A penny wise sale will be held by HELP at the Vellore Hall on Weston Road Sept- ember 20. 7:30 to 9:30 pm. and September 21 from 10 to 12 am. Featured at this sale will be good used cloth- ing and household articles. Anyone Wishing more infor- mation or to donate articles to HELP, please contact the office at 851-2333. George Bailey Senior School Canvassers for the society will be covering Maple dur- ing September and your sup- port for this cause will ‘be appreciated. Watch out for the posters done by Maple children that are displayed in local stores. Help We would like to Welcome three new staff members to George Bailey. Mrs. Elaine Tsiampas is teaching physi- cal education and has a grade 6 home room class. The grade 7 home mom teacher is Frank Callaghan who is‘ also teaching geo- graphy and language arts. Jaan Runk is the new art teacher and also has a grade 6 home room class. ‘ Because of other commit- ments, I am going to give up the Maple column soon. “The Liberal†wishes the column to continue and is looking for a new columnist. If you are interested in a job about a half a day a week with the fringe benefit of meeting many new people in your community contact me at 832-2314 or “The Liberal†at 884-8177 for more details. Arthritis Society Some changes are being made in the busing and changes in routes and loads have been made. Incidental- ly, lunch at George Bailey is from 11:50 to 12:50 and closing time is 3:15 pm. ThOSe students within easy walking distance of the school are asked to return home for lunch, because this entails more children that have to be supervised during the teachers' lunch break. If these are parents who could relieve the teachers during the lunch hour. being at the school during 'the time period from, 12 to 1 it would certainly be appreciated by the staff. Contact Mr. Ur- quhart if you could be of as- sistance in this way, even if it were only one day a week. Neighborhood Notes Registration fees are up some this year but so is the cost of ice time. House league registration fees are $30 and OMHA registration fee is $45. Registration will take place at the Maple arena September 18 from 7 to 9 pm and September 21 from 9 to 12 am. Registrars will be A1 Taylor at 832-2526 and Gary Strangways at 832-2077. The MAPLE GIRLS house league fee is $20. and their registration will be Septem- ber 18 from 7 to 9 pm and. September 21 from 9 to 12 noon. .Don Tarling is the Grades 7A and 78 have been to Nashville to the BORC to work on science projects and receive extra instruction. George Bailey has the use of the science resource cen- tre three days of the year. Minor Hockey Association The Maple Lions held their annual Maple Septemberfest on the weekend and people came from near and far for this event, one of the district’s biggest of the year. Here enjoy- Drapery Cieaning Service ' YONG!) & LEVENDALE RICWOND mm. 884-4411 « maJe me mm ' CLEANING G CENTRES Sep temberfest Dancing A t Map/e registrar for this The Maple ‘Skating‘ Club for boys and girls will regis- ter students September 24 from 7 to 9 pm and October 1 from 7 to 9 pm. Taking care of this will be Audrey Kupchanko at 889-5113. The recreation committee is still waiting for calls on the “Iffy†activities. Please let them know if you are interested in any of the fol- lowing items, ladies' gym and exercise class - Ohris Sinclair - 832-2543; ladies volleyball, call Carol Flynn at 832-2666; guitar lessons for children of 7 and up. call Carol Flynn at 832-2666; or a series of demonstrations in cake decorating - Sylvia Pickles at 832-2093. ‘A coaches clinic will be presented by the MMHA to the residents of Vaughan who wish to acquire basic skills for coaching and man- aging at the amateur level. There will be one hour on the ice and two hours in the class room. Anyone is wel- come to register for this workshop which will be at the Maple arena October 3 at 7 pm so call 832-2526 to register. There will be a fee of $1 for the course. MARC St. Stephen’s ACW would like to remind you that some of your Christmas shopping can be done at their annual Christmas bazaar 'November 2 in the Dr. Ramsay Armi- tage Church Hall. If you have visited the bazaar pre- viously. you know that there is good selection and quality, A few of the tables this year are: baking. white elephant. knitted goods, Christ-mas gifts. flower table and a children's table. More de- tails later. Ladies Bowling Church News The winner all around for the evening was Marion Hep- burn with high average 212. high single 275 and high tri’ple 638. The league is still looking for subs and new regulars could begin if The ladies' league wel- comes 14 new bowlers this year as well as some new subs. Teams-have been nam- ed after fruits this year in- stead of dogs. That’s not ap- propriate. Standings are: Peaches -â€"â€" 7, Bananas â€" 7. Plums â€" 5, Cherries â€"â€" 5, A-pples â€" 2, Pears â€" 2, Oranges â€" 0, Grapes â€" 0. Maple Squirts Beat Richvale For House League Laurels Maple defeated Richvale September 7 to win the York Minor House League Soft- ball Championship in the squirt division. Considering this was Maple’s first year in inter-area competition, it was an exceptional effort. The Pioneers are getting younger and any men over 50 are now invited to join the league. If you are eligible, Contact Jim Darlington at 832-1048 or Jim Spencer at 832-2650. Please do this be- fore the registration on the first night of bowling which will be September 26. Pioneer Bowling Bradley Schanck pitched an excellent game, holding Richvale scoreless until the last inning. Todd Nunn with a homerun and Blair Ivens with a triple supplied the scoring for Maple. Congratulations are due to the entire team which consisted of Danny Mun- shaw. Mark Gammage, Mark Munshaw, Kenny Vincent, Harold Kaiser, Blair Ivens, Todd Nunn, Norm Mondolo, Michael Jones, Bradley Schanck, Donald Drinkill, Chris Cook, Todd Smith, Simon Kitchen, John Flynn, Neil Geddes, Mark Fortin, Richard Bedford and Danny Cauduro. “THE LIBERAL" is al- ways willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Con- cord, Teston, Kleinburg. Maple. pleas‘e phone Mrs. Eva Hawkins at 832-2314; in Concord. Mary Dawson at 884-8177; in Kleinburg Margaret Lade. at “The Liberalâ€, 884-8177. ing themselves during the evening dance (left to right) are: Mr. and Mrs. Werner Voight of Toronto, Mrs. Else Buletta of Weston and Hans Gitt of Toronto. her at 83 interested league) E Wilson ar Marion H dary Nor- 83241324 if ed in the Secretary and Treas- Hepburn. Finestâ€"quality oil for your car Stock up now. “3&29‘3‘1 †(Photo by Claus Plock) STATE 0“. Our Iisi price 876 K-Mort Price Cam Milani Developer Cam Milanl was[ for water but there's a few met with a solid wall of rate- plt'falls involved 'as well as payer opposition Tuesday good points. I think we night of last week when he should study the proposal offered to help Vaughan outI fairly closely." With its water problems in Council-101' Ab Holling- the Nashville area in return‘ shead thought that council for permission to build an‘ should take a look at “he 83-lot subdivision. overall area before dealing Developer Gets Upset Ratepayers Oppose “Did they come up from the City of Togonto? I'd like to know just how many are from the area con- cemed?" “Where are all these peo- ple coming from," asked an apparently bepuzzled Mil-ani indicating some 40 people in the council chambers at the planning “committee meeting, "How about the east side", interjeded one member of the audience. Mr. Milani said ‘he con- trolled land to the west and nort of it plus some 600 acres to the south. “'I‘hre's nothing wrong, with owning land." protest- ed Mr. Milani. Milani said he was up- set because it was the first time he had broached council‘s planning com- mittee with his proposal and wondered why the ratepayers would turn out in force to this time. He went on to describe his offer which involved provid- ing financial help to the mu- nicipality to bring in water to the Nashville area, north of Kleinburg, in return for ‘his development of it. He said half of the land was bush, the rest open field. Mayor Garnet Williams agreed there was a “need Planning Committee Chairman David Fraser en- quired as to how much land Mr. 'Milani owned or control- led around the proposed site. BEAUTIFUL RUBBER PLANTS All fresh stock. Come for a good choice. Our list Price $299 K-Mart Price WENDY WALKER IIDlI. Every child should have one this low Kâ€"Mort price. early Our List Price $12.88 K-Murt Price Councillor Jim Cameron noted that bringing water to Nashville could open the way for land to Uh‘e south to hook into the supply. Council-101' Ab Honing- shead thought that council should take a look at “he overall area before dealing with any particular one. “I feel it's up to the resi- dents ot Nashville whether they want services at the present time," he said. “Serv- ices bring amenities and that brings progress and subse- quently development that may or may not be desired." “We're putting ourselves on thin ice by considering this application before coun- cil is prepared to adopt a policy which would open this area up to the south. Mr. Milani concluded the evening by saying that the would like a Us) of “all the people here tonight who live within 400 feet of the site." Another councillor said the matter should' wait until a report is received from the region regarding the whole water situation and then hold a public meeting. Mr. Fraser said it was a question of “what price we're Wilding to pay in develop- ment in return for the cost of servicing the existing are-a." He indicated he thought there were a number of peo- ple in attendance who lived out of the area of concern. “All I'm trying to do is contribute to the community as much as possible," 'he caid. lES K-Marf Price Than Manufacturer's List Price Shop now for tho? special someone. Good choice to choose from Vaughan Seniors Plan Colorful Fall With Trips Far And Near By EVA HAWKINS The senior citizens of Vaughan are into their fall season with all clubs meet- ing by now, and activities underway. The Kleinburg (Hu-mber) Club held their election of officers and came up with a complete new slate of leaders including Mrs. Jesse Hamil- ton as their new president. During the last week the representatives of all four clubs were entertained after the cabinet of the town of Vaughan meeting by ladies of the Klelnburg club with tea, coffee and. cookies. With John Ferguson in the chair, the meeting got underway with the. introduction of Jerry Denhart and Mrs. Hazel Goldenberg of the Federal Government New Horizon Program. Although Mrs. Goldenberg has recent- ly joined the New Horizons staff, Mr. Denhart was most helpful, and extended an of- fer to visit with the individ- ual clubs and. discuSS their ideas and their problems. Hui the] obe Clu trip Sha the Wit noo son tow or cre‘ inei Sup St. hor dis¢ Also on hand from the Town of Vaughan Recreation Department was Stephen Fine, Who has been an in- valuable help to the seniors of Vaughan in the capacity of recreation as well as liai- son between the cabinet and Vaughan Council. However. during the spring councillor Fred Armstrong was sug- gested as a representative to the senior citizens from council, and he will be made welcome at the next cabinet meeting, to be held October 23. 1:30 pm in the Presby- terian Church. Maple. The main topic on the agenda for the cabinet is the search for suitable drop-in centres for the seniors in the areas of Woodhridge and Maple as well as the urging and. sup- port of any moves to Provide housing to seniors in the area. In the area of travel, Woodbridge seniors are plan- ning a color tour to the Bracebrid-ge area complete w1th boat cruise. dinner at the Captain's Table and a full day of the color of Mus- koka. Also in October, they are planning a trip to see the tapmg of the Tommy Hunter Show October 17 and then to Greenwood on Oct- ober 30. The Kleinburg and Maple Clu‘bs are also planning trips, with the first to the Shaw Festival in Niagara on the Lake, September 25. With a departure time of 12 noon, the group will spend some time in the picturesque town, having a picnic lunch or a snack at their own dis- cretion, and then to the mat- inee performance at 5:30 pm. Supper will be scheduled in St. Catherines on the way home. arrival around 11:30 The second trip is the one discussed for several weeks in this column, a four day color tour. October 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the Laurentians, Ottawa. Montreal, Algonquin Park and the Adirondacks and Tupper Lake in the Lake Placid area. Although this trip has been sold out for over a week, there are still names on a standby list, and with the faint possibility of a bigger bus being avail- able. names could still be taken, ‘but no later than this week. .On October 8, two buses have been chartered to take the members of the Maple and Kleinburg clubs on a color tour to the area around Collingwood with a tour of the Blue Mountain Pottery. a stop at the Forks of the Credit, Devil's Glen and the Hockley Valley expected to Ideal for the Iuhch box and 0 good treat anyiime 3/8†GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRIC llRlll INFANTS TERRV STRETCH SLEEPERS This Block and Decker electric drill is equipped with gearing and chuck- ing to handle big, tough jobs. Easily bores 3/8†hole through steel and 3/4†hole 7hrough wood. Stretch sleepers of 80% Coflon - 20% Nylon with stand up collar, lifted cuffs and feel. Dome opening down from and legs. Colors: Pink, Yellow, White or Turquoise. Sizes: 0-1-24 Our list Price 3.22 K-Mart Price 'In the Estate of Clara May Aletha Card All persons having claims ‘against the Estate of Clara May Aletha Card, late of the fTown of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York. who died on or about the 5th day of July. 1974, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of September, 1974. after which date the {Estate will be distributed, ,with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have no- tice. and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED AT Richmond Hill, this 4th day of September, 1974. Grace Ann Newland, Exe‘ cutrix of the Estate of Clara May Aletha Card, by her solicitors, Messrs. Lawlor. LeClaire. Stong & Nevins. Barristers & Solicitors. 10265 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. be fitted into the day. Dinner is included in the cost of the day at $9. It is just possible that this price will have to be raised to cow-r the extra costs that have arisen. This trip will have 15 or more seats available lo any senior in the area who might be interested. includ- ing their friends in Wood- bridge. Also of interest to seniors in any area of Vaug- han is the proposed trip to the opening performance of the Royal Winter Fair, Nov- ember 15, featuring the Royal Princess Anne. For more details and costs of any of the above trips. call club represenfatives or Mrs. Louise Cooper at 832- 2408. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Our list Price 89a K-Mart Price