Laura Darnell Lind will be joining the nursing staff of York Central Hospital in the surgical department following her graduation August 16 from Seneca College School of Nursing. Laura is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Lind, Lake Avenue, Oak Ridges, and is a gradu- ate of Langstaff Secondary School. She received a Ki- nette award for those enter- ing the nursing profession. Graduate Nurse; Mr. and Mrs. George Veitch of Weldrick Road have just returned from a holiday at Round Lake near Havelock. While there they enjoyed visiting with Cy and Marg Chevis who lived here in the Carrville area some time ago. Miss Nancy Middleton of Palmerston. formerly of Can'vllle. visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton Wednesday. She is staying at her brother’s in Aurora for three weeks' hol- idays. Do phone me about your trip or birthday or party or anything interesting you hear in the neighborhood. We would like to tell about it. Have you new neighbors we could introduce or old ones we could say farewell to? I hope to hear from you soon. Mrs. May Park and Mr. Ernie Bone are both at home now convalescing after hav- ing been in intensive care at York Central Hospital. We wish them both a speedy re- covery. Robert Veitch of Weldrick Road has been awarded a scholarship from the air cad- ets to go to Trenton on~a course. He is there now tak- ing his glider pilot training for six weeks. We congrat- ulate him and wish him ev- ery success. Neighborhood Notes Please note there will be NO church service during the month of August or on September 1 at Victoria Square United. However the service will resume Septem- ber 8. at 11:30 am with the Church News The other week we had the pleasure of meeting with members from other branches. In this case our guests were: Deputy District Commander for District Comrade Leighton Howard and Branch 258 President Comrade Arthur Hale and his lovely lady. Branch 258 is in Highland Creek. Dur- ing the evening Mrs. Hale was asked to draw the win- ning ticket on the weekly draw. Congratulations to Comrade Don McDonald. We sure hope these nice people nnmn hank saain That i: At this time we wish to extend our sincere congratu- lations to the Pollard Family‘ While in England they at- tended the wedding of their son. Captain David Pollard to Miss Sheila Huddlestone. Speaking of travelling, we can tell you that some of our members have returned safely to the fold. We wish to say welcome home to: Nancy and Bill Pollard on their return from England; Jan and Neil Jarvie on their safe return from a tour of the British Isles and parts of Europe. Let's see! Just what have we been up to in the past little while. Some time ago we informed you that two of our runners were very much overdue. We can now tell you that they have returned after spending their AWOL time down in the sunny climes among the swallows. Capistrano some one told us it was. LAURA DARNELL LIND We all know that it is a social error to begin a letter} or what have you with an; apology. But in this case it} must be done. Last week we sent in a column but mischance caused it to be} lost. Sure hope all of our] readers will forgive yourl poor old battle-scarred re- porter. Will try to do better from here on in. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Correspondent Aulda Wood 25 Brightway Crescent Telephone 884-5095 CARRVILLE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2. Gonnley â€" Telephone 887-5421 News Rev. Victor Shepherd in npte there will be v charger Warriors Day At The Ex August 17 Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford Phon 884-7030 legion Report: The Woman’s Institute and the UCW invites every- one to attend their annual Sunday outing at the sum- mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee at Duclos Pt., Lake Simcoe, August 18. A pot luck lunch is the menu. Beverages, dishes and cutlery will be provid- ed, Don't forget your bath- ing suits! 86th Birthday Special birthday greetings to Mrs. Alice Perkins, who on August 1, will be cele- brating her 86th birthday. Congratulations Mrs. Perk~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby and girls had Sunday evening dinner with Mrs. Frisby's mother, Mrs. Bert Taun at Stouffville, the oc~ casion being Margarite Fris. by's ninth birthday. Mrs. Jim Smith, Joan and Penny have returned homev after spending the pastl three weelm in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boyn- ton and girls have been holidaying in the Haliburton‘ area. I ton Neighborhood Notes All the news for now. Must get this in before the boom gets lowered. Speaking of ball games, there should be some keen action this Saturday and Sunday during the ball tour- nament. Just maybe that next trip around the bags we will be able to come up with some good news. P.S. Just remembered something. Sure hope all friends are staying healthy. Enjoy your holidays and come hark to u: safely. Have you heard some strange noises coming from the Legion parking lot late- ly. Be not alarmed gentle readers, it is only our new pipe band getting in practice on the pipes and drums. Duddles went out to play a Dudles went out to'play a game of ball. At least it started out that way. At the end of the game we found we had taken a darn good licking. Won‘t tell you the score ’cause it hurts to even think about it. Don't know how we made out this weekend ’cause they won’t tell your reporter about it. Anyway we have the best darn referee in the busin- ess. Oops, seems to us that we just made a booboo. Can’t think of what they call the chap who calls the strikes and misses. ‘iembers and their wives. Return transportation will be from the armouries to the branch where We will be dined and feted. All mem- bers please put your names on the lists provided in the clubroom. The tickets for admission to the grounds for this event can be picked up from the bar stewards. Re- member that these tickets are only for members of veterans’ families. Hurry. Hurry. The closing date is drawing nearer faster than you think. Have you lost anything this past little while? We are in possesion of various pieces of jewellery. jackets, sweaters and pens. They iave been in our care for over three months and we would appreciate their own- ers claiming same. If not claimed within the next week, We will turn them back to the persons finding same. The minister .expects to be around here for the most of August. Kindly inform him if there is anyone who is 111 or shut-in. Picnic time round, buses will be leaving our branch at 0930 hours (9:30 am) SHARPLY for the CNE. Again this year there will be no child- ren on the buses. Transpor- tation is only for Legion Before we go much far- ther there is an important date coming up. This is an annual event and one that we are all proud to take part in. August 17. WAR- RIORS’ DAY PARADE. This There is a rumor that Branch 375 might take up the curling game. More about this at a later date. les) Homar Auger. Doubles to be played in September. EUCHRE: (pairs) Bud Chapman and George Sulli- van. DARTS: (singles) Wiscombe. CRIB -â€" J. Sanders (sin- gles); Don Quinton and Rick Pillage (doubles); Through the spring months we have had a branch tourn- ament in all the social sports. We report the following re- sults: of the nicest people to be found. one of the nicest things about Legion; you meet some SHUFFLEBOARD (sing- Sam Belated girthday greetings to Albert Gargarella of Dun- can Road who 12 years of age on July 28. Happy birthday greetings to Heidi Gutsch of Duncan Road who will be 10 years of age August 1. The best of birthday wishes to Grandma, Mrs. Annie Thomson, of Duncan Road whose birth- day is August 2. Birthday greetings to Billy Gargarella of Duncan, who celebrates his 11th August 3 and Billy Logush will be 14 on the same date. The best to every- RICHVALE RECORD Belated anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. John Lukianiuk of Duncan Road. who celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary July 20. It was a very enjoyable bar- becue. Correspondent: Mrs. Sophie Logush Telephone 889-4405 Neighborhood Notes Neighborhood Notes Welcome to all the mer- chants who have located in the Hillcrest Mall, which opens its doors to the public August 8. I am sure that we, in South Richmond Hill, es- pecially, will appreciate the convenience of so many varied enterprises. Our young people too will be- nefit from the offering of a “job on the spot“ and many bicycles will be back in use again throughout the area. Even some of the older residents may be seen throughout this area exer- cising on “wheelsâ€. Community groups and or- ganizations should already have received copies of the Initial Steps of Goals and Obiectives which have been circulated. If not, be sure The planning department «f the Town of Richmond Hill is at present in the process of preparing a new Official Plan for our town. to phone Planning Director Hesse Rimon at 884-8101 and ask for a copy to be sent -muuuuumumuuummuumumumnun“umuumummi\muumuumununmm\u‘lmun1mnnm\mmummmmuuml\mmummuunumummummmmmummnummuuummunummmuumnnlmluu\\u\\m\lnll\ml\mmlmummunm-P fl'llull!I!“\lll“llll“lllllllmlllllllllllll“I‘llllllllllmllllll)“IllIllI)!ll)llllll“ll“llI!lllllllllll“)illIlllllll‘lillllllllllllllllllllulllllmlllllllull!llllml“Ill“mumllllmum“!!!m“!Ill!!!mlIllillulllmlllllllllllllullmlllllllllll“mumllllllmlllllllmlllllllllllllllmll'3’ EAST RICHVALE o WEDDING RECEPTIONS o BANQUETS o PRIVATE PARTIES, ETC. Another major way of strengthening local government decision making has been the introduction and passage of the 1974 Municipal Elections Am- endment Oct. This bill result- ed from a series of meetings with municipal officials, muni- cipal associations and with the Municipal Liaison Committee. For Your Convenience Richmond Hill Curling Club Over the ,past few years regional government has been used as a measure to develop a more orderly planning process or to share in financial and other resources for overall effective government. A good number of county councils throughout On- tario have seized the initiative in planning a restructuring of local government to meet the particular needs and challenges of their own areas. By WILLIAM HODGSON MLA York North When a resident of any muni- cipality complains to his alder- man or a council representative about the pot holes in the road opposite his house or the bad condition of the sidewalk on his street, he is in effect looking for immediate action or quick rem- edy to bring about an improve- ment in these local conditions. When a municipal council de- cides upon purchasing a new fire pumper or hiring some new planning staff. its decisions are positive responses to local needs. In this context. the Ontario government has consistently atâ€" tempted to strengthen local gov- ernment in as many ways as possible. Please contact Richmond Hill Curling Club P.O. Box 120, Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill, 889-3185 - 889-4554 Correspondent â€" Mrs. Mary Watts 43 Spruce Avenue 889-5787 now invites you to use their facilities for: Changes And Improvements In Municipal Election Act Written comments, Sugg- estions, etc. must be sub- mitted before September 15. I was away until the middle of July, as stated in a June issue, and will also be on vacation the last two weeks of August, so any in- formation you wish to pub- lish during my absence, call Mary Dawson at 884-8177. to you From July 22 to August 15, the planning department has reserved Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am until noon and Tuesday nights from 6 to 8 pm for any ci- tizens who might wish to question or discuss these goals and objectives. It is unfortunate that theer has been so little pub- licity on the successes of the other teams throughout the season, so would the coaches or scorekeepers please get information to me or “The Liberal†office by 9 am Friday for the follow- ing week's issue. to their enthusiastic coach Ralph Sawyer of Weldrick Road. and to the many pa- rents and friends who have turned out regularly to all games and whose support and encouragement is greatly appreciated. There is to be a public meeting August 29 at 7:30 pm in the council chambers for Ward 6 (the South Rich- mond Hill area) from Vaug- han Road to Highway 7, bordered by .Bathurst and Yonge Street. Your representative on council, Lou Wainwright of Pemberton Crescent encour- ages your participation and expression of opinion in. these all important issues, so if not on holiday, please show your interest or con- cern. Congratulations to all the boys in our newly formed interlocking bantam soft- ball league, known as the Richvale Rose Trailers, who have been playing some ex- cellent ball this season, wiping out their opponents in Thornhill in three succes- sive games. Thanks are due Several administrative alter- ations were also made to the amended act. For example. un- der the present procedure. an assessment commissioner con- ducts an enumeration for the preparation of preliminary vot- ers' list from the Tuesday fol- lowing the first Monday in Sep- tember to the second Tuesday in October. The amended act would shorten that period so that the enumeration would end on Sep- tember 30. Under the revised act. the municipal clerk must assist the assessment commiss- ioner in verifying the accuracy of the preliminary voters' list by ensuring that people are on the list and that they are properly numbered and enumerated. The amended act also provides for the disqualification of all judges from voting in municipal elect- ions as requested by the judi- ciary. Two other chances for voters to get on the voters’ list for voting purposes and certain uniform standards to be follow- ed in the type of ballot used complete the other administra- tive improvements. I believe that the major changes in the revised act in- elude: Significant changes have re- sulted from these consultations and exchanges. ranging from procedures regarding the voters’ list, through the removal of cer- tain restrictions and ballot print- ing requirements in proxy vot- ing. to permitting use of voting machines in municipal elections. STOUFFVILLE: A private group is planning a recycling depot to start in September. The group has asked for space in the public works building but council is not prepared to grant this. “MORE PEOPLE SAY OUR PRICES ARE LOWEE WE GUARANTEE IT!†No Payments until October on our Deferred Credit Plan Every Bale Clearly TAGGED With It’s Quality Colour, Fibre and the Low PRICE You Pay. We custom cut from the bale you choose: Pro- vide expert installation and unconditionally guarantee the quality of workmanship for the lifetime of the carpet. NO MONEY DOWN Although you may not con- sider some of‘the more mecha- nical or administrative changes significant. they will enhance the opportunities for every per- son to vote in a municipal elec- tion and to improve the overall decision making of local coun- cils. The number of voters re- quired by a person interested in becoming a prospective can- didate remains at 10. Certain refinements have been made regarding the conditions and time under which a person be- comes a candidate for office. Qualifications for voting remain the same: Canadian citizenship or other British subject, resi- dency in the municipality and 18 years of age on or before polling day. Municipal councils may use voting machines so long as certain procedures are fol- lowed; Councils must hold one ad- vance poll on the Saturday. nine days before the polling day; in addition. local coun- cils may hold one or more advance polls to widen voter participation at the municipal level; Clarifying the procedures and conditions for conduct- ing municipal by-elections; Permitting (at the clerk's discretion) a polling place in nursing home or other institute of 20 beds or more in which resident patients are chronically ill or infirm. “The Liberal". Phone 884- 1105 and arrange for home delivery every Thursday. CONVERSATION PIECE AT BREAKFAST THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Ju .17y731? 1974 11 P ‘ mlmmlIIImmnmnImnmmmnmnmmm ..................... I BLOOMINGTON: Area re- <idents have complained to Whitchurch-Stouffville coun- cil that gravel trucks are not using the entrance to the James Sabiston Ltd. pit on Bloomington Road. because of reconstruction at the near- by intersection. Instead they are using a make-shift en- trance over a field from dawn to dusk, creating clouds of dust. The vehicle being sought by the police is believed to be a 1964 to 1968 Ford. turquoise in color which would have damage to the front. Anyone who has any information about such a vehicle is asked to contact the nearest police department or the Oak Ridges detachment of the OPP at 773-5261 or the Downsvlew detachment at 248-3151. Suede 8. Leather Cleaning Service Holly was struck down from behind while walking on a park road at approx- imately 11:15 pm July 12 and died some three hours later at York County Hos- pital, Newmarket. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL C AURORA NEWARKE’I‘ illIll“lullllll(Nilwflllaglllll[milllllMllfllllllluull\“llli Ontario Provincial Po- lice in Oak Ridges and Sibbald Point Provincial Park are still conducting intensive investigation into the hit-run death of 18- year-old Holly Starkes. July 12, at Sibbald Point Provincial Park. The FACTORY CARPET CARAVAN is coming SATURDAY, SUNDAY & HOLIDAY MONDAY : SHOPSY’S AN 0 32:13:30“ MGA O C Plus Orange from Canada Dry DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO MUSIC - FUN - SURPRISES N0 Obligatiqn To Purchase OPP Death Car ' CLEANING 5 CENTRES WANT TO HELP? NEED A SERVICE? GOT A QUESTION? NEED A SERVICE? WANT TO HELP? CALL 884-2727 HELPMATE INFORMATION WILL PROVIDE:â€" â€"Caring volunteers to help with everyday problems and emergencies. â€"- friendly visiting and services to shut-ins. â€"information about community resources. ~â€"referral to qualified professionals when necessary. All services are provided by trained volunteers who will respect the confidential nature of each request. Hours: 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 Wright Street, Richmond Hill GOT A QUESTION? Helpmate information I like children and have some sparetime. What can I do? My kids are all in school now. What should I do. I have to move out tomorrow. Where can I go? I need a credit counsellor. Where can I find one? I'm 15 and pregnant. Where do I go now? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? 0 A â€"â€"v v-‘ Member: Canadian Guild of Dispensing Opticians # " VOWNE A COUNYRYE SQUARE m VONGE A! SYEELES . EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FlllED 0 CONTACT lENSES hard 8: soft ‘ o MODERN FRAME STYlES o CUSTOM MADE FRAMES o SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK 0R PLAY Open: Mon. - Fri, 9:30 am - 9:30 pm Sat. 9:30 am - 6:00 pm COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 223-5168