"The golf course’s future is doubtful. The rural areas According to Mrs. Graham, “Unless we modify the present trend, Ward 4 faces brutal changes. Already the town is committed to the BAIF subdivision of 30,000 people on our southern border. Our eastern section, including the historic core, is threatened by high rise commercial and residential buildings along the Yonge Street corridor. Community service Mrs. Graham, a mother of two children, has been an active executive member of the Citizens’ Advisory Group, and in attendance at council meetings. A graduate of the University of Toronto and Teachers College, she served in the past as president of the Curtain Club and the Youth Aid Centre. “Most of us stayed or came to Richmond Hill to live in a small town. And look what is happening. In the pressure for - massive growth we've seen almost total disregard for the implications â€" financial, social and environmental â€" of that growth.†“Some members of the present council seem to feel growth precludes the possibility of retaining the present characteristics of our town and our way of life. I think both are possible but only if there is genuine respect on council for the needs and wishes of citizens already living in Richmond Hill." While conceding growth in the Richmond Hill area is inevitable, Mrs. Graham deplored the quality and character of development that is now being approved. An 18 year resident of Richmond Hill announced her intention this week to stand for the post of coun- cillor in Ward 4 in the for- thcoming municipal elec- tion. Marylo Graham of 53 Vaughan Road expressed concern about coming changes being imposed on Ward 4 by growth pressures affecting all of Richmond Hill. Marylo Graham runs in Ward 4 of the Wednesday night pack), and then follows (not necessarily in this order) active involvement in the South Richmond Hill Task Force. and the Richmond Hill Citizens’ Advisory Group. In connection with the latter he chaired the Mike has always taken an active part in community affairs, both as a student in local schools and as an adult. He tops his list of interests with the lst Langstaff Cubs and Scouts (he is assistant cubmaster NOMINATIONS MAY BE FILED at the office of the Town Clerk at the address given below for the following Municipal Offices: MAYOR (One to be elected) REGIONAL COUNCILLORS (Two to be elected) WARD COUNCILLORS (Six to be elected) YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION â€" PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS (Five to be elected) YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION â€" SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS (One to be elected) YORK COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD (Three to be elected) Nominations will be accepted during normal office hours (8:30 am. to 4:30 pm.) Thursday, November Tth. Friday November 8th and Tuesday, November 12[h.197~ll8230 a_m in s-nn n m I Thirty-two~year-old Mike Burnie, who grew up in the old Town of Richmond Hill and has lived in the Ward 6 area on Carrville Road for the past decade, has an- nounced he will seek elec- tion to the Ward 6 seat on Richmond Hill Council December 2. Mike Bumie running in Richvale - Langstaff - Hillcrest 16 â€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Wednesday, Nov. 6. 1974 Mike Burnie Ward 6 candidate MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS TOWN OF MARKHAM November 8th and Tuesdail, Novembé} 30 am. to 5:00 pm.) A native of Belleville, Mrs. Graham is married to John Graham of Classic Communications Limited. Her daughter. Jennifer, 18, is attending Queen’s University, and her son, Jamie 15, is a student at Richmond Hill High School. For three years she was an executive member of the York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded. “When we know what our town's identity and image is, we must plan carefully, both in philosophy and detail, and stand firmly to that plan. We need to insist on creativity and excellence in what is’ new, servation of what the old." are now open to applications for mobile home parks of 500 units, or other residential subdivisions. Present plans for Ward 4 roads would create busy “arterial†or "collector" roads out of relatively quiet residential streets. Such plans mean the widening of existing roads and the loss of many mature trees," said Mrs. Graham. Change by choice “Certainly. there will be growth and changes. But we have to make sure they’re the right kind for Ward 4 and the town. We need to find out what the taxpayers here want â€" and if this election is fought on the issues we may find out! Sufficient day care provisions to meet the need is also a big concern. “I know this is a regional matter, but I believe that at the local level we can put some pressure on the region to go for individual certified house type centres, certified of course, which could substantially reduce the cost of facilities,†he said. “I intend to be a voice for the citizens’ viewpoint that a growth rate of 4 percent, which will bring Richmond Burnie is employed as an architectural hardware consultant by' Rutherford Marketing Services, a sales and marketing agency, and told “The Liberal" he will be able to arrange sufficient time to attend to municipal business. if elected. His reasons He decided to enter the political field to ensure there would be a candidate in Ward 6 who lives in that ward and has a personal knowledge of the problems of the area and will have a personal interest in seeing them solved. Mike has been ' keenly interested in the South Yonge Corridor study, saying “I have lived with it", and in the continuation of the BAIF development. steering committee which was instrumental in bringing to this municipality the most interesting and educational Ontario Conâ€" ference on Local Govem- ment series of lectures which has just finished. NJ. PICKARD. Returning Officer Town of Markham. 89“ Don Mills Road. Markham. Ontario. Marylo Graham Ward 4 candidate and con- is good in ASSORTED KITCHEN TOOLS‘ MINIATURE PICTURES WITH FRAMES Choice of 24 pictures PIXIE PAINTS 24 colours. GREY V BOOT TRAY ' mm BATH TWEl LETTER OPENER W/NML CLIPPER “When the sewers come, they will be a two-edged sword. They will solve some problems but they will creat others. Emphasis must be placed on good planning, both physical and monetary. to ensure they do not bring a growth rate which this municipality will not be able to absorb with as little as Hill's population up to the maximum 105,000 by the year 2000, should not be exceeded,†he continued. 100% Cotton terry balh towel in assorted designs and colours. Approx. 20†x AO". ON SALE NOVEMBER 6th T0 9th â€" WHILE QUANTITIES lAST Future growth zmssc msac BINGO MARKERS 300 chips per container. STRAW BREAD BASKETS Simulated leather 20" x 16". DESK PADS SANDGLASS PHONE TIMER WHISK BROOM CAKE V / DECORATOH SET The new availability of services can also open a pandora‘s box of severances, as people try to create new building lots out of existing lots. We have to be on our guard in this respect, because these lots could alter the whole pic- ture. These problems can be controlled by good plan- ningâ€. possible hardship on those who already live here. BAIFcentre Mike also expressed “sac Ea ETS 88c Ea Ea Ea Ea 100% Coiton briefs in as sorted colour prinls‘ Sizes 2-6x. ' GlBlS' THERMAL BRIEFS SELF HOLDING ROLLERS ï¬x», SLACK HACK Ea EVERYDAY GIFT WRAPPING PAPER 36% sq ft K marl SPRAY STARCH 20 oz. SIZe SLIP-JOINT PLIERS JAR WRENCH “It has been my belief for some time some councillors tend to get caught up in a sense of their own im- portance and forget who put them there,†he com- mented. “I promise that won’t happen with me as I firmly believe it takes a good, constructive citizens‘ group to keep councillors on concern the BAIF Com- munity Centre will proceed as planned. “It is really needed and will be a tremendous boon to Ward Gives Satisfaction Always! \‘3’43 //7 2m \K’O Ea 2""882 pkg 3 PCE SCREWDRWER SET Approx. 17‘Iz†x 32 MULTLCOLUUHED WOVEN HUG WOODEN V c CLOTHES PEGS 20kg88 36 pegs per pkg WOODEN NUGGET SHOE POLISH Black or Dk Brow? SINGLE CUP EGG POACHER MAHOGANY 800K ENDS “Ward 6 had the biggest population when it was set up four years ago, and the greatest part of our growth has occurred there. Since it takes two years to get a change through, now’s the time to start so the people in South Richmond Hill have proper representation on Mike also thinks it is time to get the wheels rolling for a division of Ward 6 into two wards. their toes and I intend to support such groups.†mac Ea Canrldge load 12 expos- c ures SATISFACTION tor GUARANTEED ‘ A Ea FBCAL 126-12 COLOUR PRINT FILM set ASSORTED ALBUMS Address, photo maps: etc SUIT HANGERS 3 hangers per set EASTER W/EJECTOR NEEDLE 5 POE WOODEN SPOON SET 1 0T STAINLESS STEEL SAUCE PAN 2 PCE BASKET SET council by the time election time comes around again.†zmssc 88C 3 set 88C 3 SB! a set 5 PCE PLASTIC KITCHEN TOOL SET 4 PCE OPEN END WRENCH SET ALUMINUM FRYPAN STEAKV KNIFE SET CANDY THERMDMETEH SPOUT PAIL INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th/74 lIONS HALL 106 CENTRE ST. RICHMOND HILL 8.30 P.M. to l A.M. John Cressy 884-5005 or Barry King 884-5266 PROCEEDS T0 MENTALLY RETARDED For Information John CreSSV 884-5 Refreshments â€"â€" Music by The Driftwoods ADMISSION PER PERSON $3.00 Available in assorted solid colours. Fits 10-13. ' FALL Ea COURT asetoM a set 13M TWIN-PACK SPONGE MOP REFILLS ROAST MEAT THERMOMETEH BRONZE ASHTHAYS SPOON REST TRIVET ROUND DISH PAN COOKIE CUTTERS DANCE SIMCOE asetot3 3 PM