(Photo by the Studio That Fund raising far Bic/male hockey Residents of Richvale community had a wonderful opportunity to acquire the makings of a successful Hallowe‘en as well as of a merry Christmas at the bazaar held by the Richvale Minor Hockey Women’s Auxiliary in the Spruce Avenue Lions Hall Saturday. A scary witch and ghost presided over the table crowded with pumpkins, the raw material for numerous artistic jack-o’lanterns which will be seen Thursday night throughout the area. Left to right above are Joan Celsie, Ward 6 Coun- cillor, Candidate Gerry Field and Marlene Grodzinski. Markham Town Council last week accepted “with deep regret," the resignation of Planning Director William Power. The chief planner will be leaving December 31 to take a similar position in Victoria County, near Lindsay. Regional Councillor Bob Adams. chairman of the planning committee, said news of Mr. Power‘s resignation came as a From lire police blotter THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1974 3 Markham town planning director Power quits shock. Fantastic effort He said the planning director had done “a fanâ€" tastic job“. “I have never met anyone who was so concerned with people,“ Mr. Adams said. Councillor Ron Moran said he had the “highest admiration" for Mr. Power. who stood by his principles. even if council didn‘t always This is a h-hâ€"h-h hold-up, sâ€"s-s-s strip! Pushers start young in this part of the country. Last week, York Regional Police reported three juveniles severely beat another juvenile when he was unable to come up with $15 for a marijuana pur- chase. Police said the three youthful pushers waited ,for their buyer when he left Huron Heights High School in Newmarket at 4 pm, October 22, and proceeded to beat him up. The youth suffered a broken collar bone. Nervous bandit An attendant at a self- serve gas bar in Thornhill was robbed of $216 and made to strip in an armed robbery about 4:40 am, October 21, by a stuttering bandit. Dale Long told police a man had come into his office at Baron Petroleums, 7377 Yonge Street. as if to pay for his gas. He then drew a gun and ordered the at tendant to put all the money from the till into a Brinks money bag. The attendant was next told to remove his clothes, rip out the telephone line and lie down on the floor. He was then told that, if he left within five minutes, the bandit’s friend, who was allegedly waiting outside, would blow his head off with a shotgun. After Long felt it was safe to move, he ran to his house next door, and telephoned police. The robber was described as six feet, two inches, 200 pounds, 35 to 40, light brown hair. clean shaven, and spoke with a nervous stutter. Arrest Hill man Two young men, one from Richmond Hill and one from Thornhill, have been arrested in connection with a late-evening rampage at Harvey‘s Drive-In Restaurant, 9174 Yonge Street in Richmond Hill, October 23. Police said a man came in and ordered some food and left after getting his order. However. he came back in shortly afterward and said he didn't receive it. He went out again and came back with four companions. Police said one of the men jumped over the counter and started serving food to his friends, while another took $200 from the till. They then fled. Arrested and facing charges of robbery and creating public mischief are Albert Allan, 20 of Birch Avenue, and Michael Langfield, 20, of Scott Drive in Thornhill. Drowning William Snow, 41, of Whitchurchâ€"Stouffville, was believed to have been the victim of a drowning, after his body was found along the north shore of Georgina Township, October 27. Police said Snow left his cottage at Eight-Mile Point, RR 1, Orillia, in a canoe at 4:30 pm, October 25. When he failed to return a search was conducted. The deceased’s canoe was found overturned a mile from the shore. ‘Largest apartment deveIOpment project ever proposed for Richmond Hill (Continuedfrom Pagei) capacity for 45 children. from the condominium recreational facilities will unit for each suite for visitors. Included in the plans is a two-level recreation building to be built in the first phase. It will contain a day care centre with a This will probably be let to a private agency to operate, according to a spokesman for Cadillac. Children‘s space This will be more than ample space for children development and the rental apartments planned for the southern site, with the ex- cess spaces being made available to other families in the community. However, the other serve only those people in the condominium complex, he said. Included will be an outdoor playground, an outdoor pool and sun deck, meeting, craft and changerooms. Hallowe’en pranks I remember kids had a lot of fun making their (Continued from Page 1) members found they had been barricaded into the chambers. Mayor's Story Vaughan Mayor Garnet Williams‘ favorite story is about a trick that backfired. When he was a boy attending a one-room schoolhouse west of Woodbridge, there was a man and his son who hauled gravel with a horse and wagon. Each evening they would leave one loaded wagon in the schoolyard to be picked‘up in the morning. But one Hallowe’en the 12 biggest boys in the school returned to push, grunt and groan until they turned the wagon so its tongue was left sticking through the fence. When the owner returned in the morning, he appeared to have two options: take the fence down or try to have his horses drive the wagon straight through. Instead, he consulted with the teacher and she volunteered 12 strong boys to push the wagon backwards. Guess which 12 boys. Roman Story Markham Mayor Tony Roman said Port Perry was a pretty dead spot when he was a boy. The mothers made good candy and cookies for Hallowe‘en and the rounds. goal posts. School. rope. But straining to recall some of the high jinks of the older boys he remembered one particular two- seater outhouse. When it went over one October 31, the loud yells of the owner could be heard from inside. Lazenby Story In Belleville, Ontario, where Richmond Hill Lazenby grew up, Hallowe‘en was an evening to advance the rivalry betâ€" ween the public high school and the private school. Almost every year the boys from Belleville Collegiate would pay a visit to Albert College to knock over the Cow Bell Ringer Harry Sayers, an employee at the Richmond Hill town offices, said the volunteer fire department in town was at one time called by a bell on the top of the ML. McConaghy Public Hallowe'en nights they became accustomed to maing several fast trips to the fire ball but one year they were surprised to find it was not a young scallawag on the end of the A cow had been led to the school to serve as a persistent bell-ringer. Also planned is a seven to 10-foot berm along the Yonge Street frontage to create a buffer between the residential area and the heavy highway traffic. Road access Two apartment buildings are planned for the area on the south side of BAIF Boulevard. BAIF has provided an access from Hillcrest Mall to BAIF Boulevard and a church site to the west of this property. Mayor William (Continued from Page 1) various positions, the last 18 years as graphic arts emanager of photographic and printing departments, with a staff of nearly 40 employees. At present he is teaching two days a week at Ontario Hydro’s Training Centre at Orangeville. Mn Wainwright is married and has three children â€" Donna, RN, who is married and living in Richmond Hill; Dean, a professional ski director who lives in Quebec; and Guy who graduated this year in law and is at present articling in Cochrane. Mr. Wainwright is prepared to devote full time to the work of a regional councillor, if elected, “to ensure that Richmond Hill is HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALS ‘ BIIILIII 3 BEFORE WHY PAY SALESMEN BIG COMMISSIONS I PROMISE PERSONAL SERVICE I INSPECT THE JOB. DEAL WITH OWNER. B.F. BUILDING PRODUTS III} I ' I "iitiif i , . ', i - I . m .in ‘. 'i There will be 286 units in the two rental buildings containing a mix of bachelor, one, two and three bedroom suites in a good market ratio, the Cadillac representative said. The nearest building to Yonge Street will be nine storeys high, plus the ground floor. The more westerly building will be 10 storeys plus the ground floor. Tenant parking will be underground with a quarter space for each suite for visitors provided above ground. Recreation facilities will include an outdoor swimming pool, with sun deck and cabanas containing change rooms and showers. Wainwright represented full time and effectively at the regional level". “I believe we have to accept a reasonable growth rate," he stated, “which will bring us up to the projected figure of 105,000 by the year 2,000. I am not opposed to mobile homes ‘per se’, as I believe they may be one answer to providing low cost housing for the segments of our population who other- wise would never be able to own a home of their own. But I feel they should be studied as a component part of the housing stock and not in isolation and should conform to the overall Official Plan of the region. They should not be segregated from other urban development.†BUDGET TERMS I AVAILABLE 1,000 square feet Completely Installed 20 YEAR GUARANTEE CALL NOW AND SAVE UP TO ‘400" Fuel costs are rising ...Save money this winter Insulate your home NOWI CALL COLLECT ANYTIME 884-01 Yonge setback The lower building will be , set back from Yonge Street about 7080 feet and the higher one will be back more than 400 feet. There will be playground facilities and a sauna in each building. An interdenominational group is interested in the- church site. It is hoped to start construction of both condominium and rental units next year. 2 pieces of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken French Fries Grecian Bread Creamy Cole Slaw V Wild brawl Police have arrested four men in connection with a large~scale donnybrook at Jane and 7 Country Club, 7477 Jane Street, October 26, about 1:20 am. Police said between 50 to 70 people participated in the ruckus, which saw police send for reinforcements. Facing possible charges of obstructing police, causing a disturbance, assault with intent and attempting to prevent arrest are Eric Evans, 20; Adrien Giardini, 21; and Michael McDaib, 21, all of Down- sview; and Karl Ellison, 22, of Willowdale. Phoney 850 A phoney $50 turned up in a deposit at Guaranteed Trust, 10132 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, October 22. Serial number is BH 5201953. Other happenings The Town of Vaughan BRADFORD - Simcoe Street and Holland Street West were closed for several hours recently to enable a 35-ton building to be moved to a new site. The former town garage located on Back Street was moved to Melbourne Crescent, to make a complete service centre for the town works department and the PUC vehicles and equpment. It is 44 feet wide and 60 feet long. reported the theft of six headstones from the town cemetery on Rutherford Road, one mile west of Highway 27. At Bayview Golf and Country Club, Thornhill, four Harley Davidson golf carts, one of which later turned up on the railway tracks in Markham. were stolen. Fred Hume, 18th Avenue, Markham, reported the theft of a color TV set and a quantity of meat from the freezer in his home, even though the TV was chained to the floor. The meat pm.) NEXT WEDNESDAY LIVE AT 3 pm. ON CABLE IO Richmond Hill Moyorolty Candidates WILLIAM LAZENBY and DAVID SCHILLER Are Invited to Meet with Local Ratepayers (The taped replay of this program will be‘ aired next Sat. and Sun. Local Politics IS Your Business! agree with him. Enjoyed work In his letter of resignati \n Mr. Power, who joined the town in May of 1971. said he enjoyed working in Markham and hoped that "in some way“ he had contributed to it. He was not available for further comment. Two other Markham planners left recently. The town's ex- ploding rate of growth has put tremendous pressure on the department. The previous planning director Kunio Hidaka left the town amid a flurry of con- troversy. from 10_ am. - 5 COUNCILLOR WARD 6 i i" 'JIJL‘L’.‘ Colonel Sanders and his bOyS make it "finger lickin' good" ï¬tottis chicken Viflfla. I87 Yonge Street Richmond Hill I30 Yonge Street Aurora