Neighborhood Notes Someone is needed to take over the Maple column as I am going to give it up as soon as possible. If you are interested in a job which is a service to your commu- nity with some remunera- tion, please call me or “The Liberal†for more details. Again this year, the Arth- ritis Society is sponsoring. films for young people at Joseph Gibson Public School. The first one will be on October 4. It is Merlyn Jones, a Walt Disney film and we will have more de- tails about the film in the next column, The society held its annual Coffee Party for can- vassers September 12 at the home of Sadie Allen on Netherford Road. There was an excellent turnout to hear 10 ma le NOTICE TO cnsmrons l AND omens In the Estate of Margaret Laura O’Neill All persons having claims against the Estate of Marga- ret Laura O'Neill, late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 6th day of‘February, 1973, are hereby notified t_o send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of October, 1974, after which date the Estate will ‘be distributed. with re- gard only to claims of which the usdersigned shall then have notice. and the under- signed will not be liable for any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. 7 am to 9 pm Mon. to Fri. Saturday ’til 6 pm YONGE & LEVENDALE RICHMONDVVI‘LEL DATED at Richmond Hill, this 16th day of September, 1974. Joan I. Dewan. Admin- istratrix of the Estate of Margaret Laura O’Neill, by her solicitors, Messrs. Law- lor, LeClaire, Strong & Nevins, Barristers & Solici- tors, 10265 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Ontario. EXTENDED BUSINESS HOURS For ALL Occasibns Rice's Flowers CENTRE 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 - At All Hours - RICHMOND HEIGHTS TRY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday Wired Anywherg I MARKET COURT HILLCREST MALL ' CLEANING 3.» CENTRES We Deliver to Toronto & Surrounding Districts LARGE SELECTION OF LIVE LOBSTER COOKED WHILE YOU WAIT a field representative, Mrs. Jane Dagneault of Barrie and to watch a film which was produced for the TV series, The Nature of Things on the possible causes of arthritis. This year in Maple, there are 62 volun- teers working on the arth- ritis campaign. It is to be noted that the arthritis society conducts its own campaign as it is not a mem- ber of the United Appeal be- cause, much of the monies raised are used for arthritis \Double Ring Ceremony \In Maple United Church research All interested curlers are invited to a general meeting to be held at 46 Netherford, home of Marilyn Wilson October 9 at 7:30 pm. Curl- ing this year will be Wed- nesday afternoons at 1:15 at the Board of Trade in Wood- bridge and there will be babysitting available. The annual baseball asso- ciation meeting will be held September 29 at 8 pm in the Maple Lions Den at the Com-munity Centre. There will Kok - Cook By EVA HAWKINS The sun shone brightly August 24 735 rDebra_ I_._ee Cook. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cook, entered the Maple United Church to become the bride of Jack Kok. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kok of Strathroy. The lovely bride was es- corted down the aisle by her father to the traditional wedding music. She wore a white ,gown of polyester satin with a high-line bodice and full circle French lace sleeves. Her full-length veil fell from a head piece of tiny white flowers and pearls. Around her neck she wore a gold cross with a diamond insert, a gift from the groom. She carried a white Bible adorned with yellow roses and baby’s breath. Her maid of honor, Wendy Taylor of Maple, was dressed in a full-length pinafore style yellow and white flocked gown. Her wide brimmed white straw hat was trimmed to match her basket of yellow daisies. The groom’s party was attired in white jackets and F Clip ad and present at gate for FREE ADMISSION Grand Opening TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1st MAPLE ARENA ' Vaughan Nationals vs. St. Michael’s College Buzzers JUNIOR ‘3’ HOCKEY ’eremonies commence at 7:30 pm THE FAMILY FISH MONGERS Fresh Fish ARRIVING DAILY be a review of the past sea- son, plans made for the 1975 ball season and the election of officers for 1975. Your attendance is necesâ€" sary if the ball league is to have a successful season in 1975. Subs are still needed to fill the ladies’ bowling league. Please contact Mrs. Mary Norcliffe at 832-1324 if you‘are interested. This week the high single was bowled by Penny Auburton, at 264, the high triple by Sydell Cook with 627 and the high average is still held by Marion Hepburn at 204. Teams Standings are: â€" Peaches 12. Bananas 12, Plums 12, Cherries 7, Grapes 5, Apples 4, Pears 4 and Oranges 0. Registration and the first class for decoupage will be September 25 at Joseph Gibson Public School. Also there will be figure skating registration October 1 from 7 to 9 pm at the Maple Arena for children. black pants. J a c k w a 5 attended by his brother Louis Kok of Strathroy. Ushers were Dave Cook, brother of the bride and Henry Kok, brother of the groom. The double ring ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Stanley Snowden of Maple United Church. More than 100 guests enjoyed a lovely dinner reception prepared by the Maple UCW. The guests were then in- vited to the home of the bride for refreshments and viewing of the many gifts received by the happy couple. Debbie and Jack will reside in Downsview. “THE LIBERAL†is al- ways willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Con- cord, Teston. Kleinhurg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Eva Hawkins at 832-2314; in Concord, Mary Dawson at 884-8177; in Kleinbdrg Margaret Lade, at “The Liberalâ€, 884-8177. , Sept. 25, 1974 More Maple News Page 12 A “Service of Song†will be presented by the Teston United choir in recognition of their newly acquired choir gowns, Proceeds from the service will go towards the cost of the gowns. There will be a social hour after- wards and everyone is wel- come. Choir leader will be Roy Robson and the organ- ist, Mrs. Edith Williamson. The church service will be conducted in song with special solos and duets with a short sermon at the end ‘by the minister, Rev. Martin Jenkinson. Church News The congregation of St. Andrew's Presbyterian en- joyed combined services September 15 with that of their sister church. St. Paul’s Vaughan, on the occa- sion of St. Paul's Anniver- sary. The two churches are looking forward to the anni- versary services to be held at St. Andrew‘s in October. The ladies of St. Andrew’s ' enjoyed their first meeting‘ of the fall season at the home of Mrs. Cal Miller, Keele Street, Maple, with a delicious pot luck luncheon“ and an excellent turnout of members and guests, inglud-R ing Mrs. M. Blair. visiting; Maple from Scotland. Mrs.1 Audrey Martyn of Willow- dale and several ladies from \St. Paul's. A Division 00 'he 5.5.KRESGE COMPANY Limited It was registration time last week for hockey in Maple and the Women’s Libbers were out again. Last year’s hurly burly was so much fun these three charmers were back again with their 820 for Maple Girls’ HouseLeague play. On the agenda for discus- sion were the rummage sale coming up September 28 with further details in the “Coming Events“ column of “The Liberal". and the Christmas bazaar scheduled fer December 7, two dates to be kept in mind. Putting The Women's liberation In Map/e Hockey Congratulations to the Maple Ladies who finished second in a tournament held at Victoria Square Septem- ber 13. Teams from Downsâ€" view, Aurora, King City, Kleinburg. Oak Ridges, Maple and Richmond Hill corï¬peted Maple defeated Downsview in the first game by a score of 11-10. In the second round, Kleinburg and Maple were tied in the top of the seventh inning. Lorraine Foster drove in the winning final game, Maple met Rich- mond Hill and lost by one run by 'a score of 8-7. The Maple Ladies have played in a league with Kleinburg, Woodridge and King all season. Although run to end the game. In the \ scores are often quite high the ladies all had a good 1 time. Ladies who playid Shown (left to right) are: Coach Wilf Jones, Coach John Orchard, Manager Don Tarling, Lynda Jones, Karen Ivens and Tery Tarling. mw were: Elsie Milne. Irene Bryson. Doris MacCallum, Lorraine Foster, Jean Geddes. Gloria Egerton, Agnes Foster, Bettyann Mat- hewson, May Spires, Sheila Boudreau. Linda Hudson, May Roberts and Joyce Neary. (Photo by Susan Samila)