Credit for this concert is due to Robert Thiel. a resi- dent of Richmond Hill. who. in his spare time. has con- ceived and nurtured the Rich- mond Hill Youth Concert Band; Mrs. Mary Fleming. a volunteer from the communi- ty who conducts the Mac- Killop Public School Choir: and, the community itself for its active support and envol- vement in things musical. Bravo. HIGH PRAISE YOUTH CONCERT BAND Dear Mr. Editorâ€" The choir from MacKillop School was a‘tasteful addition to the program. Good teach- ing and the obvious enthu- siasm of each child made what might have been just another public school choir sound inspiring. A special bravo for the ecological song with words adapted to refer to the Richmond Hill mill pond. A lot of people have put many hours of work in the formation of the Ward 3 Ratepayers’ Group. We have had two excellent meetings and hope to have many more. Your editorial of May 29 points out the advantages of citizen participation. view Band concerts often be- come dull after two or three numbers. Not so here. This band played a pleasantly va- ried program that never drag- ged. They played with consi- derable musical finesse and did not fall into the trap of performing numbers too hard for them. From the quality of performance, I was sur- prised to hear that the group only rehearses one evening a week. (Continued from page 4) were delivered to as many homes as possible, Wenlock was not the only street mis- sed as was impliedâ€"Concess cion 3, Rockwell area. Briggs and Bayview were others. We just didn’t have enough peo- ple to cover these streets. Mrs, Sharpe has told me that she will do Wenlock in future and if any resident on the other streets missed would call MacKempton at 884-4377. he would be pleased to have their help. Mr. Major receiv- ed a personal invitation to the first meeting April 8. but no other personal invitations were extended. Thank you for the opportu- nity to put forth my point of I was pleased to be present at a concert of the Richmond Hill Youth Concert Band at Richmond Hill High School May 23. As a music teacher in downtown Toronto where community bands are almost non-existent. it was encourag- ing to hear such fine per- formances from the band and choir. and to see such envol- vement of so many members of your community. For 12 years we had a dog. During those years we kept him in our own yard. or took him to vacant fields for a run. and always on a leash when nearing h ome. We cleaned up after our own dog. He never once went roaming on his own and foul- ing up our neighbors‘ lawns. PROPERTY OWNERS' RIGHTS Dear Mr. Editor â€"- Now that the snow has gone, we can see a dozen spots where dogs have chos- en to stop. Worse still we have a fire hydrant in the middle of our lawn that in- vites more visitors. It is also a fine target for pop bottles. etc. We are paying for our pro- perty. it is supposed to be private. Is there no law that can prosecute owners of ani- mals for fouling up other people's lawns on which a lot of money is spent each year to keep them looking nice? My main job here the year round is cleaning up other people's dirt. I think someone ought to start looking after the rights of property owners. MRS. J. McGINNIS. 10548 Bayview Avenue. Richmond Hill. MIGHT! m MUFFLER L I RICH VALE We’re not just goo_d / WE’RE MIGHTY GOOD Muffler & Tailpipe $ INSTALLED . . . from I __1.1EET|ME GUARANTEE JUNE KIRBY, 320 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. STEPHEN SMITH. President. Toronto Secondary School Music Teachers' Assoct. Mighiy Mufflei 9190 YONGE ST. PHONE 889-9977 at Use this coupon wi'h every complete exhaust syuem INSYALLED 10 It is heartwarming to see that in these troubled times. so many people realize their good fortune in being Cana- dians. Of course many were not in favor of another election and grumbled at the cost. but the overall sentiment was thankfulness that we are lucky enough to live in the best town in the best country in. the world. Everyone I met was co- operative, helpful and ap- peared contented and happy â€"some more prosperous than others. but all hearty and hopeful. Although I have lived in Richmond Hill for 13 years and have always valued my neighbors and grown to love my own district. it was only last week when I had occa- sion to enumerate another section of town that I realiz- ed how very fortunate we are to live in such a friendly. carefree and safe town. It's spring again, and the sun is shining . . . and un- fortunately it is also Sun- day! For those of us who are foolish enough to cling to our homes near the Button- ville Airport flight paths. Sunday is a day of con- tinuous noise. It does not seem just that we have to suffer _th’e really aggravating, dis t r a c t l n g, overwhelming, contin- uous noise of the fun-flying on Sundays! Airport officials assure us that planes make no more noise than gravel trucks â€" but just imagine continuous streams of gravel trucks circling one's house and gardens from dawn to dusk on Sundays. And then remind yourself that none of those flights are necessary All that noise for the amuse- ment of the pilots! I'm not naive enough to think that all flying is going to cease simply because it pollutes the countryside and irritates the citizens who pay taxes for the use of the land underneath the flight paths. And after all, just because we have to pay for new muf- flers to replace salt-eaten faulty ones on our cars, it's no reason to expect plane owners to muffle their noisy engines â€"â€" planes are costly enough now â€"â€" and think of the cost to the pilot for gas! No sense hoping for expen- sive mufflers or varied flight paths! A PEACEFUL (?) SUNDAY AT HOME Dear Mr. Editor â€"- However. one does accept the fact of flight as a neces- sity for important executives to get about quickly , . . one learns to live with the noise, on business days. of planes taking off and FLYING AWAY! We have been etremly fortunate not to have had any forced landings in our fields and orchards . . . the last two came down within a mile of us but missed our tall evergreens around the house. One should count one's blessings! But who can hear onself count on Sun- days? Trouble with farming is that on Sundays the animals want to eat . . . one can't go off to the quiet of the north woods and abandon the live- stock . . one can relax, plant petunias or beans and carrots . . . but not with the noise at present. Su‘ï¬days-on- the-farm on the east side of Richmond Hill have to be spent indoors with the wind- ows shut! Evenings after five or six pm are noisy too. but as I say. one learns to close the windows and turn up the radio. No one hopes to return to the old dead-quiet. depress sing Sundays when one had to amuse oneself and family at home BUT it would be nice if we had the freedom to choose to spend a quiet Sun- day at home! It is unfortu- nate that the few people who are free to fly about in the sky should disturb the peace of all the citizens on the ground on Sunday. MARILYN WATSON, D GALLONS FRE E "$19.95 Box 240, Richmond Hill RITA BU’IYI‘. 86 Cartier Crescent. Richmond Hill. (Just south of Richmond Hill) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .ououono». 00000000000 .00 O "Ilium; 1. RDISSERIE {TEA s 2 ONLY ECONOMICAL APARTMENT SIZED ELECTRIC RANGE 0 ï¬g WITH PLUG OUT FAST HEAT ELEMENTS . . . ’ Features: Master control panel 0 Lifetime porcelain enamel ï¬nish 0 Lift ofl’oven door and side racks for easy cleaning 0 A rcccssctl non-spill cooking top. . . . OUR REGULAR TAGGED PRICE 5149,99 HURRYFOR THIS... ATTH/SLOWPR/CEL o :00 o o O O o'o'o .0 O O v ‘0’. o o O O 0 v 0 O .0 v 0.. 0° 0 ’0 .v .v .0 ,9. oo oo 0 o o .a90(.:.:.:.a.a. a ' 1 o 01 ’4 ...:g.o:o:o:ozozo:ozox "to “E: mmn l~ 4 .0 '0 ’0 O O ‘0 v '0 O ’9 0N1 Y Tâ€! BU YING POWER OF BAD 80 Y 'S 28 FABlll OlIS STORES I N (OI/[D BRING YOU THESE INIRIDIBIE BARGAINS . . . V (0M! SEE COME SA VE 0N 100'S AND 100’S Mg]?! . . .‘ Beatg/ 30" A VoBUILT IN M Tho arm ix ran/ml ’lt’rm, . , . Thix 5p: ‘oil and grmxr m A [xv/f whilv ranking .mww" " oun REGULAR TAGGED PRICE $309.99 iiiiiikv: TIME I: RUNNING our! . 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WITH PLUG OUT FAST HEAT ELEMENTS IN LIFE TIME PORCELAIN FINISH . . . Parvelain ronsnle mnlral panel 0 Auloman’c timed appliance (mile: 0 Flip- mp service and fun raverâ€"large clear nan-fag window broiler pan. full widlh slnragc drawer and rhmmr hardwarr. WITH OVEN TIMER AND REMOVABLE DOOR . .. TAPPAN "ClOCK CONTROLLED? ' 24" AUTOMATIC RANGE BRAND NAME 30" RANGE Removable ltft-ofl'door for easy oven cleaning Full size “Perma View" non fog window Master control panel 0 Recessed non-spill cooking top Convenient appliance outlet 0 Highest quality oven contra/st Lifetime porcelain enamel ï¬nish throughout 3 Large capacity full-width drawer till: 'ab/e and THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE WHILE SUPPLY LASTSI (’a†fly», OUR REGULAR TAGGED PRICE 5179,99 OUR REG TAGGED PRICE $219.99 PHONE 884-9125 Direct Phone Lines: 773-4512 881-1320 17 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL BAD BOY