Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Sep 1974, p. 27

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E MUSSELMAN’S LAKE FAIR 3 Meet your friends at the fair at Cedar Non-profit organizations planning pro- ; Beach Park Saturday, 12 noon to dusk _. grams of interest to readers in Southern York g quilts, arts, crafts, pottery, antiques, home Region are invited to contact Social Editor E baking, exhibits and demonstrations. Enterâ€" Margaret Lade at “The Liberal’fi 10101 Yonge : E tainment and fun for the whole family, The Street. Pichmond Hi". 01' 881-3401. Deadline bargain emporium offers items for early for items for this column is noon on Monday. ii-umumu\\\\\\\\\\\m\m\umlmmtmxmtll\mllmmil\mlxmll\u\nnmummmimiummumlmmumimumunmutummumiimnnxmmnummmmnununnmunummnumumn Mull}IlllilllilllllllllillbllllllillmllllilllllllllllllllllllllilIllillilllllllllil‘ ~Houever, she learned of the sale at the store a few days later and bought $30.27 worth of material August 31. She also inquired about her machine at the time and was informed by the agent he had been unable to get a part for it. she said, and to return at a later date. Say It Isn’t ‘Sew' She .said she was unaware the Fabricland store had an- nounced it was going out of business â€"- an ad to that effect appeared in “The Liberal" August 28 -~ and she wasn't informed of it by the agent. Feast Day Of Namesake Machine Disappears A Richmond Hill woman who took advantage of a closing - out sale at a local shop to buy a quantity of fabric. would like to start fashioning some of the ma- terial now. But unfortunate- lv when the shop moved away. her sewing machine went with it. St. Vladimir's At Thornhill Celebrates Second Anniversary Mrs. Francis Fortin, Nor- folk Drive, told police she took her machine to the Sin- ger Sewing Machine Com- pany dealer at Fabricland, Richmond Heights Centre August 29 for repairs. By SOPHIE LOGUSH The Ukrainian Catholic Church in Thornhm cele- brated the Feast Day of St. Vladimir the Great and the Second Anniversary of the founding of the church Sept- ember 15. This church was named after the Patron St. Vladimir. Father Boris Kyba. The altar boys for this meaningful occasion were:â€" Tym Filipchuk, -Michae1 Gregorish, Terry Sheremeta. Steve Artymko, Martin Hun- ka and Marvin Hnatlw. The recently organized choir. under the able direc- tion of Mykola Oleszkewicz sang through the Holy Li- turgY. 2 DONATIONS To commemorate this oc- casion a‘new set of vestments was dnnated by Mrs. Mary Chiza and the Altar Book of Divine Liturgy was of- fered by the Most Reverend Isidore Borecky, assisted by Father Vladimir Chewchuk pastor of the church, Father Cornelius Pasichny and Father Boris Kyba. s3;lm1llmumuunummlIlllul1lululu1mimmmlilmmmnlmmmmum“ulnIIxInImmlI1umIunlInnnI|muIIumumnnuIulnnuHummmmm“mumIl\\uul\ullmlll\m1\mlumuuumuummuummnumumunuuumumm\uuuuuumwmuu4x The Richmond Hill Minor Ball Dance at the Lions Hall, Centre Street East, Saturday. will be a gala affair. There will be door prizes, draws, spot dances, raffles between 8 pm and 2 am, buffet available and refresh- ments served. Tickets are $2.50 from Mrs. Lynda Price, 884~9872 or at the door. HEIDELBERGFEST The women's committee of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir is sponsoring a "Heidel- bergfest Friday at St. Lawrence Market, Front and Jarvis Street, from 8 pm to 12:30 am with fun, food and Bavarian beer garden. Beer and wine [are available. Admittance is $3 per person atWthe door. The Upper Canada Railway Society is sponsoring a 250-mile round trip diesel rail excursion to Haliburton on Saturday. The “Haliburton Highlander” will leave Toronto Union Station at 8 am, travel through Stouff- ville, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, Burnt River. Kinmount .and Gelert to Haliburton. It will return at 5:30 pm arriving at Union Station at 11 pm. Fares are $13.95 for adults, 87.75 for children five to 12 and 32.25 for in- fants. There is a 504*L surcharge for tickets purchased the day of the trip. MINOR BALL DANCE INTERNATIONAL .PLOWING MATCH The largest outdoor display of farm mach- inery, parades of farm exhibitors, a 100-acre tented city, and of course the competitions themselves will combine to make this year’s International Plowing Match one of the most fascinating events of the fall season. The first sod was turned by Agriculture and Food Min- ister William Stewart on September-'11 and the match continues from September 24 to 28 on the farm of Craig Reid, Georgetown -â€" north on Trafalgar Road at the Highway 401 interchange. PICTURESQUE AUTUMN RAIL TOUR Canada. Festivities will confinue frorn ’11 am until evening. Adults 81 for the day, children free. LLOYDTOWN REBELLION DAY King Township Historical Society is pres- enting its second annual Lloydtown Rebellion Day Saturday in the hamlet of Lloydtown, just west of Schomberg. .There will be booths, games, draw prizes, and the Queen’s York Rangers will be on hand in their costumes from the era of 1837 when Jesse Lloyd, the community’s founder, led troops to join Wil- liam Lyon Mackenzie in the rebellion against the rule of the Family Compact in Upper ALGONKIAN FESTIVAL Sponsored by Newmarket Recreation Department, the fifth annual Algonkian Fes- tival will be in full swing at the fairgrounds park on Saturday from 10 am to 9 pm. The theme will be community participation with many organizations sponsoring booths, activ- ities and exhibits. Events will include a free corn roast, band concerts, games and a child- ren’s midway. . Here Are Scheduled Events In Southern York This Week DEALER DISAPPEARED When her husband check- ed at the store, September 21, he tound it closed up and all the goods removed. A subsequent check at Oxford Plaza in North Richmond Hill. where the store mOVed to, brought the information that the store was not con- nected with the sewing machine company anymore. Nor was Mrs. Fortin able to contact Allan Wood, the former Singer dealer, who also operated Fabricland in Richmond Heights Centre. Rudolph Rohrer. dealer supervisor for Singer in Oak- ville, told "The Liberal" Monday the company had terminated Mr. Wood's lease August 1. and was told he could not use the Singer name after that date. name after that date. ' l clw13[ Mrs. Ethel Webster wishes Rohrer said also the com- * t s jto announce the forthcoming pany moved its stock out of SEPTEMBER 29, SUNDAY,jmarriage of her daughter, the Fabricland store June 6, 7:30 RM. â€"- A Gowning Eileen Elizabeth to Mr. In the meantime, Mrs. Ceremony and Service InlJeremiah Radeen. formerly Fortin, who just returned Song presented by Teston-cf Trinidad. Wedding to from the hospital, would like United Church Choir in rec~’take place at Evangel Tem- to get to work on all that ognition of the newly pur-[ple Church. 76 Dundas material while she's recu- chased choir gowns. Every~.St1'eet. East, Toronto. 3:00 perating. But she's still one welcOme. Social hour‘p.m. November 2. 1974. without a machine. to follow. c2w12‘ lwlS ‘Bishnp BoreclLv prafsed the congregation of the church for the progress they have made during the two short years. 'NeedleSs to say, the root of all this progress is Father Vladimir Chew- chuk. who through his end- 1935 hours of toll has made this possible. Dr. Peter Stasiuk is the president of the church. Walter Sheremeta was the master of ceremonies for the occasion. The newly renovated church hall provided the very pleasant setting for the banquet which followed the Holy Liturgy. The banquet was prepared by the local chapter of the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League. The guests were very pleas- ed to see the great improve- ments the volunteer workers did to the hall. PRAISES PROGRESS Gospel bonded in beautiful ornaments was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Greg- orish and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Didochka. 1 September 26. Thursday, l8:00 p.m.. Richvale’s monthly icuchre â€" 31 Spruce Ave. iAdmission â€" $1.00. This leuchre is held every 4th ‘Thursday of every month. ‘ c1w13 September 28. Saturday.f St. Gabriel‘s A n glic an - Church corner Bayview and!l Crosby Ave.. is holding; their Fall Rummage Sale, from 10 am. to 1 noon. September 28. Saturday. 1:00 to 3:00 pm. St. Mary’s A.C.W. annual Rummage Sale. Wrixon Hall. entrance :ff Vaughan Road. GLENNY. Wesley â€"- In lov- ing memory of my hus- band who passed away September 21, 1971. Three years since the sad day. The one I loved. was called away. God took him home, It was his will. But in my heart. He liveth still. â€" Lovineg remembered by his wife. Ida. SEPTEMBER 28, Saturday. 10 am. till 12 noon. Rum- mage Sale. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Keele St. South, Maple. c2wl2 GEORGE â€" In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and; grandmother, Flora, who“ passed away Sept. 24th.? 1971. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved‘ so well 1 And while she sleeps a ; peaceful sleep l Her memory we shall alwaysl‘ keep. ‘ â€"Sadly missed and lovingly; remembered by Ruth. Bruce Eunice and grand-l children. c1w13 Christmas shopping. Admission to the fair is free. JOKERS HILL HORSE TRIALS Special guests at the Jokers Hill Horse Trials Friday. Saturday and Sunday, will in- clude Captain Mark Phillips, husband of Prin- cess Anne. Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon and Premier William Davis will also be there. One hundred entries will com- pete in the event of dressage, endurance and stadium jumping. Trials will include the North American Junior Team Championship. The show is open to the public. Jokers Hill is in King Township, Concession 3, three miles north of King Sideroad. ALL ABOUT TREES A two-hour forestry tour is scheduled for Boyd Conservation Area, just north of Wood- beginning on Islington Avenue. on Saturday beginning at 10 am. The theme is “All About Trees”. Led by Professor K. A. Armson of the faculty of forestry, University of To- ronto, participants will see and learn about the various species of trees found in this part of Ontario. The tour starts at the nature trail parking lot, and walkers should wear walking shoes and clothes suitable for the time of year. For further information call the conservation authority at 630-9780. 3n Mrmmiam The Toronto Montessori School is having its annual fall fair from 11 am to 3 pm Sat- urday on the school’s grounds at 8569 Bay- view Avenue in Thornhill, just north of Highâ€" way 7. Planned primarily for children, it will feature pony rides, games, prizes and western-style food geared to the 12 and under set, plus more than 2,000 prizes. Accomp- anying adults will be interested in the white elephant sale and home baked goods. Admis- sion free. - SHERRY, FUN AND FASHIONS The CWL of Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic Church, 3320 Bayview Avenue south of Steeles Avenue is having a sherry party Tuesday from 8 to 11 pm with fashion show of both men’s and women’s clothing. mini- mystery auction, door prizes and refresh- ments. Admission is $2 per person. There will also be tickets available at $1 for a draw for a one-week vacation for two to Disney World in Florida. The draw will be made at the party. For tickets for the even- ing or the draw or both call 221-3391. All proceeds will go to Participation House, Markham, a residence for severely handi- capped young adults. TOUR OF' MENNONITE COUNTRY The ladies of Gormley Women’s Insti- Mennonite Country October 3. This includes a beef dinner in the Mennonite church and a guided tour, leaving Gormley Post Office at 8 am. For further information contact Mrs. Russell Elias at 888-1762 or Mrs. N. Brown at 888-1764. MONTESSORI FALL FAIR @nts c1w13 c1w13 Mr. and Mrs. V. Oster- gaard. Richmond Hill. are {pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of .thcir >daughter. Susanne. to 'Eric Norman Farncombe. son of Mrs. Farncombe and i the late Mr. F. N. Farncombe 'of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place in The Danish ,Lutheran Church, 72 Finch Avenue W, Willowdale. on October 5. 1974 at 4:30 pm. c1w13 WRIGHT â€" To Murray and Sandy (nee Cameron), in Ottawa. their first child. Scott Ncrman. 8 lbs. 5 025.. on September 17th. 1974. First grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron, and first grandchild for Norm and Ruth Wright. LOCKE â€"- Bruce and Eve. are delighted to announce the arrival of their first grandchild. “Michelle Denise" Steer. born to Dan and Linda on Sep- tember 5. 8 lbs, 3 025.. at Grace Hospital, Vancouver, BC. clw13 DEGELING â€" Henry and Judy (nee Cornack) are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter. Kimberley Ann. at York Central Hospital. on Sep- tember 12, 1974. at 4:46 a.m.. weighing 7 lbs. 1 02. Many thanks to Drs. Bate and Golab. c1w13 BORK â€" Shirley and John are happy to announce the arrival of their son. Jason Paul, September let. York Central Hospital, third grandchild for Esther and Julius Bork â€" first grand- child for Margaret and Richard Deveau of Prince Edward Island. Shirley re- sided with her aunt and uncle, Ron and Joan Jones of Richmond Hill. c1w12 BARRY â€" Ron and Marilyn mee Thacker) are happy to announce the birth of Kenneth John. September 16. 1974. weighing 7 lbs.. 3 015., at the Scarborough General Hospital. fliarrtagw c1w13 ZAICHUK. Sonia -â€" In a nursing home on Frlday. September 20, 1974. Sonia Kenonsky, beloved wife of the late Jacob Zaichuk. dear mother of Ann (Mrs. R. Morrison). Mary (Mrs, E. Brinkworth); John. Helen (Mrs. W. Zozula), Peter and Andrew. sur- vived by eleven grand. children and , grandchildren. est at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday 11 am. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w13 WALTER. Graham A. (Pete) â€"At York Central Hos- ‘ pital on Monday morning September 23. 1974, Pete Walter, beloved husband of Elizabeth and the late Dottie McLaughlin ..of Folly Farm, Maple. Dear father of Peter, Mimi ‘Mrs. M. MacNeill. Cad. (Mrs, D. Farquhargon) and grandfather of Marcia. Suzanne and Rebecca. Dear brother of Margaret IMrs. Dr. K. MoEachernl. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home! 10366 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. A family service was held in the Maple United Church. Maple, on Wednes- day afternoon 2:00 pm. Interment Maple Ceme- tery. (In remembrance a donation may be made to the York Central Hospital Memorial Fund), TREMEER, Frederick A. â€"- Suddenly at his home in Claremont on Tuesday. September 17. 1974, Fred Tremeer, beloved husband of the late Doris C. Fas- ter, brother of Mary (Mrs. L. Reynolds). Campbell- ford; uncle of Claudia (Mrs. D. Unitt) Orfllia; and Katherin (Mrs. G. Grant) Montreal. A private cre~ mation was conducted'by the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, Thornhill. c1w13 READ, Margaret Mary â€" Registered Nurse, at North York Branson Hospltal, on Tuesday. September 17. 1974. Margaret Mary Mc- Cauley. dearly beloved wife of Ed. devoted and loving mother of Joanna (Mrs. A. E. Meeke). alch- ard. Barry and Gerald, dearly loved grand- mother of Grew”, Jo- anna, Adrianne and Kevin. loving sister of Angus T. McCauley and John Ter- rence McCauley. Funeral Mass was held at Blessed Trinity Church on Frlday. September 20th. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. clw13 HART. William Clifford â€"â€" At York Central Hospital Friday. Sepember 20. 1974. beloved usband of Jean Allan. of Richmond Hill. dear father of Jean (Mrs. D. C. Pearson) of Owen Sound and grand- father of Diane. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday 1:30 pm. Cremation. c1w13 McCONNELL. Edmond â€" At his home Friday. Sep- tember 20. 1974. Ted Mc- Connell. beloved husband of Eveline Blackburn, dear father of Gary of Black- stock, brother 0! Evelyn (Mrs. J. Chaveh loving grandfather of Mark and Christopher. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. 10366 Yone St. Richmond Hill. ervlce was held Monday a pm. Interment Westminster Cemetery. c1w13 PAGE. William â€" At Sunny- brook Hospital on Mon- day. September 23. 1974. William Page. beloved hu<band of Sarah Brodie of Richmond Hill. dear father of Ronald of Bur- lington and grandfather of Lynda. Bill and Wendy. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Wed- nesday morning. Crema- tion. clw13 BRODRICK. Jack Douglasâ€"- Suddenly at York Central HOSpital, on Saturday, Sep- tember 21. 1974. Jack, lov- ing husband of Carlotta Wheatley. in his 'IOth year. dear father of Eleanor (Mrs. James Scott) of Centralia, Alan of Mark- dale; loving grandfather of Elizabeth and‘Douglas: brother of Peter of Stu- ner and Norah Spencer. Toronto. Service was held in St. Mary's Anglican Church. 1030 Yonge St. Monday 11:30 am. Creo mation. Memorial dona- tions may be made toAthe St. Mary’s Church Memor- ial Fund or the Canadian Cancer Society. clwl3 BEATTIE - Thomas Albert. Suddenly at Branson Hos- pital, Willowdale. Sunday. September 22, 1974. Thomas Albert Beattie. be- loved husband of Bonnie, dear father of Patricia (Mrs. G. Lent). Douglas, Christina. Theresa :and Steven; brother of ‘Alec. Betty (Mrs. E. Bell); Essie (Mrs. S. Murray). and George. Loving grand- father of Jennifer. Service was held at R. S. Kane Funeral Chapel (4812 Yonge St. at Sheppard subway) on Wednesday 1:00 pm. Interment York Cemetery. clwls clwla I would like to thank everyone for the cards. gifts. and telephone inquiries. m any merit stay 'in York Central Hospital‘ A special thanks to the Nurses of the Second Floor and Dr. Philipsr and Dr. Niren- berski. CARD 0!“ THANKSâ€" I wish to thank my kind neighbors and friends. the Senior Citizens of the Wheel House, Oak Ridges. for their cards. flowers. they sent to me while I was in the Hos. pital and the Nursing Home. â€"-Mrs. W. H. Gienney c1w13 Mr. and Mrs. George Blakney. of Richmond Hill, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter. Sharlene Denise. to Brian Douglas Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Budd Wheeler. of Richmond Hill. Wedding to take place June 7, 1975. c1w13 CARD OF THANKSâ€" Preaching the Old Book, the New Birth. ihe Precious Blood and the Blessed Hope It WELDBICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Corner of Weldrick Bond .ond Bathurst Street Rev. B. T. McSpadden Pastor â€"- Phone 884-7859 Anniversary Service! 10:00 a.m.â€"-Bibie Sc hool Missionary Film 6 Classes for all ages 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Service. ' Guest speaker Rev. Leander Roblin. 7:00 p,m.-â€"Evening Service. ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of One. dc Que.) 75 Oxford Street Richmond Hill Rev. Dan- ". Lamb. BA. BB Minister Mn. Lona Richardson. ATCL Organist SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 10:30 A.M. Family Worship and Bible Study Sermon: “POSSESSED!” The service is planned so that The Whole Family comes together and Goes Home Together! All Welcome Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.-â€"Mid- Week Bible Study: The Prophets Newcomers to Richmond Hill are invited to make St. John's their "Church Home". -â€"-Rev. Leander Roblin Prayer Meeting Wed, 8 pm An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 \ Trinity XVI 8:00 a.m.â€"~Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.â€"-â€"Harvest Festival â€"â€"Preacher: Rev. Dr. Les- lie Hunt. Wednesday. October 2. 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion (Prayer Circle follows 2nd and 4th Wednes- days). Mr. Graham Upcraft. LRAM Trinity 16 11:00 a.m.~â€"Moming Prayer 11:00 a.m.,â€"Church School. â€"â€"ACW Monthly Meeting Tuesday. October 1, 8 pm. in Church Hall. THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview and Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. David N. Sproule ~884-4236 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 St. Michael and All Angels 8200 a.m.-â€"Holy Communion 10:30 a.m.â€"~Morning Prayer and Post-Communion â€"N u r s e ry and Church School for all ages. ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vlughan Richmond Hill 884-2221 Rector Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 1974 8:00 a.m.â€"â€"Eucharist 10:30 a.m.â€"-Harvest Thanks- giving. Church School, Kindergarten. Nursery WEDNESDAYS 10:00 a.m.â€"Euchari5t 7:00â€"Eucharist Holy Communionfi on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 am 8:00 a.m.â€"Holy Communion 11:0073.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer Pity. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive â€" Richule 889-6789 Rev. John Coneybeare Derrick Lewls A.RC.T.. Organist SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rpctor Rev. Canon H. R. Howden. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH MAPLE The Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Ramsey Armltage Rector ANGLICAN BAPTIST â€"Harry Jennings. c1w13 DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Reynold F. Paul All Persons having claims against the Estate of Rey- nold F. Paul. late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional Municipality of York. who died on or about the 19th day of June. 1974. are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or about the 30th day of September.‘ 1974, after which date the 1 Estate will be distributed; with regard only to the claims‘ of which the undersigned; shall then have notice and. the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims she shall not‘ then have notice. DATED at Richmond in"? this 6th day of September.l 1974. ; Eileen Mary Paul, Executrix of the Estate of Reynold F. Paul. by her solicitor, Rob- ert H. Blackburn. c/o Messrs, Lawlor, LeClaire. Stong 82.; Nevins, Barristers and Solic-i itors, 10265 Yonge Street.‘ Richmond Hill. Ontario. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Hugh) The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee Vice-Pastor â€" 884-5264 SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 9:30 a.m.â€"â€"Service. 10:30 a.m.â€"-â€"Sunday Church School. Dauphlnee Pastor â€" 884-5264 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29, 1974 The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m.â€"Sunday Church School. 11:00 a.m.â€"-â€"The Service Note: Nursery Care is pro- vided during the Worship Service. Choir THE MISSIONARY CHURCH BANl-‘IELD MEMORIAL CHURCH 89 Centre Avenue, Willovdlle Serving Richmond Hill Thomhnl - Wluowdlle SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 10:00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"-Pastor Rees 7:00 p.m.â€"Body Life Ser- vice. ‘ â€"Family Night every Wed- nesday: “Life Line For Growth" 7:00 p,m.â€"â€"For Club. Bible Study. Friday â€" Youth Night. Pastoral Team Pastor: Alf Rees Youth Associate Pastors: GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Eldon Boetuer. Pater Phone: 887-5846 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 9:50 a.m.â€"Fami1y Bible. Hour for all ages. 11:00 a.m.â€"Moming Wor- ship Service. 7:30 p.m.â€"-Special Mission- ary Service -â€" Harold Knights Speaking of Nigeria. Wednesday 8:00 p.m.â€"Prayer Service. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ALWAYS 884-309! 228-8247 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 9:45 a.m.â€"Sunday School for all ages. 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Service Wednesday 8:00 p.m.-â€"Prayer and Bible RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Corbett. BTII, ENE 50 Wright Street THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17. Yon" Sheet (Convention of Ont. 1: Que.) Rev. Ernes! L. Johm LANGS’I‘AFF BAPTIST CHURCH 26 Church Street Thomhlll â€" Tel 889-0115 Pastor: Rev. D. A. Whiteluv Tel. 889-0676 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29, 1974 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"Bible Learning 11:00 a.m.â€"Bib)e Preaching 7:00 p.m.â€"~Christian Fellow- ship Wednesday 7:30 p.111. Bible Sharing and Prayer A1 a.m.â€"-Worship Service Church School and Nursery Care WELCOME ALL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept 884-5816 Robert Richardson. 3A.. Organist and Cholrmuter SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayvlew Avenue 5.. The Missionary Church Study. EVERYONE WELCOME LUTHERAN Richmond Hm Near Centre Stree! The Rev. Jame: S. Mark Bolender Winston Thurton Ray Semeniuk Director: Dennis Bell Director: Al Braun Grades 4 and up 11:00 a.m,â€"-Moming Worship 11:00 a.m.â€"Church School -â€"Nursery Care and up to Grade 3. Church Office â€" Ill-1801 MIIIISICI' -' UUI'UIEU I SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 1974 f “£533 32:“ 11:00 a.m.â€"Worship Service Nunez-y Cure Provided i so Emluml no" w.“ WELCOME L Pucor F. C. 1. Penn ST. PAUL’S “3-6200 UNITED CHURCH Slturdu South Lake Road. Oak mam 9:30 a.m.â€"Snbb|th School Rev. Rom. Mellhlnney I 11:00 a.m.'â€"Divinc Wonhw Minister â€" 773-5700 ' Wednelday SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 5 7:30p.m.â€"~Prayer Meeting 10:30 a.m.â€"Worship Service} All Are Welt-me RICHMOND HILLWann CHURCH Yonge and Centre Streetl Mlntsterl Rev. Robert K. Shorten Bat-2551 The Rev. Rowan D. Dinning 884-1301 Ornnlst and Choir Lender Mrs. Phyllis Andrew RICHMOND HILL PBESBY‘I‘EBIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wnllaco Mlnllter Organist and Choir Director Mr. Rich-rd Phillips SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 10:45 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service Tuesday: 6:30 p.m.â€"â€"Brownies. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.â€"â€"Cubs. Thursday: ~ 8:00 p.m.~â€"Choir Practise. ALL WELCOMI CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Royal Oren-rd Boulenrd Buy Thorn Drive Thornhlll, Onturio Arnold D. Waite], 3A.. 3.1). Pucor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 9:30 a.m.â€"Sunday Church School â€" Grade 3 up. 11:00 a.m.~Sunday Church School â€" Nursery to Grade 2. 11:00 a.m.â€"-Worship Service EVERYONE WELCOME TOWN OF VAUGHAN Rev. W. Georu French. 3.80.. M.Dlv. (Mlnlflel’) SUNDAY. SEPT. 29. 1974 10:00 “ILâ€"St. Andrew’l Family Service 11:15 |.m.-â€"St. Paul‘- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREW'S MAPLE Ind ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 10,150 PINE VALLEY DR, MAPLE-CABRVILLI PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Stlnley E. Snowden 8A.. 3.1)., Mlnmer 832-1003 SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 9:45 a.m.â€"Carrville Wor~ ship Service 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Maple Sunday School 11:15 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Wor- ship at Maple. A Warm Welcome To All. ST. MATTHEW'S UNI‘I‘ID CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John Mc'l'lmh Minister â€" “4-5528 SUNDAY, SEPT. 29. 1974 SUNDAY. SEPT. 29, 1974 9:00 a.m.â€"-The Seekers 9:30 a.m.â€"Church School NEED A SERVICE? WANT TO HELP? GOT A QUESTION? GOT A QUESTION? NEED A SERVICE? WANT TO HELP? CALL 884-2727 HELPMATE INFORMATION WILL PROVIDE:â€" â€"Caring volunteers to help with everyday problems and emergencies. â€"- friendly visiting and services to shut-ins. â€"-information about community resources. â€"referral to qualified professionals when necessary. All services are provided by trained volunteers who will respect the confidential nature 0! each request. Hours: 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY 24 Wright Street. Richmond Hill Presbyterian Helpmate information What can I do? My kids are all in school now. What should I do I like children and have some splretime I have to move out tomorrow. Where can I go? I need a credit counsellor. Where can I find one? I'm 15 and pregnant. Where do I go now? Where do I get job retraining? Where can I play chess? When do the Lions meet? UNITED Not I Denomination. A Church 0! Th. New Tent-men: Order Sand-y Servlou 9:45 n.m.â€"Bible School Clan-u for all Age: 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Service 7:00 p.m.â€"-â€"Communlon Service I“ Thornridxe Dr., Thotnhlll Mini-let: Rev. D. Vanda-thun. MTM IUD-52“ Service It 10:30 am. a; 5.00 pm. Every other Sunday 9:00 Lm. Worship Service in the Dutch language‘ Every Thurs: 9:30 a.m.-â€"â€"Ladies Coffee Cup Sharing and Bible Study at Church. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.â€"â€"Bible Study â€" Sunday. 12:30 pm. - Watch "The Herald of Truth", TV Channel 3. Butte A. I. ATKINSON Mlnluer â€"- coo-ml D. Pumon. Sec.. III-0M! Thursday: 7:30 p.m.â€"'â€" Friday: 7:00 p.m.â€"â€"-Church Suppsr, Service to follow. Saturday: 10:00 am. - 3:30 pm. -â€" Day Sunday: 9:45 a.m.â€"Sunday School â€"S. S. Bus now running it ride. needed call ' 884-5029 or 884-6629, 11:00 am. and 7:00 p.m.â€"â€"Dr. Stonehouse speaking. Every Tues: 7:30 p.m.â€"Midweek Prayer and Bible Smdy. RICHMOND HILL "I" METHODIST CHURCH 312 Hilllvicw Drive (below the Dual-p Oheruton) “4-50” Put" Rev. Robert C. Quick B.A.. M. DIV. 93 Ruulen Ave. IDA-6629 RICHVALI BIBLE CHAPIL 24 0:! Avenue. Nelulo SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 1974 9:30 I.m.â€"The Lord's Sup- per 11:00 I.m.â€"Flmlly Blblc Hour 11:00 a.m.â€"Sundny School Kindergarten to Grid: 6 Bible School for Gndc‘l and up 7:00 gumâ€"Evening Serw’u lac-day 8:00 p.m.â€"Bible Study and Prayer. A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High DH" CONCORD Bth CANADIAN REFOBMED CHURCH Other Denominations of Church Planning Services:

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