chang- ed now. We'll be going full- blast until the hockey season starts again." For instance: "We have a full-time staff of six employees (two of them work out of the Bond Lake Arena) going all summer where a few years ago we'd have to lay off men and perhaps keep one man around to maintain the building." (Continued from Page 15) there are 580 youngsters playing ball this season. Where are all the adults? , Every season it’s a scramble to get coaches, managers, umpires, etc., etc., to get the league underway. Why? Of course. I know why. Human nature. It's always the case of the many letting the few do it all. As Bill explains it: “We always get by but it does get frustrat- ing at times to have to get on the phone and beg for help. There are legitimate reasons why some can't get involved because of the nature of their jobs. We’re not complaining about that.†LOTS TO DO There's a lot for them to do. Shortly after the last puck was fired in anger a week or so ago that’s when the real ac- tion began. VOLUNTEERS. PLEASE What he’d like to see is a host of parents volunteering their services for the various tourn- aments being held this season. If everyone came out just once, for three hours, there’d be no prob- lem and a few wrinkles would disappear from the oppressed few. ,, H s-.- Will all this suddenly happen? Of course it won’t. Life goes on pretty well as always. But there are always some who get the spark and that makes it all worthwhile. I would suppose the position of umpiring is one of the more difficult jobs to fill for the obvious reasons. Some good Joe comes out to do his part and then he has to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune from some baboon wailing away in the crowd. So the ump’s lousy? Relax, dad, it’s just a fun game. And tell your kid to stay off the umpire’s back. He’s there to play ball. not mouth off. I’ve always found that the biggest complainer is the guy who is not yery good at anything himself. He puts the pressure on the other fellow to take the atten- tion away from himself. vitr- “We don’t mean to coach or manage.†con- tinued Bill. “There are so many things to be done during the tournament such as marking out the diamond. snack bar, etc.†MY CONTRIBUTION So be it. I’m out of breath, done a lot of mouthing off myself. So what am I going to contribute? I’m going to contribute Mr. Hal Blaine of “The Liberalâ€. n. u “.v-- -.. Prince Hal was an umpire in the local soft- ball minor loop a couple of years ago and says “he loved it.†Right there, you know some- thing’s wrong with him. Hal, of course, meas- ures six or seven feet in height, weighs 215 pounds. That’s without his feet. If you consider those, add another 50 pounds. So there you have it. If you need a “big†umpire, call Hal at 884-9405. Happy to contribute whenever I can. Gives you a good feeling. ally uw‘- “my-.. He’s the first to admit that being president of the RHMBA has its many happy moments but also a lot of the other kind. You don’t get fam- ous in the job, maybe infamous. But it has to be done. He’s doing it along with that “hard core†I was talking about earlier. Get out and g1ijye them a hand yourself. You’ll enjoy the sun- s me. LOTS OF SUNSHINE To conclude with some semblance of order. Bill, as I mentioned, has been around the softball wars for 12 years and is also coach of the Dairy Queen Girls’_Juvenile teem. 9,14__L Speaking of tournaments, I have a list here which you might jot down for future reference. It comes from OASA so I presume the dates are right. Here they are:_ ,7UH, Squirt, June 29; Peewee, July 13; Bantam, August 10; Midget, August 17. I might have missed some but will keep you informed as they come along. If you can help call Lynda Price at 884-9782. GHOST GAMES Still on softball. I trust you enjoyed that Sunday afternoon exhibition doubleheader be- tween Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers and To- ronto Globals. That’s right. They didn’t play it. The Globals cancelled out according to my in- formation. So be it. I should know better. Nothing is real in senior softball circles until the first inning of the opening game of the regular schedule. All is im- aginary including line-ups, managers, everything. When will I ever learn? Suede 8: Leather Cleaning Service RICHMOND BILL TEORNKILL O AURORA Sport Spots No Hockey But Lots Of Action At Hill Arena ' f. CLEANle 3 <32me BUY um “ TOYOTA $2436 floor "Then it was a case of wait- ing until the floors dried thor- oughly," said Sackfield. “The whole process takes from 10 days to two weeks and keeps three or four men going stead- ily." Then, as in any household. comes the spring cleaning in- volving the paint touch-up of seats, walls. repairs to the build- ing. widening of the tractor entrance into the new arenas. revamping ,of washrooms which includes removing graffiti that somehow always manages to adorn the walls of any such facility. "Eh-{£511 takes time and life goes on while _it gqgs on. That life being the planning and scheduling of various ev- ents for. the summer season such as roller derbies. roller skating. wrestling, etc., etc. "Our banquet room down- stairs is pretty well always ac- tive during the week." said Sackfield. “We make it avail- able for such things as dog ob- edience meetings, St. John’s Ambulance, and other general gatherings. MAP‘AN CAR SALES 7756 YONGE ST. THORNHILL The executive of the Rich mond Hill Minor Soccer As- sociation is considering the possibility of organizing leagues for children in the four and five years old age group. Soccer For 4-5 Year-Olds Request Parents' Opinions avhlutnvn- .9 v V . . . . _ e _ _ , , possibility of organizing There will be 27 sponsors‘ leagues for children in the for local teams in the as-] four and five years old age sociation this season with two group. of them. Baif Associates and A number of parents have Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd.. enquired as to the feasibiiity sponsoring both a girls and a of such a project. bOys team. Any parents interested in Other sponsors are: expressing their opinions. pro Minor Athletic Tourn- or con. are asked to call 884-}aments Inc.. Kinsmen’s Club, 8276. :Deciantis Construction Ltd.. Tentative proposal is to‘Priority Travel Ltd., Rat- provide small soccer play cliff‘s Canada Ltd.. Dynes sessions for both girls and‘Jewellers, Scholastic Tab boys in these age groups. iPublications, Lions Club, 1 * * * lTravelways Ltd.. Emerald ‘ Former Richmond Hill Isle Motel. Richvale Scaffold‘ ,Minor Soccer Association Rentals, Dan's Esso, Rotary 1Coach Sam Johnston recently‘Cluh, Radio CFGM. Dave lresigned from his position.|Sanderson Gulf, Royal Cana- Sam and his family have‘dian Legion. Belgian Art moved to Peterboro. Studio. Baymar Sports Ltd.. , Mr. Johnston has been a Blackhawk Motor Inn, Con- tremendous asset to the as-‘cord Auto Parts. Pirri’s Fruit sociation for a number of'Market. Flair Upholstering, [years Last winter he helped ‘Super Save Food Mart. Pony ‘organize and conduct a‘Sporting Goods Ltd.. Parks maoh's clinic at Bavview Electric Ltd. Any parents interested in expressing their opinions. pro or con. are asked to call 884- 8276. Former Richmond Hill Minor Soccer Association Coach Sam Johnston recently resigned from his position. Sam and his family have moved to Peterboro. Mr. Johnston has been a tremendous asset to the as- sociation for a number of years. Last winter he helped organize and conduct a coach's clinic at Bayview Secondary School which did much to improve the level and expertise in coaching. Prior to moving to Peter-} boro he travelled to England; Page with the Mosquito team and‘ .“““““““‘ {N‘E ‘E‘IYS‘ i5 15?}; | Finest quality 50-50 Merion Kentucky Turf. ' Pick up in our field or have it delivered. Call today â€" delivery tomorrow. :Brouwef Sod Farm Ltd. CON. 5, KESWICK, ONT. , 476-4361 I ““W‘““““‘i Front Qatarters of 99¢ lb. Sides of Beef. . . .I.O9Ib. Hind Quarters of Beef 1.19 lb. Levendale Road 0 Richmond Heights Centre Telephone 884-5801 CUSTOM CUT, WRAPPED AND FAST FROZEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LEVENDALE MEATS PRIC£D FOR too inclement outdoors.“ But this is only a sideline ‘REALLY BIG SHEW' The main attractions are the "really big shews" that will be coming up in the next few weeks. The biggest show will be the first annual Richmond Hill Sports and Auto Show slated for June 13. 14 and 15. This extravaghnza 0f gleam- ing boats. cars. and myriad of other sporting equipment will Rich-coached them while they As- l were over there. MORE SPORTS Page 26 889-5484 spill over into both arenas dur- ing the three-day period. "We‘ll have exhibits of ev- ery type and description." said Gilmour. “We also hope to have fashion shows, dog shows. judo and swimming exhibi- tions." Swimming? That’s right. ARENA SWIM POOL A brand-new 16 by 24-foot Kayak Pool (value around $3100i will be installed for the occasion and, at the close of the three days. will be raffled off to the lucky ticket-holder. “We'll also throw in another $400 to pay for the cost of the winner removing it and setting it up in his backyard," added Gilmour. Other upcoming events: The 48th Highlander Military Tattoo will be held June 8 in conjunction with the Rotary Club the proceeds of which will go toward the York Central Hospital Building Fund. 'l‘lc- kets for this may be purchased at the arena. FROM On the same day in the "old" arena the local firefighters will be throwing a "Beerfest" which should also be a popular attrac- tion. BEERFEST YET Liberal Classifieds Get Results No obligation. Drop in to Dodge Ontario and enter our daily draw for an Olympic Lottery Canada ticket to be drawn July 16, 1974. 1973 POLARA CUSTOM 4 Door Hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, factory air conditioning, defogger, etc. Lic. No. HFA 124. 1973 SATELLITE SEBRING 2 Door Hard- top, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger. Lic. No. HYH 075- $3295.00 1973 FORD CORTINA 2 Door, automatic, radio, (4,000 miles). Lic. No. BUW 929. At‘ ‘n- An 1970 SATELLITE SEBRING 2 Door Hard- top,y V8, _autor:natic3 nger steering, ‘I’TVTT AED 1972 DODGE COLT 2 Door Hardtop, matic. radio. Lic. No. AJJ 505. 1972 VOLKSWAGEN WAGON, 4 speed transmission, radio. Lic. No. FUE 702. __...Aâ€" AA 1969 DODGE POLARA 2 Door Hardtop, V8, automatic, power steering. p o w e r brakes, radio. Lic. No. AXH 720. $1895.00 1973 DODGE CLUB CAB, V8, 4 speed, power brakes. Lic. No. C58916. $3395.00 460 ELGIN MILLS RD. E. RICHMOND HILL AIR FILLING DEPOT 884-3771 889-9500 SCUBA Provincial Fire Prevention Company 2 LEASE ALL CHRYSLER PRODUCTS FOR INDIVIDUAL AND COMPLETE COMPANY FLEETS Lup, vo, uuuvlnnuvpv, radio, vinyl roof. Lic. the annual Richmond Hill Hoc- key School slated for mid-Aug- ust under the tutelage of Rich- mond Hill Rams Coach Karl Brimblecombe. “We're even considering hold- ing a gala dance. similar to the recent Count Basie deal." added Gilmour. There will also be gobs of activity going on at the Bond Lake Arena including the Bond Lake Figure Skating Club's “Spring Fare" May 24-25 plus the usual roller skating fare and other activities during the summer season. IDEA FOR HALL? "By staging all these activi- ties we help finance the cost of operating both arenas." ex- plained Sackfield. "If the pub- lic supports them it means an easier financial load to bear during the winter season. “We‘re optimistic about the success of our scheduled events. If they are supported it will mean there will be no need to increase such things as ice rates for next season." So there you have it. The once sleeping giants that were arenas in the summer are over. TRUCKS ‘No. HXU 458. $2195.00 $2495.00 $1795.00 $2595.00 auto-