22 H E L IBERAL classifieds8‘84e1105w5119é GENERAL CONVEYOR CO. LTD. Required by progressive conveyor and pack- aging machine manufacturer. Must have sev- eral years experience and able to read blueâ€" prints. Also, mature pick-up truck driver, mechanically inclined and able to do odd jobs in machine shop. ‘ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Plastic company in Richmond Hill requires 3 persons with mechanical background to be trained as blowmolders. EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF TOWER CRANES Body & Mechanical Personnel APPLY Service Manager Wilson Niblett Motors Ltd. RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICIAN CLERK TYPIST ASSISTANT TO . ADMINISTRATOR Blowmolders APTITUDE FOR FIGURES FlTTER-WELDERS MACHINISTS 884-2359 Escom Manufacturing Ltd. MR. HEFFORD 889-4800 107 DONCASTER AVE. THORNHILL 889-7811 MUST HAVE GOOD G.M DEALERSHIP Ideal working conditions. Good hourly rate. Demo plan available. 889-7651 PLEASE CALL 889-7651 889-5435 ARC & GAS Required for LICENCED Ontario, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1974 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 c1w15 tfc6 c2w13 Responsible to the Commissioner for the production of all draughting requirements of the Planning Department. The Chief Draughtsman must have the ability to super- vise and provide technical advice to the draughting staff. Experience in cartographic and design and planning layout draughting in the Municipal or Planning Consultant field is essential. This position requires an innovative individual capable of presenting urban and regional planning concepts in the best carto- graphic form. Further duties include the purchasing of draughting s u pplie s, and arranging for outside draughting services. Starting Salary: $12,100 - $13,440 per annum (1974) Apply in writing before October 18, 1974 to: Personnel Co-ordinator The Regional Municipality of York Box 147. Newmarket, Ontario Manufacturer requires representative to handle heavy duty metal stock pots and other products to trades and consumers. Community services association require full- time Bookkeeper and administrative person to assist in operatlon of a multl-facet social agency. Complete bookkeeping experience to trial bal- ance and general administrative capabilities required. Oc‘casional evening availability essential. Challenging and rewarding position. Salary commensurate. .‘0mmissi0n only. Canadian Tire Associate Store 275 YONGE ST. S. AURORA PART TIME OPPORTUNITY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK CHIEF OF DRAUGHTING PLANNING Administrator York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded 101 Edwards Ave., Richmond Hill Front End Alignment Tune-Up EXHAUST INSTALLER Licensed Mechanic 55“} OFF FLAT RATE. Heavy Work needed immediately for ON BUS ROUTE 669-9521 Mr. Boyles Call Mr. Dawson 884-9736 $3.50 per hour CONCORD AREA HELP MR. KENOPIC 727-9484 COMPANY BENEFITS. Apply: c1w15 clw15 c1w15 c1w15 clw15 To work some afternoons in the Gallery diningroom. Experience is helpful but not eï¬sen’rial. Cook General Kitchen Help THE COUNTRY PLACE NURSING HOME The Parks and Recreation Division of the Central Regional Office, Richmond Hill, re- (wires a Clerical Stenographer. Duties in- clude Shorthand, typing, dictaphone, filing and acting as the receptionist for the division. 2-3 ....... D uu v..- _- years confirmed K experience, tact, initiative and the ability to compose correspondence are required, Typing and shorthand skills will be tested. Starting salary will be $116.63 - $136.80 per week, depending on qualifications. Applications, including a resume of work ex- pel‘ience, should be forwarded to: THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES CENTRAL REGION 10670 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL BY OCTOBER 23, 1974 from household work ? ould you use some extra cash} am you spare a few hours a week Switchboard Receptionist With typing experience Receptionist-Typist Waitresses I Waiters Clerical Stenographer Position GOOD TYPING SKILLS GENERAL OFFICE DUTIES For kitchen cabinet manufacturer The McMichael Canadian Collection For more information please call: Own transportation necessary MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Nurses' Aides Housekeeping 889-7651 884-9248 893-1121, KLEINBURG FOR ALL SHIFTS TH ORNHILL 881-2153 is looking for ONTARIO AND c1w15 clw15 c1w15 c1w15 tfc15 NATIONAL HIGHWAY RESTAURANT CHAIN The Doctor’s House BARTENDERS Typing and general office duties. Experience necesary. Good salary Thornhill Area Markham Bus Transportation MISS GORDON â€" 889-7551 416-429-2000 Ext. 403 Receptionist For parts delivery truck MUST KNOW CITY For appointment telephone collect FOR INTERVIEW CALL Requires FULL and PART TIME DRIVER 669-2020 JOHN MacEACHERN Restaurant & Tavern KLEINBURG 893-1615 Full or Part Time COOKS WAITRESSES - WAITERS MAINTENANCE PERSON Transportation can be arranged TOP WAGES, EXCELLENT BENEFITS Apply in person to Manager MAPLE, ON'I'. Head Preparation Cooks Grill Cooks Waitresses/Waiters Dishwashers Cleaning Staff FULL OR PART TIME WORK Opportunities for advancement 832-1555 RESTAURANT Requires clw15 c1w15 c1w15 HELP WANTED HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER TO make up bedrooms at Parkway Hotél, 8 am. to 3:30 pm. Call Mrs. Wilson, 881- 2121. Parwkay Hotel. c1w14 AUTO Body Shop requires painter's helper. 881-22§1.4_ WELL known firm, due to expansion, needs several per- sons with car for part or fulltime work. Earn $5 or more per hour. 895-6532. PERSONS required to sell Fuller Brush products. Open- ings in your own area. Earn $4. to $6. per hour. Write: J. Ellis, 100 Hamilton Dr.. Newmarket. c1w14 LIGHT Greenhouse duties, 3 days a week. Bayview Flo- rist, 889-4521. c2w14 PERSON to act as parttime Chauffeur in Maple area. Chauffeur's license required. Apply 669-1388. c2w14 DISHWASHER WANTED FOR modern hotel kitchen with automatic equipment, 7 pm. to 1 am. Monday to Saturday. Permanent posi- tion. Call Mr Parker or Mr. Latimer, 881-2121. Parkway Hotel MAINTENANCE PERSON TO do general hotel main- tenance, Tuesday to Friday. 8 am. to 5 pm. and to ope- rate Hotel Reception desk Saturday evenings 11 pm. to 8 am. Sunday. Call Mr. Parker or Mr Latimer, 881- 2121. Parkway Hotel. c1w14 SEWING machine operators. experienced. for dresses, also presser. 884-0159. RN's AND RNA'I REQUIRED. full and part time for nursing home In Aurora. Residence available. 889-7090. tfcfl EXPERIENCED waitress/ waiter: Theodores Res- taurant, King City. 833- 5465. tfcll HAIRDRESéER full or part time. 832-2590. PART time séles help want- ed for furniture store. 884- 0158. tfch FACTORY help required in concrete products packaging plant. Apply: Mr. Baldwin. 889-6291 or to Plant at 89 No. 7 Hwy. East. (BetWeen Yonge 8; Bayview). ICuntinued) c1w15 c2w14 c1w14 c1wl4 tfcll c2w14 c2w14 tfcl4