Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1974, p. 9

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We take this opportunity to extend our hearty thanks to Bert and Jo-Anne Taylor for their hospitality Sunday. Even the rain couldn't dampen everyone‘s enthusi- asm. May we all share many more of the same. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the lucky winners. If everyone including the Ladies' Auxil- iary keep on throwing "dos" like the last one. then they will be kicking up their heels when [their fiftieth annivers- ary comes around. During the above mention- ed evening, there was the draw for the Color Party and Pipe Band draw. The winning numbers were: No. 597 and No. 517 won by Jack Heppell. Unfortunately the owner of the winning ticket was missing from the games and fun. If you are the holder of this winning ticket. please get in touch with either Gord Kettridge (884- 5116) or Don Parnell (884- 2689). of the auxiliary would like to take this opportunity to extend a hearty vote of thanks to members of the color party. \Bill Hyrenkiew for doing the cooking and to Mrs. Ann White and her lad- ies for the table decorations and any and all preparations. We extend our thanks for all those who attended and made the entire evening pos- sible. Last week we left you more or less up in the air about various activities that were taking place around ye olde Legion Hall. We will start off this time by report- ing that the 25th Annivers- ary of Our Ladies' Auxiliary was a smash from the word “go”. The head table was piped in by Comrade James, Rain and Dunsmore. From there things just kept right on rolling along. Various prizes were won. One lucky lady even won a basket of groceries. The mood was set when we found members of the Colour- party serving the guests at the head table. The ladies of the auxiliary would like upward swing just this past week. We regret to inform our friends that Comrades !Tom Campbell is in York lCentral; Bill Houting and Norm LaFontaine are in York County in Newmarket, while Lorenzo Johns is still in in- tensive care in St. Michael's Hospital. Why not send these comrades a card or note just to let them know that you are thinking of them. This will cheer them up no end and make their days that much brighter. We sincerely hope that our friends and readers are stay- ;ing on the healthy side. If you are not up and about we miss each and every one of you. “go”. The head table was piped in by Comrade James, Bain and Dunsmore, From there things just kept right on rolling along. Sick Parade has taken an wanna-mama @- 4- @mmwwwwwe These are the Men to make your ; Motormg a Pleasure in 197 5 * 2 Big Dances Scheduled For October JACK RUMNEY Sales Representative 10675 YONGE STREET JACK HAYES Sales Representative Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford Phon 884-7030 The Management and Staff and DAIUKUAY SEPTEMBER 26 v- 21 - 28 legion Reports KEN MORTON Sales Representative o N DIS P LAY Don't forget that there are two big dances being thrown in the next month. For starters all you soccer buffs will have a chance to sup- port minor soccer when they have their big dance on Oc- tober 5. Then our very own glamor gals (the female side of the branch) will be joint host- esses at their dance on 0c- tober 12. Somewhat of a mystery this one. No news leaking out anywhere. Do know they are having pies Speaking of this latter item (entertainment that is) why not come out some Sat- urday night for an evening of song. These are the new interests that we were speak- ing about sometime earlier. Countryrand western; rhy- thm and blues; what have you. our organist can make you join in. Come along: be it Thursday, Friday or a Saturday, there is always something that will get you involved. Have you been reading your bulletin boards lately? Recently there has been an addition for fun added to same, Why not try out for our Amateur Night? If you are at all interested then contact either Tom McKeage (884-7969) or Dorothy Fitz- gerald (884-2786) for further information. Sounds like a barrel of fun and entertain- ment. ' ENTERTAINMENT AND REFRESHMENTS SERVED SEPT. 27, FRIDAY EVENING BEGINNING 7 RM. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 89?: and SATURDAY HOWARD JACKMAN Owner Relations Manager By the by: this is the first time that any team has in- cluded a woman in zone cports. Of course we don't include darts. There it is a natural. Congrats everybody. We send our very best wishes for the group that won the Zone shuffleboard tournament last week in Newmarket. The winning team was made up of Mel Collie.. Dorothy Fitzgerald. Lou Watier and Bud Wheel- er. We have two teams qualifying for district. NEWMAR‘KET: Newmarket Rays were eliminated from the Ontario Fastball League semi-finals by Niagara McRae's who downed them 4-2 in the final game but are protesting the series. The Raes are claiming that Niagara Falls used an in- eligible player. This one reminds me of several that these same lad- ies held back in the old hall. Do you recall the water buckets at the ready (in case it rained my dears); the way they plugged up the broken windows and the dainty vases made fxom to- mato juice cans and covered with tin foil. .Oh what fun we had getting things ready for the various dos. Well this will be just like old times. Come on out and see for yourselves. Bet you! Have any of you been around the club room on a Friday afternoon and early evening? You ought to hear our Tommy McMillan play- ing that piano. It really is a treat. Sure a nice way to begin a weekend. Thanks Tommy. and peas for a buffet l\llllll\lll“mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlll“!ll\“llHlllHllllllllllll mum“mmuummnummmu\umuuuuuumtumuuuum A search of both places failed to turn up any bomb. Both Richmond Hill High School, Wright Street. and Woodbridge High School, Bruce Street in Woodbridge, received calls from an unknown male that there was a bomb in the school. The Richmond Hill call was received September 17 at 12.02 pm, while the Woodbridge call came in at 8.50 am on the 18th. The bomb drill may start replacing the fire drill in the schools, if a couple of occurrences last week are any indication of the trend. Bomb Scare KEN MORRISON Sales Representative GERRY PAXTON Used Car Sales Manager "And I am speaking now from a conviction as a cit- izen of the town on this judgment. Of all eight pro- perties abutting on the pro- posed development, ours has the least abutment â€"- less than 25 feet, ours has probably the [east view of By MARY DAWSON the area involved and will Personal statements of! be least affected by the neighbors opposing the Don} development. Little Holdings subdivision? INCREASED DENSITY on the former Ada Mackenfi “I re-affirm it is my opin- 2ie property on Vaughan ion that. in an area where Road were made to Rich-7 only 14, at most, of 51 homes mond Hill Council at itsihave lots under 18,000 September 16 meeting by ‘ square feet, bot-h Don Little two residents of the imme- Holdings and this council diate area opposing were would better serve the town Mrs. John Graham and by development which would Wentwci‘th Dowell, keep the density consistent On motion of Councillor with that of the entire area. Chateauvert and Regional; The planning department Councillor Gordon Rowe the ; states. in its recommend. planning staff report on the. ations, that 'over 86% of Don Little Subdivision wast existing owners in the area received and adopted. What , have lots over 15,000 square this actually means appears'feet per home. In the pro- to be in doubt, the report1 posed subdivision only 57% being kept secret. lhave. This is a significant- The proposed subdivision 1y increased density and will have access from High-inot, in my opinion consis- land Lane, will be of seven} tent, as stated." single family homes on lots,‘ No PRE.- CONSULTATION ranging upward from the re-; quired minimum of 12,000 square feet. It will have a 50 foot road allowance and provision is indicated for a connecting road to the west to serve any future develop- ment in that area. i “This subdivision will be“ I am sure, an attractive one," said Mrs. Graham. "If it were proposed directly across the street from me, or anywhere else in the BAIF development, I should greet it with complete ap-i proval as a positive and: necessary addition to thel housing_mix in that whole, concession. 1 ONLY 57 R I HOMES "But in the Old Town of Richmond Hill. out of a‘ Mrs. Graham also remind-E ed council that in February 1973 it was agreed the plan- ning department would give its opinion on the best de- velopment of this area after prior consultation with the developer and with other residents of the area, and that they all be notified when the report and recom- mendations were presented to the committee.‘ No noti- ficatior at the committee level was given, she cm d. . 'She also charged the an-‘ ner stated he understood there was to be full consulr tatlon at his proudecillon level. “To my knowledge l the only consultation at that level was with the develop- er. The rest of us in spite population of nearly 30.0001 of repeated written and oral than it actually is. Here we have an exception! Only 50 foot road allowances are required. “The road itself will not be narrower. What will be narrower will be the grass open space â€"- by 16 feet along the full length. At least 720 square feet (or half the missing verge) is missing from our visual space, And it is likely the front doors will be eight feet closer to the centre of the street than on other streets " “This is an unhappy re- sult in this instance, and a frightening prospect for the town if it is indicative of future planning. By approv- ing this subdivision agree- ment as it stands, council will be condoning such methodology for future de- velopment," Mrs. Graham said in conclusion. WANTS ASSURANCE Mr. Dowell made one point. "We were assured we would be consulted and that did not take place. I was not consulted.” He asked assurance the plan of subdivision would remain at seven lots, that there would be no further division. He received that assurance from Planning Assistant Randy Alcorn. "The minimum lot fron- tage is 80 feet and most of the lots are near that mini- mum. There will be no fur- ther division unless the re- quired frontage is reduced to 35 or 40 feet." he said. a s s Councillor Andy Chateau- there are only 57 homes in the R-I area. The addition of seven lots now, let alone the precedent created for requests to the planner "for'fvert' "wanted to know why pre-consultation were i:- the normal road allowance nored.” was reduced to 50 feet. Al- , 50 FT. ROAD ALLOWANCE corn replied that “the intent more iii-filling, will, even in; A second matter of min-l this initial stage, alter the‘ ciple involved contrivance of:- density by over 12%, and ‘ the planning department and! ultimately destroy the open. developer abetted by plan- spaciousness of the entire ning committee, to break the area. This spaciousness has spirit, if not the law. in reâ€" been an asset not only to.gard to maintaining even the immediate residents but‘ minimum lot sizes of 18.000 to the whole town, and is§square feet Mrs. Graham doubly precious as the sur- . charged, She said this mm. rounding countryside is den- imum Size in the case of sely urbanized," said Mrs. three lots was arrived at by Graham. .reducing the customary 68- islto lessen the impact of the development in that area. All services will be put in on our side. We have to maintain the neighborhood .atmosphere." “Can we receive a subsidy on a 50 foot allowance?" asked Councillor Lou Wain- wright. The answer from Commis- sioner of Works Bernard Toporowski was that Minis- On motion of Councillor Chateauvert and Regional Councillor Gordon Rowe the planning staff report on the Don Little Subdivision was received and adopted. What this actually means appears to be in doubt, the report being kept secret. The proposed subdivision will havc access from High- land Lane, will be of seven single family homes on lots ranging upward from the re- quired minimum of 12,000 square feet. It will have a 50 foot road allowance and provision is indicated for a connecting road to the west to serve any future develop- ment in that area. By MARY DAWSON Personal statements of neighbors opposing the Don Little Holdings subdivision on the former Ada Macken- zie property on Vaughan Road were made to Rich- mond Hill Council at its September 16 meeting by two residents of the imme- diate area opposing were Mrs. John Graham and Wentwcl‘th Dowell. 2 Object To Consultation Lack On 7 -Lot Don Little Subdivisiun Former Ada Mackenzie Property mibflcgfat DOUG MARTIN Séles Representative CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE PREVIEW “In this town only 28 feet of that, in the middle is used for road, seldom any used for sidewalks, and the Test is grassy, treed, open space. So everyone‘s lot looks and feels significantly bigger A second matter 0: prin- ciple involved contrlvance of the planning department and developer abetted by plum ning committee. to break the spirit, if not the law. in re- gard to maintaining even minimum lot sizes of 18,000 square feet Mrs. Graham charged. She said thts min- imum Size in the case of three lots was arrived at by reducing the customary 68- foot road allowance to_ 50 feet. ‘ MOTORS LTD. CH EV- OLDS Sales Representative Councillor Andy Chateau- i'ert "Wanted to know why the normal road allowance was reduced to 50 feet. Al- corn replied that "the intent is'to lessen the impact of the development in that area. All services will be put in on one side. We have to maintain the neighborhood atmosphere." "Can we receive a subsidy on a 50 foot allowance?" asked Councillor Lou Wain- wright. The answer from Commis- sioner of Works Bernard Toporowski was that Minis- try approval will be needed. but it has been granted in other municipalities. 0 'Alcorn said the lot sizes conform with the bylaw. four are of the same size as 86% of the lots in the area and only three are not. “All are over 12,000 square feet "This is an unhappy re- sult in this instance, and a frightening prospect for the town if it is indicative of future planning. By approv- ing this subdivision agree- ment as it stands. council will be condoning such methodology for future de- velopment." Mrs. Graham said in conclusion. WANTS ASSURANCE Mr. Dowell made one point. “We were assured we would be consulted and that did not take place. I was not consulted.” RAY PADLEY “The road itself will not be narrower. What will be narrower will be the grass open space â€" by 16 feet along the full length. At least 720 square feet (or half the missing verge) is missing from our visual space. And it is likely the front doors will be eight feet closer to the centre of the street than on other streets " than it actually is. Here we have an exception! 0an 50 foot road allowances are rquired. GORDON WILSON President Here we n! Only lances are E will not’ at will be‘ the grass I 16 feet Igth. At feet (or verge) 1r likely the be eight centre of ' on other happy _re- is ‘ visual j l i l l 1 1 and some are as high as 19,000 square feet." WASTES LAND Regional Councillor Lois Hancey asked why this sub- division was treated differ- ently from others in the town in regard to the road allowance. Toporowski's ans- wer was that there is 8 def- inite trend to reduce road allowances, except where the road is to become a major artery. “It is believed the wider allowance wastes land. Fifty feet is sufficient to accommodate a 28 foot pave- ment, curbs and utilities," Cordially Invite You to the Although the majority of the councillors. were appar ently under the impression that approval of the subdi- vision had been given at the September 16 meeting. at council's planning commit- tee September 18 Regional Council Lois Hancey noted all council‘s motion achieved was approval of planning committee's recommendation to council for approval of the staff report on the proposal. 2 DISCREPANCIES At the planning committee meeting Mrs. Hancey also 9 AM. TO 10 P.M. Every Week Night Saturday-9mm. to 6 pan. Sunday-Noon fo 6 p.m. PRESCRIPTIONS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1974 WE ARE ALL EXCITED ABOUT THE MANY CHANGES IN CANADA’S NO. 1 CAR LINE. AFTER VIEWING THEM YOU WILL BE TOO! DISPENSARY OPEN BEN JORGENSON Sales Representative Aurora Oak Ridges YONG! AT WELLINGTON S'I' YONG! AT THE KING RD Phone 889-5435 RICHMOND HILL Come and see FAST EDDIE SHACK FRIDAY 7 RM. TO CLOSING FREE AUTOGRAPH MINI HOCKEY STICKS as high as pointed out two discrepan- feet." , cies between the plan of sub- LAND ldivision and the Official incillor Lois Plan. She said the staff re- vhy this sub- port recommended the 50 eated differ- foot road allowance “to min- hers in tlle;imize the aesthetic impact to the road on the area" but quoted the Jrowski's ans-i Official Plan as calling for nere is 3 def-; a 66-foot-wide road allow- reduce road: ance for local access roads. apt where the but this "minimum require- )me a major‘ ment may be reduced by ex- believed the isting development where it e wastes land. ‘ is difficult to acquire addi- sufficlent tot tional land." BOB HICKMAN General Manager "There is no existing devw the ‘ elopmcnt there," stated Mrs.‘ depar Hancey. “I believe the policy I cided statement should have beenâ€"’â€" adhered to. If it were deem-l ed necessary, that fact' should have been pointedl out in more detail. If a 66- foot-wide road had been re- quired. only five lots could] be created." . Her second point was that the Official Plan states that in the case of all residential develonment other than apartments, the developer is required to also provide com- mercial and industrial as- sessment to offset the cost of municipal services on the ST. I I . 773-5431 DON CAMERON Sales Representative BRUCE WILLIAMS Leasing Manager EDDIE SHACK Sales Representative municipality und to retain or better the vxmting ratio between commercial and in- dustrial and I‘GSldulllifll av- sessmcnt. now about 25 75. WORKS STUDY The planning comminee will ask the works commit- tee to study, ro-evaluate and report on the policy of local access roads being 66 feet wide. Information on the en- forcement of the commercial- industrial assessment re- quirement on subdividers will be cought from staff of the planning and treasury departments, also, it was de- Ibrefiéflt: MVP‘i'lflibfiérs-E ’bledoth Service? memos!) mu. EGRNIHLL o :xthmg ’ 3:2“me ~- 4' '. CLEAN!ng 3 cammsi

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