The new Official Plan will present a long term picture of what will happen in Rich- mond Hill â€" a concept ag- ainst which the details of the short term can be imple- mented, a recognition that rapidly changing circum- stances will necessitate a re- view of the long term con- cept; a recognition of the validity of the Regional planning process and the need to review the town’s plan in terms of a working regional Official Plan. Official Plan Input Meetings Starts Thurs. The major issue facing Richmond Hill, it is recog- nized, is the desirability of a relatively rapid rate of development based on mar- ket pressures in the urban and rural areas or the con- cerns which have been ex- pressed regarding the impli- cations of rapid population growth on the identity, ec- onomic viability and social and physical environment of Richmond Hill. Work on Richmond Hill's new Official Plan is now underway with a target date for completion of the draft the end of this year. But whether this objective can be met depends on when answers are available on short term servicing altern- atives. These working goals and objectives, prepared by plan- ning staff and approved in principal by council, point out that an Official Plan is a public document in which a municipal council sets out the carefully selected goals. objectives and policies that will guide its actions in pro- moting the best possible spe- ial, economic and physical conditions in the municipal- ity. As a public document it provides a means of evalu- ating future actions against that committment. During the next two weeks public input into the work- ing goals and objectives are being sought in meetings for each of the six wards in the municipality. Goals and objectives for growth in the short term per- iod until 1981 will provide answers to servicing altern- atives. Goals, policies and standards for the other sec- tions of the Official Plan will provide guidance over the long term but should be re- viewed at the end of the short term and policies de- veloped for particular plan- ning areas should undergo periodic review. GENERAL GOALS The general goals are to‘ create a safe, healthy. stim-‘ ulating environment which‘ permits each individual to pursue their daily activities to the best of their potential by satisfying their social, physical and psychological needs; to protect and en- hance the quality of the physical environment of the rural and urban areas; to provide a land use pattern, in which the various uses are compatibly located. suffic- ient to accommodate planned future growth and which en- courages efficient transpor- tation and servicing facili- ties; and to develop the mun- icipality most efficiently to maximize social benefits and to meet identified needs in accordance with the town’s financial capabilities. LONG TERM CONCEPT The report recognizes con- siderable pressures for ur- ban growth and development moving to engulf Richmond Hill and define it as a north- ern suburb of Metropolitan Toronto. Strongly stated planning policies are needed to face these pressures. The distinctions of travel time distance, a physical break in development and a dif- ferent living environment which up to now have dis- tinguished Richmond Hill from Metro will diminish with the northern extension of the subway, the commuter ,train and extension of con- tinuous development along the Yonge Street corridor. Characteristic elements of the identity of Richmond Hill must be found and sup- ported if the encroachment of Metro is to be resisted and this town's identity maintained, the report states. It also says that the identity of Richmond Hill should be developed in such a way that the urban area of the old town, semi-serviced areas of Richvale, Oak Rid- ges and Lake Wilcox and the historic hamlet of Gorm- ley and the rural agricultural areas are seen and function as an integral part of the whole town. yet maintain continuity with their past to permit their individual ident- ification. The public meetings are scheduled for: August 15 â€" Ward 5 and Ward 1. August 20 -â€" Ward 2. August 22 â€" Ward 3. August 26 â€"â€" Ward 4. August 29 â€" Ward 6. The Ward 5 meeting will be held in Lake Wilcox Public School, all the others in the town’s coun- cil chambers. All will be- gin at 7:30 pm. Any consideration of id- entity must take into account those features of Richmond Hill which have character- ized it in the past and which can be utilized to create or maintain an identity for the LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1974 Richmond Hill has been identified as a family com- munity in which an active participation in sports by all members of the family has been an important part of the life style. future The report describes a medium range of population growth as more desirable than a no growth or high growth limit. both of which it points out have distinct drawbacks. In the medium growth alternative the semi- serviced areas of Richvale could be fully-serviced and developed along with the ur- ban area to the south. At the same time open space and agricultural uses could be protected to define the urban area. Lake Wilcox and Oak Ridges would have The report states the beâ€" lief that this would be the most viable alternative from a financial viewpoint. An accompanying map shows an approximate 105.000 popula- tion to be located in the long term between Highway 7 and Elgin Mills Road and Bathurst and Bayview, with another fully-serviced urban area (mostly industrial) on the jail farm property north of Highway 7; and a limited growth urban area in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox area, (no population figure has been set yet for this area). STRUCTURE AND IDENTITY So the conceptual long term goals of structure and identity are: a limited grow’th based on servicing costs and the com- munities’ needs. Areas of rural subdivisions would be designated for limited grounh. Consents in rural areas would not be encour- aged. _ _ 1. To promote the devel- opment of Richmond Hill based on a recognition of the characteristics which will encourage it to develop as a separate and identifiable community independent of the urban area of Toronto. 0 To provide a commun- ity which will be the largest possible sense “self-suffic- ient†providing employment for the labor force, suitable housing for the existing em- ployees and residents and a balanced desirable level of recreation, social and insti- tutional services. a municipal jurisdiction in which the serviced developed areas are defined by rural agricultural or open space areas. 0 To define and preserve the distinct features which reflect the historic heritage and or individuality of com- munities within the munici- pality. To encourage rede- velopment of the downtown area of the old Town of Richmond Hill. 0 To promote the identi- fication of Richmond Hill as 0 To recognize the div- ersity of the lands within Richmond Hill and permit them to develop according to their potential resource value. SHORT TERM To regulate development until 1981 specific goals and objectives have also been set out. This is the period during which a limited am- ount of sewage capacity and water may be available from Metro. Once the extent of these facilities has been de- termined. as well as their cost, priorities will be es- tablished for growth in the urban area and the semi- serviced and rural areas. These short term goals TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL SUBJECT: The citizens of Richmond Hill are asked to submit a suitable name for the proposed arena, indoor swimming pool and library com- plex to be constructed in the BAIF subdivis- ion later this year. 1. The Recreation Centre to be named should be based on any of the following criteria: (a) The name should relate to some top- ographical, geographical or ecolog- ical feature of significance in the immediate vicinity or on site. (b) The name should relate to historical significance of the area in which it is located. (c) The name should relate to a famous person of local, provincial, national or international significance who is wor- thy of recognition. 2. Applications should be submitted to the Parks & Recreation Department no later than 4:00 P.M. September 14th, 1974. 3. The person or family submitting the name chosen by Council will be invited to the official opening of the Centre and will also be presented with an individual or family pass to the Town swimming pools for one year for recreation swimming purposes on y. Naming Of BAIF Recreation Centre and objectives cover nine typewritten pages, highlights of which are: \‘ To establish an even rhte of growth throughout the short term in serviced, semik serviced and unserviced areas. To prepare secondary plans prior to the develop- ment or redevelopment of planning areas. To encourage a mixture of residential densities an d housing types in urban areas, emphasizing development suitable for families. To encourage the redevel- opment of commercial uses in the central core of Rich- mond Hill and in the South Yonge Street Corridor. To discourage strip and spot commercial uses along highways in non-urban areas. To provide suitable loca- tions and ample land for a variety of industrial uses to broaden the employment base and improve the mun- icipality’s financial position. To minimize the disturb- ance of traffic to neighbor- hoods and to provide an ef- ficient pattern of traffic by designating local collector and arterial routes and de- termining the construction standards of such routes. To recognize the import- ance of Yonge Street as a local road by encouraging through traffic to be divert- ed to alternative routes. To recognize the value of agricultural land for its food production potential as well as for its contribution to the rural by restricting the am- ount of development in the rural areas and by urging the provincial government to develop legislation to sup- port such a goal. To facilitate the use of bi- cycles. To discorage development in designated sensitive areas and to restrict development in all other such areas in order to minimize the desâ€" truction or deterioration ocf sensitive or valued areas such as steep slopes, aquifers, re- charge areas. natural wood- lots and wildlife reserves. To minimize unnecessary expense by prohibiting deve- lopment in areas susceptible to flooding, soil erosion, slope failure. sedimentation and declining water quality. To prepare an overall parks plan to include provision for adequate standards of active and passive parks and a pro- gram for their acquisition. To establish a reasonable ratio of residential to non- residential assessment to be a guideline for residential growth. To establish minimum standards for all classes of property to prevent physical deterioration and to bring existing property to these standards. To establish a program for redevelopment of the central core. To provide an adequate se- lection of housing types and costs compatible with the needs of the population. To develop a system of bi- cycle and walking trails. KESWICK: Bill Laird of Keswick will be a candidate for Georgina Trustee on York County Board of Education in this year’s election, he has announced. 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