24 AN OPPORTUNITY exists in our Richmond mu Facility for a plant manager to be responsible for total plant operations in the manufacture of pre-engineered buildings. THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE should possess a minimum of 4 years experience in plant manage- ment, have a sound knowledge of welding proce- dures and an ability to assess proposed designs of forming and punching equipment as well as other equipment related to metal fabrication. THIS PLANT MANAGER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL The other way '0 bui‘d THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 - 1106 Applications are invited for the followmg positions: SIGN WRITER/DESIGNER Able to layâ€"out, develop and paint signs from sketches, blueprints or other medium. Mus}: also be experienced in Silk-Screen wor . (‘ARETAKER To perform caretaking and cleaning duties at the Municipal Offices. Hours: - 4:00 RM. to MIDNIGHT. NIGHT SERVICE PERSONNEL To grease, gas and wash all types of veh- icles used by the Works Department. Also must be able to receive and relay telephone calls. Hours: - MIDNIGHT to 8:00 A.M. WEEK-END SERVICE PERSONNEL 2 reliable persons to each work a 12 hour shift on Saturday and Sunday. Duties to include receiving and relaying telephone messages and a combination of general duties in the Works Department. Please apply in writing to:â€" The Personnel Officer, 10266 Yonge St., Richmond Hill or phone 884-8101, extension 71 for S POSITION' offers salary related to experien‘ce and a full range of company benefits. Full-time and part-time personnel in the following areas FULL-TIME PART-TIME RICHMOND HILL interview. APPLY NOW IN PERSON Simpsons-Sears Temporary Personnel Office 10077 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Sears o EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL SALES PEOPLE To sell on a commission basis in the following depts. o DRAPERY DEPT. o CARPETS, FLOOR COVERING DEPT. Coming Soon To (Xï¬ï¬‚iggnjc’s isiheu'lid’ héve experience in selling, measuring and estimating in the home) FURNITURE DEPT. HOME ENTERTAINMENT, T.V. AND STEREO TAILORS NIGHT CLEANING STAFF CAFETERIA STAFF TELEPHONE SALES PEOPLE TO WORK DAYS AND EVENINGS PART-TIME SALES STAFF TO WORK IN OUR MODERN CAFETERIA PART-TIME SALES PERSONNEL TO WORK DAYS OR EVENINGS IN A NUMBER OF SELLING DEPARTMENTS (Just south of the Odeon Theatre) OFFICE HOURS MON - TUES. - 9:00 - 5:00 WED. - FRI. - 9:00 - 8:30 Simpsons-Sears Ltd. Phone 884-7704 Simpsons-Sears Ltd; are invited for the following Send Resume to General Manager A Division of Westeel-Rosco Limited 105 INDUSTRIAL ROAD RICHMOND HILL L4G 4Y8 STRAN-STEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS Still Require in our Richmond Hill RN‘s AND RNA’s REQUIRED, full and part time for nursing home in Aurora. Residence available. 889-7090. tfc47 HELP WANTED NEEDED A-l APPLICANTS O For Junior Accounting 0 Good Typists A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 10265 Yonge Street 884-6944 LADY wanted to live in for 3 weeks in August to look after 3 children. pay is good, 832-1213. c2w48 TAXI drivers, Hays or nights, experienced preferred but not essential. 884-9191. START now local Amway dis- tributors offers opportunity for good earnings. you pick the hours we train. for inter- view call 773-4025 5 to 7:30 nm *2w48 wait on tab} 884-2752. FULL time Conk. Person to RELIABLE general house- keeper, Monday and Friday, own transportation. 887-5381. c1w48 CLEANING p e r Sr 0 n, part- time or full time. $3. per hour. 669-1928. c2w4§ SALES help, part-time, eve- nings and week-ends, mature, Bayview Variety, 884-3417. c1w48 BOOKKEEPING Accounts receivable/payable clerk for progressive conâ€" struction company. Some NCR experience helpful, ex- cellent opportunity for right person. Yonge & Finch area â€" ca11‘222-6585 c2w48 CARPENTER for a custom home. Call 889-6269. c1w49 NURSES aiHes with experi- I-nce wanted for rest home. 984-9276. clw48 ACCOUNTANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT As manager of Real Estate and other investments for a good family cpmpany. Applicant should be ma- ture. a self-starter, with ma- nagement experience. Must have a pleasant personality and good references. WUnique position. good sala- ry, excellent future. Enquiries 749-4446: _____ MARWOOD PROPERTIES LTD. 3615 Weston Rd. Unit 9 Weston (Continued) June 5, 1974 les part time. c4w48 c1w48 c1w48 c1w49 paw -u-n-< Miss T. Rosenberg Administrator SUPERINTENDEVNT OF RECREATION Graduate of a Degree or Diploma Course in Recrea- tion or equivalent. and at least 5 years experience in a municiï¬al environment. Must possess a Permanent Type “A†or “B†certif- icate. QUALIFICATIONS:â€" DUTIES Lu--u-o-o.u--u- 1.0. -4»- >-.».u.u.o-n-u- .‘ FULL AND PART-TIME Experienced 01' will train. Must be reliable. APPLY YORK COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD TELEPHONE 889-9792 OR 773-4326 Experience in fashion retailing management pre- ferred, but not necessary. Applicant must like people, must be an ambitious, self-starter. and qualified to handle personnel. APPLY MISS H. HERSHMAN CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE DEPT. OF MANPOWER & IMMIGRATION 5799 Yonge St. Yonge & Cummer FRIDAY, JUNE 7th 10 AM to 3 PM WHERE SMART WOMEN SHOP CANADA‘S LEADING LADIES WEAR CHAIN ARE OPENING SHORTLY IN HILLCREST MALL 9350 YONGE ST. AT CARRVILLE ,RICHMOND HILL, ONT. and are accepting applications for 120.00 130.00 95.00 115.00 120.00 Keele 8: Finch: Flair for figures? Enjoy work- ing in this pleasant atmosphere. Typing for variety. Yonge & Steeles: Work for this busy Sales Manager and enjoy lots of people contact. Woodbine & Steeles: First Job? Use your newly acquired skills in this very people or- iented office. York Mills: This modern Engineering firm needs a capable clerk/typist. Great benefits. Lawrence & Yonge: Enjoy excellent company and salary reviews in this challenging dicta position. 120.00 Lawrence & Caledonia: Utilize your 029 and 1315 Finch Ave. W.. Suite 206 5 129 experience and train on other equipment. “No appointment necessarY" 630-0064 Fairview Mall Dr., Suite 260 493-6880 3089 Bathurst St, Suite 207 . . . . . . 787-0397 DISTRICT ‘ ACCOUNTS CLERK $137.34 - $160.23 Per Week The Maple District requires an Accounts Clerk to assist the Finance and Administra- tion Officer in controlling and carrying out accounting and budgeting, and in providing administrative services. Qualifications: Grade 12 education or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience, about three years progress- ively responsible clerical experience, personal suitability. All facilities are available at Richmond Hill (4 miles distance) and other communities within a 15 mile radius. This competition is open to both men and women. Complete resumes should be for- warded by June 14, 1974 to: District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources Maple District, Maple, Ontario, LOJ 1E0 CARETAKERS All shifts, full and part time The Willows Estate Nursing Home MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES RNs, RNAs 8. NURSES AIDES MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER CASHIER 889-7090 Residence available -0- -o-n-u-n-n-v-u-- -0-n-II" a DRAKE lNTERNATIONAL c0moany_ drake Dotson‘ua Ontario Mrs. M. Black Director of Nurses HANDY-MAN/handy/woman. for gardening, painting, odd jobs, etc 8 hours every week. $25.00. 887-5180. TRUCK driver for 2 1974 vans. Nights. 884-1101. WANTED I HELP CLEANING lady, weekly, Thornhill - Yonge & Centre St. area. 889-1864. 02w49 Three openings exist now for smart voungâ€"minded per- sons in the local branch of a large international firm in Simcoe County. This is an impressive opportunity for an ambitious person who wants to get ahead. This position has all com- pany benefits and very‘com- plete training, Previous ex perience unnecessary. If se- lected your starting income will be $15000 to $225.00 per week, (pd. weekly). de- pending on ability and quali- fi'cations. To qualify. you need a pos- sitive mental attitude, grade 11 or better, self confidence and a pleasant personality. You must be free to begin work immediately, Only those who Sincerely wish to get ahead need ap- ply. Please phone now to ar- range an appointment for a personal interview. AN F '5 ’_:'< NOW N65 : .':>-:;__)ng .3; 3.:(13/ - . ‘ ' .:. ‘ a: Ml. NEEDSSTAF ' i Bob Lamont â€" 884-9171 Thursday & Friday 10:00 am 'tin 7:00 pm. Requires Salespeople for our new store in the HILLCREST MALL Excellent opportunities‘ for advancement with great benefits attached. Experience preferred. For further information call Mrs. Parker St. Clair Paint 8. Wallpaper PAY PROGRESS PERMANENCE K mart Department Stores, a division of the S. S. Kresge Co, Ltd., will be opening a new store in this area. In accordance with K mart’s policy to employ local residents for the many vacancies which are available, K mart invites applications for the positions listed below. POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING GATE! (Continued) PRESTIGE AT OUR NEW HILLCREST MALL, RICHMOND HILL Receivers o O Stockroom Help 0 A Limited Number of Sales Help 0 Security Officers 0 Security Guards Full- and part-time positions are available Good starting salary with regular salary review Pleasant working conditions with many good com 1-789-5304 St. Clair "THE PAINT & PAPER PEOPLE" Interviews to be held on June 18 - 19 - 20 Arrange your interview by contacting: NORTH YORK CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 5799 Yonge Street - Willowdale Mr. Richard Fine - 221-9343 Students will be interviewed at a later date c2w49 tfc49 c1w49 Office Staff Office Cashiers Sales Department Checkout Cashiers (will train) Stockroom Markers Stockroom Checkers Service Desk Kitchen Cafeteria PART-TIME kennel assistant, WAITRESS/WAITER. mu st required every other week- have experience. 2 required, end. Canine Control. 887-5562 part-time weekend work. Call or 887-5012 between '9 am. 887-5150 Halfway House. & 5 pm. clw49 c2w49 DISHWASHER wanted. 6 a.m. to 3 pm. $110.00 gross week- ly. Apply B & M. Restaurant. Don Mills & No. 7 Hwy. or call 499â€"0666. c1w49 EXPERIENCED switchboard operator, for afternoon shift 1:30 to 8:30. Monday to Fri- day. 889-1942. tfc49 We have openings in our pleasant, progressive nursing home' for an R.N.A. or R.N. for night duties, full or part- time. Also nurses‘ aides, day and night shifts. Experience helpful but not necessary. Seneca College geriatric nurses’ aide course begins in September on nursing home premises. For interview ap- ply Aurora Resthaven Nurs- ing Home - 727-4091. c1w49 PERSON to work 4 hoursl daily, plus steady weekends, permanent. Apply Mrs. Ren- zetti, Housekeeping Dept. 884-7139. c1w49 ADULT working family re-‘égli quires cleaning lady. 1 day â€"â€" per week. or every other 51 week, references. Call after We, 5. 889-3008. c1w49 m5] R.N. - R.N.A. - NURSES’ AIDES SNACK bar counter help, good starting salary, paid holidays. paid vacations, sick pay‘ Must be neat. mature person willing to work evenâ€" ings or days. Full or part- time. Apply in person to Mrs. Purvis, 7171 Yonge St., between 2 pm and 6 pm.’ (Continued) WANTEm HELP WANTED THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES c1w49 HIGH GRADE MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOE STORE Opening in Hillcrest Mall. Richmond Hill, requires: Manager Ass't Manager Full and part-time sales personnel Excellent opportunity for ad- vancement in young, aggres- sive company. . ’Write to Box 40. stating posi- tion applied for, past experi- ence. age, etc. Applications confidential. *lw49 c2w50 CARETAKER/JANITOR Semiâ€"retired or retired per- son looking for a place to belong. We‘ll give you a comfortable family-type en-‘ vironment to return to “the good life". Apply Mr. Bob Key, Faberge of Canada Ltd. 7939 Keele St. N. Concord. good company benefits PRODUCTION TYPIST Must be fast. accurate typist for labels. cards. reports etc. Greenland Gifts Ltd. 70 Newkirk Rd.‘ Richmond Hill. 881-2628. c1w49 STOCK RECORDS CLERK We have a vacancy in our inside sales dept. for a stock records clerk. Must be accu- rate with figures with gene- ral office knowledge. for new plastics laminating plant. Lo- cated Keele Street and Hwy. No. 7. Please call 661-2351, ext. 42 COUPLE FOR HOME IN COUNTRY Wife-Full time housekeeper, Husband - part-time grounds- man/handyman. Call Mrs. Devita after 6 pm. 884-6446. c1w49 INVOICE TYPIS'I‘ We need a person to‘type invoices, take telephone or- ders and sales over the coun- ter. The successful applicant will have good typing skills, DRIVER for light delivery truck. some warehouse work. Phone Seales Wholesale. 884-3391. c1w49 a pleasant telephone manner and will enjoy meeting peo- ple. Salary negotiable. Phone for interview; The Asso- ciation of Kinsmen Clubs 889-0450. c1w49 BOOKEEPER/TYPIST For posting to trial balance. Various small sets of books. 884-1234. c1w49 (Continued) clw49 c1w49 EXPERIENCED person to assist on small thoroughbred horse farm in Unionville area. Require full time em- ployee. however will accept temporary summer help. Good salary for qualified person. Day. 366-8974. evenâ€" ings 297-3023. e3w49 G E N E R A L Golf Course Workers Required. Phone 884-5234. c1w49 HELP WANTED DOOR ATTENDANT To seat guests in lounge. Friday and Saturday irey_en_ing Liaâ€""15m. to 1 am. Call Mr. Parker, 881-2121, Parkway Hotel WANTED-one sales represen- tative, no experience neces- sary. You can earn $100 extra money if you have only 10 hours to spare. Call 225-1173. or evenings 749-4377. ask for Mr. Marchione. sales mana- iger. c4w49 OFFICE-AUTOMOTIVE Busy office requires top cali- bre person, exciting. chal- lenging work with excellent future and top salary, Call Peter Slade. businCSS ma- nager, Don Little Ford. 889-1105. tfc49 4 DAYS WEEKLY Receptionist for professional office, Sheppard/Yonge Area. Light typing an asset. Call Mr. Faccini 755-1171. LAW office seeking good secretary. experience an as- set. Preparcd to train eager applicant. Located in Rich- mond Hill. Call for appoint- ment. 881-2345. elw49 HOUSEKEEi’ER WANTED To make up bedrooms and1 assist with laundry equip-1 ment. 8 am. to 4 pm. Call Mr. Parker 881-2121 P a r k w a 3' Hotel. c1\\;49 To operate modern dishwash- ing equipment and assist chef evenings at Parkway Hotel. Call Chef Healy or Mr. Par- ker. 881-2121. c1w49 I STUDENT REQUIRED FOR ‘ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 5 day week with opportunity to work weekends during school term. Includes stor warehouse and yard work a SAVEWAY BLDG. SUPPL 91 COSTA RD. (Keele 8; Hwy. 7) 669-2297 TOOL and diemaker wanted. must be experienced. Goo wages and benefits. Appl Kent Tools Ltd.. 26 Laidla Blvd. Markham. Ont. 294-4400 c1w49 WOMAN for snack bar. even- ing's. 884-1101. c2w4 RESIDENCE WORKER Temporary full-time positior in the Yonge-Finch area D u t i e s involve househok cleaning. laundry duties anc‘ assistance in the kitchen 01 a children's residence. Rotat- ing shifts, 8:30 am. - 4:00 pm & 9:30 am. - 6:00 pm. Twc days off per week, on dut}J every third weekend. Starting salary $83 per week. F01 interview appointment tele- phone Mr. A. Paterson 924, 4646. c1w4§ PART-TIME 5 pm to 9 pm. and Saturday receptionist: cashier and fil‘ ing for American Motor: dealership. Call Mrs. Hughe: at 889-1189. ' c1w4! 2 CLASS “A†mechanics re- quired for Chrysler dealer $4.75 per hour plus guarantee Contact service manager 669- 2374. c1w4£ CASHIER Experience preferred. to busy retail store. This is full time permanent positim with company benefits to th successful applicant. Appl EEK/I'rvsiiNï¬eme-t: Canadian Tin Store, 10288 Yonge St. Rich mond Hill. c1w43 RUSTPROOFER r] Experienced person to trai for management at one of ou plants. Attractive salary opportunity to grow wit leading company. Location north of Metro. Telephon Ziebart 884-3491, days. ‘ . J THE Villa Private Hospita 9000 Bathurst Street, Thorn hill, has the following posi tions available: fulltime an summer relief, nurses“ aide kitchen aides, housekeepin staff. registered nurses. ful time night duty; registere nurse, two days per wee New wage scale soon to be i effect. Transportation provi ed to Richmond Hill and cit buses. Nursing position ea Mrs. Mabley; other, call Mr Roland 889-4931. c1w4‘ HOTEL KITCHEN HELP FULL TIME POSITIONS FOR SALES PERSONNEL AND SALES SUPERVISORS FOR RETAIL LADIES’ WEAR VILLAGE SHOP UPPER CANADA MALL NEWMARKET (Continued) HILLCREST MALL RICHMOND HILL APPLY FOR APPOINTMENT 432 ADELAIDE ST. W TORONTO 364-1052 c1w49 c1w49 c1w4 clw4