Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1974, p. 31

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ROOM and board 9: male,sleadilvemploy DAY CARE given meals. any age, 81 ROOM and board on buy or girl willung 10 sr 29W, Day Care Wa n OWN "ansporIaho Privuleges, 773-46“ AURORA â€" 3 bedrm detached house. CI plaxa, transportahor 5360 aMer 5 pm. DAY CARE reqmrew ls monln old girl. H 9329 aMer 6 am. FURNISHEDroom. 16 Lorne, first hon JeweIlers av Yonqe. transportation. 5 single person‘ 88 ls" Close to hospival a have relerences, S300 LOVING (are given Good balanced meals Indoor and outdoor call satâ€"2109. Essex A KELIABLE babySw mth old boy, H “116". LARGE lurnishc-d r mond Hull. closc N sportahon. Gentle" ONE and two bedrot Adults only, 88d4906. a CENTRAL Richmond Hill, available, nresiige building. P used as medical oHices. L70 223-5422. QUIET working coupln house. no chiIdren. A. 2022 or after 5 p,m‘ 699 RETIRED couple r furnished aparOmen' December lst to Marn- Rooms to Ron! MATURE person my home‘ I child I482. BASEMENT QUIET gentleman a bedroom apar1menh Richmond Hill to Fin Days. TWO bedroom December ‘5": Richmond Hull LARGE furnished t tloman only. close Heing Plaza nausea DAY CARE 9.» Thornhill area. 889 DAY CARE requir girl. Hours (lexub HOUSE to rem, r. STEELES-YONGE unfurnished apanr BACHELOR apartn December 151. 88449: AVAILABLE in 8844001 STRAIGHT male,age accommodation. Prev Me'ro. 334.3913 FURNISNE D In Barking. 3844803 COW manu Gardens row GARDENS Room an (1 Board Garden ALL types at la railroad tie w specialty. Free‘ AVAILABLE for shopping plaza, 1 Hill. Full basement month. 1,300 sq.ft. pl finished basem‘ Suit sports. fu Occupancy Do Mrs. Kalz. 225-4 Wanted to Ron One 12 ft. 0verh< cluded. Ideal for Inqui_re: New air-cond tenant finishi A partm on t for R (In! 364-1964 9185 Yonge St Light Industrial Building STORE Dg}! Inquire: 346 Enford Rd., Richmond Hill, Ont. CALI. I JOSEPH A. ‘SKAPURA LTD. REAL ESTATE BROKER apart upplu Jl OR LEASE 0 SQUARE FEET door. heat‘ light and washroom in- 11 manufacturing company. ). PATERSON 22-1115 GREY Welsh and Arab pony. 6 years old, )3 hands, broke English. 884-9687. BEAUTIFUL basement apartment, fUYHIShed or un'urnished. for older person. All conveniences. $150 per muQ’Ih Avanlable De¢ember 15!. 884- SIBERIAN Husky puppy. Iemale, ten weeks, Black and white. brown eyes, Champion Sire, 27 Championships in Pemgree, Excellent show potential or tamlly peI. Taiooed, needles, requs'ered, CKC. 5200 phone Breeder ADULT BUILDING RICHMONDHILL 3 bedroom apartment for January 15?. Rem includes fridge, stove. heat hydro, water, etc. Near Richmond He-ghis Cemre a! 48 Laverock Ave. Call Supt 884-2475. "(:20 SHARE cottage, partly lurnished, lrldge, stove‘ Own entrance. Must have transportation. Quiet sening. 782- Mill ACCOMMODATION for one in Rich- vale‘ For remaining November until February 28'h‘ Call Paul 889-1539. {ent RICHMOND Hill, near Yonge, fur- nnsned room shared kitchen. girl or lady769-369Laner6:00p.m. New BE BROOM house. west side of town all Mr Slade 089-1105. Square NIATURE ADI’ICO' Poodles, all m Wlll hold for Chrislma}. 884- :I 7 ms NE bedroom apartment, near ullcrcsv Mall business couple only or inlleman or lady non drinker. 889- 20 anorSpm. c2wl9 HORSE OWNERS FIGHT INFLATION! 0 money mis Christmas and be mm to win one 0! (our $25 Gift nhcaies in our Lucky Draws. ksmched pony saddles, 1972 price 1974 price 549‘ 15” Buckstitched ed horse saddles, 1971 price $99, 1 price, $59‘ Nylon halters, 1972 :8, 5450, 1974 price $3.95. Navaio nkets, 1972 price $9.50, 1974 price *5 Hundreds of bargains. - Lime 3‘s Riding Goods Display at UHV|||€ Horse Auction Sale. Dates «amber is, December 2, December Lust & Found ALL self contained basement Irtment, suit business couple. lung and private entrance, no okers please. sad-7685. FOUNDLAND pups, 10 weeks 01 registered. 884-9687. c2w20 RICE TRAILER, 2 horse . ex 1! shape, has been in storage. and TED â€"a new home with acreage cmldren [or an H mon'h old mred, spade, Wiemaraner. 884- rking ire ft mum classifieds 884-1105 - nos F-CONTAINED, one bedroom men! apartment aner 6. 989-3227. c2w|9 R I 0655, steps '0 Yonge Street, 5 bungalow, broadloomed, double )0, huge lot, 70 x 315, $275 a h. 773-4460. Horse Auction re eligible for Lucky Draw on a ddle at our Special Christmas grooming. poodles, terriers, BeMy Forsy'h. 889-3606. ":3 Pet Stock New English and Western 5, bndles, halters, winter 5, etc. sold by auction. To horses phone I-640-4198‘ All ors and buyers at the next two TERED German shepherd ‘ Purebred. shots, dewormed. 5100.851~2736. "(l3 AHUA puppies. Part Poodle L Collie puppies. 832-2076. ":20 CK puppies for sale bedroom apartment. Also 3w. 636-6837 CJWZO cocker Spaniels, males. Very ole lor good home. 884-8859 Livestock space ready for boarded, box stalls, well 887-5500. c1wl9 keys (3 other keys), on )ng. small knife lob. Picked ‘ Cashiers desk in Kresge’s. November 2nd, close lo 6 Nd finder kindly conlact ‘ox 187, Maple, Ontario. rebred cat, Thornhill area 87-5562. November 18, 6 p.m. at Stockyards Approximately ver horses, Appaloosas, -vc. Several quiet children's REWARD grey 'abbv kinen, approx. [with a shocking pink llea mam and Bayview Area. man Shepherd male, los' Hank. reward‘ 2974345. Free to good home. 173 h at Emmanue‘ Dr‘, Sunday Ease call 889-2159 c2wl9 hall Very PERSONS requured for general labour. Apply to: Canadian Spawn and Supply le.. 208 Newkirk Rd., Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. (Behind waver Mower). MATURE person for babysitting, 5 day week. Thornhill. 889-2714. EXPERIENCED Presser required for dresses‘ Male or lemale. Good wages. 884-0159. ":10 Parmme. Experience with tropical fish. 884-7680, COCKTAIL WAITRESS-WAITER FOR luncheon in successful busy dining room. ll :30 am. to 3 pm. Also opening for dinner lrom 6 and Lounge lrom 6 daily. Experience and relerences required. Call Mr. Parker. 881-2l2l. Parkway Hotel, Hwy. 7 and Leslie 5!. Required by Community Residence in Markham. To be responsible lor or- dering all provisions and preparing evening meals lor 36 people. Monday '0 Friday. 294-4971. SWITCHBOARD Opera'ors required. Must be experienced. 889-1942. "c5 PEOPLE interes'ed in Tupperware parties call 884-8253. AHer 6 p.m. "C20 DECEMBER 3, Tuesday. Keep this date open (or an Ecumenical Rice Bowl sponsored by the Churches 0! Richmond Hill.Dinner6:30pimicawl9 NOVEMBER 21. Thursday. Tea Cup Reading and Bake Sale, 8 pm. Rich- vale Lions Hall, 31 Spruce Ave., Rich- vale. Admission $1. Sponsored by the Richvale Lionefles. c2w20 CHRISTMAS Balaar and Bake Sale, Norm York Bransnn Hospital, Friday November 15, 10 am. PARTTIME for general office duties. Must type. Apply at World Wide Shipping. 360 Newkirk Road. KITCHEN help and general duties in Res' Home. 884-9276. ACCOUNTING CLERK. some exâ€" perience. To work on payables, cash and other sundry duties. Call Mr. wasserman at 8894!“. NOVEMBER 23, SATURDAY â€" 6.30 pm. Horlicullural Sociely annual Dinner Meeting; Summii Goll and Country Club. Tickets available 834- 1413. NOVEMBER 23‘ SATURDAY 2 10 4 p.m. â€" Christmas Baxaar a1CarrviHe United Church. on Rucherlord Rd. (lormerly Carrville Rd.) west of Baihurs', NOVEMBER 16, Saturday, 11 am. Vaughan Fire Fighters Meat Shoot and Roll on Pine VaIIev Drive, 2 miles north of Maior Mackenzie Drive. DRESSMAKING and alternations. 889»8054. TF C18 REPAIRS 8. Alterations, done by prolessionals. Barth's Cleaning Centre 884-4411. "(:20 For higher than average income all you need is ambi'ion and desire Withoui obligation, we will give you a lull lraining course lo help you get your license. ' SEWING in my home, possible pick up and delivery barbie doll clo'hes, childrens clothes s'uHed toys etc, Call 851-2446. MAINTENANCE PERSON MAINTENANCE person for general hotel cleaning duties Monday lo Thursday 3 am. lo 5 pm. and Saturday 6 pm. to 1 am. Permanenl posilion. Call Mr. Lalirner. 881-2111. Parkway Holel, No. 7 Highway and Leslie Slreel. For a confidential interview. call Doug Bennett. WILL do sewing in my home, alterations, etc. 884-8968. c2w20 DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Reasonable. OBI-3354‘ Required lor Local Chanered Bank. Short Term Assignment. Experience essential. Call 884-8126. DRIVERS wan'ed full and part time. Thornhill Taxi. 881-1717. "c5! DO you havea drinking problem? I! so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill.or call 681-5591. "cu Dressmaking DOES anyone in your lamin have a drinking problem? Call Alanon‘ 366- 4072. "C16 7734326 889-9792 no per momh, semi privaVe. $20 per month private. Papular and classical. 122-7088. NclJ Coming Events and Flu'e lessons, chording dr linger picking. with or wimout reading music. Private. 861-3678 or 88?-5085. Required immediately WAITRESS-WAITER After school, part time hours 4-9 pm. Call 887-5150 HALFWAY HOUSE Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALES PERSONNEL PIANO LESSONS STEELES & YONGE ALOIS BROS. LTD 889-8303 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Pet Shop GEN ERAL H ELP for Food Distributors Gormley area 887-5804 Personal Tutoring Folk Guitar TELLER ALANON Cook "€20 "CM tfc5 "(it Full time positions in Housekeeping department. Must be able to work days. evenings and weekends. Relief Cashier required for weekends and holidays. Knowledge of some bookkeeping, filing and typing required. GENERAL CONVEYOR CO. LTD. Part time Cleaners YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Required by progressive conveyor and pack- aging machine manufacturer. Must have sev- eral years experience and able to read blue- prints. Also, mature pick-up truck driver, mechanically inclined and able to do odd jobs in machine shop. Shipper Receiver Must be dependable and have a clean driving record BINDERY HELP Full time permanent position in stores area YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL 10 TRENCH ST., RICHMOND HILI, PHONE MR. P. W. LINE The Liberal has immediate openings for Folding, collating, stapling, finishing, experience prelerred. Part time position in a pleasant shop Required from 5 pm. to 9 pm. daily Personnel Department Heavy Duty DRIVER FITTER - WELDERS MACHINISTS 884-2470 Light Duty Cleaners 884-1171, Ext. 349 107 DONCASTER AVE. THORNHILL 889-7811 for appointment at 884-1105 Cashier FULL TIME required Apply to and for Able to do some welding and general 'repair to processing equipment. Shift work 7-3 and 3-11, 11~7 Apply in Person Director for Community Residence of 30 moderately retarded persons in Markham. Ontario. Must have ex- perience in working with mentally retarded persons and in staff supervision. Apply, giving details of training and experience to Personnel Committee Box 1047 Stouffville, Ontario. Cusco Fabricators 27 Haflech Ct MATURE PERSON FOR MAPLE LIBRARY Thursday and Friday Evenings 7-9 pm. Plus two afternoons a week. Knowledge of typing an asset 832-1432 Volunteer drivers Contact Mrs. D. Besant 895-2318 or 362-1022 Yonge St. North, Aurora, Ontario Required Immediately YORK CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY in Poultry Processing Plant SPRAY PAINTERS Maintenance Helper Required by Processing Plant. for automotive parts warehouse Woodbine â€" Steeles area Toronto delivery HANDI VAN 5-day week, Monday to Friday Meat-Cutter Apprentice Must be bondable and have experience Salary negotiable. as well as weekend drivers, ‘ Call Mr. R. Jeffery 495-9330 Library Assistant In ongomg programme First Class Part Time Top Wages To paint tank units Help Wanted 889-0967 889-5741 WANTED DRIVER Regular drivers, Checkerboard Foods Ltd. to participate sponsored by are required. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Wednesday, Nov. 13. 1974 â€" 31 Night Cleaners License preferred, Mostly road work. Vehicle supplied. Top wages. Future profit sharing for the right person. Call Ken m TOWNE T.V. labour Some experience on an accounting or production control office necessary. General Greenhouse Help 35 hour week, 5 days. Available immediately. Thornhill area. SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE 889-7551 WAREHOUSE HELP Apply: Alcore Fabricating Ltd. 65 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill 889-4923 Concord Floral Co. Ltd. Driver For panel truck Combination of packaging and driving duties. Chauffeur‘s license required. Must be bondable. Fluent in English â€" written & spoken Expected to be able to handle medium weight manual RICHMOND HILL COMPANY REQUIRES excellent starting salary profit sharing plan good working conditions 15 percent discount experience preferred but not essential to learn Office Supply Business in Poultry Processing Plant Mature Person with experience Required for T.V. Technician CHECKERBOARD FOODS LTD*., Yonge St. North Aurora, Ontario PART TIME OFFICE HELP FOR MORNINGS ONLY. Hillcrest Mall 5 nights a week Monday to Friday 8 hours per night Apply in person: AURORA SHOPPING CENTRE 727-6521 Night Cleaner Sears MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:30 - 5:00 Phone 883-1444 669-1920 Requires on a full time basis Has immediate openings for APPLY IN PERSON TO THE PERSONNEL OFFICE MALE AND FEMALE FACTORY HELP (Between 1 &5p.m.) 884-9295

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