Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1974, p. 30

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.: Jams-93:51: -. .- THE LIBERAL clssfie ,. “3mm FOR SALE Miscellaneous TRUCKS USED CARS BABY SITTING LIVESTOCK i . . . (Continued) (Continued) '67 G.M.C. new 283 4-barrel, 1951 Chrysler, excellent con- BABYSI'I'I‘ER FOR-EEK Red roan more. i find 3 mm W lm pICTURE window. 7'x3'6", PAINTING, interior, ex- body immaculate. $975. dimLisflBOB. iIiclyvilg $100. PER M0. 8 yrs: 4 white socks, blaze. ' ' ‘ aluminum screen and storm. terior. Call after 6, Karl, firm. 889-4193. c1w10 “65 VALIANT, automatic, 2_ MERRYLYNN DR. area. 15.3 hands. sound. English 8845525 c1w10 5384-4832. tfc9 @47GMC van. 4 cylinder dom- hardt0p_ dean trans- Balf DeYElOPment- W681“ or Western. cxccllcnt endur- 1973 Yamaha 200 c.c., excel- BOOKKEEPING meow-17.8871; cin portation. $180.00. 1384-7689. filegggg‘sngssggo lgfig- {135:5 £80103: xvi? lent condition. King CitY- Kenneth M- Pal- 889‘1377' 57 Mercury panel truck. ,_7. ,7.,,,_._.. CZXVLO Ages 5 7 and" 8' One cfiild' Baum good‘ begi'nners hams: ' ‘ 333.5995, c1w10 tfc37 884-7103. c2w10 .‘67 DODGE Polara. good only du’ring mornings Starbmnwm or w-Nom $350. / BICYCLE. boy-S C.C.M. re- SHAMPOOING r__ d _ condition. $55000 3r best mg in September. 'Please.354-i420 - days; 838-6636 - to. ' conditioned. $15. 1484-2185.10 Eriigrsigafid géfztfgleldstgglé PET-‘8 FORfâ€"SALE offer. Aurora. 72 -95 8-clw1 0 call 8243-3320. Mrs. Bogdené evenings. c1w10 go} mas-3%.“ cw . - . a er 2 c w L .e.. , ,._ . . r- 4... .M , _’__. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ,, , __ REGISTERED q u a rt e r 1970 TRIUMPH I WAIi‘l'ijfi‘BfNOGNG DOG grooming. poodles, ter- 28$‘1/éy'hgfvfsggs heatefitwfi BABY sitter wanted begin- horses for sale. Senior MOTORCYCLE ' I P O t tiers. mums Betty Forsyth‘ L ' _ ' C- I nlng 'Sept.'3rd. High SCl’lOOl pleasure, used prespect‘ 500 cc, travel cases. new Effluent serVIce a reason- 889_3606_ “c3 ‘68 DODGE, good condition, girl in Mill Pond area to junior pleasure and halter, A front endv must 5611. Best ableslz'gaztelsg.45 _ MAPLE DOG GROOMING certified. $750.00. 884-7606. mind 2 children from 4 pm. and yearling stallion ready u y offer. 884-3665. nc3w10 ' . _ . c1w10 to 5:30 p-m.â€"5 days a Week- for halter. 364-1426 days, / “C50 P°°dles ' Spamels Terners Mun" Call 884-1194 daytime. 333-6636 evenin S GAS power lawn mowers. fwm A specialty 69 VW. fuel injection. Well _ , 8- excellent condition. 3% h.p. PLUMPBINIG 8‘ “Egglfig‘e pick_up and Delivery kept. $975. 334-5759. c1w10 8&9875479V2mng5- “9 9 c1w10 TRUCK & Richmond $35. With trade 884-892gc-10 ggf‘i‘éwmu" _' pth24 26 Years Experience '69 Dart Swinger 340, 4- Egnggnyfirgggflged“if; ggggssshavings for sale. AUTO BODY ' Gl' t dale Kennels . Af 9 . . 8 3-57 7. I - . c1w10 ' v w TILE any type. floors, walls. m on - - Speed ter p m 3 9 September. 8134-2750. C 2W 9 41 MAPLE AVE- Tree Service & AM/FM Stereo recei er. t o G. , T1, 884 9026 after Keele St. N., King City c1w10 '__________ 89 334 H B 4” speakem' $50 884.5:331'0 31;": 1mg, tfc35 833-5715 889'6116 '71 PINTO. automatic, radio, BABYSITTING available m 8 '5 Forestry CO. .0 . - c ' ' h u “C33 40,000 miles. Leaving coun- my home' 884‘7827- Clwm â€"-AKLâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" THORNHILL Oihce Supplle$ BEAUTY equipment. dryer FOR concrete and 351’ 3_ DARLING kittens, free to try. Evenings 6 - 9 p.m. 889- REQUIRED to care for 1 QU IFIED “"9 m a “me Collision . Refinish TREES “"5 OUR reclining leather. shampoo work. Call John Bareta con good home tramed 8324423 0577 c1w10 preschooler every Tuesday thh children. Preference . BUSINESS 16 Yonge sweet North chairs manicure table. Rea- tracting. For reasonable rate. ' ' c w 9 ,â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _ 12.30 to '4.00 pm Bay_ pre-school. 884â€"7114. C 2w 9 Wheel Allgnment . ’ - 1 10 889-6344. tfc48 '72 DATSOUN 1200 Fastback. ~ ' ’ ' " #ffl Wheel Balance H. VAN DYKE. Aborist WAREHOUSE I: sonable' 773 5952' c w - ADORABLE small dog 22 000 miles Excellent con- “9‘” 8‘ J°hn area' 889’9614' DAY care gwen m my - - BICYCLE. 3 speed. Minor REID LAWNMOWER puppies. 884-5767. dition. $1.800 includes snow “Wm Mme' PreSCh‘mlerst $15- Engm‘? Analysts 884-7774 "13""ng Sfiownoom gear aiad gagkeaggistgsgnents Coifi‘p‘fii fig’gnffvi‘r’wfnd c1w10 tires. After 6. 884-7105. RETIRED school teacher in- w MQChan‘cal Repa'rs 32‘ “FOR” ‘3; require . . - - , , - c1w10 tercsted in baby sitting pre- DAY care given in my home. RICHMOND 1| . b1 re 311-5 and ser- TABBY kittens (2), 8 weeks. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".‘Tâ€"-CIâ€"WLO 8 gm. - 9 pm litter trained. Free to good BEAUTIFUL G 21 R Glen- fChOfi‘ersd 0’, “’dd‘erst: .3?!“ w 834-92” POOP Table' 8"" Exceuent 11641 Yonge Street. 884- home. Also one white guiâ€" dette Travel Trailer and 55?,7639 Farmed ac ‘Vél‘isd DAY care given in my home. 894-9290 condltion- Hardly used- In“ 7716_ “033 nea pig. Free. 884-2666. L.T.D. Squire 8 passenger _'_'_____c_w_ Prefer preschoolers. 884- and $89-57” eludes cues, rest, 2 sets of c1w10 wagon. Like new and ready MATURE babysitter needed 8638. c1w10 Furniture, Office Suppllel. balls â€"- 1 set never used. ROOFING ? cm for use as efficient unit, in the home, 3 or 4 after- mfgâ€"Wm“! in my o o o a - o I $200 or best ofer- 834335156 3:"? t2? figgdlmgfiy- Deal $9,800. firm. 773-5517. c1w10 notonsla week. fOI'S 2 gig:- home 8.30 to 5.30 for 2 Tfan$m|SS|on A" cond'tlomng 5w“ Stationery ‘ ' c 00 ers, Wr' ht t. - ' ' " ‘ Box Trailer Electric Stove direct on new and old roof- w 37.75. 1g clwlo old boy. 727-3077. After Mgggag'nt‘ot'ghsugsgay Refrigerator .Room Humidi- "13- N0 T°°f t°° tough- A“ M__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"ATURE 1. bl b b ‘tt ‘ . . Friday 70"; lwm roofs guaranteed. Free esti- , 1‘91“ S a 3’51 er DAY Care given in my home Mister 6 fâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"ier' 884. 1 ' f d mates 884-1257. c4w7 reqsuzedr part'tglme- FD”: for 4 year old as playmate 8:30 8.86;; pm. TWO walnut provincia si e ' , an ours flexi e_ or , f h. 1 . . “mum 1972 Kaplun Tent Trailer, {yummy children. 2 at school or c 11d 2.4. 8 hour day. Transmission Ltd. Sammy tables & coffee table, two Interior and exterior. Homes, day, $2.50. Refreshments â€" RUBBER STAMPS OAK RIDGES PLAZA $20 per month. private, En-i screen and storm door; awn- all day, l preschooler. Must terns made for perfect fit. Sale for Mrs. P. VanRooy, 61 884-7293. c1w10 for the supply of 86 snow 9677 YONGE STREET 121 Yonge Street North PLUMBING lamps, excellent conditlon- . . in - 00d ha 9 $500 334 W . 76 7. c2w10 barns, factories and offices. _ g. g S P - - - be availabl to come to m , $17500 ________â€"â€"884' 7 ft Color matching, spray paint- Buds!” _1278' _ ____ 02w._9 home. Yonege - Bayview}: Store RObbed RICHMOND HILL CULLTGCN water 5° We" ing. 773-5654. c4w7 Canaries BRITISH Cygnet Light- R0 1 o h d R f n Mk’ 2' m gOOd condltlon' â€"mGâ€" Parrots weight Travel Trailers 13' reqYSII-ed r§83r8509 eere ces ' * ' I , - , . - 884.3231 1_.wm RESIDENTIAL. commercial Tropical EggIBLfgomH$v1£95é (i0B Ctamp- “€10 ManagerHlton Head S A quantity of small animal painting, interior and ex- g , -- Y- 9 W99“ . - wire cages_ a wing tank for terior' paper hanging 881_ ml BayVIew & Yongel. 889-8844. Room and Board _ A'young man, said to be a Spitfire aeroplane and an 2075, tfcls ‘35 7 _ tfc10 in his late teens or early 205, Life Time Guarantee A w Kitchen encyclopedia. 884-1248. RON MOORE Pet Foods .69 TRAILER, pram comes FEMALE student 0, busi- :32]?! anhfirEed robbery at Automatic Specialists FULLY LICENSED ' ' ’ c2w9 PMNTING Cages down and up. sleeps 3, stove ness girl, free in exchange Yr): “5 St; t StOeri‘h 901: O ELECTRICIANS O°D° PICK your own pears (near PAPERHANGING Stands & fridge. $300. 884-6571. for babysitting, etc. Leslie- . g9 99' ‘0 m0“ SUITE 204 - - - 1 10 C 3 Hill. about an hour before 0 PLUMBERS # Maple). A great crop this Interior-Exterior. Free estl- , , ,. _, 9):]. Steeles' 889'0747 w 9 closing time Saturday night PROFESSIONAL year! 83%1069 for directions. mates. Call anytime. 889- DAILY 10-9P.M. WINNEBAGO Motor Home $35 Weekly, male. non- and made Off with $400 c aftere ' SHEET METAL c2w9 8965. tfc32 SUN. NOON-6P.M. â€"â€" .197: 24j Indian. fully smoker.884â€"3683. c1w10: He aiso slugged Daeséum t o AIR-CONDITIONING BUILDING PLAYER piano. for details HANS BUTT equippe i meludmg 8". See. the manager, on the Accoun ants GAS AND 01L 22 RICHMOND ST. call, 884-3143 after 6:30 pm. 889.4108 AK RID E Sleeps 7‘ A'l- 510300-00 or head and left him uncon- - « c2w9 Everything in Alcan Alumig O G S lOffer- 884‘2440‘ “010 =ci0us. according to York 20 servme vehicles ngnrof? HELL MARKHAM'S ANTI ‘UE’ num. Home improvements» _ i~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ ‘ 1 DO you have a drinkingmeemnnl Police. at your sci-Vice y Pponmen EXHIBITION 8: SAQ‘LE eavestl‘olmhins “€35 ‘ EMK’IIOYMENT problem? If 50' .AA Ca" hell" Mi” t " ‘- “'8‘? ° 24 Hours A Day SBA-3962 23 leading amique duh,” ‘‘‘‘ ' CHIMNEY-S is)”, “if gm- sale if this ad Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. ‘nT-z. " _ 1191'] a Brlan I1. Cowen _ plus “antique car show and Chimneys and fireplaces, is submitted if V A i or can 487'5591‘ “My?” “hi: “ “1 “*8? mb the CHARTERED 889'0506 ' 8954351 gun collection." Markham built and repaired. Free esti-, ezwio EXPERIENEEI) ty ist will I “.Ore u“ now“ to "r." 1'5"" Arena, (Hwys. 7 and 48). mates. Expert workmanship. .â€" do typing in my ovgn home. FOR. ASSISTANCE w1T1i d”th a gun and said “Put 1 :iCSUNTANT 41 MAPLE Friday. September 6th. (11 20 years experience. Phone __ 884-6872. c4w7, GOVERNMENT V01" handsfil’» 0 6 on“ 5m" THORNHILL PhOto [a ll .am. _ 10 pm). Saturday. 8842882 T , ‘ ‘siALL . _ ] “ATTERS The bandit was described Phone: 884-8651 - 889-8275 9 p y September 7th, (10 am‘ _ 6 WALKER CONSTRUCTION ransportatlon TYPI‘NG in_my home, pick CALL as five feet 10 or 11. about __ p.m.). Preview Sale with tchfWANTED' ride toâ€"‘geneca “P and dehvery 7é3":%31-9 DON BEACON M“, l5: pougdz. wearing blue I l Mme-made Pie and °°ff°e I ' ii h'ii‘ College. Kin Cam us d il .1 -- - --- -- 965-5806 - 832-2555 9 "S a“ 9mm J“ et- osce n on Thursday, September 5th. PaStenngm CLARKT or“ ‘ C311884_678f§ p ’cziyflogWILL do typing in my 884_5837 _ 887_5901 He was also .wearing a y. ’ (6 pm. - 10 pm.) Roast Beef plain and Decorative __ ,; home. anything CORSldered- haladava over ms head‘ Laughlln’ Dinner served Friday (5 pm. plastering, Repairs 8 TUTORING ~ 773-4433. TFC 9 . :â€"___ H T A3dP'm-l- SPOnSlgre‘ib 23' ,SL Specialty m SALE TENDERS arper’ org T comes to your 11 rew's res yerian F E - t i If . . ' 1 Church. Admission: Friday 48845;? film;;g_3185 SEPTEMBER 14th, SATUR_ 3/111 _be geceiveld by the un- & AssoClates home & Saturday $199 -â€" Thurs- tfc20 $10 per month, semi private,‘ DESIGNER Personal pat. DAY. 11 A.M. _ Auction Fiirggifstast'LEbél'ig 3312,44 Chartered Accountants 884-6941 Weddings. Portraits, Group. Free Parking. c2w9 . - r ~ . ~ 5 A Ont - - . S r 1 t faces to choose 5 gllsh and Italian teachers. Quality dressmaking, altera- Medcalfe t., urora, .. . , , Richmond “In, Out CONTENTS Baby_Furnituro [$5, a_ypfncludmg Script, , 225-8447. 0 7w 9i tions. 630-5611. tfc4 Sale ofglass. china. furm- fiuafiit?pféfifdtylget:: 884-4474-5 AIR CONDIT‘ONING Store. Everything was Block letters, Outline and PIANO lessons given, jazz, REPAIRS and alterations. Wei mainly anthue i,“ gm‘ indicated below, for use by 91 Gene" Sin“ ‘GAS 8‘ 01L FURNACES qumdators- 3368 Yonge St" signature â€"â€" fast service. i classical, etc. Call Sandra, done by professionals. Barth’s lettable lte’l‘s‘ Bert 3;} a: the York Regional Police 5" Catharines'. 0“ AIR CLEANERS TorontO- 488-7911. c4w9 Call “The Liberal". 884-8177. 832-2505. tfc9 Cleaning Centre. 884-4411_ donk- Agugtfneer- B” 2:“; Force. 684-11" â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" 1 th42 piano teacher tfc“) 416-775- E . . . c 74 ' GR 70X15 (Radial) ' WE pick up used app iancesrâ€" beginners to grade 5 â€" Newspaper Classified offers 4 SATUR. 2 ‘GR 78"” (Radial) LEONARD R- ROSENBERG __-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"' CfiLSNclgyzafsolfs and fumiguée. etc. figs; givicléltaught by qualified gold advertisers a combination SDIEAITTEEBEEuction Sale of 10 - G 78x15 (Glass belted) & ASSOCIATES SALES SERVICE up. 773-5 5 . medalist award win n er. of unbeatable advantages. ' . T d ‘ ‘ ‘ INSTALLATIONS property and household fur en er submitted must indi- millisyil'i’vrfi‘fi?“ HIULCREST GENERAL 339-0490 - 839-3075- c2w10 Phone today â€"884-1105-6- niture for Mr. and Mrs. cate: Chartered Accounhm 884.2433 HOMECOHIRACTING t ‘7 Henry Gilham. 228 King S;- 1. A price per tire including 887'5720 ' 88947“ RESIDENTIAL improvemen s.t East, King City. Property all applicable taxes. 84 Yonge Street 5. I ' HANDYMAN with sman 334_2520_ TFC 91 o 0 bedroom frame bungalow 2. A price per tire for in- Aurora, Ontario COMMERC AL trucl; to do odd {Jobs small 1 0 8 with living room. kitcgeg stallation and balancing repa rs, garages, asemen s. and bath. Full unfinis e ('f ' )_ . etc' 884'4635- “048 COMPLETE R E c I L I S T basement. To be offered for 3. A thIaJlllIl-fiiqchase price for INTERIOR EXTERIOR BOOKKEEPING and ac- sale at 2:30 pm. subject to n all the tires including all C r CLIMATE N E ED BY THORNHILL counting services for small Piano Theo Com ositbn reserve bid. Terms 20% of applicable taxes, installa- a p y E GINE R i businesses. 889.5633. “C33 W p l purchase on date of Sale. tion and balancing (if re- pAm'rmG Preliminary & Advanced Studies in Music 32:33.30 Cains 6’38“ gays]? 4 gu'fr.ed)' d1. C:l"lRY$LEFlI & PAPERIIANGING SERVICE . y ‘ b ‘ “"m 9 ‘Very date CUSTOM WORK v v AIRTEMP CANADA 1m. R. E_ DUNN 35 VAUGHAN RD., Specnon Sunday- 58.9mm.” The lowest or any tender 727.3303 RICHMOND HILL 3th. 1- 4 D-m- Fumlture m‘ will not necessarily be ac- 3’ . . ' clude a round oak centre cepted t Tr d PAINTING, interior and ex- 5 “def; PI mbm 8842915 .1 t i t ' n table ' C°mp°ten a 95m“ ' ' ' mm H . d 11 au ll 9 I P9 95 a 9" ens” ' BrianJ Ward ~ I t I' Palnllfl r. wa papermg. rywa . c2w10 piano and bench, bedroom Secreta-r w Prices on request or by M n EIIO 9 gndéarpentry. 884â€"9026 age; 66 and living room furniture. York Regional Board R. P. (Bob) ROSS . p_ _ c . _ â€"_.___ rugs, dishes, include set of 8 of Commissioners of Police 130 Centre St. W. - $84-11" & Paper "anglng pAINTING and decoraung, 4 G ARDENING WANTED Adderly china, chest of 1847 . r interior and exterior. 20 c W8 ‘ Rogers silverware, items giggfizlfffitESrtqo . _ ._ Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"LL V . or cripp e arm ani- , . ntario. years experience Free esti types 0f landscaplng. of brass, wall clock lawn Catenaro L. mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500. stonework, railroad tie walls, mals, picked up promptly. boy mower, new this sum- Roy V. Bick tfc35 steps. etc, a specialty. Free For dire“ line can L°ng Dis' mer garden and hand tools "I T * CARPENTER m estimates. 889-6338. tfc42 tame and 35k for ZENITH etc. Terms on furniture A ' t CONTRACTOR Insurance EVgS. , H g. WHITE ca, female Rim â€"-â€"â€"â€"-aâ€" 32800. Call anytime Ed Cash L Cord Orr Auc- ppom men - ' - ations and additions. home. 1 8'89 4509 ' 1 10 LANDSCAPE DESIGNER pecom & Son. Woodvine . ' ' 0 ' 2 10 Additions, Renovations C m [etc offices).t faftofilfi' Custom vae area. - . c w [Lifetime English and Cana_ Ont Licence No 3240-66- tioneer. 833-6116 . c w & Rec Rooms I 0 P S _ carpen ry o a escriptions. SEALPOINT Siamese Cat. dia erien ff rv- ' ' i . “surance enlce n exp Ce 0 91‘5 Se tfc29 SEPTEMBER 7th, SATUR- 83 Roseview Ave. Les Webb. 889-2546 tfc3 Laureleaf and Bayview area. ices to parties interested in WE buy household contents, DAY â€" Auction Sale for â€"_____.___ . . . . - . ~ 17 Queen St. E. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Reward. 8894098. improvmg their property. . _ . . Richmond Hill Ont. . and general contracting c1w10 Gardens planned and laid furniture, pianos. china and Mrs. M. Mitchell and G. ’1 Toronto 363_3959 Reasonable mes . MONSHEE bicycle 10- 0“ Fan seeding of lawns. antiques. 884-0158. tfc9 Heacock of Kettleby to be Tel. 884-417 TOM-LYN CONTnmCTORs speed. dark green: with trees and bushespruned and OLD Clocks. Will buy all SOId at ng C‘ty Commtun} 25 GrandVIeW Ave. 884-7837 or 884-5460 safety brakes. Reward. sprayed. Estimates free. 661- tyres of Grandfather. Mantel 'FY park “St Singlet easi (xiv Thornhill ficthogo. c1w10 5877 or Reply to Box 61. and Wall Clocks. 889-3743. llshtsl- Sale "‘0 “deg ( ° . . 1379 “The Liberal". tfc4 tfc10 dmmg room buffet ‘1er E Ineenn 889- . , good); drop front defik With 9 Eric 8 Cycle glass door top boo case; R. M. Copeland & Sons Inc. TOP SOIL 1...: a... 1...; 2...? mi; Corner Agency and Sports Shop stan: presse ac . chair; bedroom and living La Casa Loma Beauty Salon, SPECIAL MACHINERY Limited C‘C'M' RaleAifthmgcl“ 0 room furniture; oil lamps; 10312 Yonge St., Richmond GENERAL REPAIRS Repa‘“ ‘0 ' ' i oil coach lamps; old English , Hill takes great pleasure in ’ Insurance - Mortgages A complete Line 0‘ i . cast iron horse head; coiipgr announcing the appointment Leno S Fire, Auto and Liability Sporting Goods Drivewa s arkin ' 1 D L . R1 N HILL boiler; crocks; China g o e. of Anna Maria to their staff . Y 9 D g lots, tennis courts, etc. , 78 UN OP ST, CHMO D for hanging lamp; wicker of stylists. Anna Maria is a Machlne Shop Motor Vehrisile Finance 2.5 Yonge Street South Free Estimates CONTACT fernery; 2 coal spacebhfiiagsrs. long time resident of the 73 CENTRE ST, EAST T l h 5° 7:7 9488 9 Richmond Hill, 884-1213 3 . . - . woolen blankets, e ing. area. with many years of eep one - - 221-3958 j R. Reusse Construction Co. Limited Misc dishes_ Sealers, hand experience to her credit and RICHMOND KILL Be" ‘7 You" sun. 8' or Norman Reynolds 884-5053 ' JOB SITE: 884-3867 garden tools; 11-ft. Shark looks forward to meeting Anton ammo tfcs \ OFFICE 485_9479 sail boat; Wrought iron her many friends and cus- DING ' . c2w8 white marble top coffee tomers. You can reach Anna WEL 1 table and end tables, Cap- Maria at 884â€"9841. STEAMFITTING Itains chair, freezer, stove, __u_ Barlow Insurante B a H Scru Metal 1 Tm soc... Ltd e Cash. â€"â€" Gord Orr. auc-, . . p Effective July 1,1974 tioneer. c1w10, St. Mary’s Parish Hall H A to d B m IWORD ADS= 1X 2X 3X 4X . Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill °“‘°' 1 “Y "‘ Stream" flyefs o 10 words or less . . . . . . . . $1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 (opposite Canadian Tire) 102 1 one 1 Each additional word .10 .10 .10 .10 884-1551 - 8844219 1NOTE: Multiple insertion discount applies only when & & ,COMINol-dered in advance. G EVENTS. CARDS OF THANKS, ENGAGE- . , MENTS, MARRIAGES AND BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS: TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Tenders for Construction of l i l I Res. $84-83“ COLOR TV SERVICE (And Other Makes) _ _ ‘ d A t- HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID ggzhinzsgtiigghazlo30.12315 or less . . . . . . _ , . . . _ $21153 E 3:47;; £3,1qu: :fHCeiligguif EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. Cleaners by PETER SMITH FREE pICK Up , ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' 00 iSMmming Pool- SEPTEMBER 10 â€" 20 Regular Games York Home TV .BOX NUMBERS, extra per 1nsert1on . . . . . . . . . . l . $1. ‘Copies of the above tenders 1 share an wealth ‘ 1 pic pl.“ 1 :06 BAYVIEW A" PHONE 24 HOURS 1 SEMI-DISPLAY» line rates 0“ “We” by PM“- may be pi°ked “P 3‘ the r a. .1 COMMERCIAL BAYVIEW PLAZA. Clerk's Office, JACKPOT $500 â€" 58 NUMBERS Classified ads should be ordered as early as possible _ . _ CLEANERS 884‘165 8891‘“ starting on Wednesday for the following week's publicaâ€" MUmclpal Offices. , ' ‘ tion. Deadline for all classified advertising is 11 am on 19.266 Yonge Street. _ ST. S Commgrlfgrlmngrnmdomesuc COLOR TV ' Tuesday preceding publication. Send ads by mail and ,Rlchmond Hill, Ontario 1 . Fl . d ANTENNAS enclose payment or call the direct classified line No. :Tenders close noon, Thurs- MUST GO EVERY WEEK Ceamng' oors' "‘33" “(m ' tch iday, September 19th. 1974. Earlybirds 7:30 p.rn. - Kite-Owl- “VS “"5- °t°~ Day 01” mght- INSTALLED {884â€"1105 or 881-3373. #â€" 884-5885. tic/5 #

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