Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1974, p. 19

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Wednesday and Thursday of ‘next week the curtain rises on that schnol's feature presentation of the year, the Operetta. “Puddin' Head". with a cast and stage crew of 90 students. all from the The affair at Bayviewi Gleh is pf an entirely differ-‘ ent nature but equally en- joyable. There will, of course. be many good things to pat on hand. All are welcome. The festivities commence at 10 amian‘d continue until 1 pm. For the first time this fair will feature a “make-up booth" where one can have himself or herself made up as a clown or an Indian or anything else your heart de- sires. Baby sitting, will be pro- vided as well. The regular features in- clude pony rides. bake and white elephant sale plus handicrafts and a plant shop. Visitors will find many nov- elty games and be able to take a chance at winning a new bicycle in the lucky draw. E. J. Sand and Bayview Junior Public each have special occasions coming up in the week that lies ahead. Sand is holding its an- nual spring fun fair Satur- day. A'number of interesting new features for this year's fair have been added to the many popular features of‘ past years. Among these are the “pickpocket lady". a lady with many pockets. You pay a nickel and pick a pocket and keep what you pull out. There will also be a “lolli- pop tree" and a “haunted house". RICWOND HILL THORNBILL O AURORA NEWARKET School News V; Block South of King Sideroad OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK - CLOSE FUR STORAGE 7â€"7-7 - 40 LB. BAG 3m89¢ FERTILIZER. LOAN]. PEAT MOSS. BEDDING PLANTS AERO HYBRID T FERTILIZER ROSES 99¢ mm ('1 an (‘RLLO PAK Canada Dry. Pepsi. 7-Up. Coke GET 3RD ONE 26 OZ. BOTTLE BREAD TOASTMASTER South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News AND BUTTERMATE 24 OZ. LOAF CORRESPONDENT: DAVE BARBOUR â€"- PHONE I23 CLEANING 8i cmam FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES CUT FLOWERS 2/ 69¢ FREE! EGGS 79¢ no $1.99 a children‘s concert to be performed by the York Reg-' Orchestra ‘ ional Symphony. May 10 at 8 pm at Thornhill Secondary School. Dudley Avenue. This will be a un- ique learning experience ‘as the children will be invited to participate with the orch- estra and examine the instru- ments. Tickets available from Mrs. Heather Durham 889-1693. The concert will last about one hour. For those who rely on the availability of good. clean. modern. used clothing at low, bazaar. sale prices. you can have this need the Helpmate Clothine Centre in Thornhill every Tuesday from 9 am to 3 pm. If this time is incon- venient please phone Mrs. Jean Bryce at 889-5102 for special arrangements. * >l< it met at j Information . This week its birthday congratulations for Terrcsa Kampen of 60 Woodward Avenue. who will mark her 14th birthday next Wednes- day. The Doncaster Community Ladies' Club meet at their new time. next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Schmidt. 129 Morgan Av- enue. The time of the meeting is 8 pm, All local ladies are invited to attend. * >k * Two residents of South Thornhill are appearing in the Thornhill Theatre for the Performing Arts produc- tion of “Guys and Dolls" which concludes at Hart House Theatre in Toronto this weekend, They are Car- oline LePage. 62 Glen Cam- eron who is in the chorus and Phillip Skinner. 18 At Holy Trinity Anglican‘Orsi Court. who plays “Har- May 26 at 10:30 am the choir: ry. the Horse". Woodsreen United in To- ronto is celebrating its cen- tennial in October and is looking for past members. If you are one of them and seek more information please call Rev. Norm Thomas at 161-1105. The lst Thomhill Cubs, Scouts and Venturers Wom- en's Auxiliary are sponsoring CANADA NO. 1 EXTRA LARGE The United Church's Camp Big Canoe located nine miles east of Bracebridge has eight-day and 10-day camps for girls and boys from grades 3 to 10. There is also a 10-day canoe trip camp for boys and girls from grade 6 and up. Activities include swimming, canoeing, over- nights, nature crafts. arch- ery. special events and many other opportunities to devel- op skills and friendships. More information is avail- able at the Thornhill Unitedl junior section (grades 4. 5 and 6!. Tickets cost 50c each and may be purchased through any local students or at the door. Show time is at 7:45 pm. Parents and the public are cordially invited to come and enjoy this production on which the pupils have work- ed about three month; to learn the music and prepare the elaborate costumes and fine stage settings. Church News Sideroad, Oak Ridges - CLOSED MONDAYS FRESH GREEN HARD CELLO PAK I PRUNED. READY TO PLANT Cabbage lb. DOZ. FARM FRESH MARKET SIDEROAD Belated birthday greetings are in order for Jackie Hampsnn of Henderson Av- enue who celebrated her 13th birthday la<t Wednes- day and to Susan Plumbo. Clarke Avenue. who was 12 vears old last Sunday, A strawberry card party]: \\"ill be held at Thornhilli United Tuesday at 7:30 pm.| Tickets may be obtained frem any member of the UCW, the sponsoring group. or by telephoning 889-7963. Neighborhood Notes Holy Trinity Auditorium is the place to be May 11 from 2 to 5 pm. That's when the ACW Springtime Tea will be held with its kitchen corner. treasure table, bake table. test kitchen, green-thumb- ers. hard candy. exceptional handicrafts. gue<sing game. Tickets at 750 may be ob- tained by calling Mrs. Dor- een Chutter at 889-4499. 889-5205 - 366-1720 will present the festival ser- vice “Time and Eternity", an explanation in music and scripture of the church year. It is hoped Dr. Gerald Knight, overseas commis- sioner of the Royal School of Church Music. will be the guest preacher. The choir is participating in the pre- sentation of this festival at St. Paul's Church, Toronto. May 12. KING RICHMOND HILL AURORA RIDGES There were 85 entrants in the students' hobby and craft show. First prize win- ners in the science category were: K-l Charles Lekx. 2-3 Darin Grodzinski. 4-5 Pam Monroe and Grace Kein. In sewing, first priZe ribbons went to: K-l Sandra Hoop- er. 2-3 Angela Hunter. 4-5 Grace Kein. In boys‘ crafts first prize awards went to: K-l Mauro Paoletti. 2-3 Martin Langhammer. 4-5 Paul Gummersall. In girls’ crafts the winners were: K-l Angela Langhammer, 2-3 Randy Lee. 4â€"5 Laurie Ham- ilton. Cupcake decoration was a popular category. Best dec- orator in K-l was Eleanora Fernandez, in 2-3 Jennifer Hilton, 4-5 Cathy Rushton. The Burnie children won the cooking awards with Lor- raine's Kâ€"l and Jonathan’s 2-3. for best sugar cookies. Theatre The Ross Doan Parents' Community Association had a very successful spring fair Saturday. Winner of the $25 cash prize was D. Broom of Brightway Crescent. Con- gratulations to Grace Kein and Mary Knowles for beingy cloSest to the correct num- ber in the jelly bean guess- ing contest â€" the prize beâ€" ing the jelly beans. of course. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Commun- ications had displays April 25 and April 29 in Richmond Hill town offices and in Thornhiil United Church on their proposals for the de- velopment of Yonge Street. There will be another public meeting in the near future on the South Yonge Corri- dor Study with regard to land uses adjacent to Yonge Street. At this the public may become more informed on matters that have been discussed between the plan- ning consultants working on this study and the Ministry which is responsible for Yonge Street itself. The Social Planning Coun- cil will hold its annual gen- eral meeting May 16 at 8 pm in Don Head Secondary School. Part of the program is to elect directors and committee members and nominations will be received from the floor. The public is welcome. Happenings Richmond Hill council met as planning committee of the whole May 1 in the council chamber and as a result the recommended land use deâ€" signs for the South Yonge Corridor can now be viewed in the planning department on the second floor of the municipal building at Yonge and Wright Streets. A meeting of South Rich- mond Hill Task Force will take place Monday at 8 pm at which Julie Parker of Av- enue Road in the BAIF Sub- division will be the “ad hoc" (hairman. Councillor Dave Stephenson, chairman of the town‘s planning committee. will be there to discuss with the group the problems of traffic on Yonge Street. Coming Events Soon the Curtain Club NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed, written sub- mission to the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing. The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear- ing in support of the Application. An application for minor variance has been submitted by MR. E. G. BARRY, owner of Lot 215 of Registered Plan 2446, Markham. The subject property has an area of 7,000 square feet with a frontage of 50 feet and is munic- ipally known as 17 Woodward Avenue, Thorn- hill, Ontario. Relief from the side yard requirements of By-law 2237 ‘ amended is requested of the Committee c ,‘gdjustment. The applicant wishes to con:‘1*uct a car port on the west side of the house. Due to the features of the house it is not possible to gain proper access for the car unless a minor variance is ob- tained. The Committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday, May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttonville, Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED at the Town of Markham, this 26th day of April 1974. ‘ COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF HEARING Application: CA/74/26 Submission: A-19 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Sec- tion 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O, 1970) as amended - TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham, Ontario RICHVALE RECORD H. D. Goldstein, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. MRS. MARY WATTS, 43 SPRUCE AVENUE, 889-5787 “Don‘t Let Summer Come." which judging by the wea- ther seems to be a most apâ€" propriate choice. Senior cit- izens as usual are welcome at the dress rehearsal on'the previous evening, curtain time being 8:30 pm. On this occasion refreshments will be served the seniors free of charge. James Knight, of, Snow- shoe Crescent. Thornhill. has been charged with theft of gas in the approximate amount of $4,00C5 from January to April, 1974. Knight. a service station operator at the A&P Plaza in Thornhill, was arrested after a check of gas meter figures revealed a shortage. Arrest Thornhill Man Gas Shortage The Richvale Bible Chap- el. Oak Avenue. haslavail- able tickets for {the film “Time To Run" which it highly recommends to fam- ilies and teenagers. It is playing at the Fairlawn Cin- ema between May 10 and 23. There was a premiere show- ing of it at Maple Leaf Gar- dens last week attended by thousands. For information about obtaining individual 01‘ group tickets phone 889- 7144. St, Mary Immaculate Ro- man Catholic. Yonge and Dufferin Streets, celebrates May devotions each evening After theatre cocktails and buffet make the first night pcrformance rather special and unlike subsequent per- formances. this one begins at 8 pm sharp â€" to allow for the audience and cast to “get-together" . after the show. Church News Theatre will be winding up another very successful sea- son. Opening night is May 31 for the last presentation. The Girl Guide cookie blitz in South Thornhill will be held May 15. The Brownies, Guides and Ran- gers will be in the area north of Steeles and south of the Thornhill Ladies Golf Club Wednesday of next week to sell cookies at 50 cents a box. They hope residents will buy as many as they can and help the Guides to remain a self-supporting organiza- tion. York Home T.V. 306 Bayview Ave. (Plaza) 889-1646 - 884-4165 South Thofin‘l’filfllki} Cookie Blitz GET YOUR Color TV from ‘ Sweetheart Peter WORKS IN A DRAWER Monday to Saturday at 7:30 pm. Many thanks to those who participated in the con- firmation service April 29. especially to the teachers who had worked through the year with the candidates. A special thanks to Joe Val- ente of the Valente Green- houses on Bedford Park Av- enue, who provided the flowâ€" ers for the altar and other displays for this occasion. Sports Registration for minor ball has been extended to May 15. For information tele- phone Austin Patterson 884- 5803. Steve Collett 889-2547. Lionel Boswell 889-4679 or John Bailey 889-3820. Girls will play Wednesdays. boys Thursday. Classifications will be made in age groups of two years only. Inter- H. D. Goldstein, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed, written sub- mission to the Acting Secretaryâ€"Treasurer prior to the Hearing. . The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear- ing in support of the Application. Application: (‘A/74/31 Sub-mission: A - 24 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Section 12 of The Planning Act (R.S.0., 1970) as amendedâ€" An application for minor variance has been submitted by the PERFORMANCE ENGIN- EERING LIMITED owner of Part 7 of Plan 11-1456 and Part 2 of Plan 2599 being part of Lot 6, Concession 2. The subject property has an area of 1.894 acres with a frontage of 379.08 feet and is municipally known as 55 Guardsman Road, Thornhill, Ontario. Relief from the minimum gross ground floor area of the By-law 77-73 as requested of the Committee of Adjustment. The applicant wishes to increase their floor area by 1.330 square feet to 4,100 square feet whereas the minimum gr0ss floor area is 7500 square feet. The Committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday, May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttom‘ille, Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to he heard in support of or in opposition to this application. . DATED at the Town of Markham, the 26th day of April, 1974. Committee Of Adjustment NOTICE OF HEARING TOWN OF MARKHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mills Road. Markham, Ontario CEDARBROOK CEDARBROOK Our Switchboard is open 24 [mars a day. Call us at any time for information and appointment 520 MARKHAM RD. We welcome you to come and see our new concept in residen tial care and re tirem entlivin g. Live an in dependent life in comfort, privacy and security llocking games will take iplace through the York Min- ior House'League which will :‘consist of teams from Maple. vOak Ridges, Thornhill and Richvale. Anyone, male or female, over 16 years of age ‘can register for playing in an intermediate league by contacting John Bailey 889- 3820 or Norm Reeves 889- 0155. YWCA Monday mothers from the Charles Howitt TAB group will meet with their children and their contributions to a pot luck lunch at the home of Andrea Tourigny, 3 Col- by Lane, for directions on how to get there please tel- ephone Andrea at 881â€"0866. You are asked to take also a chair and your own uten- sils please! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 8, 1974 (Just south of Lawrence) ’ H. D. Goldstein, Acting Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment, Town of Markham. NOTE: Any person wishing to comment on this application but who is unable to attend the Hearing may send a signed, written sub- mission to the Acting Secretary-Treasurer prior to the Hearing. The applicants or a representative for the applicants must appear at the time of Hear- ing in support of the Application. as amended by By-law 78-72 is requested of the Committee of Adjustment. The applicant wishes a minor variance of Section 2 (0) (ii) (iii) so as to allow one (1) wall sign to be located on the west face of the building. The committee of Adjustment hereby ap- points Thursday, May 9th, 1974 at the hour of 8:00 pm. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices at Buttonville, Ontario for the purpose of hearing all persons who desire to be heard in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED at the Town of Markham, this 26th day of April 1974. Application: CAIN/30 Submission: A - 23 IN THE MATTER OF Subsection 1 of Sec- tion 42 of The Planning Act (R.S.O., 1970) as amendedâ€" An application for minor variance has been submitted by THE DON VALLEY NORTH TOYOTA LIMITED, owners of Lot 86, Regis- tered Plan 9001, Markham. The subject property has an area of approximately 3.65 acres with a frontage of 360 feet and is mun- icipally known as 3120 Steeles Avenue East, Markham. Ontario. Relief from the requirements of By-law 1957 Committee 0f Adjustment Open ’til Noon Saturdays â€" Cash and Carry 889-4107 â€" 889-4176 “The Liberal” requires a Correspondent for the Carrville area. If you are interested in serving your home community and earning some extra money then please phone NOTICE OF HEARING \E I'InIâ€"I‘In-u ' Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL TOWN OF MARKH'AM MUNICIPAL OFFICES 8911 Don Mills Road, Markham. Ontario CARRVILLE SUBJECT PROPERTY MARY DAWSON AT 884-8177 CORRESPONDENT â€" WE DELIVER SCARBOROUGH 431 -6400 mules 19

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