We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson and four The good wishes of the community follow Mrs. Clar- ence Bass as she moved this week from the Doner house west of the post office to an apartment in Stouffville. Sympathy is expressed to Rev. and Mrs. Eldon Boeltâ€" ger in the passing of her mother. Mrs. George Leh- man of Toronto The funeral was on Friday from the Griffin-Mack Funeral Home on Danforth Avenue with in- terment ln Dickson Hill cemetery. Mrs. Beulah Jones en- jnyed several days at Brook- l’ln with her friend. Mrs. .‘Maude DeHart, just recently released from hospital. E'tmer Reaman of Fort Erie was a weekend guest of his sisters. Misses Mary and Adeline Reaman. i 727-3141 - 884-8131 Mrs. Doug Henry of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Genevieve Bruce. The Pioneer Festival on Saturday at Pioneer Village was very successful. Gorm- ley ladies worked in the coffee booth. Local Auc- tioneer Alvin Farmer did the honors of the auction sale which netted a great deal for the needy in Bang- ladesh. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- l Chum“ News Niven enjoyed a few days Misses Blanch, Freda and holidays recently. , Ruth Henderson were Elmer Reaman of Fortipieasanuy surprised recently Erie was a weekend guestlwhen the congregation of the of his sisters. Misses Marleak Ridges Brethren In and Adeline Reaman. 'Christ Church presented Mrs. Beulah Jones en- them with a beautiful 400- jnyed several days at Brook- 1 day clock, in recognition of I’m with her friend, Mrs.‘1h0ir devoted Years 0f 561'- iMaude DeHart. just recently } Vice in the Sunday school released from hospital. ‘work of their church. The Doner family honored their mother, Mrs. Clarence Doner of Stouffville, on Sunday at a family dinner on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Guests from Gorm- ley were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Donor, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schlicter and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Doner and Mark, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Campey spent the weekend in Montreal with their son John. Neighborhood Notes When Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Miller, RR 2, Gormley. celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary at the home of their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mingay of Markham. Sepâ€" tember 22, all members of the original wedding party were present. and more than 250 guests attended Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gough have had guests from Eng» land for the past three weeks. Ten years ago Mrs. Gough went to Markham to attend her niece's wedding and this year the young cou- ple made their first visit to Canada to celebrate their 10th anniversary. The Goughs have been showing them points of interest â€" Niagara Falls, Algonquin Park. Toronto, etc. 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pra- let, formerly of Don Mills Road and presently living at Locust Hill, have purchased a new home in Markham and expect to move shortly. The Pralets’ acreage on the Markham - Pickering Town- line has been expropriated for the International Air- port. The new wing at York Central Hospital will be open for business next month, and introductory tours have been conducted for the past two or three weeks. On September 23 and the previous week Miss Mary Rodick, Mrs. Harold Ashley and Mrs. Russell Boyington, members of But- tonville Branch YCHA. serv- ed tea to guests. and they will also assist at the open- ing October 3. Communications Officer Margaret Mclean Neighborhood Notes To make this possible, inferesfed in dividuals and representatives of com munity groups are invited To contact: The bride of 50 years ago Buttonville Community Happenings ARE YOU FRUS‘TRATED CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Do you feel that no one listens to you? Your school trustees Sometimes feel that way too! let’s Get Together and Talk THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1974 Seeks members of the public to serve on a Communications Committee Trustee Margaret Coburn Box 40, Aurora The York County Board of Education GORMLEY NEWS Telephone - 889-9063 Or Telephone I Church News More than 20, young people from the Missionary Church attended the ball tournament and youth rally at Kitchener Saturday. Gormley's junior team placed second in baseball and the senior team placed third. All report a very ex- cellent day. children, recently from England, who moved into the house vacated by Mrs. Bass October 1. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mac- key have recently returned from an enjoyable holiday in Western Canada. Mr. Bill Baker and his fiancee Miss Darlene Hoskln were guests of honor at a miscellaneous shower Thurs- day night in the Fellowship The Gideons were in charge of the Sunday night service at Heise Hill Church and Mr. Murray Bennett was the guest speaker. Mrs. Gladys Fraser of Lon- don and Mr. Allan Fraser of Toronto spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haxton and boys, Sheet, Pillowc'agsé Tablecloth Servi‘cé Hall Church RICHMOND 1mm V THORNHILL o Annom» NEWMARKET Tea assistants at the gold- en wedding celebration were Mrs, Joe Symons of Ux- bridge. Mrs John Miller of Stouffville. Mrs. Margaret Miller and Mrs. Marjorie Miller and Mrs. Madge Tib- bles of Scarboro. Mrs. Eva Brodie of Markham, and The Millers have two sons and two daughters all of whom were present: Jim operates the. family farm business and lives with his wife Rosemary and their children in Markham; Velma is Mrs. Donald Otis of Pue- blo, Colorado; Rena, Mrs. Paul Mingay of Markham, was Sunday’s hostess, and Robert, of Ballantrae, has an engineering firm in Scar- boro. There are 18 grand- children, all present The Millers were married at Scarboro Junction Meth- odist Church September 24, 1924, with the late Rev. J. J. Humphrey officiating, and members of the wedding party were Nell Miller (Tib- blesl. Mr, Miller’s sister now married to Mrs. Miller's bro- ther Leslie; Les Tibbles, best man; flower girls Rosaleen 'I‘ibbles (Waterston). sister of the bride. and Verna Tibbles (prles) 3 niece; Mrs. Vera Everest Leayrod, organist; and Mrs. Ruby Walton Cook decorated the church for the occasion, with Mrs. Mary Graves (a well known Wom- en’s Institute worker) now deceased. was Olive Tibbles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tib- bles of Toronto, and the groom‘s parents were Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Scarboro. Mr. Miller's her- itage dates back to the first Scarboro settlers, David and Scarboro settle Mary Thomson CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F‘ ~0660 - 887-593] TEE of the Missionary '3; 01411:»:xe CENTRES Afterward, there was a buffet supper for 50 mem- bers of the immediate family and close friends. Members of the Brown’s Corners United Church UCW. where the Millers attend, provided refreshments, un- der convenorship of Mrs. Milton Sherman. Miss Adele Carruthers arranged floral arrangements. and orchid corsages for the assistants, and Miss Edna Whitehouse and Mrs. Fred Leaf greeted guests. H. LEAF â€" PHONE 294-5290 three granddaughters Mary- Rose Miller, Martha Mingay and Rebecca Otis. Whole Walnuts lb. 59° 3 Bazanuts Apples Maclntosh FRESH or Frozen Salmon Ontario Grown Fancy Grade / m; " itefish "39¢ \ . . . v A , 7 PRICE ’ Fresh / . ‘ Is'la'tlglock Fillets “149 Egielntbow Trout ..,_139 \\ Frozen Smod Fillets $139 Goldeyes lb. 239 / m“ 2 . resh Batten . c From... Dover Plane lb] EISSLIEESIIIMS “,4 flelggaut Steaks .5189 scatd‘ Rippers lb. 990 Salmon Chunks lb. / // Imported Whole FreSh Imported ’v \ lb] Whole Pike ub.79c Finnan l'ladcliesIb99c \\ res o e rozen oe a y Fresh Frozen ea 5.1; “out “.139haaziak†sqczuerrings 33c ........... Bartlett Pears Ontario Grown ) Fancy Grade Ground Beef Serving Suggestion j Among the guests at the golden wedding celebrations were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 1Leek and Mr. and Mrs. lCummer Lee and Gordon. The Millers have lived for the past 25 years at their present home on Concession 3, Richmond Hill (formerly Markham). Before coming here they farmed for 13 years north of Unionville and at Scarboro. Mrs. Mil- ler is active in Brown’s Corâ€" ners UCW and choir. York Central Hospital Auxiliary, Buttonville Branch. and at Union Villa. Sockeye 4 qt. “1.209 ..,.59° “Bathroom Tissue 39|W 1&59“ A very interesting program has been planned for the children and there will be regular outings for them as well. There are still vacan- cies for both morning and afternoon periods if you are interested in having your child become part of it. For more information call Peggy Finch at 884-2949. Church News A mothers' co-op nursery guests at a pot luck supper school has started for the in the church last week. The Richvale Baif area with guest speaker was Mrs. Ree- classes three days a week sor from the Mennonite Cen- in one of the local schools. tral Council. She showed Nursery School The Carrville Road UCW Correspondent: Aulda Wood, 25 Brightway Crescent Carrville Neighborhood News Tea Bags (at (how Coca Cola Spééial "K" Sockeye Salmon Instant Coffee Honey Combs Red Rose Orange Pekoe Purina Dry Gold Seal Edwards Post Kellogg: Powdered Detergent No Deposit, No Refurn Green Beans York Whole Frozen Eels Assorted Flavours Squid White Magic [23"‘0' Pork .., 89c Smoked Whole or Huif Fresh Frozen Ice Cream 3 pt. ctn. Assorted Colours 99° 2,2,: 1.69 lb. Fresh Pan-Ready a] pi lb. l99| Smelts lb. P slides and told about the people they help in some of the depressed areas of the world. Some time ago they started a self help program for these people. This in- volves bringing their hand- work here to be sold. Mrs. Reesor brought a beautiful array of wood carvings, em- broidery, bead work and things made from straw. She also had two-way dolls and had the Maple UCW as their guests at a pot luck supper in the church last week. The guest speaker was Mrs. Ree- sor from the Mennonite Cen- Lucerne Boiled Qflï¬gring 15.950 I Lobsters lb. 259 10 oz. Pkg pkg. of 60 C m: 79 12 oz pkg. 26 fl. oz. btls‘ 7% fl. oz. tin 6 oz in! 42 oz pkg. “100 Bayer Aspirin ‘33? 79° 77c §cq|§e Mouthwash.‘..‘.§:i.99° '05 129 fancy Peas Cheese Slices Lucerne Processed Choice Peaches auluwuy vlv Cheddar Cheese 10° Toothpaste Wine Sauerkraut Libby's Taste Tells Crest Regular Libby’s Safeway Old Fruit Creme Digestive Homogenized Smooth 3130:. [or o N0 COUPON REQ’D. large Eggs The new babies on our street have all been boys since we moved here and last week we had another. Dennis and Nicole Howes were proud to announce the birth of their first child, Kevin James, Monday morn- ing. ' mocassins and all sorts of things from many different places. The ladies enjoyed a pleasant hour of browsing and shopping. New Arrival INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Telephone 884-5095 Peanut Butter dozen Biscufts 11:61. 3 9 Canada Grade ’A’ Peek Fla 1n Empress 75° 16 0:. pkg. 100 ml tube 32 fl. oz. btl‘ 0:. Din: )4 ll‘ H fl. 9:. tin: t. I“ I79 OFF pkg. once now invites you to use their facilities for: o WEDDING RECEPTIONS o BANQUETS O PRIVATE PARTIES, ETC. Richmond Hill Curling Club Piedmont Salad Dressing f SPECIAL / Spaghetti Sauce "A Safeway Quality Brand" Bravo Beans 3m? Bravo Plain White Kidney, Romano Lupinf, Red Kidney Noodles Five Roses Lancia Please contact Richmond Hill Curling Club P.0. Box 120, Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill, 889-3185 - 889-4554 lancia Pasta Assorted Varieties c 2 lb. bag For Your Convenience Cod Fillets $1.08 All Purpose Fresh Flour :1: 79° 3.32.. 79“ 55° 12 03.3 pkg'o