Congratulations to Mike Burnie and to his wife June and children, David aged 10, Melissa aged six and Stephanie aged two, who all live at 275 Carrville Road, on Mike’s election to Rich- mond Hill Council’s Ward 6 seat You are all familiar now with Mike’s interests in the community. But you should also know that June is also very active in community work, helping to organize local TAB groups and transporting many local preâ€"teenagers to the ‘Y‘ Drop-In run under a LIP grant last winter. ' ' ‘ 4»-_-_..:.uwl 1 nun. ..... She has also supervised some of the programs set up for them. Perhaps you will remember her best at the Y’s Treasure and Trivia sale last May in the Lions Frank Bescoe re-elected RC board in King Councillor-elect Burnie's wife June busy community worker Bescoe polled 219 votes and Wrigglesworth 195. Incumbent Gus Clarke of Schomberg had 151 votes and Elio Bellon 125. John Raniowski of Lloydtown received an acclamation to the York County Board of Education representing separate school supporters. King Township Roman Catholic Separate School supporters have returned Frank Bescoe of Schomberg to the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board for his second term. The second King trustee for the next two years will be Jim Wrigglesw0rth . of PottagevilleA Richmond Hill Curling Club CAN CATER All. YOUR PARTY NEEDS 0 BUSINESS LUNCHEONS o BANQUETS o WEDDINGS o BIRTHDAY PARTIES [ET US MAKE YOUR DAY HAPPY! Please contact the manager, Ron Clark at 889-4554 or 889-8137 See us for a wide selection of braces and support garments prOperly filled by qualified male or female personnel. Featuring CmP Products! doane ha“ Convalescent Aid Centre THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1914 TELEPHONEâ€" 88-1-8177 CLASSIFIED â€" 88-1-1105 CIRCULATION - 884-1105 Home delivery Of The Liberal is 60 cents every four weeks; by mail $8.00 a year in Canada. $15.00 a year outside of Canada. No local mail delivery where carrier service exists. The Liberal is published each week by Meirospan Publishing Limi'ed. This newspaper is a member 01 ihe Canadian Communin Newspaper Associaï¬on and the Audi' Bureau of circulations. We have many models of neck collars for varying degrees of neck support to meet doctors‘ prescriptions. . . plus many health supports to help relieve discomfort in_cases of back strain, sprain or injury. Enquire today about fitted arch supports 727-2122 10101 Yonge Street.P.0. Box390.L-1C ~1Y6. Ontario 8 Yonge St.N., at Wellingfon Sf. AURORA L'PSTAIRS AT DUANE HALL PHARMACY OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 10 AA]. - 4 PM OR BY APPOINTMENT fir CBA Complete (‘olostomy 8; lleoslomy Supplies 0131):: liberal Advertising Supervisor Colin Forsyth Production Manager Norman Stunden Business Supervisor Mrs. Dorell Stong Circulation Director Peter L‘ine ,Art Director Louise Zavarella Richmond Hill Curling Club 78 Elgin Mills Rd.. one block east of Yonge Richmond Hill. 0m. Second Class Mail Regisvration NO. 0190 VOL. 98 NUMBER 24 She was the Raggedy Ann Doll bearing the sign “The rest of the dolls are up- stairs," and leading the public to her toy headquarters in the mez- zanine. Hall on Centre Street For weeks prior to that event Jane and I spent hours sorting. washing and fixing the gererous donations of children’s delights she had collected and stored. AURORA: The Salvation Army .has received the provincial gi‘eei} light to set Needless to say, the toy booth sale skyrocketed this year. (Thanks also to Ev Reynolds, Lilian Sova and Janet Whelan, also from Richvale.) rehabilitation centre in York Region. It will probably be located on Army property in Aurora, and will be expanded as the need increases. June is at present serving on the new regional com- mittee for the Richmond Hill and District Family ‘Y‘ and is treasurer of the lst Langstaff Ladies Au‘xiliary. News from next RKHMOND HILL 88444113 AURORA 22239411 CLEANILQG CENTRES 889-96224 Correspondent â€" MRS. MARY WATTS 43 Spruce Avenue 889-5787 DRAPERY CLEANING lf-bed élcohonc RICHVALE RECORD door On display at the main branch of the Richmond Hill Public Libraries, Wright Street, at present are weaving and candles, made by Pat McLeod and June Qua or 21 and 27 Claridge Avenue. They have formed Vale Ridge Crafts which they operate from their homes. Further information may be obtained by telephoning June at 889-6510. The display will be on view for all of this month. June is also enquiring The proceeds went to the nlumlluuu nun about a kiln. If there is one world Relief Fund. in Richvale, would the Incidentally‘ from the I m muï¬mfluflmnmmmmuuumuuuuu flflï¬mï¬ï¬aflml Thrii Library display a Rice Krispies % ream Whip I l 3 Canada Grade owner please contact June at the above number. People are still asking me if I know of a home for stray or sick cats advertised in Richvale some months ago. Could there be one somewhere that I've not heard about? Church news Frah Wachna of Roseview helped organize the event. A most rewarding at- tendance of local citizens of all denominations was at the Ecumenical Rice Bowl in Richmond Hill United Church, Yonge and Centre Str ;ets December 3. Featured were Artist William Kurelek with several of his paintings and a singsong with Rev. Bruce McLeod at the piano. success of the Novemberfest held at St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church recently, a cheque for $100 was presented by the parish council to share in world relief at this ecumenical supper. Social events The staff of Falconbridge Nickle Mines Research Laboratories celebrated SAVE up TO 331/470 HRIH’Y RENT-A-CAR TOWN AUTO BODY 173 Yonge Street N Richmond Hill their annual Christmas dinner and dance at Thornhill Country Club. Theatre The third travelogue sponsored by Richmond Hill Rotary Club this season will be shown December 15 in Bayview Secondary School auditorium at 8 pm sharp. Romain Wilkinson will present “Bolivian Adven- ture". Tomato Juice Baby Shampoo Bright’s Fancy Johnson's Baby Diapers Johnson & Johnson 2% Milk Partly Skimmed (Fistmus is everywhere, we'll send your greetings anywhere. _ 3 qt. pouch pak 99c 12.3 6| 0:. btl. 5‘32: Foil 531?; 53c I I 0 0 0 O Testers Choice Decaflnated Instant Coffee PDQ Egg Nog Crystals The Tea Tea Bags Kitchen Craft Miracle Whip Orange Pekoe Kraft 3351.. 99c 18"125' pk!- ol 60 2|b tin