3 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Two Youths Draw Sentences Nine Months Break, Entry Provincial Police Court Judge Russell Pearse cited the "alarmingly high rate" of residential and office break- ins in the Region of York as he sentenced two youths to nine months in reformatory Tuesday afternoon of last week in Richmond Hill. "It's getting so that people are afraid to go out of their homes or leave their places of business," observed Judge Pearse. 3 “The duty of the courts to sentence such persons so as! to deter such practices and also to protect individuals and society as a whole. This court must and will take aet- ion in these cases." Sentenced to nine months definite and 12 months in- definite for four counts of No Postal Service On Civic Holiday There will be no postal‘ service on Civic Holiday (August 5). the Canada Post Office Central Ontario DIS-i trict has announced. All post. offices will be closed on that Monday. Central Ontario Postal Dis-i trict stretches from Clarkson to Ajax and from Lake On- tario to Stouffville, Gormley| and Brampton. Letter carrier delivery.. rural route and suburban de- livery service and wicket service all will be cancelled.1 it was stated in the announce- ment. There will be lobby “lock box" service only when staff is on duty or continuous "around-the-clock" service is. normally provided. Regular postal service will- resume August 6. Imply Losing Money Result OI Delay Land Division Applications York Region's land division, committee is 300 applications! the 30-day limit was another behind in its dealings and‘ more are coming in every day. As a result. real estate salesmen, lawyers and their clients complain they are los- ing money because of the delay. Newmarket real estate agent. Robert Broadbent, said he knows of a $100,000 deal where a man is losing money on a mortgage because of the holdup. “None of this kind of thing happened before regional government came along," he said. The land division com- mitte is responsible for hear- ing applications for land ser- erence and variances under the Planning Act within 30 days of receipt of the appli- cation. The committee was ap- pointed from nine area com- mittees of adjustment last February when the provincial government shifted powers to the municipalities in matters of planning. However, a squabble as to. how much the members should be paid. helped to prevent the committee from getting underway until nearly three months later. Another real estate agent, Ivan Eves, said he had five building lots tied up with the land division committee. "Conservatively. these lots are worth $20,000 each, and as far as I know, my appli-. cations are Just Sitting there personality in both business buried," he said. John Hall, secretary-treas-l urer 0f the committee. blame a professional cosmetic con- ed lack of staff for the delaY.1 sultant who takes charge of He said the committee ‘his cell when the amount more. break and entry and theft of a car was 18-year-old Rand- .3, olph Smith. RR 1, Milliken.l' His brother, Lesley, 16. of no1 . fixed address, received a sim- ilar sentence for five counts of break and entry and theft and assault. _ The two were charged af-I ter a series of break-ins and‘ theft of merchandise includ- ing guns, liquor and other items. Judge Pearse noted that Randolph Smith had been previously put on probation following conviction on other break and entry and theft offences. III III III In another case. Judge Pearse found Brian Frederick McDermott. 18, of Downs- view, guilty of mischief in the smashing of a plate glass window in the door of the York Region Police Station at Concord March 16. McDermott was fined $50 and costs and was also order- ed to pay for damages to the window totalling $102.20. Police evidence revealed that McDermott had been arrested for failure to pay outstanding warrants for $64. He was later released from was paid by another person but was "very upset" at the time. Enroute to the door to leave he was reported to have smashed the glass pane with his fist breaking it. McDermott testified that he was upset about a number of things but maintained he had pushed the glass with the palm of his hand extended and had accidentally broken it. He displayed wounds on the palm of his hand to indi- cate he hadn’t used his fist. However, getting down to thing again. Simpsons-Sears Fashion Clinic Planning a wardrobe, nail care and hair styling. secrets of successful make-up, the importance of a smile and! how to cultivate a pleasing voice, are among the subjects which will be covered by a ifasliion clinic for female em- ployees at Simpsons-Sears new Richmond Hill .departâ€" ment store in Hillcrest Mall. The employees will be at- tending this clinic three days this Week and three days nexti wveek. The classes are beingl conducted by Louise La- berge of the company's public relations department in To- ronto. The course is available to all female employees, not just to those who will be in contact with the public in sales departments, but in- cludes the girls who will be working in the stockroomsi and other “behind the scenes†‘ departments. “The fashion and beauty clinic occupies‘an important 3 place in the employees‘ train- ing program of each new Simpson-Sears store,†said“ Miss Laberge. “It aims to make employees professional and self-confident in every-I, thing they do and stresses ‘the importance of good! grooming and an outgoing' and social life." Miss Laberge is assisted by, lthe sessions on make-up. Each â€" WE DELIVER â€" BUILDING hornhill VHF/UHF SCANNER WITH EVERY TOP "PRO" FEATURE! A Realistic PRO-88. Our best scanning monitOr lets you catch it' all, on VHF and UHF. This unit has every feature, plus front panel "selectable priority" to keep tabs on your most im- portant channel! Monitor any 8 frequencies in either band, or in any combination of both! Covers 148-174 MHz VHF & 450- 470 MHZ UHF. 20-164 THE ONLY VHF MONITOR WITH BOTH TUNABLE 8. CRYSTAL CONTROL now 16995 PRO-9. The first professional monitor to combine automatic scanning of 7 channels PLUS manual tuning from 148-174 MHz on its 9th channel! Skipper circuit lets you bypass locked-out channelsâ€"instantly restore them at the touch of a button. “Priority Scanning" lets you check closely on your most important channel while continuing to scan all others. . “MATRIALS uilding Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL Open ’til Noon Saturdays -â€" Cash and Carry 889-4137 â€"- 889-4176 173 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill 884-2139 REALISTIC’S BEST CASSETTE CARRYABOUT \. MM "; i l‘ A UR "MOST AUTOMATIC†PORTABLE! now 9995 Realistic CTR-15. Besides the convenience of Memory Rewind. you get"Auto‘Level" circuitry for proper‘volume voice record- ings, and end‘of-tape "Auto-Stop" to prevent head 81 tape damage! Pushbutton controls for mechanical pause & fast- forward, 3~digit reset counter for precise cueing and editing. _ PORTABLE CASSETTE WITH i’AUTO-LEVEL" 8. REMOTE '- I ' CONTROL MIKE .; Realistic CTR-26. An all-purpose recorder with sound eQUal to many costlier models. Auto~L,evel circuit automatically adjusts volume to smooth-out variations in voice during recording. Calibrated, sliding volume control. Jacks for remote mike, aux input, earphone, batteries, external power sources. TOWN AUTO BODY S MWJ “IE-"LI. o FIBERGLASS LAMINATORS HELPERS - MALE 0R FEMALE 0 PLASTIC FABRICATORS “'0 will train it" necessary APPLY: ALCORE I~‘.\I‘»RI(‘;\TI.\'G 65 NEWKIRK RI). - WEI-7192! some In . v 'fyii‘i/(l’h BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME ADDRESS-O-LITE ADDRESS-O-LITE is a totally different illuminated fixture. Your address shows against the unbreakable fireglow face. Makes your home easy to find even on the darkest night. All numerals and fasteners are provided. Takes only a few minutes to install. HIGH-INTENSITY I TIMING LIGHT KIT 2188 Helps tune & adjust any engine for full power, high fuel economy. For checking ignition timing, sync. of double- breaker arms, automatic spark advance, distributor cam wear, BOO-volt flashtube delivers up to 1250 flashes per minute. For 6/12 V. pos./neg. ground, 8, 6, 4 cylinders. With insulated clips, cables, spark plug adapter. Reg. 26.95 i. / 9 DECISION“ FOOTBALL Now you're the quarterback in the most exciting strategy foot- ball game ever designed. You’re in the huddle . . . call the play . . . hike the football . . . and the yardage gained or lost flashes electronically on the indicator board! THE ONLY MONITOR YOU’LL EVER NEED! Riffiil‘hpiiiii I 7995 The first 3-band monitOr! Covers 30-50 MHz, 152-174 MHz PLUS 450-470 MHz UHF (now in wide "metro" area use). Separate color-coded, illuminated tuning dials for VHF-Hi, VHF-Ld/UHF and TWO antenna inputsâ€"tune two different frequencies at the flip of a switch! 8-section crystal filter. couldn't refuse to accept the ‘girl attending the course re- applications as they came in iceives a make-up kit. Similar' and: that. teclmically it could fashion clinics have been con- be bfeaklng the law by “OI ducted at various Simpsons-l hearing the applications in 30 Sears store locations in On-‘ days- tario and Quebec. He said the committee was I Fashion and good grooming, hopeful it would get its “head for male employees is also above water and get rid of covered as part of the orien-l this backlog.†'tation program. W-PRICED METAL LOCATOR FOR PRCTICAL FUN AND PROFIT! Reg.44.95 Take it along for adventurous outings! Detects coins, lost jewel- ry and valuables, antiques, silver, gold, etc. â€" up to 6" under~ ground. Speaker faces operator to provide accurate audible indication when approaching any metal object. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF l lli \\\,\\\\\\\\x < YORK u ,, . 638% 68-1020 M'N' 68-1003 Tender For Asphalt Craclc Sealing 4-DIG'T “‘3‘! CONTRACT 15 74 34 PALM SIZE MAKER MItII SET - - R .1.00 ' SEALED TENDERS properly marked will be RESET COUNTER 69 Reg. 1.00 e received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 am. E.D.S.T. on TUESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1974 for the supply and application of approximately 190.000 lin.ft. of asphalt crack sealing compound. Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained NOW 65‘ Hundreds of uses! Easy to operateâ€"dial each character, squeeze handle, cut off finished label. Prints letters .150" high. Ultra-lightweight & compactâ€"fits in p0» cket 0r purse. During July and August is BATTERY DAY When you bring any one radio, walkie- talkie, flashlight, toy, we wrll replenish its batteries free. ("D“, "AA" 9-volt). "New Formula" series. Radlo Ihaek A DIVISION OF TANDY LEATHEi3 (.0 OF CANADA LIMlTED UNE DIVISION DE TANDY LEATHER CO DU CANADA LIMITEE NOW tiedilii 388 Handy little gadget with 100’s of uses! ‘ it's great for keeping golf scores, shop- ping tally, etc. Counts 0 to 9999. it‘ll/W RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 10520 YONGE ST. at LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL 0 884-4555 A handy and useful set of three screw- drivers, awl wirestripper and gimlet in at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York, Don Mills Road, one and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Road. A marked cheque for not less than fifteen percent '(15?2 ) of the value of the tender will be. furnished by the Contractor when sub- mitting the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk’s Office, 62 Bayview Avenue. North Entrance â€"2nd Floor, Newmarket. Ontario L3Y 4W9. GARFIELD E. WRIGHT. Chairman OPEN TO 9 PM THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS ROBERT N. VERNON, Regional Clerk