The Hillcrest Resident’s Association held a meeting on November 20 in Hillcrest Mall Auditorium. The HRA executive were overwhelmed by the number of residents who turned out on a very wet evening to attend the meeting. Well over 110 people were there. It is hoped this support will continue. David Hamilton, Director of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Richmond Hill, presented details of the new proposal for the com- munity centre. The complex will be built in two phases. Phase 1 will consist of a 5,000 square feet library and a 25-metre indoor pool. Phase , 2 will contain the community rooms and the day-care centre. No completion date for construction has been an- nounced. The arena â€" originally proposed for this site â€" will be built in Ward 6, but closer to public transportation. Hamilton‘also reported on the installation of playground equipment in the two area parks, scheduled for November 30 (weather permitting). Residents who have time to spare on that date are asked to come and help with the installation of the equip- ment. Other business There was a report on status of construction of a privacy barrier between houses facing the Hillcrest Mall and the mall parking lot. Further meetings between the town planner. Cadillac-Fairview Corpo- ration and the residents are to be held in order to resolve this problem to the satisfaction of all con- cerned. Residents fill meeting Mrs. B. Boer reported on the area representatives on the Arena Board. Mrs. Joan Hooper, president of the HRA, outlined the purpose of the association. The HRA hopes to become more of a social activity organization as well The HRA is to approach Classic~Comm Cable TV and try to get all wires‘ un- derground as soon as possible. This followed a number of complaints from residents, and the reporting of numerous minor ac- cidents involving children and the exposed wiring. as being the voice of the residents in council and other areas. Mrs. Hooper spoke of the desire to build Hillcrest into a true com- munity. and to make it a place to be proud of. All Persons having claims against the Estate of Paul Lowell Fox late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional Municipality of York, who died on or about the 13th day of November, 1973 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of December. 1974, after which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. NOTICETO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS In the Estate of Paul Lowell Fox. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 14th day of November, 1974 Robert H. Blackburn. Solicitor,, Administrator with Will Annexed, by his solicitors, Messrs. Lawlor, LeClaire, Stong & Nevins, Barristers and Solicitors, 10265 Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario. Correspondent: Aulda Wood 25 Brightway Crescent Telephone 884-5095 CARRVIllE HILLCREST THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, Nov JANE PARKER, SLICED Bread JANE PARKER, 2 WHIYE OR 1 WHITE 3. I WHEAT Bread JANE PARKER Snowflake Rolls 2pkssor1279¢ JANE PARKER JANE PARKER Sweet Rolls Babka Coffee Cake KRAFT, SALAD DRESSING $15.92; 5 I .09 Top Choice Burgers 72-oz pkg $2.19 DOG FOOD Robin Hood cakeMixes 3 9-ozpkgs$1.00 Chocolate Chipits 12 6 VARIETIES CARNATION, INSTANT pkgpf12,l-ozenvs Buflerscokh, Raisin Drops, Peanut Dvops or Gay Lea Yogurt 64~ozcanons$1.00 TEE PEE For Variety and Value Buy [me Parker Baked Goods! GUIUEHEQKBZSEMM W139 SOLID WHITE MEAT ACIION PRICED! Save at AGP WEO! All. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30m, 1974. 60% or 100% Whole Wheat or Cracked When! Brown 'N Serve‘ 1974 PINEAPPLE TOPPED pkg of8 pkg of 2, 8-02 loaves (BUY 2 lOAVES â€"â€" SAVE Ilc) (BUY 2 PKGS â€" SAVE 19:) 24-02 loaves 16-02 cake oz cello pkg ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ACTION PRICED! ï¬g? Finitcakes-m$4.79 39¢ Cherry Pie Sliced Crisp Bread 89¢ Glazed Donuts (SAVE 10¢) JANE (SAVE 10:) (SAVE ac) JANE PARKER (OVER 2/3 FRUIT AED NUTS) JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER Crescent Pound Cake JANE PARKER, GOLD OR MARBLE JANE PARKER PARKER, RHUBARBâ€"APPLE, lEMON MERINGUE OR Check These Values! PURITAN STEWS 24;?! IRISH. BEEF, H01 CHILI, MEAT BALLS BUIGERS In BEANS McCAIN, FROZEN, STRAIGHT CUI‘ French Fries RoYaIe Bathroom Tissue PINK, WHITE, YELLOW Potato Chips FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS FRITO LAY Calgonite Red Rose Tea Bags ORANGE PEKOE FULL 8-INCH PIE 1‘/1-lb piece 15-02 cake 19-02 cake 24-02 loaf pkg of 8 50-02 box pkg of 4 rolls Each éibverleaf Tuna Fish MONARCH A??? Pure Shortening pkg of 60 7-02 pkg 6 3 ¢ 2-Ib pkg 59¢ ACTION PR|CED! 89¢ 89¢ 79¢ i onu‘le I I P)“. L Tar ontne I urchase of a l-lb Bag of Whole Bean urchase of a 3-“: Bag of Whole Bean 53¢ ! BOKARor80’ClOCKCOFFEE! EBOKAR«80’CLO([(_§0[EEEI ACTION PRICED! (SAVE 10:) ACTION PRICED! (PREPRICED 69:) $1.59 PREPRICED 89¢ 59¢ REGULAR, UNSCENTED, POWDER VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, I974. Hpr9 - - - - 7-oz tin ACTION PRICED! ACYION PRICED! 79¢ "€19. Catelli Spaghetti ELBOW MACARONI OR Coffee Io-oz iar $2.09 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE, WITH PEPPERONI "-01 OR Pizza With Cheese ’ 28-02 pkg SELECT BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEE SAVE 45%??? Purchase of a 3-“: Bag of Whole Bean VALID UNTIL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30m, 1974. ACYION PRICE! 24b pkg ACTION PRICED!