Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1974, p. 31

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CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 HANDYMAN with small truck to do odd jobs small repairs, garages. basements, etc. 884-4635. tfc48 ___,,! , 7 _; , #-,_,,_‘V_ BOOKKEEPING and ac- counting services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 PAINTING, interior and ex- terior, wallpapering. drywall. and carpentry. 884-9026 after: 6 pm. tfc8 ‘ PAINTHNG and decorating. interior and exterior. 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. 884-5410 or 887-5500.. tfc35; GENERAL contracting, alter- ‘ ations and additions, home. offices. factories. Custom} carpentry of all descriptions. ; Les Webb. 889-2546 tfc3" HOME IMPROVEMENTS. and general contracting. Reasonable rates. ‘ TOM-LYN CONTszCTORS‘ Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tfc20 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature fast service. Call "The Liberal", 884-8177. tfc42 HILLCREST GENERAL CONTRACTING HOME improvements. 884-2520. TFC 9 pIUfiBING & HEKTING 'Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone 884-1650. fic24 TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 PAINTING. interior, ex- terior. Call after 6. Karl. 884-4832. tfc9 Kenneth M. Pal. 889-1377. tfc37 'SHAMPOOING Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 FOR concrete and asphalt work. Call John Bareta con- tracting. For reasonable rate. 889-6344. tfc48 Saunders Plumbing 889-8366 & ORNAMENTAL IRON Inside and Outside Work Repairs & installations Drains & concrete TERMS CLIFF CROCK 773-5655 Miscellaneous 104 CRESTWOOD RI). THORNHILL PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 B 6': H Scrap Metal Buyers of Scrap 8. Wrecked Cars 8: Trucks Wet Basement? Cable TV office has opening for phone answerâ€" ing and filing on Sundays. Call Mr. Jeffery - 884-8111 clwll Alex Canale 889-8319 R. M. Copeland & Sons Inc. EurOpean process. For appointment and con- sultation call 221-5386 SUPERIOR COSMETICS LTD. 5590 Yonge St. at Finch, Willowdale All work done by hand â€" no dipping. Pickup and delivery. Driveways. parking lots, tennis courts, etc. Free Estimates 221-3958 or Norman Reynolds 884-5053 MISCELLANEOUS Furniture Stripping And Refinishing ’iib’oKKEEPING CrestWQOd Railing COMPLETE Ladies” Remove unwanted Hair SUNDAY WORK SERVICE ASPHALT PAVING HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FREE PICK UP PHONE 24 HOURS 769 - I622 CALL 881-3607 c4w8 tfc 11 tfc4 tfc9 ‘ CHIMNEYS . [Chimneys and fireplaces 1 built and repaired. Free esti- ‘1 'mates. Expert workmanship} ‘20 years experience. Phone i 884-2882, ‘ WALKER CONSTRUCTION ‘ 2 ' tfc i’fastering ANTIQUE furniture repair- ed. new and used. 884-2923. tfcll tumult}? STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"- including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call "The Liberal", 884â€"8177. tfc42 TILE any type. Hours, walls. Gino's Tiling, 884-9026 after REID LAWNMOWER SALES (AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowmobile repairs and ser- vice. Open 8 a.m. - 9 pm. 11641 Yonge Street. 884â€" 7716. tfc38 'NORTHERN' FAINTING RESIDENTIAL. commercial painting. interior and ex- terior, paper hanging. 881- 2075. tfc16 RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING Interior-Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889- 8965. tfc32 1 BUTLER ACADEMY 01“ l TRADITIONAL - IRISH DANCING, * CLASSES are resuming this ‘ week, at Our Lady Queen of ‘ the World Church Hall. Time l â€"â€"Tue‘sdlays, 4 pm. to 5 p.m. [ For information. call 884- | 7221. cZwll “ANS BUTT 889-4106 Everything in Alcan Alumi- num. Home improvements. eavestroughing. tfc38 CLASSICAL piano teacher â€" beginners to grade 5 â€" taught by qualified gold medalist award winner. 889-0490 - 889â€"3075. c2w10 PIANO lessons given, jazz. classical. etc. Call Sandra. 832â€"2505. tch 1'67 Ch’éxfhef Air' uncerti- fled. Call 773â€"5090 after ‘16:” p.m‘ clwll PIANO LESSONS L .67~-Fnra. Eadie; awomnm STEELESthSL YQNGE t lflood Irqnning conditinn~ éés‘mmSsmaizzwasv P r v ' ka. C11 f 4:30‘ 34. glish and Italian teachers.15‘gog a at” 9113‘,“ 225-8447. 0 7w 9* _,_:«.._ Mnn n_.J:n.._ Eifi'-“.‘4~ f‘nhn 12' aluminum boat. 6 hp. Johnson. electric Trolling motor, electric fish finder. All new condition. $550. 0'13â€"5966 GOOD BUY 14' WOODEN boat. fiber- glassed. 3100.00. 889-0738. cZwll Miscellaneous R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates Boats & Motors (Continued) iTfiornhill c1w11 tfcll tfc35 c1w11 tfc8 tfc8 '68 Plymouth. for parts. orJRETI] as is â€" running condition â€" ‘ tercst‘ $150.00 â€"â€" also, box trailer. schcol $75.00 or best offer. 887â€";lunch 5614. c1w11 3884-“ "69"Ramb1er Rebel, sâ€"cS/lini 'MA'I‘I der, in good condition. askâ€"[requil ing $800.00. 889-6167 clwll 5 find ‘74 » Mrnto â€"Carlo. rea \viih \ flier“ :all (12 partial white vinyl top, imâ€" ‘1) maculate. $4500.00. Private. ‘3 3“ 889-9509 evenings. tfcll h°me __ Royal ’63 Pontiac. 6 eyl'fifder, mile- requi. age â€" 54,000. as is, best offer. Phone 884~3185 after 5 pm. clwll WAN hA.._ ’69 Meteor Stationwagon. 351 cubic inche<, needs brake job and body work. 889- 1566 between 9 am. - 4 pm. clw11 '51 Lincole Capri. full run-5 ning order. Best offer. 493-I 9451. c2w11 1 ’7lâ€"Trilxmph GT 6 plus.‘ carefully maintained, $2300.“ 884â€"3183. clwll "72 Buick LeSabre. cuetom‘i power, private. 889-2315. | "72 Cnrnna 1900 automatic. only 22.000 miles. light green-grey interior, AM-FM radio. radial tires. Only $1995.00. ‘71 MGB. British Racine Grpen. black interior. new Dnnlon SP radials, only 33.â€" 000 miles. 1 mile north of Richmond Hill - Yonze St. 884-9274 773-4542 '66 Rambler. certified. A-I condifion. automatic. 2 door. 6 cvlinder. Mn<t be seen. $475.00. 884-4321 - call anv- time. clwll ’65 Volkswagen Qtationwagon $100. or swap’ for car ton boat. 773-4259. clwll '68 Camaro PR. 133.. auto. cnn\'ert.. rebuilt engine. key- etone mags and chrome re- verse. new paint. complete new exhautt and brake& certified. $1650.00. 8335862. ’68 Cadillac Eldorado. Grew ian white. loaded, certified. $2.500. 884-1474. After 5, ’64 Chevrolet Impala station- ‘ wagon. 1 owner. 56000 miles. nower brakes and steering.‘ Not certified. $250.00. 221- 4668. clwll ‘6‘3 CHEVELLE. 6-cvlinder. rmwpr <teoring. radio. good running condition. $250. or best offer. 884-6691. After 6. 824â€"3662. tfcll ter 5 pm. c1w10 1971 VW. very good condi- “nn. va fires and paint. T’adio. Gas heater, Must sell. Best offer. 884-9622, Rich- mnnd Hill. clwll ‘65 VW. good condition. Q35000. Phone 881-1569, af- DEAD or crippled farm ani- mals. picked up promptly, For direct line call Lona Dis- tance and ask for ZENITH 32800. Call anytime Ed Peconi 8: Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No, 324C-66. tfc29 WE buy household contents. furniture. pianos, china and antiques. 884-0158. tfc9 OLD Clocks. Will buy all M225 cytâ€"diéBdiétBérffiant’éi E and Wall Clocks. 889-3743. SMALL (‘AR PENTRE Person required immediately to operate a fully equipped] restaurant/snack bar, at Maple Airport. Ideal situation‘ for a couple, with minimum investment. PLEASE CONTACT â€" K. WRIGHT, 889-7751 clwll ! USED CARS We are seeking one person in this area for an exclusive business opportunity. This person must be serious about beginning a business of their own, have a good personal background, and ability to raise $5,500. for business purposes and exclusive territorial rights. Total investment secured by saleable inventory. We specialize in “you haul type” trailers. office wagons. express vans. etc., combining sales, leasing and rentals. Our units represent a whole new concept of cargo movement with phenomenal response from our clientele. Successful dealers in this field can forsee gross incomes in the six figure bracket per annum. Age and business background no barrier â€" company provides full training, location assistance and financial assistance to the right person. If a successful business, high income, independ- ance, and new lifestyle and satisfaction of creating an estate for your family’s future appeal to you â€" don't hesitate â€" call now for information and personal intervxew in Toronto. Call John Daugherty, business hours. 416-294-1145 “7A NTED used appliances, furniture, etc. Fast pickâ€"up - 24 hours CHARLIE - 884-0522 Wells Cargo is coming into this area ASK YOURSELF WHY ARE YOU LOOKING HERE? SNA CK BA R We Pick Up BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY clwll clwll clwl] clwll tfclO 2 {FREE 'â€" Adorable kittens. ”‘ { 884-8076. clwll I would like to baby-sit pre- schooler in my home. Cadil- la-c-Baif subdivision. 884- 1 7793. c1w11 RETIRED school teacher in- terested in baby sitting pre- schoolers cr toddlers. Hot hmch and planned activities. lMISSING. 2 Scotch Terriers. >Nes<ie and Wvozie. Bathurst and Rutherford Rd. 884- 5175. clwll 884-7677. ' c2w10 MATURE reliable babysitter required. part-time. Days and houm flexible. Fcr 3 friendly children. 2 at school all day. 1 preschooler. Must be available to come to my home. Yon ge - Bayview - Royal Orchard. References required. 889-8509. WANTED. lunch and one hour after school for 8 year old girl, Ross Doan school area. 884-5205. clwll 889-6898. c1w11 HELP! Please help me. 1’ really need a mature. loving woman for two school aged children. Starting immedi- ately - 5-day week. Royal Orchard Blvd. area. 881-' 0087 after 6 pm. clwll I 'equircd. part-time. Days and hour; flexible. Fcr T1, 'riendly children, 2 at school 111 day. 1 preschooler. Must 3e available to come to my aome. Yonge - Bayview - Royal Orchard. References required. 889-8509. tfclO WANTED. lunch and one 1cur after school for 8 year )ld girl, Ross Doan school area. 884-5205. clwll I would like to baby-sit pre- schooler in my home. Cadil- la-c-Baif subdivision. 884- 7793. c1w11 BABYSITTER required, for occasional evenings. Must have own transportation. 889-6898. _ > x r_c1w711 HELP! Please help me. I Men“ __..3 - Man“... ‘Aifind . HORSE AUCTION ~‘Ei"l‘li\.‘lBER, 16th, MON-l ‘DAY -â€" At 6 pm. sharp, at as. ,uu‘ville Stock . Yards, Sioufl‘ville, Ont. Approxi- mately 125 registered and grade horses of all breeds. including several good regis- tered quarter horses and .\ppaloosas from U.S.A.. New and used saddles. new bridles, 20 new winter blan- xets, halters. western show‘ saddles. English saddles, etcfi ‘ Auctioned at wholesale prices, preceding horses. Came out and enjoy an ~vening “ith other horse ‘u‘ners. breeders. and deal~ ‘1‘5 at Canada's leading hcrse auction. To consign horses. phone l-640~4198. Sale conducted by Bill Sim~ .mons. Horse Auctions. URGENT: "Joey", green buine with yellow face. Friendly and talkative. Pet of oldorly person. Rewardr 884-8605. c1w11 STBERIAN grey and white male. Thornhill area. Reward $100. 889-4795 evgs. DOG grgoming. poodles, ter- riers. mutts. Betty Forsyth. 889â€"3606. tfc3 GREEN ACRE PETS FOR SALE DOG GROOMING Poodles - Spaniels - Terriers A Specialty Pickâ€"up and Delivery 26 Years Experience Glintondale Kennels Keele St. N,. King City 853-5715 889-6116 tfc33 WELSH Corgi pup, male, 3 months. 884-9043. FEMALE BoEgle, 10 weeks, shots, pure bred. no papers. 889-2940. clwll Budgies Canaries Parrots Tropical Fish Poodles ‘ Pet Foods Cages Stands REGISTERED German Shepherd puppies, purebred, had shots, de‘wormed, 7 weeks 01d. $150.00 each. 351-2736. c2w11 10% off any sale if this ad is submitted OAK RIDGES 773-4401 OAK RIDGES PLAZA DAILY 10 â€" 9 RM. SUN. NOON - 6 RM LOST tfcll evgs. ' clwll c1w11 and for 3 or 4 year old. 8 hour area. lday. 884-7293. c1w11 clwll c2w10 : DAY care given in my? ; h o m e. preschoolers, $15. 1 884-8525. TF C 9 year old quarter horse I My, good conformation, sire liargg Lad, lungeing quietly, very gentle. tack included. Call after 5:30 p.m. 884- 5133, clwll L DAY care given in my home, ERcckport and Tormore, 884- .6223. c2w11- DAY care given in my home DAY care wanted for five year old girl in the Bever- {ley Acres area. 884-1549. BOARD available for 3 horses. private stable. 727~ 2603, afternoons or even- ings. c2w11 DAY care given in my home. 884-0413. c1w10 back-yard, lunches provided. $15.00. Call after 6 p.m. â€" 773â€"4098. ClWll DAY care in my home, large DAY care given in my home any age. 884-8709. clwll REPAIRS and alterations, done by professionals. Barth's Cleaning Centre. 884-4411. DESIGNER Personal pat- terns made for perfect fit. Quality dressmaking, altera- tions. 630â€"5611. tfc4 DRESSMAKING and altera- lirns done in my home - reasonable. Call 881-3350. c3w11 ALL types of landscaping, stonework. railroad tie walls. steps. etc.. a specialty. Free estimates. 889-6338. tfc42 DRESSMAKING College, King Campus, daily. Call 884-6786. c2w10 SEPTEMBER 14th, SATUR- DAY, 11 A.M. â€"- Auction Sale for Mrs. P. VanRooy. 61 Medcalfe St., Aurora, Ont. Sale of glass. china, furni- ture, mainly antique and col- lectable items. Bert Vander- donk. Auctioneer, Bradford. 416-775-6637. I c4w8 WANTED. ride to Seneca SA LE REGISTER Medcalfe St, Aurora, Ont.‘ Sale of glass. china, furni- ture, mainly antique and col- lectable items. Bert Vander- donk. Auctioneer. Bradford. 416-775-6637. I c4w8 1. It It SEPTEMBER 14, SATUR- DAY. Auction Sale of} property and household fur- niture for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilham. 228 King St. East. King City. Property 2 bedroom frame bungalow with living room, kitchen and bath, Full unfinished basement. To be offered for sale at 2:30 pm. subject to a reserve bid. Terms 20% of nurchase on date of sale, balance cash on closing within 30 days. Open for in- spection Sunday. September. 8th. 1- 4 pm. Furniture in-? cludes a round oak centre.1 pedestal extension table, piano and bench. bedroom tand living room furniture. rugs, dishes. includes set of 8 i Adderly china, chest of 1847 Echers silverware, items of brass, wall clock, lawn 1boy mower, new this sum- ‘mer garden and hand tools etc. Terms on furniture Cash. â€" Gord Orr, Auc~ Itioneer, 833-6360 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Reynold F. Paul All Persons having claims against the Estate of Rey- nold F. Paul. late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 19th day of June. 1974, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or about the 30th day of September, 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned rhall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims she shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill this 6th day of September, 1974. Eileen Mary Paul. Executrix of the Estate of Reynold F. Paul. by her solicitor. Rob- ert H. Blackburn. c/o Messrs. Lawlor. LeClaire. Stong & Nevins. Barristers and Solic- itors. 10265 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. RIDE wantedâ€"Seneca, King to Richmond Hill via Raw- View Ave., leaving 5:30 pm. 884-4257. clwll COW manure. $20. a load delivered. Gardens roto-tll- led. 221-1588. tfcll Newspaper Classified offers advertisers a combination of unbeatable advantages. Phone today â€"884~1105-6. Transportation WORD ADS: 10 words or less .. $1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 Each additional word .10 .10 .10 .10 NOTE: Multiple insertion discount applies only when ordered in advance. DAY CARE COMING EVENTS, CARDS OF THANKS. ENGAGE- MENTS, MARRIAGES AND BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Per insertion. 20 words or less . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Each additional word . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .10 BOX NUMBERS. extra per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 SEMI-DISPLAY, line rates on request by phone. Classified ads should be ordered as early as possible starting on Wednesday for the following week's publica- tion, Deadline for all classified advertising is 11 am on Tuesday preceding publication. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or call the direct classified line No. 884â€"1105 or 881-3373. GARDENING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective July 1, 1974 clwll c1w11 tfclO WANTED TO RENT DESPERATELY needed by October lst, small house or flat by professional woman and 1 child. Excellent refer~ onces. 889-6536. clwll '3 adults require house or farm. Richmond Hill area, where pets are welcome. Willing to pay up to $200. a month. By September 15th. 889-8459. c2w11 BRITISH C y g n e t Light- ‘weieht Travel Trailers. 13' to 18' from $1,695. Go Campâ€" ling Ltd. Hwy. 7 (Between *Bayview & Yonge). 389.8844. 1 tmo $_35~ Wé?kly. m a 1 e. non- :moker. 884â€"3683. clwlo 57 Mercury panel itruck. 884-7103. c2w10 '66 CAMPER Var? 6-cylind- er standard. propane equip- ped. 297â€"2779. 7 c1w10 EWINNEBAGO Motor Home 2 1971. 24' Indian, fully equipped, including air. sleeps 7, A-l. $10,200.00 01' acffer. 884â€"2440. tfclO FEMALE student or busi- ness girl, free in exchange for babysitting, etc. Leslie- Steeles. 889â€"0747 C 3W 9 ’66 GMC lé-ton flickup with utility box. best offer. 884- 1659 after_5_pm. c2w11 '67 GMC 1/2 ton 283, 3’ speed runs excellent, new paint. Must sell. 889-4193. c1w11 Wanted To Rent Room 10’ SPEED bike â€" may claim for cost 884-8239. CAT; iblack female, St. West, 384-7240. BURTT, George Horace â€" At North York General Hospital on Friday, Sep- tember 6. 1974. George Burtt. beloved husband of Kate Kellaway. dear father of Phyllis (Mrs. N. Crow- ther). John, Dorothy (Mrs. F. Leflerl, Irene (Mrs. J. LUCK, Robertâ€"At his home in Richmond Hill on Wed- nesday, September 4, 1974. Bob Luck‘ beloved hus- band of Dorothy Willis, dear father of Donna (Mrs. Robert Hisey), of Rich- mond Hill, grandfather of Lisa Anne. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 10366 Yonge St, Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Saturday at 11 am. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w11 Payne), Bill and Bruce. brother of Gladys (Mrs. B. Hall), also survived by fif- teen grandchildren :and nine great - grandchildren. Rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at Hwy. 7B) Thorn- hill. Service was held in the chapel Monday at 2 pm. Cremation. Donations may be made to the Can- adian Cancer Society. TRAILERS FOR SALE TRUCKS Urgent FOUND Eeath and Board 2X c1w10 1 p with} -, 8334-“ c2w11 j Epeed 3 paint n1 “'1 1 l Owner of ad. clwll Centre clwll c1w11 | Auto Bodv IIEFAJEEE. Mister Transmission Ltd. 9677 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL I Carpentry Brian H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 884-8651 - 889-8275 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Acqountants 887-5720 - 889-2741 84 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario 3! Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists I Contractors Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 121 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474‘5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. 6844177 T 8: J COMMERCIAL CLEANERS Richmond Hill Commercial 0 r domestic cleaning. Floors, rugs, windr ows. walls, etc. Day or night. Auto Transmissmn 884-5885 TRUCK & AUTO BODY 41 MAPLE AVE. 889-5334 THORNHILL Collision - Refinish Wheel Alignment Wheel Balance Engine Analysis Mechanical Repairs CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. 884-4171 DA E B A R Developments Ltd. Designer-_Contra.ctor Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. VAN DYKE. Aborist 884-7 7 74 Chartered Accountants THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1974 for Industrial, Commercial & Residential Projects 889-6662 Alf Catenaro CALL COLLECT 416-669-1784 CUSTOM WORK 884-6663 Cleaners Forestry tfcll tfc15 ALL TEMPERATURE l SERVICES MAC PLUMBING AND HEATING CONSUMER'S GAS CONTRACTORS CLIMATE ENGINEERED BY HEATING and Air Conditioning FULLY LICENSED ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS SHEET METAL AIR-CONDITIONING GAS AND OIL 20 Service Vehicles at your service 24 Hours A Day 889-0506 - 895-1351 41 MAPLE THORNHILL AIR. CONDITIONING GAS & OIL FURNACES AIR CLEANERS HUMIDIFIERS 16 Yonge Street North WAREHOUSE 85 FURNITURE SHOWROOM 321 ENFORD RD. RICHMOND HILL 884-9295 884-9296 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora, Ontario Home, Auto and Business 10211 Yonge Street 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 884-8347 Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Barrow Insurance Servnces Ltd. H. B. FISHER Office Supplies SALES SERVICE INSTALLATIONS Insurance RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 889-6048 Friday 8:30 am. to 6 pm C105ed Saturday Office Supplies CHRYSLER AIRTEMP CANADA LTD‘ l Optometrists Iâ€"PiotographyJ Weddings, Portraits, Groups INTERIOR-EXTERIOR THORNHILL 881-0353 Cut out the middleman. Deal direct on new and old roofing. No roof too tough. All roofs guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 884-1257 WHY NOT SAVE MONEY? BUILDING 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A complete Line 0! Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 GARNET PAINTERS THE STUDIO THAT comes to your home 884-6941 Expert Interior Painting & Paper Hanging Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop 884-4165 SUITE # 204 PROFESSIONAL . W. Kitchen, Evgs. 781-2083 (And Other Makes) by PETER SMITH York Home TV By Appointment ‘. NARVEY 306 BAYVIEW AVE. BAYVIEW PLAZA Painters 884-3962 COLOR TV SERVICE Sporting Goods Roofing COLOR TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED 889-1648 tfcll 31

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