Inerease tire life â€" drive in today for a OF GUARANTEED ALIGNMENT! MILES IS INCORRECT f AIR PRESSURE RUINING YOUR TIRES? FREE INFLA TION CHECK September is nearly fin- ishedâ€"just like the rest of us â€" so we will give you a rundown on what is happenâ€" ing for your entertainment for the month of October. It is always pleasant to greet ,comrades\ from other Branches Doesn't matter if it is just a social visit or on business. Recently we had the honour of saying howdy to Comrade Alec Rae from Branch 258 Highland Creek. He was the guest of Comrade Arthur Heaton of Stouffvz'lle. He met up with others of the 6th Battalion that are memâ€" bers of this Branch. Sure hope you enjoyed yourself Alec. Here we have to pause for a moment It was earlier re- ported that the draw for the Money Tree was to be made on September 14. With all due respect to the committee running this show, we wish to report that this draw will be made on October 12 in conjunction with another do. Further on this one else- where in this column. Say wih us folks. we‘ll get there yet. Saturday October 5 ~â€" Minor Soccer Dance. Tickets or admission at the door. Saturday October 12â€"0ur glamour gals llady veterans of this branch) are tossing a do. We are not toosure of the theme. but they are heartily working on this 'pro- ject. We were listening at the keyhole the other night and we heard them say something about meat pies and peas with bashes of gravy. Just before we left we heard that tickets will be available for the admission price of $2.50 per person. Got caught so had to beat a hasty retreat. It is during At this time we extend heartiest congratulations to Gloria Sanford for being re- elected to the position of 3rd Vice-President, Ontario Com- mand, of the Ladies Auxil- iary at their recent conven- tion held at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto. Keep up the good work Gloria. Where to begin! Oh yes. we got it. Did you know that there is so much act- ivity going on here. at the New Legion Hall, that what to tell-you about first is a real puzzler. Item one on the agenda is the fact that most of our members and friends are staying healthy. Ron McAndrews, Ben Bour- get and William Ollerenshaw have arrived safely home. Meanwhile Norm LaFontaine is still in Newmarket Hos- pital and Lorenzo John is in St. Michael's Hospital. To these members and any of our friends who just might happen to get under the weather, we extend best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Can't help singing ‘cause our new fall season is be- ginning. Sorry about all this exuberance everybody, guess this fine weather has just got to us. Down to business you office type joes. All Non? ONLY Re-Elect Gloria Sanford 3rd Vice-President, Ontario Command By Chris Ratchford legion Reports Branch 375, Rdyal Canadian Legion Chris Ratchford Phon 884-7030 Earlier on we were talk-i ing about the money tree. Will any members having tickets or monies accrued from same please either sell the tickets or turn in said monies. It sure would be appreciated. This just to jog your memories chaps. Tonight â€" September 14 â€" is the 25th birthdays for the Ladies' Auailiary of Branch 375. They have al- ways been hard workers and doing their best to assist this branch. We offer our sin- cere congratulations to them and wish them all the best in future .Vears. Tonight also, the winning ticket for the annual Color guard and pipe band corn roast will be held. Due to unfortunate circumstances. the annual bash 'had to ‘be cancelled for this year. Don't give up heart folks, next year we can assure you that this will be bigger and bet- ter than ever. The boys of the colour - guard are not strangers to adversity so this will just be one set - back that they will face and come out the winners that they can be and are. out the winners that they This week birthday wishes can be and are. go to Kevin Bourassai who Must close for now and will be 10 September 19; to go and get a face - 11ft, Not Robert Strowbridge, wh 0 that this can make any im- Will be 11: and to Douglas provement. Face - lift or‘Eldl‘idge who will be 12 Fork - lift? Forgot whatISeptember 20. We wish ev- had to be done. Ta for now. eryone a happy day. it * * l Have you noticed anything} different these days when you travel along Elgin Millsr Road east? on shueks, we'll‘ put you out of your misery‘ by telling you about the Le-] gion Sign that stands proudly ; alongside the road announc-J ing just where our Legion can be found. We gather that Larry Allison and Frank Barber sure raised a batch ot’ blisters planting that post. Glad we didn‘t have to dig the post hole; the chapsv never thought of it or we might have. Thanks chums. you did the usual good job. â€"â€"Professional Development While professional devel- opment days may cause some Elgin Mills Jefferson News Correspondent: CAROLINE LOMAS Telephone 884~3000 Church News Sunday at St. John’s Ang- ‘lican Church Holy Commun- ‘ ion will be celebrated at 10:30 am. Flowers on the n“nm Ca.«.ln.. ...A.‘A __I__n.l this show that the winning ticket for the "money tree" will be drawn. Sure hope to see you there. Saturday October 26 â€" the annual Legion Hallo-we'en Dance. George Cowie and his quartet will provide the dance music for this one. Wouldn't you know it? We have done it again! Missed our cue-card and left out another ‘bish :hoop-de-do for your fun and excitement. One' very important date. All members. Don't forget October 20. General meet- ing night 8 pm. Another innovations is the first meeting of the Amer- ican Legion Post 5 on Oct» ober 8 in the Main Hall at 8 pm. We welcome all American Legion Post mem- bers. Friday October 18 -â€" Le- gion ball team is at it again. This time. the “Four Team Legion League" is hosting a dance with music provided by Mr. Music himself - Ellis McLint‘ock and his orchestra. Tickets to be available from members of the four teams. If someone asks you to buy a ticket. please do so. Richmond Hill 884-4401 Richmond Heights Centre SPECIAL! DELUXE WATERPROOF LANTERN A $289 The Richmond Hill Branch of the Bible Society is hold- ing its annual walkathon September 28 from 9 am. This year the walk is 12 miles. The goal is $17,000 and will be used to provide Bibles for Latvia. Sunday at St. John‘s Ang- lican Church Holy Commun- ion will be celebrated at 10:30 am. Flowers on the altar Sunday were placed there to the glory of God and in loving memory of Tim and Ida Ewing by Betsie and Earl Gerber. There is a need for a Cubmaster in the Jefferson area. Wednesday of next week there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 10 The annual Harvest Home Service will be held on the morning of September 29. That afternoon there will be a service of witness at 4 pm at Varsity Stadium. The executive of the ACW of St. John’s will meet this evening (Wednesday) in the Upper Room. Choir practice will begin at 8 pm for juniors and sen- iors September 19 and 26. Neighborhood Notes a.\um“mumlu\\1mmmumnmnuuumuummuummuu“muuuuuummlmmmumm{mummmnumllmmmmuuummumlmmumnmmumnmnnmumnnm“\1mm1nmiu1lu\\\\lx1i\\1n\\\lxl\u\\\\ummum\\\\\“umumun““\munmulmn.9 0 That the property owners who use the approval of the property owners to take earth larger parcels of land in the affected area be moving equipment into the area for the pur- asked to give the town permission to take pose of destroying the various trails used. earth moving equipment onto their lands for “Prior to such equipment actually being the purpose of destroying the various trails used the situation would be further assessed.†and paths that are being used. 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllll\llllllll\llllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllll\lll\lllllllllllllllll lllllllll\l\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“\ll\ll\llll\llllllllllllllllllllll\\\l-P gr. uuuu Professional Development Days Sound Investment Says Board A number of residents had complained with regard to the noise created by persons operating dune buggies and motorcycles on the unoccupied lands. The following recommendations resulted: 0 That a number of steel “no trespassing†signs be purchased by the town and erected around the perimeter of the area referred to above. The land in question is bounded on the north by Highway 7, on the east by Islington Avenue, on the south by Steeles Avenue and on the west berartin Groye Road. 7 The move was preceded by an on-the-scene inspection by a special committee consisting of Mayor Garnet Williams, \ Councillors Dave Fraser and Ab Hollingshead, in company with a York Regional Police inspector, plus several residents of the area. Vaughan Town has authorized the pur- chasing of 150 “no trespassing†signs at an approximate cost of $20 each to discourage dune buggy and motorcycle racing on private propeijty south of Woodhridge. USE OUR firestorm CHARGE CREDIT PLAN Open Thursday a: Frldny Evenings 'tll 9 pm. Try T o Discourage Dune Buggys Put Up ‘No T respassing’ Signs OR a “sound investment in the improvement of teaching practises and programs," John Zupancic, superintend- ent of education, and Frank Bobesich, assistant superin- tenlent, said in a letter to separate scool parents last week. Last year‘s 12 days â€"â€" this year there will be nine â€" were “rather intense and rigorous work days for the teaching staff," the letter said. The teachers spent four days at a system-wide conference at Seneca Col- is the belief of ‘the York Region Roman Catholic School Board that they are inconvenience to parents, it SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 END OF SUMMER PASSENGER TIRE During the 1973-74 school year, the board developed and published comprehen- sive curriculum guidelines for mathematics k~8 and music k-8, which will now be used in the schools, the let- ter said. The b5),an was also com- pleting guidelines for met- rication to accompany four major metric kits to be dis- tributed to the schools by October. lege, while the other eight were organized by individual schools, or family groupings of schools. Brofessional development days this year will be held September 13, October 11, It was decided to recommend purchase of the signs and to direct staff to try and obtain approval of the property owners to take earth moving equipment into the area for the pur- pose of destroying the various trails used. The committee report to council went on to say that its solicitor had advised that “the present legislation will not permit the munic- ipality to make an owner of a property liable for a noise caused by others even if such per- son was there with permission of the owner, let alone without his permission.†“A dozer capable of doing the job required would cost $30 to $35 per hour to rent includ- ing the operator. The number of hours re- quired to do the work is unknown at this time.†’ A council committee‘s subsequent report on the recommendation that purchase of “150 signs at a cost of $20 would include a 12 foot steel pole but exclude the cost of erecting same. a That the town’s anti-noise bylaw be amended in such a manner as to permit the police to charge the owner of the property on which a motor vehicle is operated in a manner “liker to disturb the inhabitantsâ€, .in addition to the operator thereof.†, RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL 884-4401 ELECTRIC HOT SERVER Some time will also be spent studying the new pri- mary - junior curriCulum guidelines. scheduled to be released by vhe Ministry of Education by the end of Sptember. Open Thursday and' Friday Evenings ’til 9 November 20, February 20- 21, May 2, and June 2, 26, 27. As they were last year, the days will be used for curriculum and program development, prodessional development of teachers, team evaluation of pupil progress and programs, and parent/teacher consultation. INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS USE OUR fircsvonc CREDIT PLAN GARBAGE BAGS LYSOL SPRAY HOURS: MON. - FRI. 10 to 10 DUNCAN HINES Sizes 8- 16 Plain & Check Continues to SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 ALL PURPOSE CLEANER Sug. 99¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1974 Over- size CANADIAN MADE BOYS’ FLARE £35535?“ $1 19 ., RAZOR ’ BLADES Formula 409 Reg. Size Briefs 8. Tops PANTS Fancy Embroidered LADIES’ NYLON SHORT SLEEVE Assorted Colors TOPS Canadian Made MEN’S COWBOY BOOTS Double Seat Sizes S.M.L. H. H. BROWN $19.77 PILLOW CASES $1.99 Sugg- $31.95 PAIR CAKE MIXES 5&3?“ [$1.33 $2.99 $3.77 SIZES 71/2 TO 12 SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18th 1521.77 I Non Steel Sug. $6.95 CHRISTMAS PHOTO CARDS ALBUMS 99¢ $1.88 Steel Toe GREB KODIAK INSULATED WORK BOOTS Sug. $2.98 T UNISEX JEANS $2.99 Sug. $47.50 $38.77 $35.77 Sug. $49.50 BRIEFS and TOPS BOYS’ PENMAN UNDERWEAR 7-14 SIZE STRAITS FLARES J E A N 5 ms $9.99 RAITS MEN’S BUCKEYE 13% Oz. Sug. Ll Each SHAMPOO £1.37 SATURDAY 9 to 9 CARDIGANS 4-6X Hillel-est CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE 16 Oz. $2.95 Mall- Assorted Colors H. H. BROWN $10.77 Sizes 7 to 12 Sug. $18.95 WORK BOOTS Assorted Colors GIRLS’ FANCY Sug. $2.98 S.M.L. LE RD. Parkway $3.99 $4.49