Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1974, p. 39

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Snowplowing Contracts Snowplows Custom Plows Metal Master Experienced Willing to look after invalid or semi invalid on a weekly basis in their home. Own transportation References $10 per month, semi privale. $20 per monlh private. Popular and classical. 222-1088. "€13 WILL do small payroll and accounts in my home. Call collecl 7174077 alter 5:30 p.m. AVAILABLE lor vocal coaching. All repertoire.893-1940 czw 22 Ind Flute lessons. (hording or 'II‘IQE’ picking. with or wnhou' reading music. Privale. comm or 399-5085. Play piano by Ear Complete instructions 773-5952 Professional Piano Accompanist Weekly cleaning lady wanted, modern Thornhill home, I block from Yonge. “9-0103 alter 5 pm. Reliable cleaning lady with car Frldays 8:30 lo 4:30 $20. 884-630! aller Sales & Service Are you interested in an extra income In your spare time, Call T&C En- terprises. 773-4025. between 5 and 7 Cleaning lady wanted, one day a week Elgln and Yonge, Thornhill, 889-7291 AMATURE molherly woman lo live in a: 3 member ol a young physician‘s hmilv and share in family respon‘ slbllilies while molher works hall "me. Household dunes are minimal, no cleaning. Surroundings in Bavview Glen are congenial. Transponalion is on Markham bus line close to Toronioi Own bedsimng room, ham. T.V., separate enlrance lor privacy il desired. Ideal for an exlra grand- mnlher who mighl like lo visit her own children on weekends 889-9490. 24 HOUR SERVICE Free Estimates WILLOWDALE THORNHILL AREA Cook lulltime. lor Res? Home. 884-9276 300 Enford Rd. Richmond Hill Miscellaneous 884-3661 PIANO LESSONS STEELES 8: YONGE NURSE’S AIDE 889-2526 Tutoring Folk Guitar 88943838 THE LIBERAL classifieds 884-1105 - nos Employment Wanted Mrs. Moon 889-4651 $32 a shift R.N.A.’S Part time afternoons required for Shoe Factory SHOEMAKER Domestic Help Wanted Part time nights Helena Shoe Co. 884-7861 Evgs. 884-4716 awn TFC 12 "()9 "(2K clw 22 Man with pickup will do Iigm moving. Reasonable. Ask for Wayne, Days In 9295. Evgs. "#0717. CNN Call us. We aEe authorized Zenith. Philips. Lloyds service centre, serving Rich- mond Hill. Thornhill. Willowdale. Pickup truck for small deliveries moving. odd iobs. VERY DEPENDABLE 8876143 Ask for Bill Humidifiers instaned. Wait Scuttle - 90$. tau-8019. clwn TYPING, I.B.M. typewri'er, in my home. Baa-6872. "c2! WILL iron your clothes in my home. 773-40“. (49120 WILL do bookkeeping in my home up to and including crial balance. 881-3197 “:17 RUG shampooing and floor cleaning with own equipment 889-2362. New CLEANING woman, European. Rich mend Hm only. 934.1": after a pm. PART TIME in my home, while pursuing professional career, tast, accurate typist, proolreader. paste up layout and public relations person. 727- 6795. IF anyone has any typing to be typo-d a! my home please «um-1mm. c4w20 MATURE person for babysitting, 5 day week. ThornhilI. 889-2114. RESPONSIBLE reliable student to look alter 2 children occasional evenings and alternate Saturdays; 884- 3915 alter 6 p.m. week, regularly. Richmond Hill Vim-112 864-l932. sea-as“. CLEANING person, north Thornhlll area. every other week. 889-5391. CLEANING lady needed. 1 day per CLEANING lady wamed Io' sma|l hark, 889-5948 Evgs. PERSON fa clean Tharnhifl apart- ment, hall day a week. 889-1409. CLEANING lady. Thornhill home. 889-9731 AVAILABLE immediately. par! and (ulltime babysnting and homemaking. Flexible hours. 959-8047. "ch CLEANING LADY THORNHILL home. Mus! have own transportation. ldav a week. m-mo CZWII Miscellaneous Many years. Shell. Gulf HAVE YOURS DONE Basement? Professional Furnace Cleaning Service Repairs 8: Installations Drains & Concrete Terms CLIFF CROCK 773-5655 SECURITY & LOCKSMITHING Locks, Door Hardware Security Specialists HARDWARE INSTALLATION LTD. 661-4411 ALL WORK GUARANTEED CLASSIC T.V. & SOUND 10072 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 881-1803 MOVING Handyman NOW 884-6824 DRY AIR? TROUBLE experienced, cm 22 cwm TFC22 ":17 c2w22 "c? Residential, commercial, painting, in'erior and exfierior, paper hanging. 881~2075A "CM CARPENTER. renovStions, recreaflon rooms. kitchen cabinet: No iob too small. 884-0645 evenings. GENERAL carpen'ry, recreation rooms, kifichen, and repairs. 884-2505. BOOKKEEPING and accounting services for small businesses. 889-5683. "(:33 Rugs and chestediefds. Day or night. mam. ":20 REUPHOLSTERY, Keele Custom upholstery. Free estimates. Pickup and Delivery. Work guaranteed. 669- 2460. "C22 HOME improvements. 834-2520. Nc9 HILLCREST GENERAL CONTRACTING reasonable remand 889-9998 and 881; 11“. C2W12 PAPERHANGING. Painting. lmerior and Exterior. Excellent work. 1-859- 0131. ":22 PAINTER, experienced neal work Reno vaNons, Additiahs. ace"; 810012214683. m2: NEED a Carpenter? All 'vaS 0! repairs and home improvements done. Reasonable rate. can Pat any1ime 884- 7116. BRICK, Shae, perpent, Fireplaces PLUMBING & HEATING ROGER PROULX Phone 884-1650 PLASTERING THORNHILL R. CLARK Everv'hing in Alcan Aluminum. Home improvements, eavestroughing. "cas Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates Expert workmanship. 20 years experiencet Phone 384-2852. NORTHERN PAINTING Rec. rooms, Garages. John E. Quinn, Contractor, 884-5176. 2w“ Several type laces to choose (rom â€" including Script Block Ieflers, Oumne and Signature. Fast service, call "The Liberal". 884-8177. "(42 TILE any type floors, walls. Gino's Tiling. 804-9026 aner 6 p.m. ":35 GENERAL contracfing, alterah‘ons and addifions, home, oMices, iadories. Custom carpentry 09 all descriptions. LES WEBB, 889-2546. ":3 Irons, toasters, blenders, vacuum cleaners. garden 'ools, e'c. PROMPT REASONABLE SERVICE TOM-LYN CONTRACTORS 884-7837 or 884-5460 LIGHTMOVINGJOBS and deliveries. Evenings and weekends. 884-9502anv1ime. ":20 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Plain a. Decoranve PlasOering Repairia Specialty CALL ERROL. 661-1295 WALKER CONSTRUCTION PAINTING & PAPERHANGING RE. DUNN 727-3303 SHAMPOOING RUBBER STAMPS and General Contracting Reasonable Rates Complete Basements Finished RECREATION ROOMS BEDROOMS THREE-PIECE BATHROOMS Free Estii'nfiés ' 458-752! â€" 889.3185 Painting and Paperhanging and Renovations 884-4832 Alterations HANS BUTT 889-4106 SMALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED CHIMNEYS Karl Bundschuh Erectall Building Contractors and samples in your home Call 'Contracts Wanted Also Residential 8: Commercial Driveways Snowplowing NC 2‘ "(24 Miscellaneous "C21 Free Estimates DEPENDABLE SERVICE 884-4539 "€20 889-3727 "c2 m4 "d9 pre-pasled, scrubbable vinyl wallpaper. Choose lrom Geometrics, stripes, lloral patterns etc. Reg. $7.38 double roll (Approx. coverage 64 sq. It.) Sale special 55449 double roll. ASK FOR ROBERTA CLYDE CANADIAN TIRE RICHMOND HILL um :95 Lady Kenmore automatic range with barbeque spit. $100. Inglis washer and dryer, 2 year warranty. T.V. Antennae, rotor, extra cable. $100. Sales, Service. Installation to all types of residential, commercial, industrial garage doors. DINING ROOM SUITE LOVE SEATS ' KITCHEN SET ' END TABLES BABY'S CRIB I OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ' BEDROOM SUITES ' DRESSERS Interior-Excerior. F Call anytime. 889-8965 BOOKKEEPING Services Mr small businesses. 832-1416. "c1! DRESSMAKING and alterna'ions. 889-8054. TF C13 WILL do sewing in my home, alterations, 99:, 884-8968. cm 22 ALTERATIONS and repairs, 44! North Taylor Mills. 884â€"1928. Fast guaranteed service. professional; Barth‘s Cleahiné tint}; 834-4411, "€20 REPAIRS a. Altefatiqns, done by gifssmaking Articles for g Concord Sporting Good§ Pick up and Delivery Call Rhonda 889-4861 days 884-5788 Evgs. "c1 MASTERCRAFT Furniture Stripping & Refinishing on and 00 line Paflerns of RON MOORE PAINTING PAPERHANGING 2160 Hwy. 7 w. (east of Keele) Used Furniture SAVE 25%; 6692030 GARAGE DOORS 773-4523 MOVING 727â€"6756 Free estimates, 5- ":32 TF :1] "C22 Clwn "C22 mums room suite, B-piece sel, Unclaimed Freight price $669, valued at sen. No money down, no payments unlil December 1914. Low monthly paymenls. Unclaimed Freight Ltd. 202 Dunlap St. w. Barrie. Phone Collect 7164900. Doors, windows, awnings. railings, siding. soflii systems. trough. Free estimaies.RonWoodsmlsu. ":46 THIS lantastic brand new solid state Stereo. AMâ€"FM Radio, built in tape player, automatic record changer. complete unit. No money down. stall? per month, la month basis. Unclaimed Freight Ltd. :02 Dunlop Street w. Barrie. Phone Collect 726-2900. SNOWFLOW, 7’, $75. Snowplow, 7', SJOO. Highway snowplow, 11‘. “00.: J Point hitch Ford tractor plow, $280.; I968 J 3000 Jeep, 321 motor, good condition, with plow. $2,500. Without plow, $2,000. 889-2153. Or 887-5128. Coiled 726.3760 AVAILABLE on this brand new 10< inch color television, only $397. No money down, no payments until December I914, Name withheld at Manulacturer's request â€" but you will recognize it as one at the top name brands. Unclaimed Freight Ltd. 202 Dunlap Street W Barriel Phone run“... n. M.-- LOUGHUNIDMBER 895-5422 JOHN BOSWORTH R.R. 3, Newmarket MANY ITEMS OF LADIES' WEAR 8: CHILDRENS' WEAR French Provinciai SINGER SEWING CENTER HILLCREST MALL â€" RICHMOND HILL 884-0770 Yonge & Scott Dr.. (4 blocks south of Hillcres' Mall) We now have a good selection of reconditioned machines from $29.95. All fully guaranteed by Singer. COME VISIT OUR NEWEST FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS BY CLEVER PEOPLE Visit Craigmore House of Things, Visit our Factory Showroom and see our fine line of kitchen cabinets, vanities, and bar units at manufacturer‘s prices. SNOWPLOWS Rent or Buy SOUTH OF OAK RIDGES EAST OF YONGE POTATOES INSULATION CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? ALUMINUM Bank Rates R20 50 it $10.40 RED TOP BATTS R7 100 0'. $741 RED TOP BATTS R10 70 n, savm RED TOP BATTS RM 45 "157.09 R10 105(1‘ SILIB FIBREGLASS FIBREGLASS R7 150 Ft $10.43 FIBREGLASS 773-4091 Furniture Stripping & Refinishing 889-1109 An opportunity to save on your Christmas Shopping 30 Pct. to 50 Pct. off BALANCE OF STOCK KNITTING YARNS & SMALL WEARS STOVE 8; FIREPLACE LENGTHS MAPLE. BEECH. BIRCH $30. a cord FREE DELIVERY 887-5380 Evgs. Canac Kitchens Days 889-4422 Evgs. 881-3607 Moving to another location” Ladies' & Children‘s Wear All work done by handâ€" N0 dipping Pickup and delivery Remodelling? 360 JOHN ST. THORNHILL 881-2153 Reconditioned Sewing Machines WYN-DOT Bayview Plaza â€" 884â€"22“ FIREWOOD "<15 c4wl9 "€11 10 PCT. OFF LUDWIG Snare Drum. Good HOOVER washer-spin dryer‘ 889-4358. BABY furniture. crib. stroller. many omer items. 384.4265. Rcc Television service manuals, numbers 32. 36. 40, 41, 50, SI, 52. 58, 60, 63. 64, 65, 66, 73, 76. Call 8864659 afler G.E. compact automatic washer Under warranty. Spotless. 5200. Aher 6 p.rn. 889-3157. PATIO STONES. Fadory reieds. Holland Park Garden Centre. MapIe. 832-2455. ":44 Living, dining and bedrooms. Direct Orom importers warehouse. Open 1 - 9 p.m4 45941760. J Show-rooms of antiques, good used furniture, péanos. china, books, and unusual "ems. A-l FURNITURE SALES ELGIN MILLS EAST OFF NEWKIRK ROAD RICHMOND HILLâ€"88441158 MAKE Dad a lazy boy lor Chrislmas, only $99.95. No money downl lree s'orage. Low monthly payments. Unclaimed Freight Ltd. 202 Dullle Sl. wl Phone collect 726-2900. Green & white barn behind Loblaws‘ south end 0! Aurora. FREE PlCKUPâ€"127-8823 MON. T0 FRI. lOa.m.â€"Bp.m‘ FOR six weeks. No money down, on this beautilul Singer Sewing Machine, Zig-Zag and everything. Only 368‘ Pre- owned. Guaranteed. Unclaimed Freight Ltd. 102 Dunlop Street W. Barrie. Phane Collect 726-2900. OIL PAINTINGS GIFTS LOWest Prices GAINSBOROUGH STUDIOS 21 Yonge St. S. Aurora â€" 727-2501 LEAD to the talk at the big country, Unclaimed Freight Ltd. Brand new begroom suites, walnut linish. only $154. No money down, free delivery. Low monthly payments. :02 Dunlop Street, W. Barrie. Phone Collect 726- 2900. 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hillâ€" 884-1745 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales & Service Rentals L.H. SIMS SATURDAY TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY l2 NOON TO 4 P.M Ye OMe Second Hand Shop No Payments All 4 Lanes TEAKWOOD Recliners ANTIQUES Articles for Sale c2w2) CIW21 con MC 22 "cl! "€17 ":19 ":45 "£14 "cl: 457 Markham Road, (Allencoun Plala) Richmond Hill. 884-3150 ":50 LADDER Back Chairs, woven seaOs finished or unfinished. Also pine tables and beds. 881-3438. Evenings 70-9609. "C21 TY PEWRITERS, adders. calculators, sales, service. rentals. Newmai’ke' Business Machines. 497 Timothy 5!. Newmarkev. 895-1621 ":36 PERSIAN Lamb coat, black, site 12‘ 884-2711. SET oi men's go" dubs len handed two woods, nine irons and a pufler Atlantic bag included. “#64964 YWO bar stools and also 2 high back swivel stools, never used, no. M9025 anytime. HISTORICAL MAPS Large map of Richmond Hill on good paper. Shows names of Early Pioneers and landmarks. For sale at Richmond Hill Main Library. ' c4w22 DINING ROOM suite, walnut con- !emporary buflev, hutch, tame, six chairs, $360. Three precast concrete steps $30. after 5 [mm 832-1057. FIREWOOD â€" Limited supply 09 good Maple le". Rutheriord Rd.. '/2 mile west 0! Jane 59., or Box 725, Maple, Ont. FIREWOOD Oar fireplaces. Split and delivered. 713-5488. 'fclb Loam, top soil. manure, Iill, screeened loam for top dressing. C.L. Knappen Landscaping. 884-3089. mu Living - Dining - Bedrooms DESIGNS 1N TEAK 4 x 9 Sheets Fir, '/’2" special. Call World Wide Shipping. 869-6269. ":4 ONE Douglas Dryer (Eatons) heavy duly excellent condilion 575. One telephone bench $10. 2 pairs ol rose damask drapes. m 10’ and 7’ windows 5654 one pair blue and green drapes no almost new. Phone 884-1529. 984- 8392any1ime. clw 12 WKINGER washer, snare drum, carpet sweeper, electric blanket. wine rack and chrome tray. 884-5974. SKATES, Boys size Pro 515. 884-3104. 2 BICYCLES, good condition, small electric cord organ. 889-5824. clw 22 WRINGER washer, snare REFRIG ERATOR, good 889-3537. R EFR IGERATOR, Frigidaire I7 cubic ieet,eicellentcondmonjzoo.889-3491. EKATES, boys site I sKATES, boys site I, so. Sixe 6, :5. Tap shoes, black patent, size 6C. se. All as new. 881â€"0096 clw 22 Reirigeraron $50. 899â€"4 184 COLONIAL couch and chair. tables, Spanish kitchen set. Pool table. Scandinavian Iurni'ure. student desk and chair and miscellaneous articles. 889-7792. c2w 22 2 BLACK and white 'able lamps, never used. 530. 884-5119. NUMEROUS aquariums, some fish including three estars, large pump, gravel 21:. Home made trailer. good shape, antique desk and chair and Comer ar'icles.689-05|2. c2w22 MAYTAG dryer (2 years old) Ken- more, automatic washer â€"â€" while dresser $20. 6.5 hair dryer :10. Roman bed 39" (Maple) 520. Tricycle S7. Stroller S7. Call 851-1190. 0N E lady’s black manner luggage with hangers. 884-2432. PIANO. small old piano, recently tuned and repaired. 5350. 8844775. CHILDS desk, electric grinder, gas dryer.884469a, clw 22 PAIR snow fires. H7845. mounted on Ford wheels, good condition. Reasd‘nable.884~5737. clw 12 condmon, plus child‘s large rocking horse. serum. '2 H.P. MOTOR and pump for swimming pool filter. 884-49". RACING car and train set, brand names, Complete with many extras. Value S250. Will sell tor $100. Rupp Mini bike. 4 hp. Excellent condition. 5130 or best otter. 857-5218. Alter 6 pm. PAIR snow tires WAGON wheels ADP!“ pads, in good KITCHEN suave $50.88d-5461. snow tires, H1844, gn G.M. rims, 555. 884-7016 128’ STROMBECKER double flack racing set complete with cars, power pack, etc., 38’ Ho' Wheel track, ‘ pair girl‘s and 1 pair boy's skates. Like new ‘50 cents to $35. or bes' ofler. 889-9880. SNOW fires wall $25. one only 745-15, four ply black wall, non belted 310. Two only 60043 lour ply nylon whi'ewall. non belledflo each. SUI-1368‘ CM 22 FOR 3 differen! Chrisimas present give a Gin Cenificate lrom the Rich- mond Hill Judo Club. Available un'il December 24m. We also have several good books on Judo. Call 834-3185 lor further information. SEWING machines repairs (guaranteed). Also used machines Irom inst $19.95. Bernina Sewing Centre, 884-3775. ":37 NEWFLOORS Christmas Special low, now an Chrisvmas prices. Free estima'es. 384- 883] Evgs. "<21 ncw macx and White l1" portable T.V. $65. New 2 realistic MCIOOO Speakers each $40. l9” Black and while portable Zenilh no Electric dryer $60. 884-7878. Hwy. 7. just easioi Fif'h Line, (2 miles east 00 Dixie Road), Bramalea, also 79 Doncasfer, Thornhlli. eel-oaoo. ":12 NEW b‘lgckr and White IT COLOUR T.v. antennas installed by York Home T.v. Dealers. ior Winegard An'ennas. 389-1646 or 834- 4165 "(52 Free Estimates. Aluminum siding, windows, doors, awnings. 884-0553 or 8324319. ":5 BRAND new 1-piece Kitchen suites. Free delivery. No money down. $10.00 per month, 12 month basis. Unclaimed Freight Lid. 202 Dunlop Slreev w. Barrie. Phone Collect 716-2900. urnin main or living rébm. 385: as} 0147. Distressed and finished. Blanket boxes, tables. chairs, hu'ches and small "ems. Days. 881â€"3488. Evgs. 749- 9609. Ncll MOFFAT heavy duiy propane dryer. Like new, be“ ofler. 713-5843. c2w2l qu Lamps, mediterrean style (or EINAR CLAUSEN IE GARDEN LOAM Country Craftsman PINE'PRODUCTIONS BY THE TEAKWOOD YORK ALUMINUM PLYWOOD Rent or Buy I only H1845 belted white 6 chairs, aflractive. clw 22 5. Adidas, black glass belved with '16. clw 22 condition clw 22 clw22 13 MAVERICK. Ideal family or second car. Easy to handle. Smoolh riding. Top condilion. New tires. AM radio. Rear delog. Best acceptable aller. Dave Hodges, 881-22". clw 68 FARGO, U: ion pick up, 62 Falcon. 589-05): czw 22 72 GMC Vandura. Window Van. v-a standard. License C8435. Kinnear Pontiac Buick, 9612 Yonge $9., 854- 4481. Ask for Bob Byer. l9“ CORVAIR A-I Condi'ion, $100, uncefli'ied.884-“06. (WI 22 N765 DODGE Polara, 43,000 original miles, good condition, certified. “00. Phone after 6 and weekends 834-4114. c2w21 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid lor houselul o! lurniture and appliances. Brice's Furniture. 1-478- 4175 ":18 1974 Honda Civic Hatchback WANTED â€" Bunk beds, 884-3753 afler 5 pm. DEMO Only 3000 miles Blue pigskin interior $2,795. SMALL CAR CENTRE WANTED - bunk beds. 884-3753 aner s CASH tor [he hes! riding mower or cultivator oilered‘ Any condition. 884-8901. c2w22 Sell Your Unwanled Furniture 3. Goods By Public Auction BRING them lo our auclion rooms or we can arrange to pick up. Call lor inlormatlon. DEAD or crippled larm animals, Picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask lor ZENITH 32300. Call anvfime, Ed Pecuni 8. Son, Woodville, om. Licence No. INC-66. "(:29 niture, pianos, chiné avnd‘Srm'ques olse. WE BUY household conten's. for copper, brass. steel. batteries. cast iron. etc. DRY hardwood. on it now belore bad weather star's. C.L. Knappe", 834- 3089. ":17 ACCORDMN, like new, Maple 2652. ANTIQUE Oak Washstand, marble Iop. ceramic tile hack, recently refinished, 3215. 773-4048. After 6:30 TELEVISION, black and white (on sole, excellent condmon. Asking $60. 386-3000 "cl! Cars Cars & Trucks BEDROOM, dining room, living room, Danish Burma teakwood. new very reasonable. 1-247â€"4317 ":43 J BLOCKS norm oi No. 7B 90 west on Roosevelt Dr. to lo Denham Drive. Thursday November 28, 10 am. In 5 pm. Dinky ioys, barbie clomes, ski boots, mrni’ure, picture irames. <lolhes,vrunks,quil's. c2w2| CENTRE Mea! Market, "I Sheppard East. Home Freezer orders. III-6000. Highest prices paid FOR FULLER BRUSH merchandise m the Thornhill area. call 889‘0827. WANTED Scrap Articles Wanted ANTIQUE brass beds. A whole barn lull. All types and sixes. Also many brass and iron beds Ideal lor :hildren. Open Ihis weekend. Maple 832-1069. "€16 Two Ielevisions, one ponable and floor model, Black and white 832.2320. Metro Auto Wreckers WASH STANDS. tables, a barn full of furniture. We buy. sell and trade. "5 King Sideroad. Oak Ridges, U2 mile west of Yonge 5'. 713-5448. ":12 Crushed stone, sand concrete. gravel etc. Delivered in small quanmles. call C.L. Knappe". 884-1089. ":13 WE PAY CASH Just 1 mile nérih 9f Richmond Hill Box 746, Bolton 851-0682 ABBEY AUCTION LTD‘ 2 Thorncliue PIL Dr. UniOs 47 a. 50 Toronto 425-7055 of No. 7 Hwy. Open Mon. to Sat. 8 am. to 5 p.m. Hwy. 50 4 mi. north #9274 â€"- 773-4542 $1,200. SMALL CAR CENTRE DRIVEWAY GRAVEL THE LIBERAL, Wednesday FIRE WOOD 71 TOYOTA 1200 Just 1 mile north of Richmond Hill Trucks 884-9274 773-4542 Ideal second car CIW22 AUTOMATIC clw 12 c4w2| lur- 384- NC? 831- "c" "€19 ":35 Nch )967 INTERNATIONAL Travels" 76] I. Bus, G.M.C., 1965. 66 passenger. Ideal lor Camper. 5 speed. Moving ~ must sell. “9-7884 after 6 pm. cm 21 1966 Volkswagen. S75. excellent lor parts. Good molar, tires, lran- smission. New battery and ignmon system. Tom “9.3630. 66 BUICK Wildcat, power steering and brakes. good condi'ion, best cider, uncermied. Call BIA-3‘15 aner a sun. 52 FORD Patton, cenified. excellent condivion. 5300. 801-1721. 1964 FALCON 6 cylinder standard 2 door. As is. $125. After 6 pm. 884â€"005. 1969 Pon'iac GTO, convertible. $1.695 869-1l5l‘ , r _ . _ . ...â€":w ".000 miles, 31,000 Iirm. Bob 225-9410 after 6. :2sz 72 PONTIAC Parlsienne. All extras including air-conditioning. Run- prooied. Brown with ugh! beige vinyl 10p. Spoiless, 53,700. Call 491-1203. 1951 BUICK Special, 3350 or has! oiler 884-0101. 1959 MG. Sports Coupe, 2 engine, I wire wheels, restorable, $350. “9-1073 WANTED. â€" 15 passenger Maxiwagon. For Sale. low mileage Squire Wagon. 773-5517. "cl: I974 HONDA Civic, Al condition many exvras, hes! ofler. 884-0791. I910 DUSTER 140.__d speed, mags‘ u. all! -u“ -- “â€" 1969 PONTIAC. Iour door. hard top, power wearing and brakes. Snow tires, winterized, certified, very good condivion. 5565. 8844389 in evenings. 65 MERCURY ha" ton pickup. 5950. 773-4592. clw 22 GREENWOOD GARAGE LTD. 884-8841 773-4444 15 BUGS TO CHOOSE FROM FAIR PRICES ALSO Body work & Paint Engine Rebuilding All work guaranteed $1,995. SMALL CAR CENTRE 69 CORTINA GT Truckload Sale 73 HONDA CIVIC Automatic Radio. Low mileage Reasonable NEW 1975 MODEL TRUCK CAPS From $199*” FREE INSTALLATION McKenzie Trailers HWY. 7. SERVICE RD. and BAYVIEW Closed Sun. 8: Mon. 889-1831 ' Volkswagen Sale 1967 - 1971 Woodbridge Marine 851-1355 VANDORF FINA Brown, black interior Only 22,000 miles Cars & Trucks 69 JAVELIN Radio Runs well Certified Ideal second car 68 FALCON Just 1 mile north of Richmond Hill 884-9274 â€" 773â€"4542 Runs well Make an offer 2 door stick . Nov. 27, 1974 â€"- 39 1/4 mile south of Aurora Sideroad on Don Mills 727-3322 From $189. CIW22 CIW22 CM 22 C'IW22 :2w21 awn

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