Among those attending performances of “Anne of Green Gables," at O‘Keefe Centre recently were Mr. and Mrs. Alf Miller, Miss Mary Rodick and Jack Rodick. Mrs. Stewart Rumble of Headford, president of York Presbyterial UCW, was guest speaker at Brown’s Corners United Church Women Wednesday of last week. She was one of the two women to represent York Presbytery at the General Council of the United Church of Canada, held at Guelph last August, and she had many interesting sidelights to recount. She also termed Dr. Alfred Forrest‘s account of those proceedings, in the OB- SERVER, one of the best instances of reporting she had ever read. Mrs. Walter Craig chaired the meeting, and Mrs. Donald Reesor was pianist and accompanied a singsong of old favorite hymns. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. John Donaldson and Mrs. Milton Sherman. Friends were sorry to learn of the death of Paul Hickey of Willowdale. who passed away suddenly November 2, with service from St. George‘s Anglican Church, Willowdale, November 4. Mr. Hickey is survived by his wife, the former Muriel Cox of Brown's Corners. a son Peter. and daughter Laureen. He was a brother in-law of Harvey and Clif~ ford Cox. ‘ Congratulations to David Deacon and Kathy Richardson of London, who were married at Central United Church‘ Unionville, November 9. David is the son of Donald Deacon, MLA for York Centre. Among those attending when Gormley-Headfordâ€" Victoria Square branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary held a hospital benefit at Victoria Square Community Hall, were Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mrs. Harold Ashley, Mrs. Edgar Fuller, Mrs. Walter Craig, and Mrs. Alfred Miller. Miss Audrey Leary and Mrs. Walter Craig attended a teachers’ meeting at Orillia recently and lunched at the Sundial‘ Congratulations to Charles Hooper Sr. who celebrated a birthaday on the weekend of November 3. Paul Hickey funeral held Neighborhood_ Nopes By Mary Watts In Richmond Hill Ward 3 there will be a Meet The Candidates Evening Monday at 8 pm in Walter Scott Public School on Markham Road. Speaking will be candidates 'for the mayoralty, regional council seats, Ward 3 council seat and school trustees. Residents of the area on the east side of Yonge Street between the old town limits and Highway 7 are asked to participate and to prepare questions in writing in advance. YOUR Hill Ward 3 voter meet 14 â€" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1974 BUTTONVILLE may not have the world on a string, Markhun Telephone 294-5290 but she knows your community InN‘de out. @EomEM/ggqga HOSTESS Correspondent: Mn. 1“. H. Len! Mrs. Greer Thornhfll 889-3779 Mrs. Ena .Xl‘l‘ali ISZIJbb3'BIVd. Richmond Hill 884-508“ 3|rs.\Vatters Thornhill 881-09†@WW% mun DRINKS 3 48+fs‘fz$1.00 MARVEL BRAND â€"'5 FLAVOURS DANISH CREAM CHERRY HILL â€" "PARTY PACK" Top Choice ' 19-FL-OZ PRUNE Pl CHOICE 19-FL-OZ TINS Colgate DENTAL CREAM lso-mnube99¢ EGG NOODLES 3 133? $1.00 ROMI â€" FINE, MEDIUM, BROAD, EXTRA BROAD CUDNEY, CHOICE Potato Chips (adbury's (hoco HOSTESS 6 VARIETIES, FROSTING MlXES Betty (rocker "We Redeem ALL Food Store Coupons!†BURGER DOG FOOD Regular or Winterfresh (Bonus Pack 100 ml. who + 50%) Anion Pvicedl INSYANI' CHOCOLATE MIX ROBIN HOOD 3 :;2§I.OO Shop Now and Save! 6 VARIETIES â€" CAKE MIXES CHEESE (PREPRICED 69c) 2‘/2-|b pkg 72-oz pkg (SAVE 29c) PACK OF 3 4-02 TUBS 6.5-oz pkg 10-02 pkg ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! $2.19 $1.29 m83¢ 69¢ PURITAN STEWS 3»â€"::§l.00 $1.00 ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! . n . - _ . h . ‘ . . . . ‘ up- . Snowflake Rolls Zpikgisznriï¬ Frosted Ball Donuts Cherry Pie FULL 8~|NCH PIE Raisin Bread Bread JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, RHUBARE-APPLE OR JANE PARKER, SUCED, OLD-FASHIONED OR (BUY 2 lOAVESâ€"SAVE I90) Italian Bread 2244 JANE PARKER, SllCED JANE PARKER, 2 WHIYE OR I WHITE 8. I WHEAT Serve Top Quality Jane Parker Baked Goods and Save! 9 VARIETIES “Brown 'N Serve" pkg on, 8-ozloaves (BUY 2 LOAVES -â€" SAVE 19:) (BUY 2 PKGS â€" SAVE 19:) 16-02 loaves 2 “$31-00 FRUIT COCKTAIL oz loaves Each 79¢ .Ielly Donuts Cinnamon Rolls 79¢ Spanish Bar Cake Raspberry Whirls DEL MONTE, FANCY (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 16:) JANE PARKER JANE PARKER JANE PARKER JANE PARKER, DANISH JANE PARKER (SPICY. RAISIN RICH!) PUSS 'N BOOTS 4 '21:? I .00 8 VARIETIES -- CAT FOOD 19â€"02 cake pkg of 6 pkg of 6 pkg of 8 pkg of 6 DIGESIIVE. SHORICAxt, rxun LKEME, uuu 69¢ Peek Frean Cookies 69¢ 59¢ 79¢ 59¢ (SAVE 10:) (SAVE 10:) (SAVE (SAVE 16:) (SAVE 6:) 10c) White Swan Towels White Swan Deluxe Chocolate Chipits Welchade DIGESTIVE, SHORYCAKE, FRUIT CREME, BOURBON CREME WELCH'S GRAPE DRINK ASSORTED COLOURS OR DECORATOR BUUERSCOTCH, RAISIN DROPS, PEANUT DROPS OR ACTION PRICED! Prim on White or Colour â€"â€" 2 Ply Blthroom Tissue ACTION PRICED! All. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAYURDAY, NOVEMBER 16m, 1974. If you are accustomed to giving your em- ployees or friends a gift at Christmas, may we suggest an A&P TURKEY CERTIFICATE, redeemable at any A&P WEO Food Store in Canada. See Store Manager for further information. INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS CONCERNS! 2 pkgsol2rous$l .00 2 32-H-oz $1.00 12-02 cello pkg pkg of 2 rolls 7-02 pkg ACYION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! 89¢ 79¢ 39¢