Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart married 30 years. May 31; Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Buchanan, married 17 years. June 1; to Mr. and Mrs. Ha- rold Hill. married 36 years, June 1. Special wedding anniver- sary greetings to former re- sidents of our community but now of Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr, who on June 4 will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! Rev. and Mrs. James Be- well, B.A., MDiv. and family will be moving at the end of June to the Cardiffâ€"Paudash â€"Apsley Charge (near Ban- croft). Birthday greetings to Scott Brumwell, 14 years, May 30; Bryan Gee, May 31; Larry Sanderson. May 31; Mrs. Neil Mortson. June 4. Following the service there will be a pot luck luncheon in the Sunday school room in which everyone will have a chance to meet and chat with friends and relatives. Bever- age will be supplied. Every- one welcome! Nelghborhood Notes A miscellaneous shower will be held in community hall, Friday evening in honor of Miss Shirley Empringham and Bill Bradley who are be- ing married in June. The annual Memorial Day Service will be held June 2 at 11:30 am. with the Rev. James Bewell. BA, MDiv, in charge. There will be special music and a special sermon. A clean-up bee will be held Friday evening, of the ceme- tery and church grounds in preparation for the memorial service June 2. A number from here Sun- day afternoon attended the ordination service in St. An- drew’s Church, Orillia, when James Allan Estabrook Be- well was ordained. Congratulations Rev. James Bewell Doug. Martindale took charge'of the church service Sunday morning in the ab- sence of James Bewell who was attending sessions of Toronto Conference at Oril- 11a, Mr. Martindale is a stud- ent at Emmanuel College. Toronto. This summer he is serving as assistant cha‘plin‘ at Family and Juvenile Court in Toronto. Church News WWW ~- CLOTHING j ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS twin NEW IN TOWN > magnum KILL’ THORNRILL - AURORA anmm .‘ Sidewalks o Curbs o Excavating o Trenchlng o Drains . Septic Tanks (New and Repairs) Weldrlck Constr. Co. 158 Weldrick Road 881-0069 and don’t know which way to turn, call the Victoria Square Mn. Joyce Cl"! 349 Kerswell Din. Richmond Ell] 884-1940 SELL YOUR. UNWAN TABLES PHONE 884-1105 WWW} Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie RR 2, Gonnley Mn. wmm Mrs. Greer Thornhlll 889-3779 881-0917 I : GLEMG 5. was 10340 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 8190 Bayview Ave., Thornhill Both stores Open until 9 p.m. Wed., Thurs., 8. Fri. Nights Ida Burns Consumer Consultants Write to us for our booklets: 0) So You're Shopping For Two. b) Meal Planning' and Shoppng Guide For The Older Person, The A&P Consultant team is available to you for advice on any food or entertaining problem. RICHS, FROZEN Coflee Rich Sara FROZEN, FROZEN Sara Mandarin Oranges PREPRICED 37: OAK lEAF Comet Cleanser 332.02 Heinl Kidney Beans 314-H-oznns DARK RED PLUS an DEPOSIT 2’6-‘F'L-oz BOTTLES GREAT FOR HOME OR COTTAGE d) lunch For The Children 4l$1.00 MINUTE MAID Ida Burns 8. Associates Inc., I!“ “don load Elsi Ma, Onnrio Shopping To Save At A&P WEO PEPSI-(OLA lee layer Cake ORANGE 0R DEVILS FOOD CHOCOLATE lee layer Cakes ORANGE JUICE 100% JUICE FROM FLORIDA, FROZEN. CONCENTRATED ACTION PRICED! 3 10~f|»oz rins oz cartons containers 15-02 cake 14-02 cake ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! $1.00 Mm .ke 89¢ PANTRY SHELF â€" SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED. RECONSTITUTED ACTION IRICED! Orange Juice 4 who: tins $1.00 ONE SIZE FITS All Wonderfit Hose pkg Grapefruit Juice 419-fI-oz'ins$1.00 Instant Lonee 10oz 961.69 HANSON â€" RECONSTITUYED, PURE. UNSWEETENED Orange Juice 332-fI-oz brls $1.00 All. FLAVOWS Jell-o Powders 53-oz pkgs$1.00 PANTRY SHELF â€" SWEETENED OR UNSWEEYENED, RECONSYIYUTED ACTION PRICED! I O‘ClOCK -â€" 100% BRAZILIAN Instant Coffee $1.00 $1.00 HEINZ 3.3.0. SAUCE REGULAR 3l$1.00 ACTION PRICED! Chicken Breasts Spare Ribs FROZEN PRICED 4: l3 lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! SUPER-RIGHT OUALIYY, MEAIY Pork Hocks SHOPSY, OVEN ROASYING Cross Rib Steaks COUNYRY STYLE No Fat Added to Beef Roasts At A&P WEO! Puv'naâ€"Bee IRISH, MEAT Purina Stews 3 8-H-oz runs $1.00 BROAD, EXTRA BROAD, FINE, MEDIUM ACY'ON PRICED' 'GREAY ON A GRILL! 5.0.5. Stouring Pads 3 pkgs of10$1.00 Tender Romi Egg Noodles 3 12m pkgs$1.00 Shop AGP WEO . . . Enioy Great Meaf.’ 5MB? COCKTAIL 3 2841-0? 1 PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO 1. mm 3 lb 0†A 2‘ “ GRIU.’ 13-Fl-OZ JARS Priced 19¢ lb Lower Than A Year Ago! BALLS, WIENERS 8. BEANS Vittles $1.69 Gourmeo, liver, Tura, Ca. Food ACHON PRICED! Mushrooms YOU! CHOICE OF I. VARIE‘HES FLAK ED ALBACORE High liner Iuna Fish wroz an 697;?! LEAVE! -â€" HECES I SYEMS scsnrsn, UNSCENTED. rowan Acflciu PRICED! "hfa Ban Deodorant 6-oz aerosol tin Duncan CAKE MIXES "m 5 9¢ PKG BONUS PACKâ€"50% MORE FlEEâ€"chular wm. Body, With lomon, Exira Conditioner ACTION PRICED! Tame (ream Rinse S-lb carton ANN PAGE KETCHUP TOMATO 3/5100 “GREAT ON A GRIlL! lb$1.28 ‘GREAT ON A GRIN!" 0 9 TO 11 'CWJPS IN A PACKAGE 0 NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED lb$1.08 $3.79 ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! $1.00 15-FL-OZ BOTTLES H-Fl-OZ PLASTIC BTl IO-il-oz tin f ACTION PRICED! ACIION PRICED! ACTION man! ACTION PRICED! _ ' I PRICED 9< l3 LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, BONELESS Cottage Rolls I-IbVacpac89¢ SHOPSY, COlE SlAW 0! Potato Salad 24-ozcanon6851 FROZEN, SALISBURY STEAK 8- GRAVY, ROAST BEEF 8 GRAVY, VEAI. PAMAGIAN 'I-lB PKG Stewessrogueen $222296 l Haddock Fish & Chips 89¢ TOWN CLUB, FROIEN "GREAT ON A GR ll!“ x Ban! ‘1'DALA'H’DC Ibo ‘d PRICED 21: A PKG lOWER YHAN A YEAR AGO! SCHNEIDERS, SlICED Cooked Ham Cooked Meats Wieners Sliced Side Bacon I-IbVacPac 8 9? SUPER-RIGHT PRICED 7: A PKG LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO' SCHNEIDERS, SllCED. 7 VARIETIES PRICED 6: LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! SCHNEIDERS â€" RED HOT "GREAT ON A GRlLl! Heinl Spaghetti Heinz Beans Joy liquid A&P Saltines 1N TOMAYO SAUCE PlAKN OR SALTED IN TOMATO SAUCE DETERGENT AYlMER JAMS ,YAvLEifii'iiié‘kLEs 43¢ 89¢ Chelsea Buns Jelly Roll JANE PARKER giant l-lb, 7-oz cake JANE PAIKEI, IAISIN IWIST Coflee Cake Chocolate Brownies Is-oz foil tray 75¢ JANE PARKER Blueberry Pie JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Raisin Pie JANE PARKER PRICED 15¢ [a lOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 9-F l-OZ JARS '99. BANDED PKG OF 2 24-Fl~OZ PLASTIC BTLS WIENER ROLLS 325M .00 More lane Parker Qualify Bakery Values! ACTION PRICED! JANE PARKER, HAMBURG BUNS OR THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May 29, 1974 ACTION PRICED' 2 ‘6'01 pkgs $1.00 Ham Steaks or Centre Cuts SMOKED HAMS Pticed 10¢ lb Lower Than A Year Ago! ¢ P5531)" Shank lb lb 7 3;! Portion PPIGED 19: [B LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 6-02 Vac Pac 6-02 Vac Pac Mb Vac Pac ACTZON PRICED! ACYION PRICED ACTION PRICED! Fu" 8-inch pie Full 8-inch pie 98¢ 89¢ 68¢ 42¢ $1.00 $1.00 88¢ Moz cake 16oz pkg 85¢ lien'du Rolls COOKED, READY-TO-SERVE (SAVE 10¢) (SAVE 10¢) (SAVE 4c) (SAVE k) (SAVE 4:) 89¢ 75¢ 89¢ 59¢ Cantaloupe Cameo Facial Tissue: NESTLES â€" ORANGE, PEACH, PINEAPPLE RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY Flair Desserts WHIYE, PINK, YEllOW Sweetheart Soap ’ WHITE, PINK, lEMON, ULAC (BUY 3 BARS GET I BAR FREE) FRESH F0]? FM Val/I?! JANE rm "IIOWN ’N SERVE" nous MAIN OI WHEAT (SAVE '6’ 'lwin Rolls pkg of 12 hum, mnv SEED, SESAME seamâ€, CANADA N0. I GRAN; MEX/(AN, VINE RIPENED, Glaled Donuts JANE PARKER, "IIOWN 'N SERVE" “and sax 12-02 pkg of 2 loaves JANE PARKER ’ANE PAIKEI Angel Cake JANE PAIKiI SALMON FLESH Snowflake Rolls 3 pigs of 12 $1.00 ACYION PRICED! Jan. Pull", Sliced, Enrich"! White 9: W110» SANDWICH BREAD 3:2:=s1.oo lS-FL-O%l JARS ' (BUY 3 LOAVES â€" SAVE 26:) pkg of 10 Box of 200 2 ply sheen BANDED PKGS OF 4 BARS large size cake 5 (BUY 3 PKGS â€" SAY! I“) "GREAT ON A GRILL!" «639’; pkg 0‘ 8 ACYION PRICED! ACIION PRICEDI 3/$1.00 ACTION PRICED! $1.00 $1.00 (SAVE 10:) (SAVE l0!) (SAVE It) 39¢