14- Tender For Asphalt Patching CONTRA CT 15-74-33 SEALED TENDERS properly marked will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 am. E.D.S.T. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1974 for the supply and placing of approximately 900 Tons of H.L. 3 on various Regional Roads. Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York, Don Mills Road, one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Road. A marked cheque for not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the value of the tender will be furnished by the Contractor when sub- mitting the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk’s Office, 62 Bayview Avenue, North Entrance â€"2nd Floor, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9. GARFIELD E. WRIGHT, Chairman levllv 4v," 1’ K I v ~ V - v v *7 be furnished by the Contractor when sub- mitting the tender. f The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk’s Office, 62 Bayyiew Ayenue: North Entrance 7 (‘1’ 171715 vâ€" u... 32713 Floor, “Neéx'nmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9. GARFIELD E. WRIGHT, Chairman THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK Tender For 3 Cable Guide Rail CONTRACT 15-74-27 SEALED TENDERS properly marked will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 am. E.D.S.T. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1974 for the supply and installation of approximately 12,000 lin. ft. of 3 cable guide rail. Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York, Don Mills Road, one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Road. A marked cheque for not less than fifteen percent (157.0). of the value of the tender will “A L-.- -L--. _.L .. nuln Our Day Care centre in King City has open- ings NOW for kids ages 2 - 5 years. Creative movement and dancing outings and home cooked meals are just part of what’s happening. TRANSPORTATION is available to and from Richmond Hill. YOU can help us answer this question. p.m., Ward 5, August 15th at Lake Wilcox School and in the Council Chambers: Ward 1, August 15th: Ward 2. August 20th; Ward 3. August 22nd; Ward 4, August 26th: Ward 6. August 29th. THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 300, RICHMOND HILL. H. RIMON, PLANNING DIRECTOR WHAT WILL RICHMOND HILL BE LIKE IN THE YEAR 2000? GET for the new Official Plan. partment (Municipal Building) Tuesdays and Thurs- days 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 6:00 11.11:. to 8:00 p.m., Tuesdays until August 15th. SEND IN WRITTEN COMMENTS TO: COME AND DISCUSS them at the Planning De- Kings Korner Day Skool THE CAR CLEANING SHOP THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Wednesday, July 31, 1974 TO THE PUBLIC MEEEINGS beginning at 7:30 INTERIOR SHAMPOO $15.00 460 ELGIN MILLS RD. EAST RICHMOND HILL Offer Expires August 31st, ’74 AND ASK FOR DEBI MUNISSO 884-9625 FOR INFORMATION CALL 883â€"5947 COMPLETE ROBERT N. VERNON, Regional Clerk ROBERT N. VERNON, Regional Clerk J I f Church Vacation School, There is no registration fee and no obligation to pay any-‘ thing at any time. However. a letter is sent around to parents. giving a general out- line of the course and re- questing a small offering of some sort. There was a very good response from the par- The volunteers consisted of 22 adults and teenagers who partook in the whole affair vigorously. There are five different levels in the course â€"nursery, kindergarten, gra~ des 1 and 2, grades 3 and 4, and grades 5 and 6, with a few 12 and 13-year-olds join- ing in. The July session of the Thornhill Church Vacation School terminated July 12 until August 19 when it will resume again for another five days. Director for the first sess- ion Mrs. Ruth Boothby at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Thornhill com- mented on the fact that it was a great success with the enrollment of approximately 70 children remaining at a constant, Other years, she said, the attendance fluctua- ted considerably with some children turning up one day. and others another. JOB HUNTING? The best place to start looking is where the best jobs are offered . . . Liberal Classified! “Full breasted. plump turkeys. Seven to 12 lbs. Just right for the barbecue or roasting in the oven. Why wait until Thanksgiving to enjoy the mouth-watering taste of fresh cooked turkey? Right now we've got them for this weekend. And we’re selling them at a special low price. Government graded, Grade “A†turkeys. And that’s the best grade you can buy. We also have everything else you need to make a super holiday. From' fresh and frozen meats to ice cream. picnic snacks, soft drinks and barbecue supplies. They‘re all here at your Dominion store." Gobble. Gobble. Turkey f9: the holiday. Delicious barbecued. Ray Travéié MESE‘M‘M'g'Fr COCKTAIL MIXES Coca-Cola PARTY TYME A INSTANT 6 OZ PKG OR LIQUID SPECIAL! It’s the Real Thing 40 Fl Oz NRB MAGIC INSTANT 48 OZ-PKG SKIM MILK POWDER SWEET MIXED SHEEN: BICK’S PICKLES ASST‘D COLOURS. 2 FLY SPECN.‘ RO‘ STAFFORD CHERRY PIE FILLING MODERNE. 1 PLY 2ROLL PKG BATHROOM TISSUE swam 36c SPHCIAU 16FL 02 an SF A more modern and more expressive approach is being taken, unlike the traditional Sunday school format, with individual’s participation as an important factor. This year being the eighth year for the Vacation School, there were more musical aspects added to the course along with the usual participation in arts and crafts. Incorporated into all aspects of the program at each level is, of course, the biblical theme with the chil- dren using various media in which to express them- selves. to learn the stories of the Bible, and the moral significance behind each. The next and last session begins August 19 to the 23rd from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at Thomhill United with Miss Betty McColgan as director. ents with, however, the Thornhill Ministerial Assoc- iation subsidizing most of the program. “THE LIBERAL" is al- ways willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Con- cord. Teston. Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Eva Hawkins at 832-2314; in Concord, Mary Dawson at 884-8177; in Kleinburg Margaret Lade, at “The Liberalâ€, 884-1105. 32 FL OZ JAR 2 ROLL PKG 9 FLDZ rm 1.93 73c STUFFED, LOOSE PACK MANZANlLLA MCAEARNBNATION OLIVES 69c CHEFMATE MUSTARD 79c pREpARED SI’ECML! BFL OZ CONT RITE ORANGE PEKOE HORNE'S EiAéBECUE SAUCE 89° GREEN BEANS 69° RAINBOW OR WHITE PKG SARA LEE FROZEN STRAWBERRY CHEESE CAKE DOMINION. FANG Y‘ FROZEN IjieQes &*_St_§ms,r 10 FL. OZ. TIN JACK‘S. PREPRICED 89¢ Bick’s Relishes SPECML! c ASST‘D VARIETIES 12 FL. 02. JAR Pantry Shelf MUSHROOMS FLOWERDALE TEA BAGS CHERRY CAKE RICHMELLO JOLLY MILLER ORANGE FLAVOUR ORANGE CRYSTALS CLOVERLEAF SOCKEYE SALMON REGULAR 0R PINK LEMONADE FWOUR SWING CRYSTALS 10440 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL SPECIAL! it's free at our showroom A full-color, autographed poster of one of Holly- wood‘s biggest stars. Herb-e, The Love Bug. The romantic lead «a Walt Disney Studio's new motion picture, "Herbte Rides Again" ,.1, _.4A n. Who ever imagined when 'he Beefle mm Canadian debut back m 1952 that i! would so" Iigh’ up ’he silver screen? Surely no! ihe critics "Ugly," they sneered. SI’I‘X ‘l\l.! Sl’la‘CNl 25 FL oz BTL SPIN 7|. \1 ,.' Sl'l-2(ll\l.! 12 FL 02 JAR Sl’li(?l\l,! Sl’l-X Tl\l J 8 OZ PKG. 0f 72 325 OZ.ENVS‘ OF 250 32 OZ PKG MOZPKG ‘8 OZ PKG 12 OZ. PKG 37c 02 EN Bug us for an autograph. W & P MOTORS LTD. 2 Hamburg (he Beefle made its to? i! would someday Turkeys Grade “A†Chicken Legs or Breasts SPECIAL! c FRESH LB. GROUND SPECLUJ c FRESH LB. FROZEN. EVISCERATEI 5 TO 12 LB. AV SELF BASTING TURKEYS 8mm: 796 SPECIAL! COOKED SALAMI BITTNER S SLICED GARLIC SCHNEIDER S RINDLESS Fresh Frying Chickens BREAKFAST BACON FROZEN EVISCERATED MAPLE LEAF 5 t0 101b, avg BITTNEFI'S SCHNEIDER 5. MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN, P 5 P OR MEAT 5 OLIVE LOAF SCHNEIDER'S. FROZEN ALL BttFâ€" FROZEN ‘LB P ’ Kb DUMINIUN, tNLHAN l mcm SHOPSY s SAUSAGE 99c PARTY MIX CANDY 89° POLISH COIL SAUSAGE COOKED MEATS ALL BEEF SHOPSY’S WIENERS 94c MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLLS ALL BEEF, FROZEN MILD CURED. VACUUM PACKED After all, who can pen a car that goes so for on o galion of gas. Hos so h»gh a resale value. And that now, wonder of wonders, IS 0 mohnee 1dol. It cerlmnly 45 o movmg picture. “Who! a peculiar nose," Ihey chorfled. "The engine's in the trunk,†they mocked. But over 450,000 Beetles later, 'he doubIers stand corrected 4 OZ PKG 1.59 6 OZ PKG 1.18 98c 38c 64c 98c LB PKG LB PKG .BV PKG. .B PKG SPECIAL! “You don‘t know what you‘re missing until you try our quality turkey on your barbecue. lt‘ll cook up tender, moist and full of flavour you can taste in every slice.†MAPLE LEAF OR 1 L11- PKG DOMINION WIENERS 79c Richmello Sliced Pkg. of 8 BITTNER’S BOLOGNA SLICED MCOUNDES BEEF, CHICKEN OR TOURTIERE COLE SLAW ALUMINUM FOIL 12 INCH SUAVE SHAMPOO MEN’S DRY LUNCH SIZE WHITE POWDERED. SPECIAL! 5L8 CONT KING SIZE ggï¬gneem SHOPSY S POTATO SAL AD OR MEAT PIES REYNOLDS WRAP 2 x 50 ML TUBES‘ BANDEO PKG ASSORTED OLIVE-ON HAIR SPRAY RO Hamburg Or Hot Dog Rolls ROLL ON FRESH DEODORANT PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE TASTY KING. FROZEN DOMINION, ENCHANTMENT HAMBURG PATTIES 1.73 889-7701 or 884-6661 SPECIAL! 16 oz PKG ‘ N: 1FL oz CONT SPECIAL! 12 oz AEROSOL gory 12 FL 0; cgm Royal anadign Legion 2 1802 PIES 24 OZ CONT, 17.759 25 FT ROLL u 02. EKG PKG of no 74c 52c 89c 2 LB 80X EACH Branch 375 371 Ohio Road, Richmond Hill. 884-7030 Announcing, effective August 6th 12 noon to 2 pm. Businessmen’s Luncheons Members and Guests Callmrnla Grown ~ ~ ' n No. 1 Grade spu'l’u“ SIMKA ROSA PLUMS All Brands One Price Only ggzéggaerm mew NINE LIVES CAT FOOD 41c Hostess - Prepriced 69¢ 8 Oz Pkg. SPECIAL! LEMONADE. GRAPE NECYAR OR FBI APPLE NECTAR RICHMELLO SPECIAL: 32 FL SALAD DRESSING Hum-“1V... wâ€! ICE CREAM cones 75c PARKAY. COLOURED Sbï¬ MARGARINE W750 HEREFORD CORNED BEEF WITH PECTIN. SI RASPBERRY on STRAWBERRV VACHON JAMS ROBINSON PLAIN SPECML! Potato Chips DOLCE VITA VEGETABLE OIL Bananas 884-5311 884-5211 All values effective until the close of business Tuesday, Aug. 6th, 1974 at Richmond Hill. 9751 Yonge St. South, and 78 Davis Drive and Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family re- guirements. Dominion Stores safeway plaza, 330 yonge st. north, gighmond hill. METRO WIDE DELIVERY For your shopping convenience both Newmarket stores will be open Civic Holiday Monday, August 5th, 1974. weddings 0 _f1 corsages O p centrepieces dried arrangements fruit baskets CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, August 5th, 1974 PURE CLOSED SPBCNJ 128 FLOZ corgT SPHCML' 24 FL OZiJAR Sl’l-ZL'NJ O funerals 0 plants 6 16 FL OZ BTLS. UNIT/SIZE ‘6 OZ CONT. 1.19 PKG OFGB ‘202 TIN 1202. TIN OZ JAR c1w5