The Kingsmen of King C their annual two-evening en Speeding ears and trucks on Kipling Avenue in Woodbridge and the resultant hazards to school children have residents up in arms. They want the speed limit reduced from 30 to 25 miles an hour. Members of Vaughan Town Council considered a petition from the residents Monday of last week which noted the problem “is especially bad at and near Kipling and Woodbridge Avenues. “The noise and dust resulting from these vehicles often reaches in- tolerable levels, preventing the normal use and en- joyment of our home both indoors and outside." Vaughan traffic angers parents joyment of our hom( indoors and outside.†The petition goes complain that “the Jean Briggs. I18 Highland Park Boulevard, Thornhill. tries on a knitted hat from the display of handcrafts which will be on sale at 3 Dessert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taylor James are pictured above following their wedding August 24 in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Owen Sound‘ The bride is the former Marlene Joyce Reid. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reid of Owen ound and the late Mrs. Reid. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James of Maple. The couple are now living in London. Ontario. Map/e marriage n of King City United Church are preparing for evening entertainment to be held Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Brian James volume of traffic and the speed at which it travels presents a safety hazard to children travelling Kipling on their way to and from the pul’)lic school. Safety impossible “We wish to emphasize that no matter what area of the village the children may liveï¬'n, virtually all of them must travel and cross Kipling Avenue at some point to reach the school. At the corner of Kipling and Woodbridge it is often im- possible for the crossing guard to watch the children safely across while trying to keep track of traffic con- verging on that corner." The residents say that because of the increased amount of .speeding traffic the avenue has been rapidly The I because amount the aver How do you think it looks? Kingsmen preparing for annual show It Lllllul CH 16 trying to raffic con- torner.†say that increased ling traffic een rapidly losing all quality of residential street. “Considering that 99 percent of the properties (over 100 homes) are residential this seems most unfair. REPLACES MOST TWO HEADLIGHT SYSTEMS ONLY Strict enforcement “In the interest of safety for the children and im- provement of our en- vironment, we respectfully request council to impose a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on Kipling and have it strictly enforced," they said. Card Party and Boutique November sored by the York (‘entral Hospital Au will be held in the Thornhill L'nited ( Dudley Avenue beginning at 7:30 pm Council ordered its towg REPLACEMENT KIT FOR Please send me_ Set(s)uf above Ii htsLhaqup nr MnneEUrder for I ‘325‘ea.PSTand Postage includedm er valid tuNuv.3D,1 74 Name _ Address The Mailing “Euse' LIGHTS ARE MANUFACTURED BY WELL KNOWN EUROPEAN COMP. “IMPROVED VISIBILITY-SAFER DRIVING “IDEAL FQB EQQ-__S_I_II_DW AND DRIVING IN RAIN a-‘A un nnrnIAI Tnnl O Viï¬E'T‘RL'E’E'ï¬ 'Iï¬"MI'riUfés'1'Nb §i5EgA_L TOOLS Saturday of next week. Above a group of cameraman hard at work rehearsing for director is Gary Hubbard. and Boutique November 13. Spon- York (‘entral Hospital Auxiliary. it in the Thornhill United Church on engineering department to prepare a report con- sidering the request. As well, the staff is to in- vestigate the possibility of establishing a crosswalk in the area of Rainbow Drive or Ellerby Square, traffic lights at Woodbridge Avenue and the removal of existing parking allowed on both sides of the road. WX- ~r-evq'iieét will also be made to the York Regional Police Department to in- creaser ifs surveillance regarding speeding traffic. Above a group of them were caught by the rk rehearsing for the big event. Producer- PO BOX 1037 SIATIOhi'B' m 3w3 MISSISSAucAnm ATaCd Council blesses sale of poppies Branch 375 ' I-Royal Canadian Legion received the blessing of Richmond Hill Town Council to sell poppies in the town this weekend â€" Thursday. Friday and Saturday. (Photo by Elben) Receipts from the sale of poppies each year are used to help veterans and their dependents who are in need of assistance. Be generous and wear a poppy in memory of those gallant men and women who gave their lives that we might live. ; m7] AnILLAc III I came I WHILE THEY LAST Reg. $44.9 GREGG VANITIES KEELE STREET, MAPLE Your TUB ENCLOSURE DOORS mm$29.95 SPECIAL Garbage dumping fee hike sought Vaughan Councillor Jim Cameron was discouraged from pressing for a higher garbage dumping fee that would encourage more recycling when he proposed the idea to fellow councillors Monday; Refund bus seat tax choice Caméron argued an in- crease from $4 to $5 per ton A cheque for $2,198.45. in refund of the provincial bus seat tax from January 1, 1971 to June 30, 1972, with interest at 5 percent per annum to October 4, has been received by the Town of Richmond Hill from the Toronto Transit Com- mission. Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham own the franchise. for the Toronto-Richmond Hill Yonge Street bus service. which is operated for them by the TTC. The TTC deducted the seat tax adding it to the deficit for the bus service for that six month period before the provincial government's Order-in- Council. passed in 1972, granted exemption. In its accompanying letter the TTC said it had only now obtained a copy of the Order-in-Council. Richmond Hill received 61.28 percent of the refund and interest, Markham 27.95 percent ($1,002.71) and Vaughan 10.77 percent ($386.38). VANITY VANITY VANITY . . (Inciudes COUI Taps and sink (Includes (Includes Counter MEDICINE CABINET color iounter tounter Pre-linished‘ single door wuh mirror ton are extra Top) Top) $59.95 Top) $49.95 $54.95 .95 for the right to dump in municipal dumps might encourage industries to cut down on their garbage. But Regional Councillor Jack Gilbert said. firms which collect household garbage would increase their fees Residents would not turn to recycling but would ring councillors‘ phones off the wall, he said. Town profit He proposed a special paper pickup which could produce a reasonable profit for the municipality. Town Engineer Richard Kraft said it would be too cumbersome to charge a different fee to industries and households. He also questioned the value of individual efforts to recycle things like glass when companies such as Pilkington Brothers, Thornhill, dump three tons of broken glass every day. V“This i; a proiinciél thing," said Gilbert. "We can‘t do it from this end._“ Dumping fees produée $164387 annually for the municipality, council learned Monday. ganaanamaas B L3 HE] â€"-PHOTOORAPHYâ€" iggaaazazaaaaaa l0152A Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL 884-6741 (North 0! PUBLICITY PORTRAITS $15.95 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1974 Interior Flat lATEX PAINT lATEX $ .956 PAINT INTERIOR and EXTERIOR fol' BULLETIN BOARD 3/8]! Large Varievy 06 Patterns 1x4' ONLY 3/8â€x 24HX KITCHENA 1015 FALL PAINT-UP SALE In 5.6'Colors d~5-6-1-8 Lengths Mame Sideroad on Keele street) Also Custom Made in any Size $5.00 N ARBORITE HANDY PITTSBURGH POST FORME D VINYL FRAMED PANELS 16†x 24†E53925 Top Line E1 B B EEEZHEEEI B B $3.50 WE’RE OVERSTOCKED - VANS ° WINDOW VANS 'MAXI VANS $1.49 W200 POWER WAGONS ° PICK UPS CAB &CHASSIS ° RAM CHARGERS Medium and Heavy Duty OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Over 30 Brand New Units in Stock No Reasonable Offer Refused SEE THEM TO-DAY $7.92 884-8118 RICHMOND HILL CHRYSLER DODGE LTD. 1975 TRUCKS $2.95 $4.95 10731 Yonge St. (at Elgin Mills) Richmond Hill Phone 8894973 Gal Gal 3' CEILING ; TILES Model OTHER PATTERNS . IN STOCK 12“ x 12" Tiles Johns-Manville Satin-White tiles in cartons of 64 sq. ft. Terrific Values Model 1714 STORE HOURS 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Fri. 8:30 a.m.1o 9p.m Sa1.8:30a.m.f05p.m. \ JIG ' SAW $19.95 889-1915