RICHVALE RECORD; Correspondent â€" Mrs. Mary Watts ‘ September 2nd. hard to rea".1 couldn't PFO‘ four hours, then we come home THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1974 15 T hornhill Exchange Student In Germany read catalogues. She has the took me to the city library. It ‘ 2nd Langstall Guides Will Meet ,. . 43 Spruce AVenue 889-5187 I went to school with Godrun nounce many of the words. The for lunch (at breakfast Frau courts with the soft red sur- is huge We walked for miles! Library Lowe in stouffviue_ Desy on this day. She has only girls English teacher is going to Scholi makes us a snack of a face. It was hard to get used i am walking so much these I Baythorn Commencing October 1’ pgte the cool weather about! in her school. No sorry, there make a timetable for. me. They Silfld\\lcll:{lnd fruit which we to. the balls dont_bounce. ’To- days-g The and Immmff C _d‘ every Tuesday the Pre- 100 people enjoyed the amen} are boys in the younger grades. are very understanding. I can sneak duringyclasseslto keep us night we are some. dancmg Gudrun and I went for a Comnn‘v Ml'l‘ [$615 ,t~"f‘_‘rft School Story Hour Wm be noon of games, followed byl Everyone here is so healthy. I do my schoolwork in their going. We hawe this in the same The farmhand. Schmed, who is bike “(1,, no on one bike! It momlï¬;ï¬.Q hb‘ 1 s7 is resumed this year frOm 2-3 Supper, ‘ sat with Godrun in her classes classes and I will not be on the plastic bag everyday No waste a black boy of aroundA 20‘ ,5 “as hilarious because I T __ g coir pm. and tried to understand what regular timetable. here?" For lunch we have a coming. He seems nice but couldn‘t see in front of me as m“ cmnp‘m“ mom“ at Bay pm, It will include some The I-‘ishnet Coffee House‘ the teachers were saying. Alas. ll! * >0! cooked meal. The first day we doesn't speak any English. 1 was on the back holding onto Thorn Public School. :torriigii‘thvriï¬vaï¬bl :llllgworg‘c): Tehgplirzigdaisliiylgdggeriwzfnrigg;l I could not. Only in one class We take the streetcar to “3d g‘llllaSh and rice: This weekend we “Fight g0 “(T 1 “(mm 599 a fence in INTO SPARE CASH these “are ones. ular spot for the teenagers. â€" that was English! I went to school and we walk a long way. th.flGretch-en, was right about to the b180k for-est Wllh Glid- front of us and we would be BY [SING Mothers who have walked All young people of high, the from of the Class and [he bmldings in the school are tie warm milk, but I have got runs brother if it'doesnt rain. going straight for it. I would LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS briefly told them abOut my 01d and plcturesque I have used to it already. I dont eat I have not seen him too much panic and put my feet down. a distance may prefer to re- school age and up are wel- life in Canada and the school only been to school one day so the skin though! Then, if we but he must be nice. She would scream because the main in the library to , ‘ , . . . browse through the many cog]: ladies- morning coffeei system there. The girls listened far, so I cannot tell you more. are hungry during the after- It is weird but now when I bikc would jerk and then, as - books magazines and circu- h re .m be start", tomop‘, attentively and I believe they School ends at 12 or 1.00 pm. noon we help ourselves to 3 am writing English I hesitate we fell off, I would see the . on u E , understood most of what I said. and then we either go home or snack. l have not needed to and keep on thinking that I opening in the fence directly in CLEANQQQ lars that out little library has to offer â€"â€" or they may join other mothers in the hourly “Y†PTO‘ row (September 26) 10-11t Babyâ€"sitting is provided, ! About 42 ladies met re-‘ l They are friendly and also laugh at me. I just smile with them even though I can't un- shop etc. I like the way they eat here. In the morning at 6:30 pm before school (I get up yet. At 6:00 pm we have our Abcndesscn. This is light. We ha\'e bread with cold meat, have made mistakes. My Ger- man is improving but when I talk to Gudrun I speak English front of us. \Ve went shopping today and I bought some writing paper, CENTRES Sheet, Pilldwcase o ular . _ . 21:") which is being set up gatlyotrlrla:thSSigclamigg ; derstand what they say. at that hour) we-havo cocoa Jam and cheeses. we have tea if I don't don't know the Gerâ€" envelopes. and postcards. Gut for them next door at Chap. Yonge and Dunlop Streets. 't In English class they are and rye bread and Jam. We are (no cream or milk in the teat. man words. Today I was very nein'.’ Tomorrow I am going I I s ‘ les Howm School. 3 seven of them formed: reading American Short Stories, at school by 7:45 am. We leave I like this way of eating. It happy. School was fun and the swimming with the class and a e‘ o ' ervxe FOF more information a steering committee tot read aloud one Very good the house at am and walk agrees \vlth me! . gu‘ls _force me Speak to on “ye are lravcning to iwm' about the latter c311 June organizn a ladies. auxiu_ story to the class and there to the streetcar, take that for DaddY. last .mght I played them In German “’thh is hard~ Baden Baden t0 ViSit the art ND HILL Burnic at 889-6739, who is ary fog the parish to be; was a Stir while I read so I a long way and then walk to tennis at a girl's house. She How they love to laugh! They gallery. THORNHILL.AURGM' amordmator of 311 local TAB: ‘ think they enjoyed it, Inciden- school. has two courts. Then we drank are always giggling. Two girls Auf wicdersehn! ' NEWMARKI‘ZT programs. Children's films will again be shown Saturdays from 10:30 am to noon, beginning October 5 and continuing every consecutive month throughout the winter. The monthly high school program will again be fea- tured Mondays 7-9 pm from October 7 on. Students are encouraged to select their own films. Mrs. Marg Collett of Mac- Kay Drive, the assistant li- brarian, is responsible for the window displays. So if you have a‘hobby or craft you wish to share with the community it would be greatly appreciated as a temporary showpiece. The utmost care while it is on display to the public is as- sured. You may phone Marg at home 889-2547 or at the library 889-2847. We welcome branch library supervisor, Mrs. Jean McKean, who comes from several years service with the main lib- rary and is well known in the “Hill†for her program with shutins. She will be very glad to assist you Tues- day-Friday 12 to 5 pm and 7 to 9 pm, again on Satur- days from 10 to 12:30 and OUI‘ new 1:30 to 5. Otherwise phone _ her at 339-2347. ium tomorrow (September 8“. Theatre 26). A supper of hot dogs Pkg. Tomorrow nighttSeptem- ber 26) is the first of another interesting film series on travel and adventure pres- ented each winter season by Richmond Hill Rotary Club. Raphael Green will be show- £31135 be: farvei‘ly gill-egg? ' Spanish P d t I ’ ing you “The New Israel" a Seaso, 0 a c . ' . mouthed 2",. GPSO en 1 O O ‘ at Bayview Secondary School The RIChYale lad?†Wh° * r 4rd! B.B.Q. bag . Adult I" 8 pm sharp. This will be f9l‘m8d their own interme- I a pkg. O , ' I followed once a month (exâ€" 2;:th Sogtbaclinggalgt‘ed-lug: . ‘ » Jacobs Close-up Regular 3 9 i » cluding November) by a , ,0 e , , . ' ° 2 it . ' c «Grecian Odysseyâ€. lineuâ€" winning the “B: champion- Kleenex . ~ Club Biscuits ° Tooth Paste '35:" 21b $23.41;“ amylase: c 9 Armor in; stone and The Tetons", and n ‘ 12 . "Irresistible India" and wind- square the weekend 0f 2n" 1‘6“ “2" O - - Se teinber 14. , .. .. .. .. - oks- IOU mg up the season in March P . I . , cm“ Assorted Flavours with “Heavenly Hawaii (with warm, cheery scenes to en- joy after a long, cold Cana- dian winter). For tickets phone Joe Horvat at 884-4644 or 884-6902. Church News The Richvale Bible Chapel, Oak Avenue, held its Sunday school picnic September 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 52319 {SCheiuLeS’th “35:51:: . . o" # I 0 co“ 5 v e r u ' †' M are asked to please see that Imported FO'tOdays LICIIIIII grim, 89c Cheddar Cheese '06 :‘I‘ig-e NOTICE TO CREDITORS l late Guild. Dorrell Stong is known as St. Maly Immacu- acting president and Kay Cronin is acting vice-presi- dent. The following Monday they held a pot luck supper when plans for the future were discussed and many suggestions made which [I Will be able to describe fully at a later date. A CFM group under Tim and Peggy Patterson‘s lead- ership will hold their first meeting of this season in the home of the above at 12 Claridge Drive October 9 at 8:30 pm. Newcomers, par- ticularly in our area: if in- terested in joining these family discussions and get- togethers, please phone Peggy at 889-6318. Majorettes Girls interested in joining the majorettes are advised to phone Jackie Corrick at 889-7900 to find out about registration. Lionettes The monthly euchre run by the Lionettes is at the Lions Hall, 31 Spruce Ave- nue tomorrow (September 26) at 8 pm. Sports A popular event is Trophy Night for the Richvale Minor Ball League being held in the Hilicrest Mall Auditor- and pop Will be served at 6:30 pm to all players and their coaches â€" parents will be served coffee. All are invited to the presentation of awards to follow at 7 pm. Information on hockey games and schedules for the coming season which begins October 7 should be phoned in to the new Publicity Chairman Bob Grieg at 884- 4002. All convenors, coaches, managers or scorekeepers of both OMHA and house league teams, responsible for ‘ Bob receives them. the stories were very tally, : wonderSoft Kleenex Regular or Ultra Check These Savings on these Fine Quality Products from Kimberly Clark ’{fKotex Tamponsaa English Dinnerwa We are at school for about red wine and watched TV and There’s A Friendly Feeling At Safeway From the moment you enter Safeway. you know you're welcome. You find friendly, courteous pcoplc ready and eager to provide the best in service. just as Safeway providcs the best in foods and many other Facial Iissue...4 2100 Kleenex Routique '69 Napkins things. Our low prices save you money and this helps make every shopping trip a pleasant cxpcriencc. We want to assist you in every way possible because we think that‘s what being a good neighbor is all about. if you haven‘t discovered the many advantages of shopping here. come in and see for yourself. We hope you‘ll make Safewayynur good neighbor store! Cooking Oil Monarch Corn Oil Margarine Monarch Aerosol Cream Topping Billy Bee 128 fl. oz. tin 1 lb. pkg. were free for a class so they Love Julia. .-< O E C) O O Q. 5 GO g: g SPECIAL 4 PRICE / ,swccuc - PRICE / 499 “Mm Relish Kom m... 67c Grape Juice Safeway Medium Canada Grade 'A’ Medium Eggs General Electric Best Buy light Bulbs ______ Town House Fancy Tomato Juice___ Hostess Regular or Dip Potato Chips ______ SAFEWAY SPECIALS CHECK THESE SPECIALS Johnsons Peanuts Tooth Brushes 77° luncheon Meat Welch's Frozen Concentrated :srccmc ’7 w PRICE ’ mirzgc 77c 556 I2 or. 12 oz. dozen 2 Enchanted Isle Sultana pkg. of 2 .1?.€'.'.7 5 c AND OTHERS Community Affair . m oi T.:ies:::hsainzis MONEY SAV'NG “FEW†BRANDS Clara May Alctha Card Frozen ‘ él All persons having claims gigzgflgénfllpwelgiick 51:11:23, on BREAD 8. BUTTER â€" ’ ' emu-“LOWER. T°‘"‘ "W" Fancy T?“ Tells Chm“ ï¬gï¬letflg gjï¬gtelafé £13: with Ruth MacLean of. Star- PLATE “Scum “a . BRUSSEL SPROUTS, Apple Sauce 01.45:] [mm Beans 5 0113‘] Town of Richmond Hill, in gg;g,g;;scfgg,°;g“;:;1§gnï¬g m °°â€P°" *’ BROCCOLI SPEARS, Taste Tells Town House the Regional Municipality of September 16 with about 490 " i \ I iui 0"" 26H Y°rk' Wh° died on 101‘ abo‘it nine persons present. Topics m" c o e ox,Nl‘Is 5M9 Beans omin c 0""‘9el Lime; the 5th day Of. J“ y' 197d under discussion were parks l‘.‘&‘:‘.:'.‘.‘::‘:."_"“‘ loot. Taste Tells Choice Peas or Lucerne Processed R-aspbeny' gitgï¬â€˜iglw Est’gï¬e t‘t’oset’ge and playgrounds day care "Wu-“wr- pkgs. C 4 P'MPPPIO 1“: 1 s ‘- i . . iui. . f undersigned on or before a"? lopgpgtsedforhlgélonr“: ream (om omlins Cheese loaf in: I u the 25th day of September, Sfrgetp e g 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have no- tice, and the undersigned will not be liable for any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED AT Richmond Hill, this 4th day of September, 1974. Grace Ann Newland, Exe- cutrix of the Estate of Clara May Aletha Card, by her solicitors, Messrs. Lawlor, LeClaire, Stong & Nevins. Barristers 82 Solicitors, 10265 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. t The next meeting, also to be at 43 Spruce Avenue, will be at 8 pm September 28. Newcomers interested in their community are asked to phone me at the above number or Shirley at 884. 4127. Local transportation and communication will be on the agenda for next meeting. The OCLG, a six - week course designed to show you how your local government works commenced last Tues-~ day. The notice reached me: too late to be included inl last week‘s column, but those from this area still interest-l ed in the course may still‘ be able to attend by calling Mike Burnie at 884-6739. . . QUALITY Plllll COVERS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GROWERS BUY ONTARIO PRODUCE No. I Grade - Ontario Grown Head Lettuce 23c reris Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade Fresh CHECK THE TRIM Excess Fat and Bone Removed Before Weighing and Pricing Eff} Porterhouse, I-Bone, Wing Steaks Canada Grade "A" Beef c NOT Frozen POOL SIZE PRICE 12' x 24’ ...........$80°° 14' x 28’ ........$105°° 16’ x 32' ........‘125°° ..,.2.15 1-29 Boneless Sirloin Steaks Wieners 1:2: 896 lb. Green Cabbage- __ t... No. 1 Grade - Ontario Grown Celery Stalks-_2*°r4 Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade Carrots ________ .- . . CANADA SAFEWAY LIMITED V Prices Effective Sept. 25-28, I974. Sale in Retail Quantities Only. 961-1874 ’ ' lb. 8 9 Canada Packers y.p. Sliced 0 Devon Side Bacon Maple Leaf Sliced Bologna Liszt fir-89° Maple Leaf v.p. 4-2 “I Corned Bee a... 1 lb. pkg- Canada Grade Asstd. Var. Maple Leaf "A" Beef Luncheon Meat 1553396 18’ x 36’ $15000 20’ x 40' ........$160°° ' Block Double material 0 l0' Ropes, included 2 year guarantee 0 Free Delivery cooled 10 x 10 pegs 8- storage bags