Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Nov 1974, p. 27

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The film. seen by over three million persons in theatre premieres, has been cited by one critic as “the perfect mixture» it's drama at its boldest. comedy at its lightest, and action at its Ask Newkirk rezoning :for vehicle compound PeOpIe problems film at Baptist church Sunday The full-length comedy- drama was filmed in Eastmanc‘olor by World Wide Pictures on location in Denver and the Colorado Rockies. It tells the story of Pete Harper, a family man and service station owner confronted with unexpected problems, but he finds strenth to rise above them. to face life anewi “For Pete‘s Sake!". a film credited as “unique in its capacity to reach out to meet the problems of people". will be shown at 7 pm Sunday at Richmond Hill Baptist Church, 50 Wright Street. and ad- mission is free. Bodrug said it is intended to erect a 10-foot~high Chain link fence to make an en- closure of about 100 feet by 200 feet. The surface will be gravelled to allow quick and safe drainage from-wrecked vehicles. The compound would be flood-lighted at night to cut down on pilfering. The application was presented by R. K. Bodrug as an agent of Morgan Davis. It is to permit York Regional Towing to establish a car compound on the property at the rear of Davis‘ printing plant on Newkirk Road. A rezoning to permit open storage in an industrial zone where it is not permitted at present was received by Richmond Hill Council‘s Planning Committee Wednesday of last week. Special services were held October 27 to celebrate the 104th anniversary of Maple United Church, located on Keele Street South. Two services were held (in the morning and in the evening) with Rev. Cerwyn Davies of londale Heights United as the guest speaker at both. At the evening service the choir from londale Heights sang and presented a musical concert during the fellowship hour which followed. ln the picture above are (left to right) Rev. Stan Snowden. minister of Maple United. Mrs. Snowden, Rev. Davies and Clerk of Session Morley Kmnee. Richmond Hill Free Methodist's Outreach Quartet placed among the top 10 in the gospel groups’ competition in Nashville, Tennessee. a part of the Essential service York Regional Towing Gospel Quartet Musicale Map/e United 7 04th year Other featured players include Johnny Jensen as Pete‘s son, Irene Tedrow as Grandma Harper, Nicolas Surovy as the leader of a motorcycle gang. liveliest. It is a family film . . . families can see and feel exactly what is needed to develop deeper un- derstanding and build stronger ties." Star of “For Pete’s Sake” is Robert Sampson, who also starred in World Wide’s “The Restless Ones". Pippa Pete‘s wife, is well- known for her broadway appearances and numerous television roles. John Milford and Sam Groom are also familiar to television audiences. All families of the com- munity are invited to attend this special showing at Richmond Hill Baptist Chur’ch. At present York Regional Towing is located on the northwest corner of Yonge Street and Elgin~ Mills Sideroad. Members of the committee agreed that, in that location, it is an eyesore. The municipality would be most pleased to see He also said Classicomm, the property to the south, has fenced off the backyard to protect trucks from vandals. “Our enclosure will have much the same appearance." Bodrug said. provides an essential ser: vice to York Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police, Bodrug explained. The service is impounding vehicles of impaired drivers. unsafe vehicles. vehicles involved in crimes or accidents. stolen, or abandoned vehicles. The irregular hours worked by the employees, he felt. would also be a deterrent to vandalism in the area. national quartet convention, early in October. . The quartet will be appearing in concert at the church, 212 Hillsview Drive, Richmond Hill, at 7 pm Friday of next week. Rev. Donald Whitelaw of Langstaff Baptist Church. of which Mr. McLean was a member. officiated at the funeral service at the Marshall Funeral Home. October 28. Interment followed in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Cemetery. Three grandsons and a grandsonâ€"imlaw served as pallbearers â€" James Caines, Elwood Caines. Stephen McLean and Rick Brushetti The other pallbearers were Barry Rollinson and Orville Knights. A lifetime resident of Richmond Hill, Murray McLean, 453 Balkan Road, died in York Central Hospital after a lengthy illness October 25. He was born in Richmond Hill November 29. 1886, and as an active farmer had seen the municipality grow from a small country village to a large town of approximately 35,000 population. He was the son of Archie McLean and Euphemia Gamble and was the last member of their family to survive. He is survived by one son Elwood and a daughter Verna (Mrs. Howard Caines). When Planning Director Hesse Rimon suggested the rezoning should terminate automatically at the end of the lease. Bodrug indicated this would be quite satisfactory to owner Davis and to him. Murray McLean lifelong resident buried October 28 Shielded lighting Councillor Andy Chateauvert and Regional Councillor Lois Hancey expressed concern any floodlighting be shielded to provide protection for the David Dunlap Observatory. it relocated Pictured above (left to right) standing, are Paul Martin. Neil Nelles and Carlos Figueiredo. Front left is John Hisey. and at right is their accompanist, John Galbraith. WE would like to express our thanks to the many triends who called, sent cards and lover lloral tributes. and also gave donations to the Gideons and the Cancer tund. A special thank you also to Dr. Kirby and the stall 06 York Central Hospital who gave such good care throughout our fathers illness; also to the Rev. D‘ whitelaw and the Marshall Funeral Home at the time of his passing. Family at the late Murray McLean. TRIBE, Violet May. Friday, November beloved wife 0! me L Tribe; dear mother ( of Norwood and Rev beloved wile ol the late William John Tribe; dear mother at Mrs. Irene Nix of Norwood and Rev‘ Arthur J. Tribe ol Toronto; also survived by 4 grand- children and 4 great-grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Monday 11:30 am. Interment Richmond Hill Cemeteryt Emnmaammmfi I WISH to thank Dr. Ara and all the nursing s Cemral Hospi'al and a and neighbours {or the they sent me during my thanks Mrs. D. A. Davi THOMPSON, Marion Ann, On Sunday, November 3, 197a, at York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. Beloved wile ol Vaughan Thompson, Dear mother at Paul and Susan. Dear daughter at Agnes and the latePauI Skuten ot Flin Flon, Funeral Mass was at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, November 5, 1974. at St. Mary Immaculate Church, Rich- mond Hill. cremation. ll desired memorial contributions may be made to the Canadian cancer Society. STIEB, John. Suddenly at Sunnybrook Hospital on Monday, October 28, 1974. John Stieb. beloved husband at Elilabeth Spear, dear brother at Margartha (Mrs, Kerekesch), Kathi (Mrs. Schlarb), Leni (Mrs. Schostarez). Rested at the BE. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St. (at No. 7 va.) Thornhill. Service was held on Thursday at ".00 a.m. Interment Thornhill Cemetery. SKAGEN, Clarence Melvin. At Saull Ste. Marie, Onlario, October 26, 1974, dear brother of Lillian Dalley, of Rich- mond Hill, loved uncle ol Lois, George and Ron. ROSS, Helen Nora Letitia (Letty). In hospital on Sunday, November 3, I974. Letty Stokes, beloved wile at James Ross at Richmond Hill; dear sister at Eileen (Mrs‘ J. D. Williamson) Toronto and Miss Elizabeth Stokes at England; dear aunt at Robert Williamson 01 England. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Service was held in the Chapel Tuesday, 3 p.rn‘ Cremation. (As a remembrance, a donation may be made to The Canadian Cancer Society.) PATTERSON, Walter Ilord. At York Central Hospila Friday. November 1, 197‘, Walter, dear brother ol Mrs. Isabel Gervais and the late Mrs. Marie Rodgers. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Service was held Monday. L30 p.m. Interment Stroud Cemetery. ‘1 ammmmamm g 5'")- A g “The third is to finance and encourage, directly and indirectly, construction of water, sewage and tran- sportation facilities to serve scores of communities and hamlets within 60 miles of Toronto which are located on poor agricultural lands. MccORRY. Doreen â€" M Briar Bush Hospital, Sloullville, on Tuesday. October 29, I974, Doreen Decaire, beloved wile of Donald McCorry, and loving molher ol Paul and Elaine. Dear daughler ol Mrs. DeCaire and me late Harry DeCaire â€"- Richmond Hill, loving sisler ol Leon, Richmond Hill. Funeral Mass was held at Our Lady of Grace Church, Aurora, on Thursday, Oclober 31. al 10:00 am. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. EMMERSON, Loretta. Suddenly on Fridaw November I, 1974. Beloved wile at Robert Emmerson at King City; dear mother at Cheryl, Susan and Michael; daughter at Mrs. Ella Cake and sister at Morris, Betty and Joyce. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge Street, Richmond Hilli Service was held Monday, 3 p.m. Cremation. “The second is to sub- stantially increase the capacity of existing treatment plants in York and to equip the latter with modern additional facilities which will utilize the nutrients which now pollute our receiving streams. “The prime need is for major transportation and other service improvement projects combined with a program to locate govern- ment Ministries away from the Golden Horseshoe. He expressed concern for the destruction of thousands of acres of our richest soil caused by the big pipe which will take out of production future sources of food. This alone will cost us much more than $200 million. His answers His solution to the housing crisis in this part of Ontario is threefold: Ontario Deputy Liberal Leader Donald Deacon MLA, York Centre has attacked the Davis' government's decision to proceed with the $200 million York Durham water and sewer scheme an- nounced two weeks ago. He does not question the need for improved water and sewer services in this area but considers the big collector trunk sewer is an engineers‘ and contractors' dream and a taxpayers’ nightmare. Don Deacon T f says Deaths Raps big pipe line ai and Dr 5’3" 0! all my h MLA, YORK CENTRE rr. Saba I York friends v cards . Many Simcoe police next arrested a third man, David Churpita, and charged him with possession of coun- terfeit money. Arrested inside the bank was Allan Thomson, 19, of Simcoe. A second man escaped, but police later arrested Gary Hughes, 18, at his home in Simcoe, and also seized nine of the bills. When two men attempted to change another $100 bill at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Aurora, the teller became suspicious and telephoned police. York Regional Police last week seized nine counterfeit $100 bills and arrested three men after two of the phoney bills were passed at Atlas Camera in Richmond Hill, and Aurora Hobby Craft. 3 arrested in phony money case STETIC â€" 0n Oclober 29, 1974, at McMasler University Hospital. Hamilton, John Dugald ioined the lamilv ol Nenad and Janet Slelic, Milton, Onlario. John and Milka Slelic, Hamilton. Ontario and Bob and Helen Jackson, Guelph, Ontario, are happy grandparenls. 50 Wright Street Richmond Hill. Ontario PHONE 883-1834, 884-3091 REID, Ron and Brenda (nee Coirini) are happy to announce the birth of their first child. a baby girl. Carv Dawn, 7 lbs., ll": 015., on Tuesday. October 29,1974, at 8:29 p.m.. at York Central Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. Dawson and the Maternity stall at the Hospital.‘ Richmond Hill Baptist Church More than 2,000 people live in the area covered by the development board and it is Deacon's contention they should have the right to elect the officials who ad- minister the affairs of their municipality. “Although the first stage is merely a $17 million shredding and sorting program in seven com- munities, that will sub- stantially reduce ob- jectionable features of garbage â€" smell, rodents and bulk. The long range plan is to assume respon- sibility across the province for garbage and to un- dertake a construction program over several years of up to $400 million in plants to utilize waste through reclamation and con- version. This should finally see an end to the Ministry of the Environment‘s past obsession with garbage dumps," Deacon said. Board election He has also introduced a private member's bill in the Legislature to provide for the free election of members of the Moosonee Develop- ment Area Board. At present these members are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, which is actually the Ontario Cabinet. Sunday Evening 7 pm. Only 887-546} 7‘1‘ Births [Incl-v 9"" "MI. W mun-«muqu all" 10.00 AM. â€" Bible School Classes for all ages. 11.00 A.M‘ â€" Morning Service 7.00 P.M. â€" Evening Service Prayer Meeiing Wednesday 8 p.m. An Old Fashioned Country Church on The Edge of the ci'y PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD ANDTHE BLESSED HOPEâ€"A HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. Canon ILR. Howden B.A.. L.Th. Organist & Choir Director Mr. Graham Upcraft, LRAM SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10,1974 Remembrance Sunday 300 AM. â€" Holy Communion Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11.00 am. 8.00 A.M. â€" Holy Communion "‘00 A.M. ~ Morning Prayer SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1974 8.00 A.M. - Eucharist 10.30 A.M. â€" Church Services. Church School. Kindergarten, Nursery ST. STEPHEN‘S CHURCH MAPLE Corner of Weldrick Road and Bathurst Street Rev. B.T. McSpadden Pastor: Phone 884-7859 RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Rev. E. Corbett, Pastor Mr. G. Whitmore. Asst. 883-1834 â€" 884-3091 223-8247 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1914 9.45 AM * Sunday School \ 00 A M W Morning Worship WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10.00 AM u Holy Communion. Prayer Circle follows 2nd and am Wednesdays. 8.00 A.N\. â€" Men‘s Club ( porate Communion 10 30 A.M.‘â€" Morning Prayer Rev. Charles Ledger ’ Men's Breakfas' 10‘30 A.M. â€" Morning Prayer‘ Preacher: The Rector 730 PM, ~ Trinity, Teens and Twenties 00 P.M. Special Film: "FOR PETE’S SAKE Everyone Invited SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IO, I974 TRINITY XXII 8.00 AM‘ ~ Men's Club Cor The Anglican Church of Canada Rev. Ramsey Armitage Rector, M.A.. D.D. Mackay Drive, Richvale 889-6789 Rev. John Coneybeare‘ Derrick Lewis A.R.T.C. Organisp SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1973 TRINITY XXII 00 AM. â€" Morning Prayer ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN Yonge at Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH ANGLICAN ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview and Crosby Richmond Hill EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH At a meeting in Richvale Lions Hall on Spruce Street October 21, Richvale Lionettes presented a cheque for $275 to York Central Hospital Administrator James Hepburn. The money will be used to buy a stationary bicycle and Mayo stand for the physiotherapy depart- BAPTIST THE CHURCH OF 884-4236 fléelzkalefienefles’ gift to hospital DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK Church Holy Cl Parish I School ‘ommunion Dinner 10.00 A.M. â€" st. Andrew/5' Fain Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREW'S, â€" MAPLE and ST. PAUL‘S CHURCH 10,150 Pine Valley Dr. Town of Vaughan Rev. W. George French B.Sc.. M.Div. -â€" Minister 11.15 A.M. â€" St. Paul‘s SUNDAY, NOVEMBER I0, 1974 The Twenty-Third Af'er Pentecost 9.30 A.M, â€" Sunday Church Schooi 11.00 AM. - The Service with Holy Communion No!e: Nursery care is provided during the Worship Service RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEDNESDAY: 7‘30 P.M. â€" Cubs THURSDAY: 8‘00 P.M‘ â€" Choir Practise ALL WELCOME SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3.1974 930 AM. â€" Sunday Church School Grade 3 up. 11.00 A‘M‘ â€" Sunday Church School Nursery to Grade 2 ILOO A.M. â€"â€" Worship Service SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1974 1Loo A‘M. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 PM. â€" Organ and Voice Recital TUESDAY: 10.30 AM. â€" Family Worship and Bible Study, (The whole Service lor the Whole Family) Sermon by Mr. Lamb: “Stewardship ls. . WEDNESDAY AT 7.30 PM. Mid-Week Bible Study: The Prophe's "Makethe M05106 Sunday by Aflending Worship!" Royal Orchard Boulevard Bay Thorn Drive Thornhill. Ontario Arnold D. Weigel, BA.BD. Pastorâ€" 889-0873 â€" Service ‘ â€" Sunday Church School Minister Rev. William Wallace Organist & Choir Director Mr. Richard Phillips SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1974 1000 A.M. â€" Bible School 11.00 AM. â€" Bible Preaching 7.00 PM. â€" Gospel Fellowship Advance Notice: Nov. 23, 7 p.m. Film "For Pete's Sake" VISITORSALWAYSWELCOME ST. PAUL‘S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue S. Richmond Hill Near Centre Street Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastorâ€" 884-5264 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1974 lLoo AM. â€" Worship Service Church School and Nursery Care WELCOME ALL LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH 26 Church Street Thornhillâ€" 889-0175 Pastor: Rev. D.A. Whitelaw 889-0476 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street (Convention of Ont.&Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns 6.30 P.M. â€" Brownies . ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. James S. Dauphinee Vice - Pastor â€" 884-5264 SUNDAY, NOVEMSER 3/1976 884-5816 Organist & Choirmaster Robert Richardson. B.A. CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Presbyterian ENDEAVOUR SUNDAY, NOV LUTHERAN $UNDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1974 W ‘._JUHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Wednesday, Nov. 6. 1974 â€"â€" 27 9‘30 A.M‘ â€" Church School'fcr'a'ae 1 and up 11.00 A.M‘ â€" Worship Service 11.00 A.M‘ â€" Nursery Care and Church School up '0 5 years. Nursery Care provided. 9.45 AM. â€" Carrvilte Worship Service 10.00 A.M »- Maple Sundiay School H.15 A.M. ~ Maple Worsh-p Service AWARMWELCOME TOALL Mrs. Phyllis Andrew Church Officeâ€" 884-1301 PASTORAL TEAM Pastor â€" Ali Rees Associate Pastors Mark Boiender â€"â€" Winston Thurton Ray Semeniuk Youth Director â€" Denis Bell Choir Director â€" Merv Pickering 10.00 AM. â€" Sunday School 1100 AM. â€"â€" Pastor Mark Bolender preaching 700 PM â€" Special Evening with Camous Lile Y.F.C. FAMILY NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY 7.00 PM. â€" for Clubs. Bible 7‘00 Study RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge & Centre Strs. Ministers Rev. Robert K. Shorten 884-2551 Rev. Rowan D. Binning 884-1301 Organist & Choir Leader MAPLE-CARRVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Stanley E. Snowden B.A.. B.D,â€" Minister 832-1403 Th} Missionary Church 11,00 A.M SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1974 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, um I) A.M. â€" Morning Worship 0 AM. â€" Church School Nursery Care and up to Grade 3 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3,1974 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3,1974 TIIE MISSIONARY BANFIELD MEMORIAL CHURCH 89 Centre Avenue Willowdale Serving Richmond Hill Thornhill. Willowdale FRIDAY â€" YOUTH NIGHT 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister â€" 884-5526 ment in the hospital‘s new Langstaff Wing. Pictured above, Mr. Hepburn receives the cheque from Lionette President Mrs. Fern Tontegode, while Treasurer Mrs. Gladys INA,A Masters (right) looks on ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH UNITED WELCOME The Seekers Church School Grades 4 A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOL Rev. Alf McAlister. BA. B.D. Miss Betty McColgan Director of Christian Education G. Fleming, A.R.C.T.. B.A. M.Mus Director of Music Morning Worsnip â€" 11‘00 A.M Nursery 5. Kindergarten â€" H. and Junior Congregation Church School â€" “.00 AM. JOIN WITH US IN WORSHIP Thornhill United Church 189 Dudley Ave. Thornhill. Ontario SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 3,1974 Sunday Schoo! 9.145 A.M. Morning Worship Service 11.00 A.M. Evening Service 7.00 P.M. Our Sunday School Bus runs through Richmond Hill every Sunday morning, H you would like to come to Sunday School and need a ride please call 884- 2756 or 8845029 or 881-6629, WEEKLY SERVICES TUESDAY: 7.30 P.M. Midweek Prayer and Bnble Smuy Hour a! the Church. WEDNESDAY: 6.45 P.M. Christian Youlh Crusaders and Young Teen Programs al lhe Church. All children and youth lrom Grades one lhrough nine are welcome The Sunday Bus operates in Richmond Hill on Wednesday evenings. THURSDAY: 9.30 A.M. Ladies Coflee Cup, sharing and Bible Study Hour at the Church. All ladies welcome. 212 Hillsview Drive 884-5029 Pastor: Rev. Robert Quick B.A.. M.DIV. 93 Ruggles Ave. â€" 884-6629 9.45 AM. â€" Bible School Classes for all Ages 11.00 A.M. â€" Morning Service 7.00 P.M ~ Communion Service WEDNESDAY 8.00 P.M. â€" Bible Sludy Sunday, l2.30 P.M. Watch “The Herald 0! Truth T.V. Channel 3, Barrie 9.30 AM. â€" The Lord's Supper 11.00 A.M. â€" Family Bible Hour 11.00 A.M. â€" Sunday School. Kin- dergarten to Grade 6. Bibie School lor Grade 7 and up. 7.00 PM. â€" Evening Service 7.30_P.M Servuce at 1030 AM. and 500 P.M. Every other Sunday 9.00 AM. Worship Service in the Dutch language. ST. PAUL‘S UNITED CHURCH South Lake Rd. Oak Ridges Rev. Robert McEIhinney Minister -â€"- 773-5709 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1974 10 30 A M 7 Worship Service TUESDAY 8.00 P.M. ~ Bible Study and Prayer RICH MOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 146 Thornridge Dr. Thornhill Minister Rev. D. VanderBoom MTMâ€" 889-5225 A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive Concord Not a Denomination A Church of The New Testament Order A.E. Atkinson Ministerâ€" 669-1831 D. Paterson, Sec. 225-9745 SUNDAY SERVICES 15 A M 7 Bible School 80 Elgin Mills Road W Pastor F.C.J. Pearse 493-6200 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave. Richvale SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3,1974 Other Denominations M. ~ Prayer Meeting ALL ARE WELCOME SATURDAY 7 Sabbath School â€" Divine Worship WEDNESDAY

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