He said, “I’m serious about that, because they get used to a familiar voice and a familiar “Whenever you’re not there, the cows don’t let the milk down.†He said, “You know, I have one of the best producing dairy farms around here, and I have to give you a lot of credit for that, because I have your show on when I’m milking.†very moving responses to my radio show. One time I had a guy write me a letter from out Brampton way. Iget some very funny and Local Cable TV subscrib- ers can receive up to 30 tele- vision channels by use of a new electronic converter system now available 'through Classic Communica- tions Ltd. The portable con- verter unit is now being marketed throughout its cable system. Converter Adds Cable Channels At present 16 channels are available to those subscrib- ers purchasing the converter unit. but as new channels become available they will be able to add these to their 9 x p a n d i n g entertainment package. A future possibility for users of local cable services is current movies playing at major theatres in and around Toronto, shop at home price guides. airport arrival/de- parture schedules, stock mar- Officiating at the induction servcie was Rev. Robert McElhinney of St. Paul’s United, Lake Wilcox, chairman of York Presbytery; Presbytery Vice-Chairman Miss Ella Taylor of Richmond Hill United and Rev. James Gib- son, secretary of Presbytery. Guest preacher was Rev. Donald Parr of Markham. An in- formal coffee hour followed in the main hall of the church with refreshments provided by the UCW. It was a happy evening for the congreâ€" gation of Richmond Hill United Church and neighboring clergy who turned out for the recent induction of the church’s new Minister Rev. Robert Shorten and joined in the recep- tion that followed. Rev. Shorten is a graduate of Queen’s THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1974 and how I helped some very nice people Without realizing it.†Induction At Richmond Hill United “Some of my best friends are cows, Library Board has approved Jthe hiring of a professional \lihrarian- and given its chair- ‘gman John Borst a vote of [confidence at a stormy meet- ing. Several board trustees and Mayor Bob Forhan felt Borst acted illegally when he took steps to implement la finance committee recomâ€" lmendation calling for the {hiring of the librarian with- iout approval of the full Iboard. The portable converter al- lows the viewer to change channels and fine tune the set by remote control besides providing additional chan~ nels. It is available from local electronics stores or from Classic Communica- tions Ltd. ket reports, constant news data sources, etc.. etc. hand. But if all of a sudden there’s a strange voice in the barn, you get a bad reaction from the cows.†I say a little bull in the barn never hurt anything. Some of the stories really move me, like when people have accepted me as part of their ' family. One particular story I remember, a little on the morbid side, but this woman said that she and her husband always listened to the show and they had been married for years and years. They accepted me as a friend even though we had never met. Now her husband was an invalid and one morning she went down to make him tea and when she came back up I was still talking but he was dead. So I was the last voice he heard. She said,“I don’t know what this means to you, but having you there then seemed natural to me, you were very close to both of us.†It was such an emotional~ upset to the wife that the bus: band had to quit work. He had to take a leave of absence, and they had to visit a psychiatrist band had to quit work. He had to take a leave of absence, and I they had to visit a psychiatrist. This was their only son, so the doctor said that there obviously had to be some kind /5 I I of substitute in the woman’s life. One morning they’re sit- ting listening to the radio and Another story was about this man and woman whose only son was kined in a car accident. BY WALLY CROUTER yliberal Classifieds Get Results consider the Staff R Richmond Hill?†at ing at 7:30 RM. in Copies of Planning for 32.30. University and Theological College with a master's degree in sacred theology, and has taken post graduate studies in numerous areas of pastoral relations. His first full-time pas- torate was in North-Eastern Quebec and Lab- rador. Before coming to Richmond Hill he served as minister at Division Street United Church, Owen Sound, for about eight years. He succeded Rev. Robert Smith in July when Rev. Smith accepted the charge as senior min- ister at Eglinton United Church in Toronto. Pictured (left to right) are Mrs. Shorten and Rev. Shorten greeting members of their congregation, Bill and Hazel Lake. The Short- ens have three daughters, Jane, 17, Margaret, 14 and Elizabeth, 10. Anyone wishing to speak at the Council meet- ing must inform the Clerk, Mr. M. Clement, Town of Richmond Hill, P.0. Box 300, Rich- mond Hill by Friday, September 4th, 1974. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL will ‘ider the Staff Report “Mobile Homes in Imond Hill?†at their October 7th meet~ at 7:30 PM. in the Council Chambers. the report Department NOTICE So they adopted me as their son. I didn’t know anything about it until they came to see me three or four years later. The husband said, “You’re released, you don’t have to be our son anymore. You didn’t know, but you were. We still listen to you, but we’ve adjusted ourselves to our problem. But you ï¬lled such an important part at that time, we felt we just had to let you know.†the husband says, “Well, why don’t we adopt Wally Crouter as our son? Could you be con- tent with that, that all of a sudden he’s taking the place of our son? In that way you’re not alone. IfI do go back to work, you’ll have somebody with you all the time.†I was making a personal appearance and a very nice looking couple came up and explained everything. Now, of course, the woman was back to normal and they had come to release me back to myself again. That sort of story kind of makes you humble because although you tend to look on the radio show as just a job, I think you do perform a service in people’s lives. A Report “I : their 0 n the Cc °t will be nt after @FR®fl©fl© (Photo by Susan Samllal available September at t the 26th, F Tyros. 3 group for young boys between the ages of 7- 11 years is soon to be formed. A11 young lads in- terested in this group kindly watch this column for the [time and date. 5 Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Harry Barber, September 24; Mrs. Fred McRoberts. Sep- tember 28; Peter DeVries, September 28 and Bert Nichols, October 1. W e d d i n g anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumney, married 52 years, September 30. The installation service for Rev. Victor Shepherd. who is the minister for the Victoria Square charge. will be held September 29 at 11:30 am in Victoria Square United. Miss Ella Taylor of Richâ€" mond Hill will install him. The service of installation will be part of the morning workship. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Har- mon have returned after spending the past three Church News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. w. SANDLE. 1m. 2. Gormley __ Phone 337-5421 USE YOUR K MART BUDGET CHARGE OR CHARGEX K DAYS TIRE Victoria Square News 9350 Yonge St. Hillcresi Mall Richmond l'lil â€". Telephone 884-0591 â€" You can put your trust in r1- Auto Centres Includes up to 4 quarts of a "national multigrade motor oil, new replace- ment oil filter and chassis lube. SPECIAL CANADIAN & AMERICAN CARS brand" $7.88 OII. CHANGE- FILTER - LUBRICA‘I‘ION DELUX ORLON 'PllE SEAT COVERS To fit most cars. Good assortment of colours MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS SERVICE DEPT. SPECIAL SPECIAL .94.†AC “FIRE RING†SPARK PLUGS SPECIAL .8298 Mrs. Eva Conover. Mrs. Adeline Bailey and Miss Dorothy Barber all of Toronto spent Thursday of last week with their brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber. CASTROL G.T.X. MOTOR OIL The annual auction. rum- mage. produce, bake sale and snack bar sponsored by the Lions in the community hall September 21 was very successful. A lucky draw on a chocolate layer cake was won by Auctioneer Gordon Orr of King City. On behalf of the Lions, President David Beadle would like to thank everyone for their donations and all who helped in any way to make it such a suc- cess. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Mary Muir- head who underwent sur- gery last week in York C o u n t y Hospital. New- market. Her room number is weeks holidaying in Eng- land. Scotland and Wales. They report having 3 won- derful time. Grades SW30 and ZOWSO. Quart can STORE HOURS: 9:30 AM to 10 PM - MONDAY through SATURDAY e Sizes to fit most popular cars ACNITER TYPE PLUGS We ’re ca_r @QLQ- lon a $3 million provincial icourthouse in Newmarket is expected to begin in March according to Ontario Gov- ernment Services Minister :James Snow. Judge Clare §Morrison has been conduct- iing a drive for improved court facilities in Newmarket referring to the court as “one of the most expensive pigpens in Ontario." 203 The first euchre of the fall season will be held in the community centre Octo- ber 4 at 8 pm. Ladies please provide lunch. NEWMARKET: Construction A speedy recovery is also wished for Herb Boynton who is ill in York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. His room number is 409. SEE OUR. WANT ADS. A classified ad in "The Liberal†is a good way to turn out-grown or unneeded items into cash. It's easy to order your ad. Just phone 884-1105â€"6 .08 .22 QUALITY BUILT BY ONE OF CANADA’S BEST KNOWN MAKERS EVERY TIRE CARRIES A WRITTEN TREAD WEAR GUARANTEE A78-13 878-13 078â€"13 4 Ply nylon construction, wide tread "78†ties profile. 578-14 F7844 678-14 H78-14 OTHER SIZES 36 MONTH TREAD WEAR GUARAN'IE MOST POPULAR SIZEâ€"F7844 WHITEWALLS Smooth riding Polyester cord, wide tread “7' series profile. C7844 E78-14' F78-14 678â€"14 H78-14 48 MONTH TREAD WEAR GUARANTEE New Car wide track styling with single stripe whitewalls. ‘ BELTED WHITEWALLS 4 PW POLYESTER Reg. Discount Price 28.98 29.98 30.98 3298 Sale Price 24.00 ea 25.00 ea 26.00 ea 28.00 ea Reg. Discount Price 31.98 32.98 33.98 34498 37.98 Sale Price 25.00 ea 27.00 ea 28.00 ea 29.00 ea 32.00 ea 28.98 29.98 30.98 32.98 : Register Now For Cubs To Venturers The 5th Richmond Hill Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. who meet in Richmond Hill United Church, will be hold- ing registration each Mon- day evening from Septem- ber‘30 to October 21 in the Scout Hall, starting at 7 pm. The program for all age groups will be getting under- STAR STREAK "78†STAR STREAK COMPACT CAR TIRES now invites you to use their facilities for: o WEDDING RECEPTIONS o BANQUETS o PRIVATE PARTIES, ETC. Richmond Hill Curling Club (WHILE THEY lAST) REG. DISCOUNT PRICE 24.98 25.98 25.98 Please contact Richmond Hill Curling Club P.0. Box 120, Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill, 889-3185 - 889-4554 4 DAYS ONLY For Your Convenience s .99 Reg. Discount Sale Price Price ea C78-1 5 32.98 27.00 ea ea F78-15 34.98 28.00 ea ea 678-15 ' 3588 30.00 ea ea H78-15 3798 32.00 ea ra J78-15 3998 34.00 ea F7845 (378-15 H7845 J78-15 C7845 F78-15 678-15 H7845 J78â€"15 "78†This group suffered the loss of several eladers at the end of last season. but has now been able to fill the vacancxes and invites all boys of the ages served by Cubs‘ Scouts and Venturers to register as soon as pos- sible. way immediately Reg. Discount Price 30.98 31.98 33.98 3598 S Fe 29% 27) ea 29) ea 31) ea SALE “CE 21.0ea 22.0lea 22.0Iea