HORTICL'LTL'RAL MEETINGS The Thornhill and District Horticultural Society will hold its regular meeting on October 15, at the North Thornhill Community Centre. Baythorn Drive and Royal Orchard Boulevard at 8 p.m. A flower and vegetable show is planned, with classes for specimens, decorative designs and junior exhibits. ' The speaker for the meeting is Miss Martha Veld Huis of the\Veld Huis Greenhouses, Dundas. Her subject is Growing House- plants. She will bring some unusual house plants with her. and a number of these will be available to buyers. The library will be in operation. There will be plant sales. a draw, and refreshments. Everybody is welcome to attend the meeting. . HISTORICAL SOCIETY On Monday of last week the Vaughan Township Historical Society held its meeting at Vellore Hall. The speakers for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown of the Heritage Museum near Uxbridge. Mr. Brown gave the history of the museum. He and his wife collected Canadiana and enjoyed it so much they decided to open their display to the public. (Private funds were made available.) Afterwards Mr. Amos Baker was persuaded to tell Stories of his boyhood. He makes up displays of leaves, etc. for children and he described these. The display has grown through loans as well as gifts. Now school classes visit the museum and some pioneer crafts are taught. The Vaughan Township Historical Society is par- ticularly interested because a museum for that district is one of the priorities. The evening ended with Warren Raymond and Frank Robinson reciting poems from their first readers â€" which must have been hilarious! It was an evening to remember WELCOME WAGON The Welcome Wagon Club of Thornhill is holding a coffee party on the morning of October 17‘ with baby sitting available. All newcomers to Thornhill are most welcome. For further details please contact either Elaine Watters 881-0917, Sheila McDonald 889-9944, or Doreen Greer 889-3779. SCOUTS The 6th Thornhill Scout Troop began their 12th season of operation this week in spite of a serious leader shortage. Volunteers for full or part time service Mrs. Brown brought slides about chairs. and talked about the slides. It was all most interesting. Thornhi/l Cana diana L un cheon The UCW of Thornhill United Church held a Canadiana luncheon and antique display Wed- nesday of last week at the church featuring Jean Smith, well known local expert, and objects will be welcomed by group committee chairman Dave Yielding (BBQ-1254).; Cubs meet Fridays at ,Bayview Glen School while the Scouts alternate Mon- days between the school and members' homes. The Troop and the Bayview’Glencrest com- munity as a whole suffered a deep loss in the recent death of Ed Davis. Mr. Davis served the 6th Thornhill unit for eight years including terms as Cubmaster, Scout master and adviser to a most active Venturer group. The latter group. now disbanded, have united once again to donate an award in his memory. The Ed Davis Memorial Trophy will be presented annually to the most outstanding Scout in the 6th Thornhill Troop. Looking ahead the Ladies Auxiliary will hold an auction to support the troop's activities on November 1, at the home of the President Shirley ‘Allen. PARENT EFFECTIVENESS A parent effectiveness training course is being sponsored by Richmond Hill and Thornhill Area Family Services in Thornhill United Church on Wednesdays from October 16 to December 11 at 1.30â€"3.30 pm. For registration call the Family Service Office 884-9148. The fee is $20. The Family Services need more volunteers. especially to help out in the office in the evenings or during the day. For more information please call Mrs. Judy Flow at 889-6807. AFTER 4 PROGRAM The After-4 program requires a director for the fall and spring periods. Also volunteers are needed for the Tuesday and Thursday ‘sessions. This is a com- munity service which is a must. There are a great many public school children aLa loose end in the af- ternoons, and this organization does help to fill a gap. It also provides op- portunities to learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun. CHURCH NEWS The Thornhill UCW had a busy time last week. There was the rummage sale on September 28 where a tremendous amount of useful articles and clothing changed hands Not only did the church make a respectable amount of monies for its work, but bargains galore were also made. Rummage sales give an opportunity to so many people to buy some necessity at a very reduced price. And in these days that means a great deal. Then on October 2 the morning group, convener Mrs. Beth Smith, were hostesses at a Canadiana Luncheon. It began with a display of Canadiana loaned by various members for the occasion. Then there was a luncheon, at which two hundred were served. The menu was in keeping: homemade chicken pie, salads and relishes, plus gingerbread with whipped cream for dessert. Mrs. Hellen Hawke. president of the UCW, welcomed the guests and introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. Jean Smith. well known lecturer on Canadiana. She brought some interesting articles: a bride‘s quilt which was prepared for the hope chest but not quilted until the wedding day was set. samplers, a rug made of clothing rags. and a velvet backed pin cushion set on a little glass stand. She then spoke of women who had, and are still making a dif- ference to life in Thornhill: Mrs. Miller, the first settler, Holy Ann Preston, and Mrs. Elsa Neil who was a founder of Pioneer Village. Her car beyond repair in construction mishap A Richmond Hill woman, who got stuck on a regional road in her car last week, is looking for other motorists who were stranded the same night. “The Coffee Pot“ is on the stove again at the Thornhill Presbyterian church. It is Mrs. Bonnie Mihay, 165 Colbourne Avenue, would like to talk with anybody who found themselves mired in the mud of Bloomington Sideroad, September 30, between Bayview Avenue and Yonge Street. She is in the hopes of getting some redress in the matter of her damaged car. It is Mrs. Mihay’s con- tention Campbell Con- struction Company of Fort Erie, which was working on the road, was remiss in not posting signs advising motorists to stay out. She said her own car, a 1960 model. was so badly damaged as a result of the experience, that the garage where it was taken af- terwards for repairs, told her. “It’s not worth fixing". Although an older model, her car had recently passed a safety check and was in good shape, she said. On the night in question, Mrs. Mihay said she got about halfway down the road when her car got stuck in the muck and gumbo. The car was down so far on one side that her mother, who was in the passenger seat‘ had to get out the driver‘s door. SOUGHT HELP She said she telephoned her husband from a house in the area to tell him of the brought in by members of the congregation. Here church member Lorne Denby discusses an item with visitor Frances Lippay of Maple. (Photo by Susan Samila) an informal gathering open to any women in the church or community who wish to share a 'friendly cup of coffee, have a chat. get to know one another better and hear a good speaker who inspires people to think more deeply about their faith and how to apply it in the daily routine of living. “Body and Soul" have also reconvened. It is a warm and friendly group of young mothers, and is growing in numbers. If more information is Wanted phone Kenleigh Campbell at 884-8006, or Grace Gillies at 881â€"1434. I hear Holy Trinity Church was so very beautiful on September 29 for the Harvest Festival. And the church was ab- solutely full. Reverend Dr. Leslie Hunt. principal of Wycliffe College, was the preacher. It‘s the first Thursday of each and every month at the Assembly Hall, Thornhill Presbyterian, from 10-11 situation'. But he was unable to come, as he was acting as babysitter for their small children. provided She then telephoned the Provincial Police Detach- ment at Oak Ridges to see if she could get some assistance. But they told her it was out of their jurisdiction. which it was. A call to York Regional Police brought the reply they couldn‘t help either. but they later sent out a squad car, In the meantime. Mrs. Mihay called 12 different service stations. They all refused to come out because they said they would only get stuck, too. ' She had to leave the car there overnight. eventually getting a ride home from her father-in-law. It was a grim night, but she had high praise for York Constable Robert Harland of the 1ch Division. He was mud from his boots to his badge as he helped Mrs. Mihay, her mother and two other women passengers get out of the car and off the road. “He was really good about it," she said, “Just a super cop n WOULDN’T PAY The ï¬ext day, Mrs. Mihay appealed to the construction company, which had in the meantime, posted warning signs, she said. The com- pany pulled her car out with one of its graders. Baby sitting is Our Senior Tigers spent a quiet week with no scheduled games. But this week they play at King City and G. W. Williams on Tuesday and Thursday respectively. Good luck. guys! Thornhill‘s Junior Tigers destroyed Aurora‘s G. W. Williams football team Tuesday of last week, scoring 17 points to Wiliam‘s zero. Louis Sartor achieved two touchdowns, Allan Graffe scored another, and Chris Madden ran in a touchdown on a fumble. Scott Cowie received the game ball for playing excellence. The school has purchased a new photo copy machine for the library. Last week “The Way" under the direction of Mr. D. Foley and Mr. J. Kajioka decided to join up with the ISCF (Inter School Chrisitian Fellowship), 3 cross-Canada high school movement of young people who meet together for fellowship, prayer and Bible study. Student leadership is provided by Ernie Leghein, Glenda Hunt. Ted Heidman, Pat Tonks, and several others. Meetings are scheduled for every second Wednesday. The group has accepted responsibility for the opening excercises each morning at Thornhill. I.S.C.F. welcomes everyone wondering about the reality of God and Christianity. Thornhill‘s Girls Field Hockey Team lost a heartbreaker 1-0 to Thornlea last Wednesday (Oc- tober 2). Thornlea scored in the last five minutes of play on a penalty bully involving our goalie and a Thornlea player. Then on Thursday (October 3) the girls totally redeemed themselves by triumphing over Markham 4-0. Jennifer Gleave scored three of the goals. and Vicky Doig scored the other one. Congratulations, girls! TSS Tiger Tales Thornhil] Secondary School Correspondent (Telephone 889-4421) Aurora ’5 Williams footballers 17-0 Thornhi/l’s Jun/0r Tigers destroy . WE CUSTOM CUT FROM THE BALE YOU CHOOSE: PROVIDE EXPERT IN- STALLATION AND UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE THE QUALITY OF WORK- MANSHIP FOR THE LIFETIME OF THE By JUDY MCDONALD No Payments until December on our Deferred Credit Plan NO MONEY DOWN MORE PEOPLE SAY OUR PRICES ARE LOWER WE GUARANTEE |T"V THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1974 ORT does not believe in hand-outs. It believes in skills and self reliance. ORT means Rehabilitation Through Training. To keep the program rolling the Herzliah Chapter of Toronto Women‘s CRT is having a parade of fashions plus tea and home made cakes and pastries at Atwood‘s Traditional Interiors, 8134 Yonge Street. Thornhill, at 8 pm. October 23. Atwood's is the home of the world-renowned Ethan Allan collection of fine furniture. providing an attractive setting for suth an events ORT hostesses W111 9 AM. TO 10 PM. Every Week Night Saturday-9mm. to 6 p.m. Sunday-Noon to 6 pm. PRESCRIPTIONS DISPENSARY OPEN Aurora Oak Ridges YONG! AT WELLINGTON S'I' YONG! AT THE KING RD ORT parade of fashions, tea, cake 0 SHOPSY’S , 'ROSES FR OBALLOONS o C-PLUS ORANGE FROM CANADA DRY OMUSIC OFUN OSURPRISLS WFACTORY CARAVAN IS COMING Saturday be on hand to welcome guests. Admission is $3. Their message to the public is, “Remember ORT Member; Canadian Guild of Dispensing Opticians Sunday & Holiday Monday 727-31 I I . 773-5431 IOWNE I COUNTRY! SQUARE -VONGE AT SYEELES o EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS FIllED 0 CONTACT lENSES hard & soft o MODERN FRAME STYlES o CUSTOM MADE FRAMES o SAFETY GLASSES FOR WORK OR PLAY Open: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am - 9:30 pm Sat. 923,0 am - 6:00 pm COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE and stay at the beautiful MOBAY COLONY HOTEL in Monlegoj Bay (No Purchase Necessary)‘ aim frees man from charity by the skill of his hands‘ Please help us help them“ 237:.“ A Tropical Holiday for 2 You’ll Fly 29