BY HAL BLAINE Would you believe a Rich- mond Hill manufacturer dis- tributing to 54 nations who travels around the world for the Ontario government pro- moting provmcial products and talking up Canadian nuclear power plant sales while being a two-decade executive of a local hydro- electric commission? 7:1;0‘7557 in promotion of a York Region stamp collec- tor society for good measnge. W'Sounds- prett} improbable, doesn't it. doesn't 11 ISO. meet Don Hamilton“ principal of four Canadian' engineers who own Centaur. Manufacturing Company Li- mited, 57 Ncwklrk Road. FOUNDED IN 1959 pentaur was started at a‘ Willowdale location in 1959. and came to Richmond Hill' 10 years ago. It is a maker? of elctronic ignition equip- ment used by industrial and commercial operators with fleets of gasoline and pro- pane engine powered vehic- les. Hamilton has made his home at Aurora since 1934 and is vice-chairman of the Aurora Hydroelectric Com- mission upon which he has served for 19 years. He was recently off to England on another business trip to indulge in his pas- sion for stamp collecting UUUI uc “- . Would you believe one of the places he got an order was from the government of Fiji where he visited the ci- lties of Suva and Nandi in ' that Pacific Ocean nation of 400 isands, 180 of them in- habited. His products travel to customers almost exclu- sively by air carriers. the classic example of successful manufacture for a world market of a light, compact, high value product. 4'"! TRADE MISSION This was the fourth such trade mission Hamilton has been involved in, the trips having been at two-year in- tervals. First he went to England and France. The second mission was to Scan- dinavian countries. including Finland. Then came a trip to Germany, Spain and Aus- tria. A- ALA Hamilton has made his home at Aurora since 1934 and is vice-chairman of the Aurora Hydroelectric Com- mission upon which he has served for 19 years. He was recently off to} England on another business trip to indulge in his pas- sion for stamp collecting while discussing licensing arrangements for production of his product there. His is an 85% overseas business with a plant in Istanbul, Turkey producing under li- cense. And he says he keeps getting those highly attrac- tive takeover offers from US. interests that every- body talks about and have become such a big political issue of late. He confirms the existence of these take- over offers. but isn't about to sell out his bit of the na- tional economy. 25.000-MILE TRIP Mam."- Latest product of Richmond Hill’s Centaur Manufacturing pomp any Limited in this “Diagnostic Ignition Analyzer†which spots electrica shortcomings in gasoline and propane fork lift and other industrial an: commercial fleet engines where exhaust emission and ignition mainten‘ ance problems persist in spite of normal tune-up procedures. Hamilton returned April JUNE 5', 12, I9, 26 ATASTY TREAT THE WEDNESDAY SHEER PAR SPECIM THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, May DON HAMILTON iii/l Businessman Visits Orient of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken and Golden Brow IIILIUUJ l\CII\uLI\y - nyv OUR REGULAR TAGGED PRICE $8939 EA. Z V 3100"“?me 9" ,BOTH PIECES MOD) 3 6,93; \m.._:+\, . \ i \ l ,v ‘ \ 9W the buakokgyme bar/er 10549 YONGE STREET 130 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL AURORA KentuCky flied chickenn Colonel Sanders and his boys 24 from a 25.000-mile 30- day junket to the Orient.‘ That trip was a trade mis-l sion With seven other busi-L nessmen, all sponsored by; the Ontario Department of> Trade and Industry. He star- ted out March 24 on a ‘20- hour flight across the Prai- ries, Rocky Mountains andt Pacific Ocean to Tokyo,5 Japan. He went on to Hong Kong, Bangkok in Thailand, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia,‘ Singapore, Jakarta in In-‘ donesia, Sydney and Mel- bourne in Australia. a n“ -c u la. On this last mission to the Orient Hamilton was also there to discuss the CA'NDU System of nuclear generat- ing equipment which natio- nal promoters hope to see nu. r.vâ€""_ 7V , accepted on world markets. This involves the nuclear generators developed by Ontario Hydro, Atomic Energy of Canada and Cana- dian General Eelectric. Did local businessman Hamilton sell any nuclear generating stations? MET POWER BOARDS Well, it isn't quite that simple, he says. He met with the electric power boards of various nations. They were most interested and had never been approached by anybody from Canada. He found a greaL deal of inte- rest, he asserts. Even if a nuclear generat- ing plant order were obtain- ed right now. it would be a question of delivery in five or six years. In some nations they couldn't consider wait- ing that long for new power sources. Others were inte- rested. ‘ Hamilton is enthusiastic about the prospects for ex- port of the Canadian nuclear power generating system. “In spite of the Pollution make it "ï¬nger Iickm' good ur Manufacturing 0 3r†which spots elect and other industrial) 1' Manufacturing Comp- ?†which spots electrical ,nd other industrial and ’1 and ignition mainten- procedures. Probe contentions, CANDU systems realb’ aren't hazar- dous or a disposal problem. The system uses heavy water“ and unrefined uranium. It‘ is proven safe and economjr cal," he says. SAW HIS CHANCE This local entrepreneur once worked for a large Dutch controlled electronics operation in Canada. When developments in solid state circuitry came along, he saw his chance to develop an idea of his own. It involved existing known technology but hadn‘t been commercially feasible until the advent of the transistor. The equipment he produc- es is timely, for it can be used to cut air pollution from engines. His original electronic devices improved the life and efficiency of ignition systems. Now his electronic testing equipment puts the finger on ignition faults and breakdowns. Centaur's main product is a capacitor-discharge (C-D) ignition accessory named “Centi-Spark" He describes it as a highly technical pro- duct involvingv precise manu- facturing techniques. There °““ 99 orofe=sional-type electronic components in the design, compared with two in what are known as tran- sistorized ignition systems NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of George Lockhart Pollard All persons having claims against the Estate of George Lockhart Pollard late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 30th day of January. 1974. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or be- for the 5th day of June, 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall then have not- ice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 15th day of May. 1973. Lovica Ann Pollard. Execut- ;rix of the Estate of George Lockhart Pollard by her sol- icitor. Robert H. Blackburn. c/o Lawlor. LeClaire. Stong and Nevins, Barristers and Solicitors. 10265 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. On- tario m French Fries 29, 1974 All. BEDDING IN THIS AD ON SALE FRIDAY ONLY 9 AM - 9 PM E \l‘ ' ON "a o o . NOW AT FABIIIOIIS SAVINGS ‘ > o o o .1 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 4 -~ g -£ugl_w BED [HESIEBFIEllI {um BED , _ v _ A ‘ v~ ' Q. ï¬ll IT'S AT BAD BOY ' 34m 1444444444444141115 lTHESE ARE ONLY A FEW EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOU CAN ‘ bEXPECT DURING THIS GIGANTIC A BEDDING EXTRAVAGANZA...Y0UR‘ .SAVINGS ARE GUARANTEED TTTâ€"V’T'v v v v v v ° EUEIW BED [HESTEBFIElD 'EDEIW BED -EUEIW BDB SPBIDD -EUEIW DIWEIID °EUEBV MDTIBESS 23¢ -EUEIW BllIIH BED ACT FRIDA Y OUR REGULAR TAGGED PRICE $99.99 BAD BO 17 YONGE ST RICHMOND H PHONE 884-9? Direct Phone Li 473-4512 881- Eff] F E ATU R E, #10] “ boara 011000 NO MONEY DOWN 39" CONTINENTAL ENSEMBLE in}: Human sunon-wmn HEApBoARp 3mg TONITE TILL 9 PM FRIDAY 9 AM -9 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 6 EM ONLY AVAILABLEA Dreamland is yours with this ï¬ne sleep unit by King Koil; resilient coil- spring mattress with deep sisal insulation andfelt padding under a scroll quilted cover 0 Firm coil construction in the matching box spring founda- tion gives proper overall mattress support 0 Both units feature the famous Kelson Flex-O-Loc construction 0 Complete with hardwood legs. "INSTITUTIONAL II†ALL SAVINGS SHOWN ARE GENUINE REDUCTIONS BELOW BAD BOYS ALREADY LOW SALE PRICES. BAD BOY DOES NOT USE OR SHOW THE MUCH HIGHER MANUFACTUR- ER'S SUGGESTED LIST PRICES... ammmw-wâ€" OPENS TO A DOUBLE BED...' 434M“, tn. RICHMOND HI PHONE 884-9] Direct Phone Lil 773-4512 881-] term slabilig