12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Oldsters Plan Future Tours Mrs. Florence Ella, Aged 90 Is Honored As Senior Senior By EVA HAWKINS Of special interest was the meeting September 16 of the Male Seniors Club. when Mr: Florence Ella was hon- ored as the oldest member of the club. She was cele- brating her 90th birthday with a weekend party and a huge cake for the after- noon refreshment of the sen- lors. Mrs. Ella managed to eliminate the candles on the cake singlehanded, and with only one puff, and that after an afternoon of euchre! Con- gratulations from all her friends. The October 8 color tour planned for the seniors of Maple., Kleinburg and all other areas of Vaughan is turning out to be a popular trip, and there were still some seats left at the time of writing on the two buses. Call Mrs. Louise Cooper at 832-2408 or one of the club travel reps. This trip. at a cost of $9.50 including din- her, will include a stop at the Blue Mountain Pottery, with those who have not seen the process of pottery prod- uction scheduled for 3.10 am By EVA HAWKINS While waiting for the winner of St. Mary's-Mine- sing OASA semi-finals, the Maple Peewees got back into league playoffs and eliminated Unionville in two straight games, M and 9-8. At the local diamond, Maple blew a 5-0 lead in the sixth inning to have Unlonville tie it up. The game went into extra inn- ings and in the bottom of the ninth, Maple rallied for three runs. Scott Lawson led off with a single to start the inning. Derek Hoare then singled and both runners advanced on 3 passed ball. With runners on second and third and a 3-1 count, Ernie Chefers slugged a pitch over the left-fielder's head for a homerun and an 8-5 win. Maple Peewees Eliminate Unionville In league Play tour. an the tour. Kim Weese notched the win for Maple allowing five runs on eight hits. struck out 13. walked four. while his teammates committed five errors on a cold night. Maple gained their runs on eight hits, five walks and three errors. Scott Lawson was two for four. Ernie Chefro two for five with Derek Hoare. Wayne Boud- reau. Scott Wilcox and Bob Kucherawy each getting a single hit. In the return game Thurs- day night at Unlonville. Maple won a squeaker 9-8. Maple led 4-0 after four in- nings only to have Union- ville tie in the last of the fourth. Unionville led 7-4 after the fourth, but Maple tied it in the fifth on home- runs by Greg Munshaw and Blair Sutherland. A single run in the sixth and seventh built the Maple lead to 9-7 but Unionville scored a single in the seventh to make it a 9~8 win, The final out was a spectacular play with Blair Sutherland trapping the runner off third by lock- ing the bag with his foot. Kim Weese notched the win. giving up nine hits, one walk, struck out five and Maple had two errors. Maple had nine runs. nine hits, two walks, four Uniomville and five Maple strikeouts. Greg Munshaw. Wayne Boudreau and Derek Hoare had two hits each for Maple with single to Blair Sutherland, Scott Wilcox, and Kim Weese. Maple now meets the winner of the Port Perry- THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALKTY OF YORK TENDERS FOB . PAVEMENT REPAIRS AT YORK MANOR. HOME FOR. THE AGED CONTRACT NO. 74-43 SEALED TENDERS proper- ly marked will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 am. E.D_S.T. on TUESDAY, OCT. lST., 1974 for pavement repairs to parking lot and sidewalks at York Manor Home for the Aged, Newmarket, Ontario. Specifications, Information to Bidders. Tender Forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York, Don Mills Road, one, and one-quarter miles north of the Aurora Road. A marked cheque for not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the value of the tender will be furnished by the Contractor when submit- ting the tender, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders shall be delivered to the Clerk's office, 62 Bay- view Avenue, North En- trance â€" 2nd Floor, ‘Newâ€" market, Ontario. LSY 4W9. GARFIELD E. WRIGHT Chairman ROBERT N. VERNON. Regional Clerk THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1974 A'l‘ UNIONVILLE ant-{HY Hihner following i Woodbridge October It is noped that Devil's Glen, the Hockley Valley area and the Forks of the Credit will be included in this trip, although some jug- gling of times has been necessary due to the pop. Many of tours at the Pot- tery. TRIP TO FAIR Names are being taken at all three clubs in Vaughan for the opening‘evening of the Royal Winter Fair, Nov- ember ]5. ANY senior cit- izen will be most welcome to add their name to the list by calling Mrs. Louise Coo- per at 832-2408. Club mem- bership is not required, al- though club members natur- ally do have first chance, and non-members compile a standby list until the last week or rtwo 'before the trip. when the trip is filled from that list. Markham series for the league title and the right to play Richmond Hill for the grand championship. Some 38 seniors from Vaughan are looking forward to their four day Traveiways tour of the beautiful area of color in Algonquin Park, Ot- tawa. the Laurentians, Mont- real, the Adirondacks and Tupper Lake. This tour leaves from Maple and Beavers Are New Scouting Group Mrs. James Darlington. Netherford Road, Maple. was hostess for the Septem- ber meeting of the Edgeley Women's Institute. with President Mrs. Earl Jackson Edgeley WI in the chair. Mrs. Sue Lewis was in charge of the meeting and gave a talk on the "Beavers", the newest sec- tion of the Boy Scout move- ment. The Beavers were intro- duced into Scouting by two senior Scouts in Winnipeg in 1971. It is for boys five to eight years of age and takes the form of the story of beavers, working and playing in the pond. HIGHWAY QUIZ A quiz on highway laws conducted by Mrs. Alice Cook. This quiz made the members realize how un- familiar they are with the official rules of the high- way. Roll call was, “How I learned to drive a car,†which brought out many amusing incidents by the older members. Mrs. Lewis. mother to two boys. is a leader of a group, the first to be organized in Mississauga. Plans for an exhibit at Woodbridge Fair were made. A workshop on nutrition is to be held at Woodbridge United Church, October 31 from 9 am to 4 pm under the York West District WI and the Ministry of Agricul- ture and Foods. This study is being organized as the re- sult of the latest Canadian statistic which shows that 50 SPORTKO MART LTD. FIXTURES FOR SALE BORDVY PLAZA Prepare For Student Council Election Don Head is a special school in York County. The concept of this school is to encourage the individual to succeed in both shop and academic areas. Because this school serves southern York County, most students arrive by buses and there- fore must leave directly after school is finished. To enable our students to have a social exper- ience and to allow them to participate in events outside of the classroom, an activity period is scheduled at the end of each school day. PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES By Ralph Jochum During activity period the students of Don Head are encouraged to participate in our intra- mural program as well as to practice for the school teams. The philosophy of our physical education program stresses intramurals rather than interschool competition because it is felt that all students should compete rather than a chosen few. In the fall, intramural activities scheduled for the boys are touch football, soccer, cross country. and rugger. The girls participate in activities such as volleyball, badminton, cross country and indoor baseball. The cross country team coached by Mr. Tom Taylor consists of the following members: Midget Girls - Nancy Weatherall, Mandy Lawrence . Midget Boys - Nick Mitrakos, Gary Porter, Stan Normand, Ray Roberts, Pat McClure, Charles Dalli, Jim Gilbert. -. _ .v’u. M"i56r ‘12éwvétï¬dents who enjoy the compe- tition with students from other schools in the area, we have two school teams ‘at‘this ‘time. V-M-j;l~l'li;l‘mï¬b)’vsfl: Bill Clarke, Jamie Kristensen, Steve Veale, John Oosterhof, Van Carter. Senior Boys â€" Ralf Jochum. They compete at Vivian Forest each Wed- nesday. Our junior soccer team coached by Mr. Willi Boedefeld consists of the following members: Dave Collins, Richard Dowell, Rob Howard, Derâ€" rick Lane, Rob Brouwer, Columbo Malatesta, John Hogg, Peter Antonio, Ron McGibbon, Rick Windsor, Brian Shadwell, Dave Flock, Van Car- ter, Don Woods, John Candoni, Nick Mitakos, Wayne Silvera. . “ 1'1- ,1 ,u.) n “J “v u-.vv-.. Our team' competes both at Don Head and other secondary schools in our area. STUDENT COUNCIL By Carolyn Sheridan The student council is now getting ready to hold elections for class representatives. To date, 300 student cards have been purchased and it is hoped that even more will be sold. Our head boy transferred to Langstaff, therefore, elec_tions for a new heewd Boy wï¬l be forthcoming. The pres- ent members of the executive are: Head Girl Car- olyn Sheridan, Treasurer Gail Tripp, Secretary Marion Dagenais. PREFECTS percent of all Canadians are either overweight or under- nourished. This workshop is open to the 'public and it is hoped that many will take the opportunity to attend. By Sally Thornhill Prefects are a group of reliable and mature students who are willing to give up some of their spare time to act as helpers in various capac- ities. The prefects for 1974-75 are: Debbie Jol- icoeur, Nancy Fulton, Sally Thornhill, Karen Doig, Cindy Weatherill, Shirley Webb, Dawn Plummer, Brenda Langley, Kathy Redmore, Deb- bie King, Shari Self, Kim Bartlett, Shari Fuller, Tenia Buker, Roger Mathewson, John Strudwick, Steve Kamin, Bill Clarke, Mark Dagger, David Mulholland, Wayne Craven, Larry White, John SENIORS’ CLINIC A smokers’ clinic was conducted at Don Head during the week Of September 18. John Corban, chaplain at the Branson Hospital in North York, has been conducting clinics for adults for many years. He spoke to the students about the dang- ers of smoking and reinforced his words with a film about a lung cancer patient. Afterwards, he invited students who wished to stop smoking to join a support group which would meet daily for the remainder of the week. Dodgson. Don Headlines STORE FOR RENT 9185 YONGE ST. THORNHILI. WON DOOR PRIZE Door prize for the even- ing was won by Mrs. Pat Riordon. Lunch was served 'by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Ann Aitcheson. A suggestion by Council- lor Robert Pollock of Geor- gina Township that Wood- bine Avenue be renamed “Wright of Way". in honor of York Regional Council Chairman Garfield Wright. received little backing at the last meeting of region council. Region Defers Decision Woodbine (Don Mills) Councillor Pollock's sug- gestion was made facetiously, but the rest of the discus- sion on changing Don Mills Road in Markham to Wood- bine was in a most serious vein. So serious, in fact, the meeting decided to defer the problem to another time. The change in name was proposed by the engineering committee. of which Mark- ham Mayor Anthony Roman, is chairman. The committee was acting on a resolution from Markham requesting the change, ‘because of the confusion in the area, which saw the northerly extension of Woodbine Avenue become Don Mills Road once it crossed Steeles Avenue. Councillor Robert Adams of Markham â€" Mayor Ro- Maple Bantam Girls Undefeated This Yr. By EVA HAWKINS The Maple Bantam girls were winners all the way this season. Under the coaching of Agnes Foster and Tom Connolly the team lost only three points. One point was lost due to rain. Another night, only five players showed up, and by the time junior players were located and the team reached Oak Ridges it was after 7 o'clock. Two points were lost by default, but the games were played. and the Maple girls were again win- ners. September 7, with 15 girls present. Maple won over Oak Ridges by a score of 17 to 3. Donna Roberts, the pit- cher, who never missed a game, scored three of the runs. Susan Gipps, Karen Nelson, Sandy Van Luyk, Marguerite Dowdell and Dawn Connolly each scored two runs. Other members of the team were, Debbie Has- selfelt, Libby Young, Jackie Lines, Bev. Geddes, Norma Birkett, Lisa Hudson, Linda Kuntz, Cathy Michashu. Cathy Birkett, Leslie Ella. Elaine Cooper. Kim Ferrelly, Karen Nelson, captain of the team. was presented with the trophy. Each girl will receive a championship crest MARKHAM REQUEST TELEPHONES: 884-444] 889-7703 889-2393 Direct Parts Line LINCOLN I MARQU|S I METEOR I COUGAR I MONTEGO I MONARCH I COMET Dear Neighbour: It is now one year since we, the Park Manor Motors People, discontinued operations at our former Yonge and Lawrence location, where we had been serving a large group of satisfied customers for 15 years, in order to move to the growth area of Richmond Hill. This letter is to say thank you for the way that we have been received by the Community. However, we were confident of success as we brought with us people like Jack Irwin and Moe Halstead who are Service and Parts Managers respectively and operated award winning departments for over 15 years at Park Manor Ford. Please drop in and say hello on either Thursdax September 26 1975 Lincoln and Mercury Products and take particular note of the all new - Monarch - an intermediate sized car that is built in North America along the classic clean lines of a classy European sedan. Also on display during our Preview will be our recently enlarged stock of fine Used Cars. We thank you for a great 1974 Model Year and a friendly welcome to the are and we look forward to 1975 with eagerness. RAR/ms man was absent from the meeting â€" saw it all as a fairly simple request. “There are many problems because of the ambiguities and I earnestly seek the support of council." he said. OPPOSES WOODBINE Councillor Pollock, how- Z7riand'28 for our Previiéwr showing of our great new line-up of Government Licenced Motor Vehicle Inspection ever. suggested the name be more related to the region. “I think we can do far bet- ter than Woodbine", he said. He then suggested “Wright of Way. in honor of our chairman." Another Markham Coun- Sincerely, "EminHills cillor, Harry Crisp, one- time clerk of the township, was of a different opinion than Councillor Adams. “If the region wants to consider another name, I see no prob- lem.†he said. “It is essen- tially a change from Don Mills.†MERCURY SALES LIMITED Friday 10801 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L4C 3E3 President, R. A. Ranney Station I CAPRI I BOBCAT I FORD TRUCKS or Saturday Drapery (leaking ‘ Service ' Ymï¬ 8; LEVENDALE ‘ $631501“) m ~ \ Mull: