34 Markham to study housing action "only" J “Should both regional and local municipalities not wish to assume this responsibility and should the area be designated as suitable for accelerated housing programs, the Ministry is prepared to assume com- plete responsibility for the program without any consultation with the municipalities concerned.†the report said Big stick fear At that time, Councillor Bob Adams, who is head of Markham‘s planning committee, said he was concerned about the government’s action in that respect, terming the THE DREAMER by Kathy Crawley The Dreamer is a man who walks by himself; How lonely he seems as he walks through the park. All the weird people look at him as he goes by; He looks so depressed. But the people don't realize how lucky he is, For he‘s the man called the Dreamer. Reflections October at Don Head Secondary School Canoe Trip by Linda Rogerson and Tom English September 30 Sue Struck, Bob Ospreay. Rob Hardy. John Ragan. Dave Matchett. Gary Andrew, Dave Bromley. Ralf Jochum. Tom English and I departed on our canoe trip accompanied by Mrs. Leggett and Mr. Bethune. We spent our first night at the Algonquin Park outfitters. The next day, after packing our gear and loading up our canoes. we set off to find our campsite. 'I‘wo portages later (one of which was a mile long) we arrived. Charlie Farquharson, Canadian historian and geographer (7), alias Don Herron was the guest speaker at the York Region Real Estate Board’s annual civic night October 9. The evening, held at the Aurora Highland Golf Club, was a brilliant success with 200 members and guests, including the area’s mayors, present. It was evident Charlie had done his homework on local political issues and personalities as he All day it had snowed. After We set up camp and ate our meal we retired early because it was unbearably cold. The next morning. because of the forbidding temperature, we deglded to go back to camp. We stayed there overnight. The next’day we packet! a lunch and went hiking to visit museums in the area and look at the beautiful scenery. The next morning we began to get ready to come home. We really had a wonderful experience and we were sorry it was over. The Chinese Exhibition by Marilyn Taskinen October 8. three busloads of students accompanied by six teachers departed from Don Head Secondary School to attend the Great Chinese Exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum. We saw a display of their domestic wares â€" tools and harvesting implements, eating utensils and furniture. Pottery, bronzed figures and glazed porcelain statues displayed the creativity of ancient Chinese people. A very spectacular item which we saw was a mummy encased in pure jade. This dates back to the second century BC. In the areas of crafts and carvings the Chinese exhibited much talent. The attendant said that picture taking was forbidden because the antique pottery would crack with the constant flash of the bulbs and the colours might fade. It was indeed a pleasant and interesting visit. Smokers‘ Clinic by Debbie Druery and Lorne Chamberlin During the last four weeks at Don Head we have had a visitor by the name of Mr. Corban. Mr. Corban came to our school to help us try to cut down on our smoking or to quit completely. He started by showing us a number of films which suggested what could happen to us if we smoke. Mr. Corban had talk sessions and question periods after the films. The students and teachers who really wanted to quit smoking attended extra meetings held during activity THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 - nos D011 Headlines THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1974 statement a “sad state of affairs". The government was saying, in effect that. if the ~municipalities didn‘t respond, it Would go ahead regardless. For easy reference, cut this handy calendar pin it to your kitchen bulletin board. NOVEMBER 2 â€"â€" Church Bazaar - King City United â€"â€" Elizabeth Grove â€"~ 1:30 pm. 2 â€"â€" Church Bazaar â€" St. Stephen‘s â€"â€" Maple ~ 1 pm. 4 â€" Cancer Society meeting at home of Mrs. Helen Gelleny, Kingscross Estates. 6 â€"â€" Good Morning Group Mini Auction â€" All Saint's â€" 9:30 am 8â€"Kingscross Residents Association Social Evening â€" King City Centre ll 12 13 16 18 20 20 23 23 25 27 29 29 30 CALENDAR OF KING EVENTS â€"‘W.l. Meeting at home of Mrs. George Armstrong. Good Morning Group â€" All Saint’s â€" 9:30 am - kitchenware party. Last day of Pheasant and Hungarian Partridge Hunting in this area. Council meeting at the township offices â€" 7:30 pm. Good Morning Group â€" All Saint's â€" 9:30 am. â€"â€" Guest Murray Sheardown. All Candidates Meeting â€"â€" All Saint's Auditorium ~â€" 7:45 pm. Turkey Shoot at home of Stan Roots’. Kingcraft Studio Sale â€" Kingcraft House. University Women’s Club of York County at Kingcraft House â€" 8:30 pm. Good Morning Group â€" All Saint‘s â€" 9:30 am â€" Guest Mrs. Strath Wilson. Church Bazaar â€"â€" Teston United. Melody Fair â€" 730 pm. MASK Sadie Hawkins Dance â€"- All Saint’s. Teacher's Professional Development Day â€" King Junior Campus. German School Dance â€" King City Community Centre. Fall Fair â€" All Saint‘s Anglican â€" 11 am. CWL Harvest Dance â€"â€" King City Community Centre. Kingcraft General Meeting â€" Kingcra'ft House â€" 1.15 pm CWL meeting at Marylake Retreat House. period. Out of all the students who participated in the extra sessions. . several cut down and seven totally quit. The graduation for these students who quit was held October 8. Speaking to the matter last week, Mr. Adams said the town shouldn't take people faster than it could absorb them. Trustee Mrs. Doreen Quirk and Mr. Corban awarded Ken MacLeod. John Davidson, Steve Toskan. David Stribbell, Mike Carriere. Ralph Roehe and Winnifred Kewakundo yellow pins with “I Quit Smoking" engraved on them. Congratulations, graduates! Intramural Sports by Ralf Jochum Don Head has a diversified intramural sports program. All the students and teachers are assigned to a color house â€"â€" red, blue, yellow or green. Color teams compete in various sports and the winning team‘ is given a number of points. At the end of the year the color house which has accumulated the most points is a'warded a plaque. For the last three years the yellow house has received this award. Individual points are awarded to students who participate in both intramural and interschool sports. After a student has earned fifty points he receives a junior letter; when he receives 100 points he gets a senior letter. An example of an activity recently completed is the intramural tackle footâ€" ball. “lied team won the championship and Brian Shadwell of the red team was selected the most valuable player for the league. Intramural Cross Country Our sixth annual cross country run and orienteering meet was held at Bruce‘s Mill October 10. More than 40 students participated actively in both the events and in the weiner roast that followed. The students who completed were awarded points toward their school letter as well as points for their color team. The winners were as follows: “E†Girls â€"â€" Cheryl Hardy; “J†& “S†Girlsâ€"â€" Kathy Rat- chford; “E†Boys â€" ISL-Gary Porter, 2nd.-Ray Roberts; “J†& “S†Boys â€" ISL-John Oosterhof, 2nd.- Bill Clarke. A very popular event was orienteering. The students worked in pairs using a compass and a map. The team who completed the course accurately in the shortest time was declared the winner. The winning team members were Cheryl and Rob Hardy. a sister and brother combination. Randy MacMillan and Ted Childs came in second. The day was a complete success. Head Girl Carolyn Sheridan, Head Boy Terry McGuire poked good-_natured fun at the mayors 7 __.. IIAt‘G On rQn Student Council by Carolyn Sheridan Elections for class representatives were held during the week of October 14. The following are the members of the Don Head Student Council of 1974-75 headed by Mr. B, Eveleigh and Mrs. P. Cranley; Executive: Head Girl â€"â€" Carolyn Sheridan, Head Boy â€" Terry McGuire, Secretary â€" Marian Dagenais, Treasurer â€"- Gail Tripp, “S†Reps: Kathy Harrison, Janet Hunt, Mike Ingram. Merle Jackson, Debbie Jolicoeur. “J " Reps: Cathy Aussant, Scott Graham, Darlene Gray, Patty Helferty, John Ragan, Reps: Susan Day. Sandy Grich, Greg Hamilton, Maria Op- pedisano and Patty Wolfreys. puncu suuu ......... V- __, 7 > In the above picture are (left to right) Gino Matrundola, Titanus Inc., Realtor, second viceâ€" president of the board and chairman of the evening; President Brian Magee of the Canadian Real Estate Association, of A. E. LePage; Donald Deacon MLA, York Centre; Donald Young, A. E. LePage, lst vice-president and Dickson Hilliâ€" Victoria “Charlie†of events out along the dotted lines and Square Ward 6 Councillor Ron Moran said there was a need {or lower price housing for people in the $11,000 to $14.000‘ and $14,000 to $20,000 wage brackets I Auto Body I I Appliances SERVICE DIRECTORY APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE LESLIE APPLIANCE 68 YONGE ST. S.â€"AUROBA 727-4681 727-8311 881-3827 Franchise dealer for John Inglis. General Electric. Hoo- ver Products, Black & Deck- er. Eureka. Service depot for Black & Decker. Hoover. Eureka. Repairs to all makes. tfcl7 ‘ M inter iTranamission Ltd. E 9677 YONGE STREET 1 RICHMOND HILL IXsphaltPavinfll North York Asphalt Paving Co. I Car Repairs SMALL CAR w CENTRE Collision - Refinish Wheel Alignment Wheel Balance Engine Analysis Mechanical Repairs Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists FREE ESTIMATES 889-2526 Auto Transmission TRUCK & AUTO BODY 41 MAPLE AVE. 889-5334 THORNHILL B&G Call B 8. G 884-4429 For fast, efficient service TRUCK 8: AUTO BODY DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS, Etc. Also Retops & Sealing SMALL CAR CENTRE 889-6662 LOADING & BACK- HOE SERVICE 11'623 YONGE ST» RICHMOND HILL ‘ 884-9274 Reasonable rates 884.6046 & 884-5350 Back - Hoe Service Repairs to Datsun, Toyota, British Layland & Honda products. Small Car Centre 884- tfc16 tfc16 tfc16 tfc13 tfcl'l 10265 Yonu Street Phone: 884-8651 - 389-8215 LEONARD B. ROSENBERG 8: ASSOCIATE Chartered Accounting 887-5720 - 889-27“ 84 Yonn Street S. Aurora. Onnrlo I CarpentLy CUSTOM WORK I! Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. w. - 884-1188 Brian II. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Steet North Richmond um. Ont. 884-44744 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. 684-1177 To all types of residen- tial, commercial and in- dustrial garage doors. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations 8: Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. 884-4171 A“ types, Inst efï¬cient service. Reasonable rates ‘ 883-1288 I Contractors CARPET INSTALLATIONS Chartered Accountants Commercial Cleaners Commercial or Domes- tic Cleaning. Floors, rug shampooing, windows, walls, etc. Day or night Fully insured 884-5885 Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Van Den Brink Carpentry Alf Catenaro SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION All types of carpentry work. Catpets 773-4523 Garage Doors Cleaners 773-5582 Mela tfc17 tfcl4 tfc15 Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen, St. E. Toronto 363-3959 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Home. Auto and Business 10211 Yonge Street 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. 884-8341 ALL TEMPERATURE SERVICES TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. VAN DYKE. Aborllt 889-6048 CLIMATE ENGINEERED av Insurance - Mortgages Flre, Auto end Llnbimy Motor Vehicle Finance Service Telephone 7 27-9488-9 Bear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario MAC PLUMBING AND HEATING CONSUMER’S GAS CONTRACTORS FULLY LICENSED ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS SHEET METAL AIR-CONDITIONING GAS AND OIL 20 Service Vehicles at your service 24 Hours A Day 889-0506 - 895-1351 41 MAPLE THORNHILL m Barrow Insurance Sewices Ltd. Roy V. Rick Insurance Ltd. Corner Agency Limited Air Conditioning HEATING and AIR. CONDITIONING GAS 8: OIL FURNACES AIR CLEANERS HUMIDIFIERS Insurance LIMOUSINE SERVICE Forestry Banquets, etc. 881-1040 884-7 774 SALES SERVICE INSTALLATIONS Limousine Servuce RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Weddings Funerals CHRYSLER AIFWEMP CANADA LTD, for tch Repairs to all air-cooled engines Authorized agents for Chrysler Marine pro- ducts. I Optometrists I Reid Mower, Marine 8. Sports INTERIOR-EXTERIOR THORN H ILL Marine and Sports Weddings, Fortune, Groups A. W. Kitchen, REDFERN PAINTING 8. DECORATING BOA SKI & JOHN DEERE SNOWMOBILES 884-7716 - 881-2384 tfclï¬ BUILDING 22 RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL GARNET PAINTERS Plumbing 8. Electrical DEAL SERVICES Saunders Plumbing 889-8366 SUITE # 204 PROFESSIONAL THE STUDIO THAT comes to your home 884-6872 By Appointment 889-9398 - 773-4138 Free Estimates Painters COMPLETE 881-0353 884-3962 Plumbing SERVICE 884-6941 tfc16 Cut out the middleman. Deal direct on new and old roofing. No roof too tough. All roofs guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 884-1257 WHY NOT SAVE MONEY? 16 Yonge Street North WAREHOUSE b FURNITURE SHOWROOM 321 ENFOBD BD. RICHMOND KILL 8M-9295 884-9298 889-5729 Furniture, Office Suppllel, Social Stationery Monday to Thursday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A complete Line 6! Sponing Good: 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill. 884-1213 Sales 8: Service Yearly service & parts contracts. 0 Completely winterize your pool heater 0 Spring reconnect to us- nnd Inter 0 Completely clean end Cnlibraie o Firing of units For information vii-ids Cycle and Sport: Shop I TV Service H. I. FISHER Office Supplies 884-4165 SMYTH Pool Heating JOB HUNTING? The best piece to M looklnl In where :he best jobs Ire offered . . . Liberal Clusmed! Newspaper Classified often advertisers I combinluon of unbeatable lav-nuns. by PETER SMITH York Home 1" 306 BAYVIEW A". BAYVIEW PLAZA Friday 8:30 am. to 6 pm. Closed Saturday Rooï¬ng Office Supplies Swimming rPook Sporting Goods (And Other Hutu) COLOR TV SERVICE Evgs. 241-5113 or 451-5274 881-0788 COLOR TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED tfcll Oil-ll“ tfcl'l