Reverend Andrew Barnd- jar of the Bible Society spoke on Sunday night at the Missionary Church. He showed slides of a very in- teresting recent trip to the Bible Society areas of Africa. 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1974 Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Minted Telephone: BBB-M†Neighborhood Notes Sympathy is expressed to the familyeof Gordon Cullen who passed away in York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill, with a heart condition. The funeral was held Wed- nesday in Gormley Mission- ary Church. Misses Wendy Wideman, Jance and Jo-Anne Steckley, and Kenneth Brillinger are all attending Niagara Chris- tian College at Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker and family motored to Elk Lake to spend Labor Day weekend with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Em Baker. Mrs. Deb Baker re- turned home with them from her most recent visit there. " ’ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Oliver (nee Shirley Nelson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson) who were married on Satur- day. Miss Shirley Heisé re- turned on Sunday from a very interesting two month holiday in India. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of Hagersville spent Labor Day weekend with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Heise. _ Miss Pa'm Routledge is en- tering the Connestoga Col- lege School of Nursing in Stratford. _ Rick Briggs-Jude has en- rolled at Ryerson Polytech- nical Institute in the radio and television arts course in Toronto. Messrs. Ken Kepler and Dave Thiessen are resuming their studies at Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener. They are asking for any kind of donations or canned food. baking, handcraft, veg- etables. etc. For further in- formation please contact Mrs. Joseph Wideman of Heise Hill Church, or Mrs. Fred Yake of the Missionary Church. Mr. and Mrs. David Heise and girls of Lowbanks en- joyed the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Heise. mjh'hni Carhpey begins his orientation with the Cana- dian World Youth in Quebec on September 9; U Miss Patsy Hunklng of Kitchener spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. The Pioneer Festival will be held at Black Creek Pioneer Village on Septem- ber 21. This is an annual sale conducted by local churches for relief work. This year's proceeds are to be used for the distressed in Bangladesh. Peter Nelson of Thorold holidayed last weekend with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Art Briggs-Jude. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bayer of St. Catharines were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Briggs-Jude. In the Estate of JANET BISLAND HALL. late of the Village of Thornhill, in the Regional Munici- pality of York. deceased. All persons having claims against the above Estate are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the un- dersigned on or before the 15th day of October, 1974 after which date the Estate will be distributed, with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be li- able to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 28th day of August, 1974. ROBERT WALKER HALL. Administrator of the Estate of JANET BISLAND HALL. by his solicitor. JOSEPH RABINOWITCH, 10115A Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. L4C 4Y8. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Suede 8: Leather Cleaning Service RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL O AURORA NEWMARKET GORMLEY o Sidéw’alks o Curbs O Excavating o Trenching o Drains 0 Septic Tanks (New and Repairs) Weldrick Constr. Co. 158 Weldrick Road 881-0069 ' CLEANING G CENTRES